202 research outputs found

    Dziecko z astmą w szkole i przedszkolu

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    Seria pięciu publikacji „One są wśród nas” poświęcona jest chorobom przewlekłym u dzieci. Zawarte sa w niej praktyczne wskazówki jak stworzyć odpowiednie warunki, aby wszystkie dzieci mogły się uczyć, rozwijać i bawić mimo choroby. Przeznaczona jest dla rodziców, opiekunów i nauczycieli w przedszkolu i szkol

    e-Quartier Hamburg – Möglichkeiten von Elektromobilität als fester Bestandteil von Wohnquartieren

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    Wohnen und Mobilität sind wesentliche Daseinsfunktionen aller Menschen. Insbesondere innerhalb stark ausdifferenzierter Gesellschaften ist Mobilität der Schlüssel zu gesellschaftlicher Teilnahme und Teilhabe (z. B. Altenburg, Gaffron & Gertz 2009). Allerdings basiert Mobilität noch immer großteils auf endlichen fossilen Energieträgern mit entsprechend negativen Auswirkungen für Mensch und Umwelt, die mit Lärm und Schadstoffbelastungen besonders deutlich in den Städten und Quartieren zu Tage treten (z. B. Held & Würdemann 2006). Die räumliche Entflechtung von Funktionen trägt erheblich zur Verkehrserzeugung bei und mit dem Wohnstandort als Start- und Endpunkt der meisten verkehrlichen Handlung wird die Verkehrsbelastung in das direkte Wohnumfeld getragen. Nur der Trias aus Vermeidung, Verringerung und Verlagerung von Verkehr (z. B. Beckmann & Klein-Hitpaß 2013) bietet einen Lösungsweg aus diesem mobilitätsbedingten Dilemma. Dabei gilt es, Verkehr zu vermeiden, auf umweltfreundliche Verkehrsträger umzusteigen und klimagünstige Energieträger einzusetzen. Neben dem Ausbau des ÖV und der Fahrradinfrastruktur sind Carsharing und Elektromobilität zwei wichtige Bausteine einer stadtverträglichen Mobilität. Das Förderprojekt e-Quartier Hamburg, das vom Bundesministerium für Verkehr und digitale Infrastruktur im Rahmen des Programms „Modellregionen für Elektromobilität“ gefördert wird, verfolgt den Ansatz, elektromobile Carsharing-Angebote auf Quartiersebene sowohl im Bestand als auch im Neubau zu integrieren. Die HafenCity Universität Hamburg begleitet das Vorhaben wissenschaftlich, mit dem Ziel erfolgskritische Rahmenbedingungen für die standortbezogene Umsetzung von Elektromobilitätskonzepten zu identifizieren. In diesem Zusammenhang richtet sich der Fokus dieses Beitrags auf die Erfahrungen der Nutzenden mit den Quartiersangeboten und den darauf beruhenden Ableitungen für die weitere Verstetigung und ggf. den Ausbau der im Rahmen von e- Quartier geschaffenen Angebote

    Genetic resources and selected conservation methods of tomato

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    Tomato is one of the most popular vegetable crops. However, over time, the species has suffered a strong genetic diversity reduction and domestication bottlenecking. This growing trend is known as the genetic erosion. The human intervention on the genetic erosion intensification is high and has severe implications on the future programmes of management and use of S. lycopersicum biodiversity. The wild tomato species (especially accessions originating from the Andes to Mesoamerica) harbour many valuable genes, which have been lost among the cultivated ones. Therefore, there is an increasing interest to mine new alleles from the interspecific gene pool of Lycopersicon section. Sustainable genetic diversity management constitutes a basis for crop improvement, classification and protection. Moreover, conservation of plant genetic resources is crucial to food security, as well as pharmaceutical industry. There are a few strategies developed which address the preservation of tomato genetic resources. In situ and ex situ conservation are the two main complementary methods of biodiversity protection. The aim of this review is to summarise the most recent information about tomato genetic resources, genetic erosion phenomenon, as well as some traditional and modern preservation strategies

    Inverted and horizontal impacted third molars in an Early Modern skull from Wroclaw, Poland: a case report

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    Background: An impacted tooth is one of the most commonly occurring dental anomalies, although some types of impaction (i.e. inverted angulation) may be considered rare finding. There are many hypotheses regarding impaction aetiology. One of the most popular hypotheses suggested that this condition may result from insufficient space in retromolar space, other: improper angulation of tooth bud, malposition of the tooth germ or hereditary factors, insufficient interproximal attrition, ectopy or dysfunction of genes necessary for proper tooth eruption. This study aims to present the odontological and paleopathological assessment of the impacted molars observed within the skull excavated from an early modern cemetery in Wroclaw.  Materials and methods: The skull used in the study was complete and in a good state of preservation. It belonged to an adult individual whose body was buried at the former Salvator Cemetery (currently Czysty Square). The individual’s dentition was almost completely lost antemortem. Only second molars preserved within the maxillae (bilaterally) and the mandible was almost edentulous as well. The morphometric traits have been taken according to standards established by R. Martin. Macroscopic observations were supported by X-rays and computed tomography imaging.  Results: The age at death was estimated at 20–35 years. Comparison of the metric characteristics of skull with the reference material reveals that it is much smaller than the average female skull from this series. Morphometric indices calculated for both splanchocranium and neurocranium allow defining the skull and jaw as short, which could be an important factor involved in the teeth impaction.  Conclusions: Atypical impaction of the third molars could result from small size of skull and could have significantly deteriorated the quality of life of the individual.

    Obstructive sleep apnea in children

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    Influence of feto-pelvic disproportion on milk cows fertility

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    The aim of the study was to evaluate relations between feto-pelvic proportion and further fertility of milk cows, select proportions and critical values of disproportion best predicting cows with lower fertility as a result of difficult calving as well as to evaluate fertility of cows selected on the basis of chosen criteria. The study was carried out on black-and-white and red-and-white Polish Holstein-Friesian cows in six farms diversified by the number of livestock (from 10 to 20 to over 180 cows) and milk yield (from 6.563 – 9.788 kg/305 days). In total 100 parturitions were analysed (one in each cow) resulting in giving birth to one calf, without complications related to foetus presentation, posture, and position or the need for caesarean section or fetotomy and retained placenta. Analysed parturitions were the result of artificial insemination pregnancies in 53 cases with semen from 33 polish-HF bulls and in 47 cases with semen from 26 the world HF bulls. Considering critical values of chosen feto-pelvic proportions, there is possibility of choosing cows, where more than every third cow had usually delayed over 90 days calving-conception period and more than every fourth became pregnant after at least three inseminations

    Abnormalities in lung volumes and airflow in children with newly diagnosed connective tissue disease

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    Introduction: Connective tissue diseases (CTDs) of childhood are rare inflammatory disorders, involving various organs and tissues including respiratory system. Pulmonary involvement in patients with CTDs is uncommon but may cause functional impairment. Data on prevalence and type of lung function abnormalities in children with CTDs are scarce. Thus, the aim of this study was to asses pulmonary functional status in children with newly diagnosed CTD and follow the results after two years of the disease course. Material and methods: There were 98 children (mean age: 13 ± 3; 76 girls), treated in Department of Pediatric Rheumatology, Institute of Rheumatology, Warsaw and 80 aged-matched, healthy controls (mean age 12.7 ± 2.4; 50 girls) included into the study. Study procedures included medical history, physical examination, chest radiograph and PFT (spirometry and whole body-plethysmography). Then, the assessment of PFT was performed after 24 months. Results: FEV1, FEV1/FVC and MEF50 were significantly lower in CTD as compared to control group, there was no difference in FVC and TLC. The proportion of patients with abnormal lung function was significantly higher in the study group, 41 (42%) vs 9 (11%). 24-months observation didn’t reveal progression in lung function impairment. Conclusions: Lung function impairment is relatively common in children with CTDs. Although restrictive ventilatory pattern is considered typical feature of lung involvement in CTDs, airflow limitation could also be an initial abnormality.    

    Acute subglottic laryngitis. Etiology, epidemiology, pathogenesis and clinical picture

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    In about 3% of children, viral infections of the airways that develop in early childhood lead to narrowing of the laryngeal lumen in the subglottic region resulting in symptoms such as hoarseness, a barking cough, stridor, and dyspnea. These infections may eventually cause respiratory failure. The disease is often called acute subglottic laryngitis (ASL). Terms such as pseudocroup, croup syndrome, acute obstructive laryngitis and spasmodic croup are used interchangeably when referencing this disease. Although the differential diagnosis should include other rare diseases such as epiglottitis, diphtheria, fibrinous laryngitis and  bacterial tracheobronchitis, the diagnosis of ASL should always be made on the basis of clinical criteria

    Histological analysis of forearm superficial veins structure

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    Background: The connection between the basilic and cephalic veins of the forearm shows considerable interindividual variation. Depending on its form, the most common types of venous connections are M-, N- or Y-shaped. This study aims to compare the metric traits of the basilic and cephalic veins and the relative content of smooth muscle/collagen fibers/elastic fibers in their walls and to determine the differences between the forearm venous systems. Materials and methods: The study was performed on 42 veins collected from 26 deceased individuals between the ages of 19 and 50 years. Vein sections were fixed, embedded in paraffin blocks and used to prepare histological slides, stained according to pentachrome Movat's method. Venous metrics were assessed and the percentage of muscle, elastic and collagen fibers was determined using the Trainable Weka segmentation. Statistical analysis compared the M-type vein with the Y- and N-types, which were combined into one category. Results and Conclusions: Analysis showed a greater tunica media thickness in the M-type vein, with a greater lumen circumference in the Y/N types. Correlation analysis showed a correlation of vein metrics with elastic fibre content and a weak inverse correlation with the tunica media thickness. It can be hypothesized that the increased performance of N- and Y-types may be related to elastic fibers content