181 research outputs found


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    Groundwater is an important source of water for many municipalities, industries and for irrigation, which needs careful and critical assessment of its quality. The groundwater samples collected from Rasipuram Taluk, Which is located in southern part of India, have been used for the trace element analysis. The main reason behind this analysis is based on the fact that, the industrial wastewater contributes to the groundwater pollution. The samples were analyzed for trace elements such as cadmium (Cd), chromium (Cr), copper (Cu), lead (Pb), manganese (Mn) and zinc (Zn) using Atomic Absorption Spectrometer (AAS) and other associated equipments. It was found that the concentrations of trace elements in groundwater of the study area are well within the prescribed limit

    Quotient on some Generalizations of topological group

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    في هذا البحث ، تم تعريف بعض التعميمات للمجموعة التبولوجية وهي المجموعة التبولوجية - α ، والمجموعة التبولوجية - ب ، والمجموعة التبولوجية - β  مع أمثلة توضيحية. بالإضافة إلى ذلك ، تم تعريف المجموعة التبولوجية للشواء فيما يتعلق بالشواية. فيما بعد ، تم تداول حاصل قسمة تعميمات المجموعة التبولوجية في مجموعة تبولوجية - p معينة. علاوة على ذلك ، تمت مناقشة نموذج النظام الروبوتي الذي يعتمد على حاصل المجموعة التبولوجية – p.In this paper, we define some generalizations of topological group namely -topological group, -topological group and -topological group with illustrative examples. Also, we define grill topological group with respect to a grill. Later, we deliberate the quotient on generalizations of topological group in particular -topological group. Moreover, we model a robotic system which relays on the quotient of -topological group

    Chemical profiling of fern Cheilosoria mysurensis (Wall. ex Hook.) Ching & Shing and its biological activity

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    Cheilosoria mysurensis (Wall. ex Hook.) Ching & Shing, a medicinal fern traditionally used to treat burns, throat pain and bone fracture. There is no any scientific report regarding anticancer studies of this species. The aim of the study was to find out the chemical components through GC/MS analysis with their antioxidant and cytotoxic activity. GC-MS analysis shows primary ingredients viz, Cis-9, 10-epoxyoctadecan-1-ol and Oxiraneundecanoic acid, 3-pentyl-, methyl ester, trans were present. High free-radical scavenging activity has been discovered in 2, 2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) and showed the IC50 value of 52.13±0.33. Furthermore, C. mysurensis also showed good cytotoxic effects against DLA and EAC cell lines with values of 72.9% and 79.5% at 200 µg/ml dose respectively. Overall findings suggested that the identified chemical compounds proved to be rich in antioxidant property. Further, this fern can be a good resource for pharma industry to produce novel anti-cancer drugs

    Early Detection of Parkinson Disease using Voice Data

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    Parkinson’s disease affects over 10 million people worldwide, with approximately 20 percent of patients not being diagnosed. Clinical diagnosis is expensive because there are no specific tests or bio-markers, and it can take days to diagnose because it is based on a comprehensive evaluation of the individual’s symptoms. Existing research either predicts a Unified Parkinson Disease Rating Scale rating, uses other key Parkinsonian features to diagnose an individual, such as tapping, gait, and tremor, or focuses on different audio features. In this paper, we are focusing on using the voice aspect for the early detection of the disease. We use the University of California Irvine (UCI) Parkinson data set. This data set contains various parameters regarding voice jitter. The data set first undergoes preprocessing. We have used a Feedforward Neural Network (FNN) model to acquire early on detection using the above data set. Our model has achieved an efficiency of 97.43 percent. This efficiency can be improved by using even a larger and diverse data set

    PRA Techniques in Agriculture: Common Diagraming and Mapping Tools

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    PRA techniques and tools commands paramount importance in bottom up approach of planning and implementation of agricultural programmes. The following paper describes the various PRA techniques used in the study such as Transect, Mobility map, Timeline and Time trend. Apart from PRA, other methods of data collection such as use of semi-structured interview schedule, direct observation and focus group methods were also used to elicit information from the villagers

    Vefrifikacija prognoza oborine WRF modelom nad Indijom tijekom monsuna 2010.: CRA metoda

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    The WRF model forecast during monsoon season 2010 has been verified with daily observed gridded rainfall analysis with 0.5° spatial resolution. First- ly, the conventional neighborhood technique has been deployed to calculate common scores like mean error and root mean square error. Along with, widely used two categorical skill scores have been computed for seven different rainfall thresholds. The scores only found the general nature of the model performance and depicted the degradation of forecast accuracy exceeding moderate rainfall category of 7.5 mm. The object oriented Contiguous Rain Area method also has been considered for the verification of rainfall forecasts to gather more informa- tion about model performance. The method similarly has endorsed that the performance of the model degrades along with the increase in rainfall amount. But at the same time, the decomposition of mean square error has pointed out that the maximum error occurred due the shifting of rain object or event in the forecast compared to observation. The volume error contributes less as compared to pattern error in 24 hour forecasts irrespective of rainfall thresholds. But in 48 hour forecasts, their values are comparable and change along with rainfall threshold. During whole monsoon season, all contiguous rain areas in model forecasts have been searched over observed rainfall analyses applying best-fit criteria. For contiguous rain areas below 50 mm more than 70 percent match was found.Prognoza oborine dobivena modelom WRF za monsunsku sezonu 2010. verificirana je korištenjem analize dnevne opažene oborine u mreži prostorne rezolucije od 0,5°. Određeni su jednostavni, standardni pokazatelji poput srednje pogreške i srednje kvadratne pogreške, a također i dva uobičajena kategorička pokazatelja uspješnosti koji su izračunati za sedam različitih pragova oborine. Ti pokazatelji su omogućili općenitu procjenu uspješnosti modela te su ukazali na smanjenu pouzdanost za kategorije oborine veće od 7,5 mm. kako bi se detaljnije procijenila uspješnost modela, verifikacija prognoze oborine je također napravljena pomoću objektno orijentirane metode bliskih oborinskih područja CRA (Contiguous Rain Area). Ova metoda je također ukazala na smanjenje uspješnosti modela s povećanjem količine oborine. Međutim, dekompozicija srednje kvadratne pogreške je ukazala da najveću pogrešku uzrokuje pomak prognoziranog oborinskog područja ili događaja u odnosu na izmjerene vrijednosti. Za 24-satne prognoze volumna pogreška doprinosi manje u usporedbi s prostornom pogreškom, neovisno o pragovima oborine. Međutim, za 48-satne prognoze iznosi volumne i prostorne pogreške su usporedivi te rastu s pragom oborine. Susjedna oborinska područja za prognoziranu oborinu su određena obzirom na izmjerenu oborinu primjenom kriterija nabolje podudarnosti. Postupak je proveden za cijelu monsunsku sezonu. Za područja s količinom oborine manjom od 50 mm podudaranje je veće od 70%

    Matrix Ranking- An important PRA tool to assess farmers preferences and priorities

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    Matrix ranking is an important PRA tool to assess and study the preferences of farmers for a particular technology over others, with respect to crop or animal based technologies. The preferences and criteria for the same are also studied in the process. The following study gives a first-hand idea of farmers’ relative preferences for different varieties of rice, mustard, tomato, chilli, garden pea, fish and lac hosts. The results of the matrix ranking for different varieties of rice revealed that, the variety “Arize 6444” was the most preferred one followed by “Abhishek”. “Pusa Mahak” was the leading variety of mustard followed by Pusa Bold. Swarna Sampada is more preferred tomato variety among the farmers. Among fish, “Rohu” was widely preferred by the respondents due to its higher yield, more market demand, resistance to water quality and higher market price

    Design and characterization of non-toxic nano-hybrid coatings for corrosion and fouling resistance

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    AbstractEpoxy resin modified with nano scale fillers offers excellent combination of properties such as enhanced dimensional stability, mechanical and electrical properties, which make them ideally suitable for a wide range of applications. However, the studies about functionalized nano-hybrid for coating applications still require better insight. In the present work we have developed silane treated nanoparticles and to reinforce it with diglycidyl epoxy resin to fabricate surface functionalized nano-hybrid epoxy coatings. The effect of inorganic nano particles on the corrosion and fouling resistance properties was studied by various (1, 3, 5 and 7 wt%) filler loading concentrations. Diglycidyl epoxy resin (DGEBA) commonly was used for coating. 3-Aminopropyltriethoxysilane (APTES) was used as a coupling agent to surface treats the TiO2 nanoparticles. The corrosion and fouling resistant properties of these coatings were evaluated by electrochemical impedance and static immersion tests, respectively. Nano-hybrid coating (3 wt% of APTES–TiO2) showed corrosion resistance up to 108 Ω cm2 after 30 days immersion in 3.5% NaCl solution indicating an excellent corrosion resistance. Static immersion test was carried out in Bay of Bengal (Muttukadu) which has reflected good antifouling efficiency of the 3 wt% APTES–TiO2 loaded nano-hybrid coating up to 6 months

    Improvement in nitrogen use efficiency: physiological and molecular approacheses

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    Nitrogen deficiency in agricultural systems is a world-wide problem. It is true of the Indian scenario as well. The utilization efficiency of nitrogenous fertilizers under field conditions is poor. This results in loss of a costly input and accentuates the environmental degradation. In this paper, the present status of our knowledge on physiological and molecular approaches to improve nitrogen utilization efficiency at the level of its uptake, assimilation and relationship to photosynthesis, a major factor determining biomass and grain yield, is discussed. The work done in the authors' laboratory for over a decade is summarized. It is hoped that better understanding will help to apply the tools of molecular biology to genetically manipulate the crop plants so as to enhance yields at low inputs of nitrogen