28 research outputs found
Retaining learners in primary schools in the East London education district: policy implications
The purpose of this study is to investigate different ways of retaining learners in teaching and learning practices in grade seven classrooms. The study was conducted in two East London Primary schools. The research took the form of a qualitative interpretive case study focusing on a study sample. The qualitative methods allowed the researcher to gather data in order to describe and interpret teachers‟ knowledge in retaining learners in grade seven classrooms. This critical analysis explored the literature relating to retention of learners if they fail to meet proficiency requirements. The research made use of a qualitative, mixedmethod, and meta-analysis techniques to collect and analyse the data. The study is systematically analysed and categorized according to three themes: retention and social promotion policy effectiveness, causes of dropping out and identification of curriculum and program options. The findings suggested that retaining learners may have some positive effects in the short-term, but that may diminish with time and age. Early detection of academic deficiencies by teachers can possibly prevent negative psychological effects and dropping out due to retention. Student retention in public schools is comparatively poor in traditional education and in some contexts, embarrassingly low. Literature on the subject of student retention in public schools indicates that even when interventions are designed and undertaken to improve student‟s retention, they tend to fall short. The main aim of this dissertation therefore is to better understand and measure learners‟ attitudes and perceptions towards the effectiveness of learning. In view of this, it is hoped that the study can determine how these strategies can be used optimally to improve student retention at lower grades in the East London District in Eastern Cape. The findings at its best indicate what possible method that could be used to improve retention of learners, by enhancing their teaching/ learning and improving the efficacy of Eastern Cape school‟s existing student support system
Examining the teaching of natural sciences concepts to English second language speakers in selected primary schools in the East London Education District
The study sought to examine the teaching of Natural Sciences (NS) concepts to English second language speakers in selected primary schools. Grade 7 was chosen for the investigation as it precedes the last class at primary school. The researcher investigated the teaching and learning of Natural sciences concepts. A mixed method design was used. The research questions focused on the teaching of NS, learner-centred strategies used, challenges encountered, strategies employed by teachers when teaching NS, and the implications for science education.The purpose was to examine the teaching of Natural Sciences concepts to English second language speakers in selected primary schools in the East London Education District. Data were collected from grade 7 teachers and learners in selected township schools in East London, by means of semi-structured interviews, questionnaires and focus groups. Semi-structured questionnaires were administered to teachers and learners, individual interviews were conducted with NS head of department, focus group and interviews were held with grade 7 NS learners. Quantitative and qualitative data were independently analysed and merged at the interpretation stage for triangulation of results. The questions were grouped according to their themes. The researcher’s findings revealed that teachers linked the teaching of NS concepts by showing the teaching skills. Teachers used code-switching for learners to understand the scientific concepts for positive attitude to improve the learner performance. Teachers experienced problems using English as a Language of Learning and Teaching (LoLT) while teaching NS concepts, teachers’ understanding of NS influenced their ability to implement of transformational curriculum, but learners did not benefit much when learning science in English Language and those policies were designed by the Department of Education without teacher involvement. The study concluded by noting that It emerged that teachers and learners experienced difficulties in teaching and learning of the NS concepts
Rectovaginal fistula following sexual intercourse.
Female genital fistula is an important feature of the developing countries gynecology. Most of the rectovaginal fistulae encountered in the tropics are due to obstetrics causes and genital malignancies. In developed countries, radiation injury and Crohn’s disease are also common etiological factors. Theindex case is reported to highlight the rare situation, where a 24-year old married nullipara sustained low rectovaginal fistula following normal coitus. She was later divorced by her husband
Weed Infestation Rate and Effect on the Cultivated Pasture Productivity at University of Fort Hare Dairy Trust, South Africa
Pasture-based dairy farming is widely practised along coastline of South Africa. Cultivated pastures serves as cheapest source of protein for dairy cows of these dairy farms; although, unwanted plants (weeds) reduce their production. Here, we evaluate the weed infestation rate with its effect on the biomass production of the cultivated pasture. Weeds exert a competition which can cause considerable pasture yield reduction. A total of 6 camps were selected for this study. Selection criteria included the presence of weeds on three camps that were previously applied roundup herbicide and three camps that were not applied roundup herbicide. And also, different levels of weed infestation were considered. The application of roundup herbicide did not really affect weed infestation. Thus, indicates that some are resistant to the herbicide. Moreover, high infestation of weeds has a significant effect on the total biomass production. From these findings, nutritional analysis of these weeds would be necessary to examine the quality or condition of weeds in terms toxicity levels. Thus, also test out whether those weeds contribute on the total biomass does not have smell on the feed that could affect feed intake or quality of the milk. Key words: Weeds infestation, cultivated pastures, Weed densit
Effect of dietary red grape pomace on growth performance, hematology, serum biochemistry, and meat quality parameters in Hy-Line Silver Brown cockerels
Red grape (Vitis vinifera L.) pomace’s (RGP) beneficial bioactive compounds could improve
growth and meat quality traits in chickens and thus valorize RGP waste that is usually disposed in landfills to the detriment of the environment. This study investigated the effect of
RGP inclusion in diets of Hy-line Silver Brown cockerels on physiological and meat quality
responses. Five isonitrogenous and isocaloric diets were formulated by mixing a standard
grower diet with RGP at 0 (G0), 15 (G15), 30 (G30), 45 (G45) and 60 g/kg (G60). A total of
250, 5-week-old cockerels (304.6 ± 6.57 g live-weight) were evenly allocated to 25 pens replicated 5 times per experimental diet. No linear and quadratic trends (P > 0.05) were
observed for overall feed intake, body weight gain, feed conversion ratio, and meat quality
traits as dietary RGP levels increased. Erythrocytes linearly decreased (P < 0.05), whereas
mean corpuscular hemoglobin and urea linearly increased (P < 0.05) with RGP levels.
There were significant quadratic effects for glucose, phosphorus, total protein, albumin,
globulin, and cholesterol, from which a maximum RGP inclusion level was calculated to be
43 g/kg. In conclusion, dietary red grape pomace had no adverse effect on physiological
parameters and meat quality traits of Hy-line Silver Brown cockerels. However, including
red grape pomace beyond 43 g/kg could compromise serum biochemical parameters of the
birds.http://www.plosone.orgpm2022Animal and Wildlife Science
The effect of green tea (Camellia sinensis) leaf powder on growth performance, selected hematological indices, carcass characteristics and meat quality parameters of jumbo quail
Green tea leaves contain a wide range of active bio-compounds that are essential for
sustainable quail intensification; however, its feed value is not known for the Jumbo quail. Therefore,
this study evaluated the effect of different levels of green tea leaf powder (GTLP) on physiological
and meat quality parameters of the Jumbo quail. One-week-old chicks (n = 350; 56.1 2.12 g liveweight)
were evenly distributed to 35 replicate pens and reared on five experimental diets formulated
as follows: a standard grower diet with zinc-bacitracin (PosCon), a standard grower diet without
zinc-bacitracin (NegCon), and NegCon diet treated with 10 (GT10), 25 (GT25) and 50 g/kg (GT50) of
GTLP.Weight gain linearly decreased in week 2 but increased in week 4, whereas feed conversion
efficiency linearly declined in weeks 2 and 3 as GTLP levels increased. Overall feed intake, carcass
yield, and caecum and colon weights showed a linear increase with GTLP levels. Hematological
parameters fell within the normal ranges reported for healthy quail. The GT10 group showed larger
liver weights than the PosCon and NegCon groups. It was concluded that dietary inclusion of GTLP
enhances overall feed intake and carcass performance but not feed efficiency, hematological and meat
quality parameters of Jumbo quail.The National Research Foundation and the North-West University Masters bursary.https://www.mdpi.com/journal/sustainabilityam2022Animal and Wildlife Science
Rectovaginal Fistula Following Sexual Intercourse: a Case Report
Female genital fistula is an important feature of the developing
countries gynecology. Most of the rectovaginal fistulae encountered in
the tropics are due to obstetrics causes and genital malignancies. In
developed countries, radiation injury and Crohn\u2019s disease are
also common etiological factors. The index case is reported to
highlight the rare situation, where a 24-year old married nullipara
sustained low rectovaginal fistula following normal coitus. She was
later divorced by her husband.La fistule de l\u2019organe g\ue9nital de la femme est un important
trait de la gyn\ue9cologie des pays en d\ue9veloppement. La plupart
des fistules rectovaginales des r\ue9gions tropicales sont d\ufbes
\ue0 des effets obst\ue9triques et des malignit\ue9s
g\ue9nitales. Dans les pays d\ue9velopp\ue9s, les blessures
d\ufbes aux radiations et \ue0 la maladie de Crohn sont aussi des
facteurs \ue9tiologiques fr\ue9quents. Le cas servant de
rep\ue8re est celui concernant la rare situation o\uf9 une femme
mari\ue9e nullipare de 24 ans a pu supporter une faible fistule
rectovaginale apr\ue8s un coit normal. Son maria a \ue0 cet effet
divorc\ue9 d\u2019elle
From Landfills to the Dinner Table: Red Grape Pomace Waste as a Nutraceutical for Broiler Chickens
The disposal of red grape pomace (GP) in landfills and by incineration has negative impacts on the environment. It is, therefore, imperative that alternative and sustainable ways of managing this waste product are identified. Using GP as a source of nutrients and beneficial bioactive compounds in avian diets is a potential waste-reduction and valorization strategy that promotes sustainable agriculture. However, there is limited information on the valorization of GP for this purpose. This study, therefore, investigated the effect of dietary inclusion of GP on growth performance, blood parameters, carcass characteristics, and breast meat quality traits of broilers. Four hundred, two-week old Cobb 500 broilers (279.2 ± 18.87 g) were allocated to 40 pens. Five isonitrogenous and isoenergetic diets were formulated by including GP in commercial broiler diets at 0 (GP0), 2.5 (GP25), 4.5 (GP45); 5.5% (GP55); and 7.5% (GP75). Feed intake, weight gain, feed utilization efficiency, hematology, serum biochemistry, carcass characteristics, and breast meat quality traits were measured. Chickens on GP75 had the least feed intake (p < 0.05) but there were no dietary effects on weight gain. Birds on GP0 had the highest (p < 0.05) feed conversion ratio (1.79) while those fed GP75 had the lowest (p < 0.05) ratio (1.45). Breast meat from broilers offered GP75 had the highest (p < 0.05) redness value (0.75) while the GP0 diet promoted the least (p < 0.05) redness value (0.49). Broilers fed GP55 and GP75 diets had higher (p < 0.05) feed conversion efficiency compared to GP0 birds. Inclusion of GP in broiler diets has the potential to reduce feed costs, thus making this valorization strategy a sustainable alternative to current pomace disposal methods. Adoption of this waste-reduction and valorization strategy promotes sustainable agriculture by contributing to food security and environmental stewardship