21 research outputs found

    Soziale Differenzierung und zunehmende soziale Heterogenität in Leipzig im Spiegel von Alltagswahrnehmung und Politik

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    Soziale Differenzierung ist in den Großstädten Ostdeutschlands zu einem wesentlichen Charakteristikum urbaner Entwicklung, Alltagswahrnehmung und Politik geworden. Insbesondere lässt sich dies in den Städten beobachten, welche nach der Schrumpfung der 1990er-Jahre seit Kurzem wieder dynamisch wachsen. Die Vertiefung sozialer Ungleichheiten (soziale Differenzierung) sowie die Vervielfältigung von Lebensstilen, Lebenswelten und Identitäten (zunehmende Heterogenität) sind Teil dieser Entwicklung. Vor diesem Hintergrund diskutiert der Beitrag soziale Differenzierung und zunehmende Heterogenität der Bevölkerung in Leipzig mit einem Fokus auf Alltagswahrnehmungen der Bewohner sowie der lokalen Politikentwicklung. Es wird analysiert, wie soziale Differenz und zunehmende Heterogenität zu einem Thema im Alltag und für die Politik werden und wie beide Perspektiven in Bezug zueinander stehen. Der Beitrag fußt auf einem mehrdimensionalen Verständnis von Heterogenität einschließlich der sozioökonomischen, demographischen, lebensstilbezogenen und ethnisch-migrantischen Dimensionen. Räumlich gesehen werden sowohl die gesamtstädtische als auch die Quartiersperspektive betrachtet. Die Analyse kommt unter anderem zu dem Ergebnis, dass soziale Heterogenität in ihrer horizontalen Dimension anerkannt und wahrgenommen wird und sich diese Anerkennung auch in der Politikformulierung findet. Das gilt nicht im gleichen Maße für Ausprägungen sozialer Ungleichheit. Das Beispiel Leipzig zeigt überdies, dass der generelle Diskurs stärker differenzieren muss zwischen dem Anliegen, horizontale Differenz (explizit) anzuerkennen, der notwendigen Bekämpfung vertikaler sozialer Ungleichheiten sowie dem Umstand, dass sich aus deren Überschneidung zahlreiche neue Unübersichtlichkeiten und Komplexitäten ergeben.Social differentiation has developed to be one of the crucial characteristics of urban development in Eastern Germany's large cities, an issue that is increasingly reflected in daily life perceptions and policy-making. This development can be especially observed in those cities that, after a phase of shrinkage in the 1990s, have seen new growth during the last years. The focus is here on social differentiation that we understand as an increase in social inequalities, and on social heterogeneity that is understood as pluralization of cultural and religious identities, lifestyles and living environments. Set against this background, the paper discusses social differentiation and increasing heterogeneity in Leipzig with a focus on daily life perceptions by the residents and local policy development. It analyses how social difference and increasing heterogeneity have become an issue for daily routines and practices as well as for policy formulation and how both perspectives interact. The paper is based on a multi-dimensional understanding of heterogeneity including the socio-economic, demographic, lifestyle and ethnic-migration dimension. Spatially, both the total city and neighbourhood perspective are in focus. The paper concludes, among others, that social heterogeneity in its horizontal dimension is being recognised and accepted and that this is reflected by policy development as well. This does not apply in the same manner for increasing social inequalities. The example of Leipzig shows, furthermore, that there is a need for more differentiation in the local discourse with respect to the explicit recognition of horizontal difference, the need to counteract vertical social inequalities and the fact that out of the interaction/intersection of both dimensions, a bundle of new equivocalities and complexities emerge

    Urban Policies on Diversity in Leipzig, Germany

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    Critical analysis of existing urban policy programmes and discourses in Leipzig, Germany. Includes overview of political systems and governance structures, key shifts in national discourses, and approaches to policy over migration, citizenship, and diversity

    Governance arrangements targeting diversity in Europe: how New Public Management impacts working with social cohesion

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    This article analyses how policies to foster social cohesion within diverse and unequal urban contexts are affected by New Public Management and austerity policies. Based on the analysis of a handful of governance arrangements in three cities that differ in their institutional structure and diversity policy approaches (Copenhagen, Leipzig and Milan), it is shown that negative effects are quite widespread yet cushioned by a strong welfare state structure, solid local government and high priority given to the recognition of diversity. Nevertheless, the shift towards the application of market logic to social work reduces innovative potential, increases efforts spent on procedures and weakens public coordination. This article analyses how policies to foster social cohesion within diverse and unequal urban contexts are affected by New Public Management and austerity policies. Based on the analysis of a handful of governance arrangements in three cities that differ in their institutional structure and diversity policy approaches (Copenhagen, Leipzig and Milan), it is shown that negative effects are quite widespread yet cushioned by a strong welfare state structure, solid local government and high priority given to the recognition of diversity. Nevertheless, the shift towards the application of market logic to social work reduces innovative potential, increases efforts spent on procedures and weakens public coordination

    Inklusiver Unterricht - (Auch) eine Frage der Einstellung! Eine Interviewstudie über Einstellungen und Bereitschaften von Lehrkräften und Schulleitungen zur Inklusion

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    Kullmann H, Lütje-Klose B, Textor A, Berard J, Schitow K. Inklusiver Unterricht - (Auch) eine Frage der Einstellung! Eine Interviewstudie über Einstellungen und Bereitschaften von Lehrkräften und Schulleitungen zur Inklusion. Schulpädagogik heute. 2014;5(10):1-14

    Fieldwork inhabitants in Leipzig, Germany

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    nalysis of how urban diversity and policies and arrangements affect different population groups living in Leipzig in terms of social cohesion and social mobility

    Governance arrangements targeting diversity in Europe: how New Public Management impacts working with social cohesion

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    This article analyses how policies to foster social cohesion within diverse and unequal urban contexts are affected by New Public Management and austerity policies. Based on the analysis of a handful of governance arrangements in three cities that differ in their institutional structure and diversity policy approaches (Copenhagen, Leipzig and Milan), it is shown that negative effects are quite widespread yet cushioned by a strong welfare state structure, solid local government and high priority given to the recognition of diversity. Nevertheless, the shift towards the application of market logic to social work reduces innovative potential, increases efforts spent on procedures and weakens public coordination

    Inklusiver Unterricht - (Auch) eine Frage der Einstellung! Eine Interviewstudie über Einstellungen und Bereitschaften von Lehrkräften und Schulleitungen zur Inklusion

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    Kullmann H, Lütje-Klose B, Textor A, Berard J, Schitow K. Inklusiver Unterricht - (Auch) eine Frage der Einstellung! Eine Interviewstudie über Einstellungen und Bereitschaften von Lehrkräften und Schulleitungen zur Inklusion. In: Siedenbiedel C, Theurer C, eds. Grundlagen inklusiver Bildung. Teil 1. Inklusive Unterrichtspraxis und -entwicklung. Theorie und Praxis der Schulpädagogik. Vol 28. Immenhausen: Prolog; 2015: 181-196

    Dealing with Urban Diversity: The Case of Leipzig

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    This book is one of the outcomes of the DIVERCITIES project. It focuses on the question of how to create social cohesion, social mobility and economic performance in today’s hyper-diversified cities. The project’s central hypothesis is that urban diversity is an asset; it can inspire creativity, innovation and make cities more liveable and harmonious. To ensure a more intelligent use of diversity’s potential, a re-thinking of public policies and governance models is needed

    Fieldwork Entrepreneurs in Leipzig, Germany

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    Analysis of how urban diversity and policies and arrangements with respect to urban diversity affect different population groups living in cities in terms of economic performance and to clarify who (which social groups) profit and how they profit

    Imaging in biologically-relevant environments with AFM using stiff qPlus sensors

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    High-resolution imaging of soft biological samples with atomic force microscopy (AFM) is challenging because they must be imaged with small forces to prevent deformation. Typically, AFM of those samples is performed with soft silicon cantilevers (k ≈ 0.1–10 N/m) and optical detection in a liquid environment. We set up a new microscope that uses a stiff qPlus sensor (k ≥ 1 kN/m). Several complex biologically-relevant solutions are non-transparent, and even change their optical properties over time, such as the cell culture medium we used. While this would be problematic for AFM setups with optical detection, it is no problem for our qPlus setup which uses electrical detection. The high stiffness of the qPlus sensor allows us to use small amplitudes in frequency-modulation mode and obtain high Q factors even in liquid. The samples are immersed in solution in a liquid cell and long tips are used, with only the tip apex submerged. We discuss the noise terms and compare the minimal detectable signal to that of soft cantilevers. Atomic resolution of muscovite mica was achieved in various liquids: H2O, Tris buffer and a cell culture medium. We show images of lipid membranes in which the individual head groups are resolved.ISSN:2045-232