434 research outputs found

    University and College Profiles available on Indian Research Information Network System (IRINS): A Comparative Study

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    Indian Research Information Network System (IRINS) is a research information management system that provides details of publications and citations by researchers in academic and research institutes in India. It is an undisputed fact that the productivity of researchers is not uniform within and beyond institutions. A quantitative study was formulated to compare the productivity of researchers within and between categories of central university, state university, deemed university, private university, and college. The coefficient of variation (C.V.) and coefficient of range (C.R.) was measured to know about dispersions among data of publications, patents, Scopus citations, and Crossref citations. It was found that central universities and state universities have a higher number of publications and citations whereas colleges have less number of the same. Private universities have less number of publications, however better than colleges in case of citations. Deemed universities have the highest dispersion within the group. It is suggested to increase subscriptions of quality resources in the colleges and private universities and upgrade library services to enhance the quality and quantity of publications by researchers there

    Photocatalytic degradation of Reactive Red 24 in Aqueous Media by Photo-Fenton Reagent

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    Advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) are widely used for the removal of health hazardous organic pollutants from industrial and municipal wastewater. Reactive Red 24, which has a complex molecular structure with azo aromatic groups, is widely used in textile industry. Degradation of Reactive Red 24 by Photo-Fenton regent has been investigated under irradiation of visible light in aqueous solution. The parameters that influence degradation such as concentration of Reactive Red 24, FeSO4, H2O2, light intensity and pH of the experimental solution were studied. The optimum condition for the photocatalytic degradation of dye was established. The degradation of dye in the dilute solution follows the first order kinetics

    Production, characterization, and applications of a novel thermo-acidophilic L-asparaginase of Pseudomonas aeruginosa CSPS4

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    In present investigation, a potential L-asparaginase-producing bacterial isolate, Pseudomonas aeruginosa CSPS4, has been explored to enhance the production and purification of the asparaginase enzyme. Production of L-asparaginase is enhanced using the 'one variable at a time approach (OVAT)'. In Placket Burman (PB) analysis, pH, sucrose, and temperature significantly influence L-asparaginase production. Thereafter, L-asparaginase enzyme was recovered from culture broth using fractional precipitation with chilled acetone. The partially purified L-asparaginase showed a molecular weight of ~35 KDa on SDS-PAGE. L-asparaginase was characterized as a thermo-acidophilic enzyme exhibiting optimum pH and temperature of 6.0 and 60 °C, respectively. These characteristics render this enzyme novel from other available asparaginases of Pseudomonas spp. L-asparaginase activity remained unaffected by different modulators. L-asparaginase of this investigation was successfully employed for acrylamide degradation in commercial fried potato chips, establishing its applicability in food industries

    A systematic study of transparent conducting indium zinc oxide thin films

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    GPS*(GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEM) functionality : Review

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    The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a U.S. space-based radio navigation framework that gives dependable situating, route, and timing administrations to non military personnel clients on a consistent overall premise - uninhibitedly accessible to all. GPS gives uncommonly coded satellite flags that can be handled in a GPS beneficiary, empowering the collector to register position, speed and time. Fundamentally GPS works by utilizing four GPS satellite signs to figure positions in three measurements (and the time balance) in the beneficiary clock. GPS gives exact area and time data for a boundless number of individuals in all climate, day and night, anyplace in the world. Any individual who needs to monitor where he or she is, to discover his or her way to a predefined area, or comprehend what heading and how quick he or she is going can use the advantages of the worldwide situating framework. Regular exercises, for example, managing an account, cellular telephone operations, and even the control of force lattices, are encouraged by the precise planning gave by GPS.

    Lærerstudenters refleksjoner over undervisning og mangfold i norsk grunnskole

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    The purpose of this study is to investigate how preservice teachers reflect on diversity and on teaching pupils from diverse backgrounds. Following a qualitative research design, the empirical data were constructed through focus group interviews with pre-service teachers attending a 4-year initial teacher education programme for compulsory school in Norway. The thematic analysis of focus group interviews yielded three main results, namely differences are individual and considered natural, diversity as a value and challenge, and belief in practice rather than theory. Results suggest that despite their appreciative views towards diversity, the preservice teachers seem to be having a dilemmatic position regarding whether they should treat every pupil the same or differently. Moreover, the results point to the significance of establishing coherence between theory and practice in initial teacher education regarding the preparation of preservice teachers for their work with diverse pupils.Formålet med denne studien er å undersøke hvordan lærerstudenter i den fireårige grunnskolelærerutdanningen reflekterer over mangfold og undervisning av elever som har ulik bakgrunn. Studien er basert på et kvalitativt forskningsdesign, og data er kon-struert ved hjelp av fokusgruppeintervjuer med lærerstudenter i den fireårige grunn-skolelærerutdanningen. Den tematiske analysen ledet fram til tre hovedresultater: Forskjeller er individuelle og forstås som noe naturlig, mangfold som en verdi og utfordring, og vektlegging av praksis heller enn teori. Resultatene viser at til tross for deltakernes verdsetting av mangfold, opplever lærerstudentene dilemma når det gjelder hvordan de skal handle i praksis. Resultatene peker videre på betydningen av å etablere koherens mellom praksis og teori i lærerutdanningen for å forberede lærerstudentene for arbeidet med mangfoldige elevgrupper.publishedVersio

    Congestion Managed Multicast Routing in Wireless Mesh Network

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    To provide broad band connectivity to the mobile users and to build a self-structured network, where it is not possible to have wired network, “Wireless Mesh Networks” are the most vital suitable technology. Routing in Wireless Mesh Networks is a multi-objective nonlinear optimization problem with some constraints. We explore multicast routing for least-cost, delay-sensitive and congestion-sensitive in optimizing the routing in Wireless mesh networks (WMNs). In this work different parameters are associated like edge cost, edge delay and edge congestion. The aim is to create a tree traversing which the set of target nodes are spanned, so as to make the cost and congestion to be minimum with a bounded delay over the path between every pair of source and destination. Since searching optimal routing satisfying multi constraints concurrently is an NP complete problem, we have presented a competent estimated algorithm certified with experimental results, which shows that the performance of presented algorithm is nearly optimum