322 research outputs found

    Blood As a Biological Drug : Scientific, Legal, and Policy Issues in the Regulation of Placental and Umbilical Cord Stem Cell Transplantation

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    Not all blood cells are created equal. Some are born, carry out their appointed tasks-red blood cells oxygenating the blood, white blood cells fighting infection-and die. But an elusive subset have special properties: they are the progenitors of all the many types of peripheral (circulatory) blood cells, and as such, they have the potential to reconstitute an entire blood supply. Known as hematopoietic stem cells, these blood cells reproduce indefinitely. For patients with leukemia or other blood diseases, the transplantation of hematopoietic stem cells from another person\u27s bone marrow can provide the gift of life

    Parameters of multiple-spindle power nut-driver

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    Представлено й проаналізовано кінематичну схему багатошпиндельного гайкокрута ударної дії для розбирання і складання різьбових з’єднань кріплення коліс автомобілів. Отримано математичні моделі технологічних параметрів багатошпиндельного гайкокрута – часу розгону до максимальної кутової швидкості системи привода гайкокрута й крутного моменту ударного імпульсу на шпинделі. Математична модель часу розгону системи привода отримана на основі теореми про зміну кінетичної енергії цієї системи, а математична модель крутного моменту ударного імпульсу – на основі теореми про збереження механічної енергії системи. Час розгону залежить від кутової швидкості й потужності електропривода гайкокрута, маси обертових деталей системи привода, їх діаметральних розмірів, а крутний момент, крім цього, ще залежить від жорсткостей кручення вала маховика і шпинделя.Kinematic diagram of percussive multiple-spindle power nut-driver for disassembly and assembly of threaded connections of motor vehicle wheels is presented and a brief description of its operation. The power nut-driver can fit in the nuts without damaging thread in case of their jamming owing to insignificant torque that ensures unhampered screwing of all the nuts onto studs simultaneously. If any jamming of the nut and stud threads occurs while fitting, a short-time reverse running of the spindles is activated from control panel and another fitting attempt is made. Reverse running of the spindle ensures accuracy of mutual location of the nut and stud necessary for fitting. After fitting and screwing on the nuts are tightened individually, and in the case of unscrewing – individual release from tightening with the aid of angular impact momentum, activating jaw-clutches of rotation transmission to spindles after acceleration of power nut-driver drive system. Mathematical study of technological parameters of multiple-spindle nut-driver – time of acceleration to maximum angular velocity of power nut-driver drive mechanical system and impact momentum torque on the spindle has been carried out. Mathematical models of these parameters have been substantiated. Mathematical model of the time of acceleration of the power nut-driver drive mechanical system was elaborated on the basis of the theorem on the change of kinetic energy of the system. This time depends on angular velocity and capacity of power nut-driver electric drive, weight of rotating parts of the drive system and their diameter dimensions. Mathematical model of impact momentum torque of the spindle was obtained on the basis of the theorem on the system mechanical energy conservation. Kinetic energy of rotating parts of the power nut-driver drive, the flywheel, in particular is transformed into potential energy of the flywheel shaft and the spindle during their rotation at the time of unscrewing or tightening of nuts. The torque depends on the same parameters as the parameters of acceleration and, besides, on torsional stiffness of the flywheel shaft and the spindle. This multiple-spindle power nut-driver as compared with the known single-spindle power nut-drivers reduces the time for dismounting and mounting motor vehicle wheels. This is ensured by simultaneous capping of the heads on all the nuts of the wheel and replacement of manual fitting by mechanical fitting


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    The relationship of visceral obesity and excess body weight (EBW) with the development of cardiovascular diseases, type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM) and effect on quality and duration of life determine the relevance of studying this problem. The aim: to assess omentin-1 metabolism and pathophysiological relationship between its level and the severity of lesions in the intima-media thickness (IMT) of the carotid arteries in type 2 DM in combination with EBW and obesity. Materials and methods. We examined 98 people with DM, the first group consisted of 64 people with EBW and obesity, second group consisted of 34 people with normal body weight, control group – 28 healthy individuals. The concentration of omentin-1 was investigated by ELISA by solid-phase enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay in vitro. Ultrasound of the carotid arteries was performed in the lying position of the patient on the device MyLab50X with a linear sensor of 7 MHz with a slight deviation of the patient's head in the opposite direction. Results. Evaluation of the correlation matrix showed the presence of a positive rather strong negative connection between IMT, especially the right carotid artery and the level of omentin-1 in the blood (Rs = –0.55; p = 0.002). The largest number of individuals with omentin-1 levels from 5–10 ng / ml had significant disorders of the vascular wall (IMT from 1.0 to 1.2 mm). Conclusion. Obtained data indicate a statistically significant associative relationship between the dynamics of the predictor of cardiovascular risk – IMT with the degree of impaired expression of omentin-1

    Prediction without Preclusion: Recourse Verification with Reachable Sets

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    Machine learning models are often used to decide who will receive a loan, a job interview, or a public benefit. Standard techniques to build these models use features about people but overlook their actionability. In turn, models can assign predictions that are fixed, meaning that consumers who are denied loans, interviews, or benefits may be permanently locked out from access to credit, employment, or assistance. In this work, we introduce a formal testing procedure to flag models that assign fixed predictions that we call recourse verification. We develop machinery to reliably determine if a given model can provide recourse to its decision subjects from a set of user-specified actionability constraints. We demonstrate how our tools can ensure recourse and adversarial robustness in real-world datasets and use them to study the infeasibility of recourse in real-world lending datasets. Our results highlight how models can inadvertently assign fixed predictions that permanently bar access, and we provide tools to design algorithms that account for actionability when developing models