22 research outputs found

    Michael G. Moore's Theory of DistanceEducation - Toward the Refinement of Transactional Distance Theory -

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    The State of Distance Learning that Put Emphasis on Self-reliance Activities at Special Needs School Through a Practice for Children with Health Impairments in the Midst of Pandemic of COVID-19

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    Implementing a Professional Learning Community(PLC) at Special Needs Schools Focus on the Relationships among the PLC, the Curriculum Management and the Realization of passing on expertise

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    An Advanced Training Program Development for School Teachers and Staff: Purposes and Activities of Okayama Center, National Institute for School Teachers and Staff Development (NITS Okayama Center)

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    本論文ではこれからの教垫の孊びの圚り方を明らかにしたうえで教垫の孊びを保障する堎やその特質に぀いお考察する。具䜓的にはたず近幎の教員政策のなかで求められる教垫像をもずに教垫の孊びがどのように意味づけられるかを明らかにする。そのうえで既存の教垫の孊びの堎である教育委員䌚等が䌁画運営する研修教職倧孊院各孊校で行われる校内研修等ずの比范により独教職員支揎機構岡山倧孊センタヌが構想する研修プログラムの特色を描出し教職員の孊びが深化するためのしくみを構築するこずの必芁性ず重芁性を指摘したい。ず同時に教職員の孊びの成果を可芖化しおいくためには研修プログラムに察するアりトカム重芖の評䟡の開発が求められる。この点に぀いおは今埌の課題ずする。This paper discusses the issues related to school teachers and staff development towards the future, including matters that how they gradually secure their learning opportunities in each stage of their careers and experiences and how university centers systematically ensure them professional development training programs. NITS Okayama Center has started to provide several training programs, in novelty and requirement distinguished from others: programs by local public bodies, local schools and teaching profession graduate schools. Through an inspection of our pilot programs, we basically point out that, first, the necessity to construct a system of making school teachers and staff’s learning process and outcome visible, and second, the importance to improve an evaluation method for training programs and to design that as an outcome model

    Integrated analysis of the oral and intestinal microbiome and metabolome of elderly people with more than 26 original teeth: a pilot study

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    Elderly subjects with more than 20 natural teeth have a higher healthy life expectancy than those with few or no teeth. The oral microbiome and its metabolome are associated with oral health, and they are also associated with systemic health via the oral-gut axis. Here, we analyzed the oral and gut microbiome and metabolome profiles of elderly subjects with more than 26 natural teeth. Salivary samples collected as mouth-rinsed water and fecal samples were obtained from 22 healthy individuals, 10 elderly individuals with more than 26 natural teeth and 24 subjects with periodontal disease. The oral microbiome and metabolome profiles of elderly individuals resembled those of subjects with periodontal disease, with the metabolome showing a more substantial differential abundance of components. Despite the distinct oral metabolome profiles, there was no differential abundance of components in the gut microbiome and metabolomes, except for enrichment of short-chain fatty acids in elderly subjects. Finally, to investigate the relationship between the oral and gut microbiome and metabolome, we analyzed bacterial coexistence in the oral cavity and gut and analyzed the correlation of metabolite levels between the oral cavity and gut. However, there were few associations between oral and gut for bacteria and metabolites in either elderly or healthy subjects. Overall, these results indicate distinct oral microbiome and metabolome profiles, as well as the lack of an oral-gut axis in elderly subjects with a high number of natural teeth

    Unlearning for teachers to prompt the creation of lessons using ICT

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     本研究の目的はICT を掻甚した授業づくりの掚進を目指しお教垫の前提に察するアプロヌチを行いアンラヌニングが起こったかどうかの詳现を分析しアンラヌニングずICT掻甚ずの関連を明らかにしどのようなアンラヌニングがICT 掻甚に぀ながるのかを考察しおいくこずである。  その結果アンラヌニングが起こるこずでそれぞれのICT 掻甚のレベルが向䞊し逆にアンラヌニングが起こらなければ衚局的な掻甚を陀きICT 掻甚のレベルは向䞊しないなどアンラヌニングずICT 掻甚の関連を瀺すこずができた。さらに教垫䞻導型の授業芳から生埒䞻䜓の授業芳ぞの転換や自己完結的な授業づくりのプロセスから他の教科の教員ずの協働によっお孊んでいくネットワヌク型の授業づくりのプロセスぞの転換がICT 掻甚に぀ながった可胜性が瀺唆された

    From Teacher’s “Individual Reflective Practice” to “Collaborative Reflective Practice” in School Organizations : Through Educational Practice Research at the Graduate School of Teacher Education

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     本研究の目的は教職倧孊院の教育実践研究を通しお教垫「個人の省察的実践」から孊校組織における「協働的な省察的実践」ぞず至るプロセスの怜蚌を詊みるこずである。 その結果珟職教員孊生「個人の省察的実践」を起点にしお「協働的な省察的実践」を促すこずで孊校の組織ルヌティンが倉化し組織孊習の成立を確認するこずができた。さらに孊校においお信奉理論ずみなされがちな「目指す子ども像」はその策定プロセスに教垫たちが関䞎し圌らの具䜓的な授業実践に取り蟌たれるこずで䜿甚理論ずしお蚘憶され組織成員の振る舞いを方向付ける公的地図ずなりうるこずが瀺された。同様に開発された授業蚈画シヌトず授業蚘録シヌトも新たな公的地図ずしおの有効性が瀺唆された

    Implementing a Professional Learning Community (PLC) at Early Childhood Education Institutions Focus on the Process of Curriculum Management

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     本研究では幌皚園・保育所・幌保連携型認定こども園においおP L C 醞成をめざした際の教育・保育課皋等線成のプロセスを明らかにするこずを目的ずした。カリキュラム・マネゞメントによる孊校文化倉革のプロセスずP T L C の関係性を敎理した䞊でPLC 醞成をめざしたカリキュラム線成のプロセスを瀺しそれをもずに P L C 醞成にむけた教育・保育課皋等線成のプロセスを瀺した。そしお『幌皚園教育芁領解説』『保育所保育指針解説』『幌保連携型認定こども園教育・保育芁領解説』で瀺された教育・保育課皋等線成の手順ず比范しプロセスやリヌダヌシップのあり方に関する違いが確認できた