167 research outputs found

    The correlation of force-velocity-power relationship of a whole-body movement with 20 m and 60 m sprint performance

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    Sprinting ability is important for successful performance in sports. The aim of this study was to examine the correlation between force-velocity-power relationship of a whole-body movement and sprint performance. Twelve male participants performed maximal squat jumps with additional loads ranging from 0% to 100% body weight to obtain force-velocity profiles. The mean force and velocity were calculated during the push-off phase for each jump, which resulted in a force-velocity curve. The theoretical maximal force (F0), theoretical maximal velocity (V0) and theoretical maximum power (P0) were computed via extrapolation of the force and velocity data. In the second session, participants performed two 60 m sprints and the time to cover 20 m (t20), time to cover 60 m (t60), and maximum sprint velocity (Vmax) were calculated from the best 60 m trial. Correlation analyses revealed strong and significant correlations between V0 and t20 (r = −0.60), V0 and t60 (r = −0.60), P0 and t20 (r = −0.75) and P0 and t60 (r = −0.78). Multiple linear regression indicated that P0 explained 56%, 61% and 60% of the variability in t20, t60 and Vmax, respectively. Our results emphasise the importance of developing power production capabilities to improve sprint performance

    System Re-set: High LET Radiation or Transient Musculoskeletal Disuse Cause Lasting Changes in Oxidative Defense Pathways Within Bone

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    Six months post-IR, there were no notable changes in skeletal expression of 84 principal genes in the p53 signaling pathway due to low dose IR (0.5Gy), HU, or both. In contrast, numerous genes relevant to oxidative stress were regulated by the treatments, typically in a direction indicative of increased oxidative stress and impaired defense. IR and HU independently reduced (between 0.46 to 0.88 fold) expression levels of Noxa1, Gpx3, Prdx2, Prdx3, and Zmynd17. Surprisingly, transient HU alone (sham-irradiated) decreased expression of several redox-related genes (Gpx1,Gstk1, Prdx1, Txnrd2), which were not affected significantly by IR alone. Irradiation increased (1.13 fold) expression of a gene responsible for production of superoxides by neutrophils (NCF2). Of interest, only combined treatment with HU and IR led to increased expression levels of Ercc2, (1.19 fold), a DNA excision repair enzyme. Differences in gene expression levels may reflect a change in gene expression on a per cell basis, a shift in the repertoire of specific cell types within the tissue, or both. Serum nitrite/nitrate levels were elevated to comparable levels (1.6-fold) due to IR, HU or both, indicative of elevated systemic nitrosyl stress. CONCLUSIONS The magnitude of changes in skeletal expression of oxidative stress-related genes six months after irradiation and/or transient unloading tended to be relatively modest (0.46-1.15 fold), whereas the p53 pathway was not affected. The finding that many different oxidative stress-related genes differed from controls at this late time point implicates a generalized impairment of oxidative defense within skeletal tissue, which coincides with both profound radiation damage to osteoprogenitors/stem cells in bone marrow and impaired remodeling of mineralized tissue

    Purse seine fishing in Maharashtra

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    Purse seines are one of the important gears operated along the west coast of India for harvesting shoaling pelagic fishes, mostly oil sardine and mackerel. Purse seine fishing method invented to harvest the large shoal of pelagic fish in Maine, United State of America during 1830’s later is was spread to Norway, Sweden, Japan etc. In India purse seine was introduced on experimental basis in 1954 under Indo-Norwegian project off Quilon, Kerala and other attempt was made in Goa in 1957 when the territory was still ruled by Portuguese. The commercial purse seining taken up by the fishers in Karnataka during the mid 1970s was later adopted by the fishers in Kerala and Goa. In Maharashtra, fishers from the southern region (Ratnagiri and Sindhdurg) adopted purse seine fishing in late eighties and Mirkarwada emerged as a major base of operation for these purse seiners. In northern Maharashtra, fishers were mostly engaged in set bagnet (Dol nets) and trawl fishing until the late 1990s when a few trawl fishers shifted to purse seine fishing expecting better economic prospects

    Jacobi Crossover Ensembles of Random Matrices and Statistics of Transmission Eigenvalues

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    We study the transition in conductance properties of chaotic mesoscopic cavities as time-reversal symmetry is broken. We consider the Brownian motion model for transmission eigenvalues for both types of transitions, viz., orthogonal-unitary and symplectic-unitary crossovers depending on the presence or absence of spin-rotation symmetry of the electron. In both cases the crossover is governed by a Brownian motion parameter {\tau}, which measures the extent of time-reversal symmetry breaking. It is shown that the results obtained correspond to the Jacobi crossover ensembles of random matrices. We derive the level density and the correlation functions of higher orders for the transmission eigenvalues. We also obtain the exact expressions for the average conductance, average shot-noise power and variance of conductance, as functions of {\tau}, for arbitrary number of modes (channels) in the two leads connected to the cavity. Moreover, we give the asymptotic result for the variance of shot-noise power for both the crossovers, the exact results being too long. In the {\tau} \rightarrow 0 and {\tau} \rightarrow \infty limits the known results for the orthogonal (or symplectic) and unitary ensembles are reproduced. In the weak time-reversal symmetry breaking regime our results are shown to be in agreement with the semiclassical predictions.Comment: 24 pages, 5 figure

    Minimum Legal Size (MLS) for marine capture fisheries management in Maharashtra

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    The marine capture fisheries sector of Maharashtra has undergone tremendous change in terms of fishing patterns, fishing methods, spatial expansion of fishing grounds, multiday fishing and innovations in crafts and gears, among others. With the increasing demand for marine fish for consumption and other non-food utilization of fishes, exploitation of juvenile fishes is becoming more common. Exploitation of juveniles which causes ‘growth overfishing’ is a major concern as it affects the health of fish stocks and the ecosystem which impacts livelihood of fishers and causes much economic loss to all stakeholders

    A Zigbee Garbage Bin Monitoring system with IoT

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    One of the critical responsibilities in ensuring a clean and pollution-free society is maintaining garbage disposal. Damage to the environment and human health results from improper garbage maintenance and disposal. However, it can be seen that garbage bins in several places including cities are left to overflow on streets. With the development of IoT, this scenario can be improved by providing screening of the status of trash bins. A Bin Level Monitoring Unit (BLMU) consists of the end sensor with the bin. The filled status of the garbage bin is detected and sent to a Wireless Access Point Unit (WAPU). The ZIGBEE devices are used to communicate each local device to a master IoT device which is placed in each area. This helps connect multiple devices to connect to a network and access the IoT module. The bin is accessed by the public and municipality by their RFID tags. There is an automatic locking system in case of the bin is full or is detected with poisonous gas. The bin can then be opened only by the municipality with their tag

    Conductance Distributions in Chaotic Mesoscopic Cavities

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    We consider the conductance distributions in chaotic mesoscopic cavities for all three invariant classes of random matrices for the arbitrary number of channels N1, N2 in the connecting leads. We show that the Laplace transforms of the distributions can be expressed in terms of determinants in the unitary case and Pfaffians in the orthogonal and symplectic cases. The inverse Laplace transforms then give the exact distributions. This formalism is particularly useful for small values of N = min (N1, N2), and thus is of direct experimental relevance. We also obtain the conductance distributions for orthogonal-unitary and symplectic-unitary crossover ensembles.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figure

    Integrated proteomics and phosphoproteomics revealed druggable kinases in neoadjuvant chemotherapy resistant tongue cancer

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    Tongue squamous cell carcinoma is an aggressive oral cancer with a high incidence of metastasis and poor prognosis. Most of the oral cavity cancer patients present in clinics with locally advanced unresectable tumors. Neoadjuvant treatment is beneficial for these individuals as it reduces the tumor size aiding complete resection. However, patients develop therapy resistance to the drug regimen. In this study, we explored the differential expression of proteins and altered phosphorylation in the neoadjuvant chemotherapy resistant tongue cancer patients. We integrated the proteomic and phosphoproteomic profiles of resistant (n = 4) and sensitive cohorts (n = 4) and demonstrated the differential expression and phosphorylation of proteins in the primary tissue of the respective subject groups. We observed differential and extensive phosphorylation of keratins such as KRT10 and KRT1 between the two cohorts. Furthermore, our study revealed a kinase signature associated with neoadjuvant chemotherapy resistance. Kinases such as MAPK1, AKT1, and MAPK3 are predicted to regulate the resistance in non-responders. Pathway analysis showed enrichment of Rho GTPase signaling and hyperphosphosphorylation of proteins involved in cell motility, invasion, and drug resistance. Targeting the kinases could help with the clinical management of neoadjuvant chemotherapy-resistant tongue cancer

    Automatic Identification System (AIS): An initiative in purse seine fisheries along Mumbai coast

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    Automatic Identification System (AIS) is a significant development in navigation safety since the introduction of RADAR. It was originally developed as a collision avoidance tool for commercial vessels to improve the helmsman’s information about his surrounding environment. AIS does this by continuously transmitting a vessels identity, position, speed and course along with other relevant information to all other AIS equipped vessels within range

    Identification of the Hemogenic Endothelial Progenitor and Its Direct Precursor in Human Pluripotent Stem Cell Differentiation Cultures

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    SummaryHemogenic endothelium (HE) has been recognized as a source of hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) in the embryo. Access to human HE progenitors (HEPs) is essential for enabling the investigation of the molecular determinants of HSC specification. Here, we show that HEPs capable of generating definitive hematopoietic cells can be obtained from human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs) and identified precisely by a VE-cadherin+CD73−CD235a/CD43− phenotype. This phenotype discriminates true HEPs from VE-cadherin+CD73+ non-HEPs and VE-cadherin+CD235a+CD41a− early hematopoietic cells with endothelial and FGF2-dependent hematopoietic colony-forming potential. We found that HEPs arise at the post-primitive-streak stage of differentiation directly from VE-cadherin-negative KDRbrightAPLNR+PDGFRαlow/− hematovascular mesodermal precursors (HVMPs). In contrast, hemangioblasts, which are capable of forming endothelium and primitive blood cells, originate from more immature APLNR+PDGFRα+ mesoderm. The demarcation of HEPs and HVMPs provides a platform for modeling blood development from endothelium with a goal of facilitating the generation of HSCs from hPSCs