1,132 research outputs found

    Proffering Ranks to the Smart Cities based on the Data Received from IoT Devices using Visualization Techniques

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    Innovative lifestyle in cities upgraded the smart infrastructure and sustainable significance in the countries worldwide. A new approach is proposed to analyze the smart-city indexing across the world based on the key features to proffer the city ranking. The key features like smart-mobility refers to the Intelligent movement of citizens, smart environment refers to improvement in the efficiency of inhabitance within the city, smart governance used in applying innovative technological implementation to provide service, smart economy refers to the improvement in various urban aspects and livelihood. Proposed approach focuses on classifying the smart innovative infrastructural implementation in the urban livelihood for city data visualization and proffering cluster ranks by validating the proffering with Convolutional-Neural Network (CNN). To collect the data, we used IoT sensors information by integrating the sensors of six feature metrics in city-hubs. The huge data collected from the sensors are utilized to perform the smart-city visualization. Data are analyzed using statistical procedure by grouping the similar data to applying folium cluster techniques and fuzzy mapping. A detailed description and analysis of smart indexing are grounded by proffering effectively, in addition the subsequent research analysis is recommended for the researchers

    Physico-chemical parameters for Micro algal culture

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    Marine microalgae are unicellular in nature, which are the primary producers of the sea. Among microalgae, green algae, flagellate and diatom species, are the primary producers at the base of the marine food chain. It’s an important source of nutrition and is used widely in the aquaculture of other aquatic organisms like finfish and shellfish, etc., either directly or as an added source of basic nutrients. They are cultured in hatcheries for larval rearing of molluscs, crustaceans and fish as a source of nutrition. In hatchery systems, micro algae is also added to the larval rearing tanks to improve ‘quality’ of water. The production of micro algae is very critical in successful hatchery management. Suitably treated seawater enriched with nutrients, like nitrates, phosphates, essential trace elements, vitamins and carbon dioxide is a prerequisite for any successful algal culture. High micro algal biomass with low bacteria content is important to support the growth of finfish or shellfish larvae. In this context Physio-chemical parameters and its management in algal culture systems plays a vital role in enhancing the survival, growth and production of cultivable animals

    Reactive power optimization in distribution systems considering load levels for economic benefit maximization

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    Introduction. The need for electrical energy has been increased sharply due to hasty growth in industrials, social and economic improvements. From the previous studies, it has been agreed that almost 13 % of the total power generated is wasted as heat loss at distribution level. It has been extensively recognized that the node voltage profile along the distribution system can be enhanced under steady state power transfer controlled by proper reactive power compensation. Capacitors have been acknowledged as reactive power compensating device in distribution systems to achieve technical and economical benefits. Novelty of this work is the application of Archimedes optimization algorithm for reactive power optimization in distribution systems so as to obtain an improved solution and also a real 94-bus Portuguese network and modified 12-bus network has been taken and validated for three different load levels which are totally new. Purpose of the proposed work is to maximize the economic benefit by reducing the power loss and capacitor purchase cost at three different load conditions subject to satisfaction of equality and inequality constraints. Methods. The economic benefit has been validated using Archimedes optimization algorithm for three load levels considering three distribution systems. Results. The computational outcomes indicated the competence of the proposed methodology in comparison with the previously published works in power loss minimization, bus voltage enhancement and more economical benefit and proved that the proposed methodology performs well compared to other methods in the literature.Вступ. Потреба в електроенергії різко зросла через стрімке зростання промисловості, соціальних та економічних поліпшень. З попередніх досліджень було встановлено, що майже 13 % усієї електроенергії, що виробляється, витрачається марно у вигляді втрат тепла на рівні розподілу. Загальновизнано, що профіль напруги вузла вздовж розподільчої системи може бути поліпшений при передачі потужності в режимі, що встановився, керованої відповідною компенсацією реактивної потужності. Конденсатори були визнані як пристрої компенсації реактивної потужності в розподільчих системах для досягнення технічних та економічних переваг. Новизна цієї роботи полягає у застосуванні алгоритму оптимізації Архімеда для оптимізації реактивної потужності в розподільчих системах з метою отримання покращеного рішення, а також було взято та перевірено реальну португальську мережу з 94 шинами та модифіковану мережу з 12 шинами для трьох різних рівнів навантаження. які абсолютно нові. Мета запропонованої роботи полягає в тому, щоб максимізувати економічний ефект за рахунок зниження втрат потужності та вартості купівлі конденсатора за трьох різних режимів навантаження за умови дотримання обмежень рівності та нерівності. Методи. Економічний ефект було підтверджено з використанням алгоритму оптимізації Архімеда для трьох рівнів навантаження з урахуванням трьох систем розподілу. Результати розрахунків показали компетентність запропонованої методології порівняно з раніше опублікованими роботами в галузі мінімізації втрат потужності, підвищення напруги на шині та більшої економічної вигоди, а також довели, що запропонована методологія добре працює порівняно з іншими методами в літературі

    Cage culture requirements - Site selection and water quality needs

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    Culture of fish in cage is a popular method of rearing the fish along the coastal areas. Site selection and water quality is one of the most important factors that determine the success and failures of cage culture system. It also determines the cost of production and survival of the system in the long run. Controlling water quality parameters in open water cage culture systems is an impractical; therefore, culture of any species must be established in the sites having adequate water quality and frequent exchange. Before establishing a cage culture site, it is foremost important to conduct a field survey for gaining prior knowledge on the environmental/ hydro-biological parameters of the site so as to ascertain that the water body chosen will support the increased biological demand due to cage culture activities in due course of time

    Decision Making Behaviour of Fisherwomen of Dakshina Kannada District of Karnataka - An Empirical Analysis

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    Among the different sectors of the Indian economy where women contribute significantly, fisheries sector occupies a prime place. Out of the total fisherfolk population of Karnataka, comprising 1 67 429, around 23 000 fisherwomen are actively involved in fisheries related activities such as marketing of fish, net making/repairing, curing/ processing, peeling, labour and other miscellaneous activities. Though, studies have captured the pivotal role played by fisherwomen in income generation for their families, the decision making behavior, a key parameter of their empowerment status, remains an unexplored area. The present study deals with the areas of decision making in which fisherwomen are involved and the influence of socio-economic status on their decision making behavior. The study was undertaken in three selected villages in Dakshina Kannada district of Karnataka using multi stage random sampling method. From the findings, it was observed that, 84.16% of female fresh fish vendors had medium level of decision making behaviour. Fisherwomen were observed to be the sole and independent decision makers with respect to all aspects of fish marketing such as source of fish purchase, rate and quantity to be purchased, transportation, quantity of ice to be used, selling price, time of fish sales, purchasing and hiring of equipment and getting and repaying credits

    Metal Doping in Topological Insulators- A Key for Tunable Generation of Terahertz

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    The unique surface edge states make topological insulators a primary focus among different applications. In this article, we synthesized a large single crystal of Niobium(Nb)-doped Bi2Se3 topological insulator (TI) with a formula Nb0.25Bi2Se3. The single crystal has characterized by using various techniques such as Powder X-ray Diffractometer (PXRD), DC magnetization measurements, Raman, and Ultrafast transient absorption spectroscopy (TRUS). There are (00l) reflections in the PXRD, and Superconductivity ingrown crystal is evident from clearly visible diamagnetic transition at 2.5K in both FC and ZFC measurements. The Raman spectroscopy is used to find the different vibrational modes in the sample. Further, the sample is excited by a pump of 1.90 eV, and a kinetic decay profile at 1.38 eV is considered for terahertz analysis. The differential decay profile has different vibrations, and these oscillations have analyzed in terms of terahertz. This article not only provides evidence of terahertz generation in Nb-doped sample along with undoped sample but also show that the dopant atom changes the dynamics of charge carriers and thereby the shift in the Terahertz frequency response. In conclusion, a suitable dopant can be used as a processor for the tunability of terahertz frequency in TI.Comment: 16 Pages Text + Figs: Comments/suggestions welcom

    Study of serum homocysteine level in cases of non-diabetic ischemic stroke

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    Background: Aim of the study was to measure serum homocysteine levels in non-diabetic ischemic stroke and to co-relate its significance with other risk factors of ischemic stroke. It was a case control study.Methods: The study was done in the Department of Medicine, VSS.I.M.S.A.R, Burla, Odisha. 42 patients of non-diabetic ischemic and 42 age and sex matched controls were included in the study. Adults above the age of 18 years who were non-diabetic presenting with first-ever ischemic stroke, confirmed by CT scan of brain were included. Diabetic patients, haemorrhagic stroke, suspected embolic stroke, patients on vitamin supplementations, chronic usage of phenytoin were excluded. Routine investigations, fasting serum lipid profile and serum homocysteine levels were done.Results: Mean serum homocysteine level in ischemic stroke patients were found to be much higher (25.83 micro mol/L) in comparison to control group (9.77 micro mol/L) which is statistically significant. Mean serum homocysteine levels were found to be higher in patients with age group of more than 60 years, male sex, sedentary lifestyle, vegetarian diet, hypertensive patients and patient with normal fasting lipid profile. Statistical analysis for significance of difference was done using Chi-Square test with Yate’s correction.Conclusions: A statistically significant correlation was found between all the studied risk factors among non-diabetic patients and serum homocysteine levels. Estimation of serum homocysteine is advisable in all cases of non-diabetic ischemic strokes to know the prognosis

    PRA Techniques in Agriculture: Common Diagraming and Mapping Tools

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    PRA techniques and tools commands paramount importance in bottom up approach of planning and implementation of agricultural programmes. The following paper describes the various PRA techniques used in the study such as Transect, Mobility map, Timeline and Time trend. Apart from PRA, other methods of data collection such as use of semi-structured interview schedule, direct observation and focus group methods were also used to elicit information from the villagers