29 research outputs found

    Seniorenbildung in der Pandemie: Programmplanung zwischen Digitalisierung und Begegnung, zwischen LĂ€hmung und Innovation

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    Der Beitrag basiert auf einer Interviewstudie mit acht Programmplanenden in Einrichtungen mit Bildungsangeboten fĂŒr Ältere. Es wird nach den Planungsstrategien in der Pandemie und grundsĂ€tzlichen Orientierungen fĂŒr die Aufrechterhaltung des Programms gefragt. Im Ergebnis stehen vier Strategien: eine kontinuierliche digitale Innovation, eine strukturelle Innovation, ein abwartendes Situationsbeobachten, einWunsch nach RĂŒckkehr zum Alten. Diese Strategien werden entlang von zwei Spannungsfeldern (zwischen Wissensvermittlung und Begegnung sowie zwischen LĂ€hmung und Innovation) entwickelt. Mit diesem Ansatz wird das Spektrum an Möglichkeiten der empirischen Analyse von Programmplanungshandeln erweitert, in dem entlang von grundlegenden Orientierungen Planungsstrategien sichtbar gemacht werden.The article is based on an interview study with eight programme planners in institutions with educational programmes for older people. The study asks about the planning strategies of the experts in the pandemic and about basic orientations for the maintenance of the programme. As a result, four strategies are developed: a continuous digital innovation, a structural innovation, a wait-and-see approach, a desire to return to the old. These strategies have been developed along two fields of tension (between knowledge transfer and encounter, and between paralysis and innovation). This approach broadens the spectrum of possibilities for empirical analysis of program planning activities by making planning strategies visible along basic orientationsPeer Reviewe

    The role of intergenerational issues in post-pandemic programs for older adults: Between cross-regional digitization and local networking

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    This paper presents the results of an expert interview study with planning staff in several types of education providers that cater for older adults, such as senior citizen and adult education centers. The study includes 12 qualitative expert interviews conducted from 2021 to 2022, which were analysed using content analysis. The paper shows that the planners anticipate the pandemic will have serious and long-term consequences for their target groups. Four strategies were found: continuous innovation, cautious observation of the current situation, hope for a return to the old ways, and structural innovation. These are ordered along two dimensions (knowledge provision vs. encounter; paralysis vs. innovation). At first glance, intergenerational concepts seem to be pushed into the background. On closer inspection, however, it turns out that, for some planners, future considerations are strongly geared towards structurally anchoring forms of intergenerational encounter

    Finanzierung von Bildung im Lebenslauf: was HĂ€nschen finanziert bekommt, kann Hans selbst zahlen?

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    Es gibt in der Bildungspolitik und -ökonomie Stimmen, die eine Verlagerung öffentlicher Finanzierung auf frĂŒhe Bildungsbereiche fordern. In kritischer Auseinandersetzung mit solchen Forderungen wird hier die hohe Relevanz öffentlicher Finanzierungsanreize fĂŒr Bildungsentscheidungen und Berufskarrieren im Lebenslauf aufgezeigt. Hierzu werden Ergebnisse der Brandenburg-Studie prĂ€sentiert, in der die Nutzung eines Weiterbildungsgutscheins quantitativ und qualitativ untersucht wurde. Gezeigt wird, wie in verschiedenen Berufs- und Lebensphasen von Frauen in den Gesundheits- und Sozialbranchen ein erhöhter Weiterbildungs- und Finanzierungsbedarf entsteht.There are voices at the political level, which call for a relocating of finances into sections of early education. This article demonstrates the high relevance of public stimuli in opposition to such claims. Therefore, results of the Brandenburg-Study will be presented, in which the usage of continuous training vouchers have been quantitatively and qualitatively researched. It will be demonstrated how in specific vocational and private phases within the lives of women in health and social sectors an increased need arises for continuing training and financing

    Age images and learning in late life. Coping with crisis experiences as a potential in long-life societies

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    This paper discusses the potential that coping with ageing experiences in later life might have for dealing with the current Covid-19-pandemic. The paper is based on the results of a qualitative study on subjective ageing experiences and the respective coping strategies of older people. The study is based on subject-obnderlying social structures. (e.g. BMBF, 2010). A qualitative research design was developed using the method of group discussions. The data gathered in these discussions were evaluated based on the approach of grounded theory. The results of this study are discussed regarding the ways in which the coping strategies of the participants revealed the specific abilities of older people to manage crisis experiences. The findings offer new perspectives on improving current images of ageing. (DIPF/Orig.

    Mortality as the horizon for education? Biographical learning to avoid a standstill and promote a good life at an advanced age

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    Tod und Sterben als Horizonte von Lernen und Bildung sind bisher wenig Thema in der Erwachsenenbildung. Der vorliegende Beitrag befasst sich auf Grundlage einer empirischen Untersuchung ĂŒber „Lernen im Alter“ mit Strategien des Umgangs mit der Endlichkeit des eigenen Lebens im höheren Alter. Wie erleben Ă€ltere Menschen ihr Altern und damit auch die Begrenzung ihrer Lebenszeit? Inwieweit kann die Entwicklung von Umgangsweisen mit diesem Thema als Lernen oder Möglichkeit fĂŒr Bildung verstanden werden? Die Autorin argumentiert, dass der Umgang mit der eigenen Sterblichkeit biografisches Lernen umfasst, weil Menschen im hohen Lebensalter im Zuge ihrer LebensfĂŒhrung Strategien entwickeln oder entwickeln mĂŒssen, um mit dem Spannungsfeld zwischen „Widerfahrnis-Momenten“ und dem Wunsch nach KontinuitĂ€t umzugehen. Systematisiert man diese Strategien, so lassen sich abwehrend-bekĂ€mpfende, eher akzeptierend integrierende oder expansiv-ĂŒberschreitende Strategien beschreiben. Den Abschluss des Beitrages bildet eine Reflexion der Lebensverletzlichkeit aller Menschen ungeachtet deren Alter angesichts der pandemischen Covid-19-Entwicklung. (DIPF/Orig.)Death and dying as the horizons for learning and education have rarely been a topic in adult education. This article is concerned with the basis of an empirical investigation of „learning later in life“ with strategies for how to deal with the finite nature of one‘s life at an advanced age. How do older people experience aging and thus the restriction of their lifetime? To what extent can the development of ways to handle this topic be understood as learning or an educational opportunity? The author argues that dealing with one‘s own mortality includes biographical learning because over the course of their lives, people at an advanced age have developed or must develop strategies for dealing with the tension between „Widerfahrnis-Momenten“ (experiences) and the wish for continuity. If these strategies are ordered systematically, they can be described as defensive-fighting, accepting-integrative or expansive-overcoming strategies. The article concludes with a reflection on the vulnerability of all people regardless of their age in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic. (DIPF/Orig.

    De Cavto Regiminis Calidi Vsv

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    Halle, Univ., Med. Diss., 1768Divinis Avspiciis Dissertationem Inavgvralem Inclvti Medicorvm Ordinis Avctoritate In Alma Regia Friedericiana Pro Doctoris Medici Honoribvs Legitime Conseqvendis Ad Diem V. Octobr. A. R. S. MDCCLXVIII. Pvblico Philiatrorvm Examini Sistit Ioannes Lvdovicvs Kvlmvs GedanensisEnthĂ€lt GlĂŒckwĂŒnsche der BeitrĂ€gerVorlageform des Erscheinungsvermerks: Halae Ad Salam, Stanno Trampiano

    Anatomische Tabellen : nebst darzu gehörigen Anmerkungen ...

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    Johann Adam KulmusTafel 1 fehl

    Changing Configurations of Adult Education in Transitional Times - Conference Proceedings

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    This book assembles almost 50 papers from the 7th Triennial European Research Conference of the European Society for Research on the Education of Adults (ESREA), which was held from the 4th to the 7th of September 2013 at Humboldt-University in Berlin. The title of the conference was “Changing Configurations of Adult Education in Transitional Times”. Many authors within this volume refer to this title and the thematic outline within the call for papers. Furthermore, conferences are also a general “seismograph” that show the issues currently dealt with in a research community and also the terms that are employed frequently at one specific point of time.Not Reviewe