284 research outputs found

    Corpuscles of Stannius of freshwater mud eel, Amphipnous cuchia

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    O presente artigo estuda o número, localização e estrutura citológica dos corpúsculos de Stannius da enguia, Amphipnous cuchia. Nos corpúsculos de Stannius foram encontrados dois tipos celulares, células AF positivas e células AF negativas

    Morphological modifications of corpuscles of Stannius of freshwater mud eel, Amphipnous cuchia in response to calcium: rich medium

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    Os corpúsculos de Stannius de Amphipnous ouchia após tratamento com cloreto de cálcio 0.8% mostram perda de conteúdo citoplasmático, células binucleadas e em degeneração

    Induse jõe oru inimeste, parside, India juutide ja Tharu hõimu geneetilise põlvnemise piiritlemine

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    Väitekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsiooneKäesolev on viies Tartu Ülikoolis valminud väitekiri Lõuna-Aasia rahvaste geneetilisest ajaloost. Asustatud kaasaegse inimese poolt märksa enne viimase jääaja maksimumi, elab tänapäeval selles regioonis üle 1.8 miljardi inimese – pea veerand inimkonnast. Seega ei ole võimalik süvitsi mõista kaasaegse inimese geneetise varieeruvuse kujunemist, sh eriti väljapool Sahara-alust Aafrikat, omamata detailsemat teadmist Lõuna-Aasia rahvaste geneetikast Väitekiri põhineb neljal ilmunud artiklil. Neist esimeses uurisime Kirde-Indiat asustavaid rahvaid seoses võimaliku pärinevusega Induse oru kultuurist ja järgnenud vedade ajastust. Teine ja kolmas artikkel on pühendatud migratsioonidele, mis tõid Indiasse religioosses mõttes uusi rahvagruppe: parsid Iraanist alates 7. sajandi lõpupoolelt ja juudid, kelle saabumine Indiasse on toimunud mitme lainena. Neljandas artiklis on vaatluse all Nepaalis, kuid ka India põhjapoolsetes osariikides elutsev rahvarohke tharu hõim. Esimes artikli huvitavamaks leiuks on usutavasti juba vedade ajastust tuntud Rori populatsiooni genoomis väljenduv suurem geneetiline afiinsus põhjapoolse stepivööndi rahvastega, samuti ka lääne-eurooplastega, mis räägib põhja-lõunasuunalistest migratsiooni(de)st eelajaloolisel ajal. Parside saabumist Lõuna-Aasiasse seostatakse Iraani islamiseerumisega 7. sajandil. Võrreldes parside genoome nende ajaloolises kontekstis leidsime ulatusliku segunemise Lõuna-Aasia rahvastega, sealjuures asümeetriliselt isa ja emaliinides. Sama saab väita ka Indias judaistliku traditsiooni elemente säilitanud erinevate kogukondade kohta, kelle genoomis on siiski selgelt säilunud Lähis- ja Kesk-Ida pärandit. Puudutavalt aga geneetiliselt ulatuslikult varieeruvat tharu hõimu, kelle hulgas on selgesti eristatav ka Ida-Aasia komponent, segunenuna Lõuna-Aasia pärandiga, paistab õigustatud olevat neid vaadelda esmajoones mitte sedavõrd deemilise, kuivõrd just kultuurilise konstruktsioonina.Presented hereby is the 5th in a series of PhD theses prepared in Tartu University, addressing genetics of population history of the South Asian peoples. Inhabited considerably before the Last Glacial Maximum, the region harbors by now about 1.8 billion humans – almost a quarter of the global population. Therefore, understanding of present-day variation of the latter, in particular outside sub-Saharan Africa, is not possible without deeper knowledge about genetics of South Asian populations. This thesis is based on four published papers. The first one is focused on selected populations inhabiting northeastern Indus Valley, bearing, in particular, in mind ancient Indus Valley civilization and following it Vedic period. The second and the third paper address historically somewhat better known migrations, bringing to India religiously distinct Parsi and Jewish peoples. The fourth paper analyses the genetic variation of a populous Tharu tribe, living predominantly in Nepal, but also in northern provinces of India. Perhaps the most interesting finding of the first paper is that the presumably identified already in Vedic texts, Ror population exhibits significant genetic affinity with northern Steppe and West European peoples, testifying about prehistoric north to south migration(s). The arrival of Parsis to South Asia in 7th century was a consequence of the Islamization of Iran. Comparing Parsi genomes in their historic contexts, we observed their extensive admixture with South Asians, in particular, asymmetrically in paternal and maternal lineages. Nearly the same can be said about different Indian communities that preserved Judaist traditions: their genomes show affinities to peoples living in the Near and Middle East. As far as the genetically highly diverse Tharu tribe is concerned, a clearly distinct East Asian contribution can be seen, admixed with South Asian genetic heritage. It seems justified to identify the Tharu as cultural, rather than demic phenomenon.https://www.ester.ee/record=b542949

    Shiva: A Framework for Graph Based Ontology Matching

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    Since long, corporations are looking for knowledge sources which can provide structured description of data and can focus on meaning and shared understanding. Structures which can facilitate open world assumptions and can be flexible enough to incorporate and recognize more than one name for an entity. A source whose major purpose is to facilitate human communication and interoperability. Clearly, databases fail to provide these features and ontologies have emerged as an alternative choice, but corporations working on same domain tend to make different ontologies. The problem occurs when they want to share their data/knowledge. Thus we need tools to merge ontologies into one. This task is termed as ontology matching. This is an emerging area and still we have to go a long way in having an ideal matcher which can produce good results. In this paper we have shown a framework to matching ontologies using graphs


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    Arsha (Piles) is an extremely common problem and it has been reported since thousands of years and its prevalence rate is highest among all anorectal disorders. Piles are unique to human beings. Nearly half of the population generally experience one haemorrhoidal episode at some point during their lives. Arsha (Haemorrhoids) is clinically an engorged condition of haemorrhoidal venous plexus along with abnormally displaced enlarged anal cushion, characterized by inflammed or prolapsed pile mass, bleeding per rectum and some discharge from anus. The term haemorrhoids is popularly used to refer for pathological varicosity of the haemorrhoidal veins due to increased pressure, is usually resulted by straining during defecation, chronic constipation or diarrhoea, pregnancy etc. In modern medical science, many procedures are described for management of haemorrhoids, of which haemorrhoidectomy is commonly preferred by surgeons, but after sometime of excision there is great possibility of reappearance of the disease. But in Ayurveda fourfold management of Arsha has been indicated viz. Bheshaj, Kshar Karma, Agnikarma and Shastra Karma according to chronicity and presentation of the disease. Among these, Bheshaj Chikitsa and Kshar Karmas show wonderful results in management of Arsha. In this review article an attempt has been made to review the studies carried out on Arsha in the department of Shalya Tantra Rishikul Campus, Uttarakhand Ayurved University Haridwar, Uttarakhand

    Toksični učinci natrijeva arsenata (Na2HAsO4x7H2O) na pousminu soma dvodihalice Clarias batrachus (L.)

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    The toxicopathological effects have been investigated of a sublethal concentration (1 ppm) of sodium arsenate on the epidermis of the skin of air-breathing catfish Clarias batrachus L. The skin that acts as an accessory respiratory organ in this fish, faces direct contact stress of the toxicants and exhibits extensive damage, including massive wear and tear, sloughing of the epithelial cells (ECs) along with degeneration of the club cells (CCs) whose contents get squeezed out onto the body surface. This causes altered histomorphology of the epidermis. The mucous cells (MCs) show great hyperplasia and hypertrophy at most exposure periods. The staining properties of MCs also showed periodic alterations exhibiting more affinity for sulphate moieties. A thick layer of slime very often protects the surface of the skin. The epidermis also exhibits periodic but independent fluctuations in its protein, RNA and DNA contents. This is due to periodic synthesis, accumulation and sloughing of the slime, along with degeneration followed by regeneration of its different cellular elements, especially in the earlier stages of the treatment.Istraženi su toksopatološki učinci subletalne koncentracije (1 ppm) natrijeva arsenata na pousminu soma dvodihalice Clarias batrachus (L.). Na koži, koja u te ribe ima ulogu akcesornoga dišnoga organa, izravni dodirni stress uzrokovan toksinom očituje se u obliku jakoga oštećenja, uključujući obilno propadanje i ljuštenje epitelnih stanica s degeneracijom vrčastih stanica čiji se sadržaj istisnuo na površinu tijela. Sluznične stanice pokazivale su jaku hiperplaziju i hipertrofiju većim dijelom tijekom izloženosti. Njihova sposobnost primanja boje također se periodično mijenjala iskazujući veći afinitet za sulfatne dijelove. Debeli sloj sluzi zaštićivao je kožu. Epiderma (pousmina) također je pokazivala povremene i neovisne promjene u sadržaju svojih bjelančevina, RNA i DNA. To se pripisuje periodičnoj sintezi, nakupljanju i odbacivanju sluzi s degeneracijom i posljedičnom regeneracijom različitih staničnih sastojaka, osobito u ranom stupnju obrade

    Controlling the size distribution of nanoparticles through the use of physical boundaries during laser ablation in liquids

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    A simple, yet effective method of controlling the size and size distributions of nanoparticles produced as a result of laser ablation of target material is presented. The method employs the presence of physical boundaries on either sides of the ablation site. In order to demonstrate the potential of the method, experiments have been conducted with copper and titanium as the target materials that are placed in two different liquid media (water and isopropyl alcohol). The ablation of the target material immersed in the liquid medium has been carried out using an Nd:YAG laser. Significant differences in the size and size distributions are observed in the cases of nanoparticles produced with and without confining boundaries. It is seen that for any given liquid medium and the target material, the mean size of the nanoparticles obtained with the boundary-fitted target surface is consistently higher than that achieved in the case of open (flat) targets. The observed trend has been attributed to the plausible role(s) of the confining boundaries in prolonging the thermalisation time of the plasma plume. In order to ascertain that the observed differences in sizes of the nanoparticles produced with and without the presence of the physical barriers are predominantly because of the prolonged thermalisation of the plasma plume and not due to the possible formation of oxide layer, select experiments with gold as the target material in water have also been performed. The experiments also show that, irrespective of the liquid medium, the increase in the mean size of the copper-based nanoparticles due to the presence of physical boundaries is relatively higher than that observed in the case of titanium target material under similar experimental conditions.Comment: 24 pages, 9 figures, a part of this work has been published in Photonics Prague 2017, (Proc. SPIE 10603, Photonics, Devices, and Systems VII, 1060304) titled "A novel method for fabrication of size-controlled metallic nanoparticles