12 research outputs found

    Solitary Fibrous Tumor Arising from the Sphenoid Sinus

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    Solitary fibrous tumor (SFT) is an uncommon neoplasm that usually arises from the pleura. To our knowledge, only 30 cases of SFTs in the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses have been reported in the literature. We describe an SFT that arose from the right sphenoid sinus and extended to the nasal cavity and epipharynx. The tumor was completely removed by endoscopic sinus surgery without complication. The patient is taking an uneventful course without any evidence of recurrence of the disease 8 months after surgery now

    Clinical Evaluation of a Three-Dimensional Ultrasonography System in the Ophthalmic Field

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    Clinical use of a 3-dimensional ultrasonography system with a new ophthalmic imaging device using conventional 2-dimensional ultrasound tomography in the ophthalmic field was evaluated in 5 patients with different ocular conditions. With the system, surface rendering and volume measurement were easy in 3-dimensional ultrasonographic examinations. In a patient with rhegmatogenous retinal detachment, the surface rendering made the image cube transparent, revealing interior surface details. In a patient with lens luxation resulting from Marfan's syndrome, the shape of luxated spherophakia was detected stereographically. In a patient with choroidal detachment, we could evaluate the effect of administration of aspirin on the amelioration of this disease by measuring the volume of the choroidal lesion. In a patient with aberration of a lens fragment into subretinal space during cataract surgery, we grasped the whole ocular condition in the 3-dimensional image only by just one manipulation. In a patient with optic disc melanocytoma, we could detect the volume change in detail using the 3-dimensional images-saving system. No discomfort occurred in these patients during examination. Based upon the above findings, we considered that this device was useful in making diagnosis and grasping the whole ocular conditions and outcome in breathtaking 3-dimensional views, and in causing no discomfort for patients

    Polyoxyethylene hydrogenated castor oil modulates benzalkonium chloride toxicity: comparison of acute corneal barrier dysfunction induced by travoprost Z and travoprost.

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    To determine the element that modulates benzalkonium chloride (BAC) toxicity by using a new electrophysiological method to evaluate acute corneal barrier dysfunction induced by travoprost Z with sofZia (Travatan Z(®)), travoprost with 0.015% BAC (Travatan(®)), and its additives

    Comparison of Corneal Safety and Intraocular Pressure?Lowering Effect of Tafluprost Ophthalmic Solution with Other Prostaglandin Ophthalmic Solutions

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    Purpose: The benzalkonium chloride (BAK) content of tafluprost ophthalmic solution (TaprosR: tafluprost) has been reduced to balance corneal safety and preservative effectiveness (old formulation: 0.01%; new formulation: 0.001%). However, no reports have been published on its clinical effect. Therefore, we conducted a clinical research study to compare the safety of BAK-reduced tafluprost on the ocular surface with other prostaglandin ophthalmic solutions. Methods: This clinical study included 28 glaucoma patients (28 eyes) with a treatment history of latanoprost ophthalmic solution (XalatanR) or travoprost ophthalmic solution (Travatan Z R), who presented with corneal epithelial disorders. The subjects were switched to BAK-reduced tafluprost, and its effect on the ocular surface was examined after 1 and 2 months of treatment [using fluorescein staining score, hyperemia, tear film breakup time, and intraocular pressure (IOP) lowering]. Results: In all analyzed subjects (N=27), the fluorescein staining score was significantly improved after switching to BAK-reduced tafluprost (P<0.0001). Conversely, the IOP-lowering effect was not notably changed. The subjects switched from latanoprost (n=10) showed significant improvement in fluorescein staining score (P<0.05) as well as in IOP lowering (P<0.01). The subjects switched from travoprost (n=17) also showed significant improvement in fluorescein staining score (P<0.001), but without a significant change in IOP lowering. Conclusions: Tafluprost with reduced BAK has potential as a superior antiglaucoma drug, not only for its IOP-lowering effect, but also for its good corneal safety profile

    Effect of onset age of strabismus on the binocular responses of neurons in the monkey visual cortex

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    PURPOSE: By 6 weeks of age, neurons in the monkey\u27s primary visual cortex acquire qualitatively adult-like binocular response properties and behaviorally stereopsis emerges. In this study, it was determined whether the onset of strabismus has a more severe impact on cortical binocularity before or after this critical developmental age. METHODS: Infant monkeys were fit with a light-weight helmet which held a total of 27 diopters of base-in prisms in front of their two eyes for a fixed period of two weeks. For one group of infant monkeys, prism-rearing began at 2 weeks of age and for a second group, the onset was at 6 weeks of age. Immediately after the rearing period, i.e., at 4 weeks and 8 weeks of age, respectively, extracellular single-unit recording methods were used to determine the nature and severity of alterations in the binocular response properties of V1 neurons. Dichoptic sinewave gratings were used as visual stimuli. RESULTS: In comparison to normal age-matched infants, V1 neurons in both strabismic groups exhibited reductions in sensitivity to interocular spatial phase disparities (disparity sensitivity) and a higher prevalence of binocular inhibitory interactions (binocular suppression). However, the reduction in disparity sensitivity and the magnitude of binocular suppression were much greater in the late (6-8 weeks) than the early (2- 4 weeks) onset group. CONCLUSIONS: Discordant binocular signals due to brief periods of early strabismus have more serious effects on the development of binocular properties of V1 neurons if they occur shortly after rather than before the emergence of stereopsis (i.e., when the binocular connections are relatively more mature but the visual cortex still shows a high degree of plasticity)

    Imaging of Laser-Photocoagulated Diabetic Microaneurysm With Spectral Domain Optical Coherence Tomography

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    PURPOSE: To analyze the morphology of microaneurysms before and after direct photocoagulation using spectral domain optical coherence tomography.METHODS: In 13 eyes of diabetic patients who underwent focal photocoagulation for clinically significant macular edema, microaneurysms were evaluated before, immediately after, 1 month after, and 2 months after photocoagulation with spectral domain optical coherence tomography.The microaneurysms were also evaluated by fluorescein angiography and color fundus photography.The patients underwent focal photocoagulation for microaneurysm.RESULTS: The microaneurysms before photocoagulation in spectral domain optical coherence tomography were observed as circular or elliptical structures with hyperreflective foci within vessel walls.Immediately after photocoagulation, the microaneurysms were changed to indistinct lesions with hyperreflectivity around the microaneurysms.Acoustic shadows developed on the choroidal side of the microaneurysms.If photocoagulation for microaneurysms was appropriately done, retinal changes were limited to within the inner retina around the microaneurysms and no changes were observed in retinal pigment epithelium.Within 2 months after photocoagulation, the microaneurysms changed into fine scars and the retinal structure normalized.Average retinal thickness of the fovea was 432 ± 70 μm before the procedure but reduced to 373 ± 84 μm at 2 months post surgery.CONCLUSION: Focal photocoagulation may be a less invasive method for treating microaneurysms, and spectral domain optical coherence tomography is useful for evaluating the efficacy of photocoagulation

    Influence of alkyl chain length of benzalkonium chloride on acute corneal epithelial toxicity.

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    To evaluate acute corneal epithelial toxicity induced by benzalkonium chloride (BAC) homologs with different alkyl chain lengths using an in vivo electrophysiological method

    Spontaneous dislocation of in-the-bag intraocular lens primarily in cases with prior vitrectomy

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    Purpose. To report cases of late onset spontaneous in-the-bag dislocation of the intraocular lens (IOL) and to compare these results with past reports. Methods. We retrospectively studied 21 eyes of 18 patients with dislocation of the entire capsular bag containing the IOL. Gender, age, interval between original surgery and IOL dislocation, and the predisposing factors were examined. Cases occurring after trauma were excluded. Results. The mean ± SD age of the 12 men (57.1%) and 9 women included in the study was 67.8±8.6 years at the time of the IOL removal procedure. The interval between the original surgery and the IOL dislocation was 7.9±8.6. Associated clinical conditions included vitrectomy in 8 eyes (40.0%) of 7 patients, high myopia in 3 eyes (14%) of 2 patients, uveitis in 2 eyes (9.5%) of 2 patients, retinitis pigmentosa in 2 eyes (9.5%) of 1 patient, and pseudoexfoliation in 1 eye (4.8%) of 1 patient. There was no identifiable associated condition in 2 eyes (9.5%) of 2 patients, who were comparatively younger than the other cases. This result differs from previously published reports that have found a higher frequency of pseudoexfoliation and lower frequency of prior vitrectomy. Conclusions. In-the-bag IOL dislocation was frequently associated with prior vitrectomy and sometimes occurred without specific conditions