97 research outputs found

    Quiet Clean Short-haul Experimental Engine (QCSEE) main reduction gears detailed design report

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    Lightweight turbine engines with geared slower speed fans are considered. The design of two similar but different gear ratio, minimum weight, epicyclic star configuration main reduction gears for the under the wing (UTW) and over the wing (OTW) engines is discussed. The UTW engine reduction gear has a ratio of 2.465:1 and a 100% power design rating of 9885 kW (13,256 hp) at 3143 rpm fan speed. The OTW engine reduction gear has a ratio of 2.062:1 and a 100% power design rating of 12813 kW (17183 hp) at 3861 rpm fan speed. Details of configuration, stresses, deflections, and lubrication are presented

    Unusually large polarizabilities and "new" atomic states in Ba

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    Electric polarizabilities of four low-J even-parity states and three low-J odd-parity states of atomic barium in the range 35,60035,600 to $36,000\ cmcm^{-1}areinvestigated.Thestatesofinterestareexcited(inanatomicbeam)viaanintermediateoddparitystatewithasequenceoftwolaserpulses.TheoddparitystatescanbeexcitedduetotheStarkinducedmixingwithevenparitystates.Thepolarizabilitiesaremeasuredviadirectspectroscopyonthesecondstagetransition.Severalstateshavetensorandscalarpolarizabilitiesthatexceedthevaluesthatmightbeexpectedfromtheknownenergylevelsofbariumbymorethantwoordersofmagnitude.TwooftheStarkinducedtransitionscannotbeidentifiedfromtheknownenergyspectrumofbarium.Theobservationssuggesttheexistenceofasyetunidentifiedoddparityenergystates,whoseenergiesandangularmomentaaredeterminedinthepresentexperiment.Atentativeidentificationofthesestatesas[Xe] are investigated. The states of interest are excited (in an atomic beam) via an intermediate odd-parity state with a sequence of two laser pulses. The odd-parity states can be excited due to the Stark-induced mixing with even-parity states. The polarizabilities are measured via direct spectroscopy on the second-stage transition. Several states have tensor and scalar polarizabilities that exceed the values that might be expected from the known energy levels of barium by more than two orders of magnitude. Two of the Stark-induced transitions cannot be identified from the known energy spectrum of barium. The observations suggest the existence of as yet unidentified odd-parity energy states, whose energies and angular momenta are determined in the present experiment. A tentative identification of these states as [Xe]6s8p ^3P_{0,2}$ is suggested.Comment: 29 pages, 12 figure

    Understanding heterotopic ossification after spinal cord injury

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    Wiedza pracowników personelu medycznego na temat segregacji medycznej poszkodowanych w wypadkach masowych i katastrofach

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      Introduction. Ever growing pace of life in developing societies results in a considerable increase in abrupt threats to life and health. Both Accidents and Emergency Unit workers to whom a patient is referred having been ascribed a provisional category as well as members of Medical Rescue Teams who are the first medical staff to have contact with a patient ought to apply a correct procedural variant in their interactions with patients.Aim. The aim of the research was an attempt to evaluate medical personnel’s knowledge levels within the scope of segregating patients having suffered in mass accidents and disasters.Material and Methods. The diagnostic poll method was used in this work and a survey form was the research tool. The research involved 50 persons employed in Accident and Emergency Units and Medical Rescue Teams.Results. A general proportion of correct responses averaged out at 63% for both groups. No statistic correlation was found between the two groups.Conclusions. Knowledge level referring to medical segregation that medical staff presented proved unsatisfactory. The study shows there is a need for training within the scope of medical segregation in mass accidents and disasters. (JNNN 2016;5(1):16–20)Wstęp. Wzrastające tempo życia rozwijających się społeczeństw niesie ze sobą olbrzymi wzrost gwałtownych zagrożeń zdrowia i życia ludzi. Prawidłowym wariantem postępowaniem z poszkodowanymi powinni posługiwać się zarówno pracownicy Szpitalnych Oddziałów Ratunkowych, do których poszkodowany trafia poniekąd już z pierwotną kategorią, jak również osoby mające pierwszy kontakt medyczny jakim są Zespoły Ratownictwa Medycznego.Cel. Celem przeprowadzonych badań było próba oceny poziomu wiedzy pracowników personelu medycznego na temat segregowania poszkodowanych w wypadkach masowych i katastrofach.Materiał i metody. W pracy wykorzystano metodę sondażu diagnostycznego. Narzędziem badawczym była autorski kwestionariusz ankiety. Badaniami objęto 50 osób zatrudnionych w Szpitalnych Oddziałach Ratunkowych i Zespołach Ratownictwa Medycznego.Wyniki. Ogólny odsetek wskazań wspólny dla obu grup w przypadku prawidłowych odpowiedzi wynosi 63%. Nie stwierdzono istnienia zależności statystycznej pomiędzy dwoma grupami badanych.Wnioski. Poziom wiedzy pracowników ochrony zdrowia w zakresie segregacji medycznej jest niezadowalający. Badania dowodzą konieczności prowadzenia szkoleń w zakresie segregacji medycznej w trakcie wypadków masowych i katastrof. (PNN 2016;5(1):16–20

    Induction of Heme Oxygenase By a Carbon Monoxide-Releasing Molecule

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    We have recently demonstrated that heme oxygenase is expressed in both healing wounds and in pressure ulcers. Heme oxygenase has been shown to have important cytoprotective functions in myocardial ischemia-reperfusion injury and organ allograft survival. The cytoprotective effects of heme oxygenase are multifactorial. Besides reducing levels of pro-oxidant heme, heme oxygenase products (bilirubin, carbon monoxide, and iron) have been demonstrated to possess anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-apoptotic, and anti-proliferative properties. These properties make heme oxygenase an attractive therapeutic target for the prevention and treatment of chronic wounds. The purpose of this study was two-fold: evaluate the effects of carbon monoxide (CO) on the expression of heme oxygenase (HO-1) in dermal fibroblasts, and determine and begin to investigate the mechanisms responsible for CO-induction of HO-1. The ability of a second-generation carbon monoxide donating molecule-tricarbonyldichlororuthenium (II) dimer (CORM-2) to induce HO-1 protein expression in dermal fibroblasts was examined. Western blotting techniques were utilized to determine HO-1 expression. CORM-2 (100-300uM) induced maximum expression of HO-1. The maximum response to CORM-2 occurred between 12 and 20 hours. Inhibition of MAPK, PI3-K, JNK pathways showed no changes in HO-1 expression. Likewise inhibition of cGMP, a known pathway for CO, had no effect on protein expression suggesting that HO-1 expression by CORM-2 works by an alternate pathway. In conclusion the ability of CO, a product of heme degradation, to induce HO-1 in dermal fibroblasts may serve as a mechanism to amplify HO-1 expression in stressed tissues and may serve as the basis for a novel therapeutic approach for treating chronic wounds

    Hypercalcemia in a Patient Diagnosed with a Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide Tumor.

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    Hypercalcemia is a clinical problem that is commonly seen in both the inpatient and outpatient settings. Overall, most common causes of hypercalcemia include hyperparathyroidism and malignancy. Our case report is the presentation of hypercalcemia in a patient eventually diagnosed with a vasoactive intestinal peptide tumor, a type of neuroendocrine tumor, without associated hyperparathyroidism

    Nursing students’ quality of life

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    Introduction Quality of life is a broad notion comprised of: a human being’s health state, their psychological state, social relations, a degree of independence as well as their attitude toward their surroundings. The aim of the study The research aimed at specifying nursing students’ subjective quality of life. Material and methods The study involved 210 nursing students of the Medical University of Lublin. The research cohort was comprised of 199 females and 11 males. The investigation was administered by means of the Polish version of the WHOQOL-Bref scale. This tool allowed to specify the quality of life in physical, psychological, environmental and social domains. Results Investigated students’ quality of life averaged out at 3.98, whereas their health state self-assessment averaged out at 3.73. The physical domain scored highest (averagely 15.54). Lower values were obtained in the sphere of social relations (15.52) and the environmental domain (13.81). The psychological domain scored lowest (13.62). Conclusions Nursing students’ quality of life averaged out at a satisfactory level. Investigated students’ health state self-assessment and marital status made a considerable difference for their quality of life. Male students and those with urban background assessed their quality of life at relatively higher levels

    Pomološke osobine ploda nekih sorti trešnje

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    Pomological properties of five sweet cherry cultivars, grafted on Colt rootstock, were studies in Brcko District, during 2014. year. Studies have included time of flowering and maturing, the physical properties of fruits, and susceptibility cultivars to cracking of fruits. Cultivar Sweet Heart had the greatest abundance of flowering, and, at the same time the lowest weight of fruit. The highest weight of fruit was found in cultivar Burlat, and, at the same time the earliest time of maturing. The lowest value of cracking of fruits was in cultivar Napoleon, while the highest value of cracking of fruit was in cultivar Burlat.U radu su prikazane pomološke osobine pet visokokvalitetnih sorti trešnje okalemljenih na vegetativnoj podlozi Kolt u uslovima Brčko Distrikta u toku vegetacije, 2014. godine. Od pomoloških osobina proučavane su fenološke osobine (cvetanje i zrenje), fizičke osobine ploda, kao i osetljivost proučavanih sorti prema pucanju plodova. Sorta Svit Hart je imala najobilnije cvetanje, a ujedno i najmanju masu ploda. Najveća masa ploda je zabeležena kod sorte Burlat, koja je ujedno imala i najranije vreme zrenja ploda. Najmanju vrednost indeksa pucanja ploda pokazala je sorta Napoleon, dok je najveća vrednost evidentirana kod sorte Burlat

    Samoocena jakości życia seniorów ze schorzeniami neurologicznymi

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    Introduction. Quality of life and old age are closely related. Aging is perceived as a destructive, progressive, and irreversible process. This process is caused by biological factors related to physical involution as well as psychosocial factors. Elderly people have difficulties related to deteriorating health.Aim. The study aims to determine the quality of life of elderly people with neurological disorders.Material and Methods. The research was conducted in the Lublin Voivodeship, in a group of 111 elderly people diagnosed with neurological diseases. 51.35% of participants were female. The age of the respondents was in the range of 65–95 years. A standardized questionnaire: the WHOQOL-BREF constituted the research tool.Results. In the examined group of patients, the general quality of life was assessed at an average level of 3.11 ± 1.12, and the assessment of health at the level of 2.81 ± 1.00. The respondents rated the highest the environmental domain (57.05 ± 16.23). The social relationship domain was at an average level; 54.00 ± 24.08, while the psychological one was 46.38 ± 13.16. The physical health domain received the lowest scores (44.53 ± 12.42).Conclusions. The self-evaluation of the quality of life completed by elderly people with neurological disorders was at a low level. Marital status differentiated the quality of life in the social domain. The residence of the studied seniors influenced the assessment of their overall quality of life. (JNNN 2019;8(1):11–15)Wstęp. Jakość życia i starość są ze sobą ściśle związane. Starzenie się postrzegane jest jako proces destrukcyjny, postępujący i nieodwracalny. Proces ten powodują czynniki biologiczne związane z inwolucją fizyczną jak i czynniki psychospołeczne. Osoby starsze mają trudności związane z pogarszającym się stanem zdrowia.Cel. Celem badań było określenie jakości życia osób w podeszłym wieku ze schorzeniami neurologicznymi.Materiał i metody. Badania przeprowadzono na terenie województwa lubelskiego, w grupie 111 osób w podeszłym wieku, u których stwierdzono występowanie chorób neurologicznych. W badanej grupie było 51.35% kobiet. Wiek badanych zawierał się w przedziale 65–95 lat. W pracy wykorzystano wystandaryzowane narzędzie badawcze: skalę WHOQOL-Bref.Wyniki. W badanej grupie pacjentów ogólna jakość życia oceniona została na poziomie średniej 3,11 ± 1,12, a ocena stanu zdrowia na poziomie 2,81 ± 1,00. Badani najlepiej ocenili dziedzinę środowiskową (57,05 ± 16,23). Dziedzina społeczna kształtowała się na poziomie średniej 54,00 ± 24,08, natomiast dziedzina psychologiczna na poziomie 46,38 ± 13,16. Najniżej badani ocenili dziedzinę somatyczną (44,53 ± 12,42).Wnioski. Samoocena jakości życia dokonana przez osoby starsze ze schorzeniami neurologicznymi kształtowała się na obniżonym poziomie. Stan cywilny różnicował jakość życia w zakresie dziedziny społecznej. Miejsce zamieszkania badanych seniorów wpływało na ocenę ich ogólnej jakości życia. (PNN 2019;8(1):11–15

    Ocena jakości życia pacjentów po udarze mózgu

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    Introduction. Quality of life (QOL) has been defined as a person’s perception of their social, cultural and self-worth position in the society and its effect on the person’s goals, expectations and apprehensions in life. It is a wide-ranging concept including physical health, mental state, level of independence and social relationships.Aim. The aim of the study was to asses the quality of life of patients after a cerebral stroke.Material and Methods. The study was carried out in a group of 106 patients after a cerebral stroke and hospitalized in the neurological ward. The age of the patients was ranged 32–90 years (mean age 59.12±13.04). Females constituted 56.00% of the studied group. The majority of patients were married (57.55%). The study material was obtained with the use of WHOQOL-Bref scale and Barthel scale.Results. The patients’ assessment of their general quality of life was at a mean level of 3.18±0.943 and their assessment of the state of health was 2.96±0.94. Distribution of the mean values in specific domains of life was as follows: social (55.00±21.61), environmental (54.23±16.67), somatic (53.89±18.17), psychological (46.53±17.23). Evaluation of the patients with Barthel scale classified the majority of them into Category II (51.90%), while Category I included 41.50% of patients; only 6.60% were in the worst state and qualified for Category III.Conclusions. Self-assessment of the patients recovering from a cerebral stroke was at a reduced level. The patients’ functional agility significantly affected their assessment of the quality of life. The type of stroke, education and place of living had a considerable effect on self-assessment of the quality of life in the patients recovering from a cerebral stroke. (JNNN 2017;6(4):163–169)Wstęp. Jakość życia (QOL) została określona jako postrzeganie przez osoby ich pozycji w życiu w kontekście systemów kultury i wartości, w których żyją relacji do ich celów, oczekiwań i obaw. Jest to szeroko pojęta koncepcja obejmująca zdrowie fizyczne, stan psychiczny, poziom niezależności, relacje społeczne.Cel. Celem badań było dokonanie oceny jakości życia pacjentów po udarze mózgu.Materiał i metody. Badania przeprowadzono w grupie 106 pacjentów po przebytym udarze mózgu, hospitalizowanych w oddziale neurologii. Wiek badanych zawierał się w przedziale 32–90 lat (średnia 59,12±13,04). Kobiety stanowiły 56,00% badanej grupy. Większość pacjentów pozostawało w związku małżeńskim (57,55%). Materiał badawczy zebrano za pomocą skali WHOQOL-Bref oraz skali Barthel.Wyniki. Pacjenci ocenili ogólną jakość swojego życia na poziomie średniej 3,18±0,94 a stan swojego zdrowia na 2,96±0,94. Rozkład średnich w poszczególnych dziedzinach jakości życia kształtował się następująco: socjalna (55,00±21,61), środowiskowa (54,23±16,67), somatyczna (53,89±18,17), psychologiczna (46,53±17,23). Dokonując oceny badanych skalą Barthel stwierdzono, że najwięcej badanych znalazło się w kategorii II (51,90%). W kategorii I było 41,50% osób, a tylko 6,60% było w najcięższym stanie i zakwalifikowano je do kategorii III.Wnioski. Samoocena jakości życia przez pacjentów po udarze mózgu była na obniżonym poziomie. Sprawność funkcjonalna badanych znacząco wpływała na samoocenę ich jakości życia. Rodzaj udaru, wykształcenie oraz miejsce zamieszkania miały znaczący wpływ na samoocenę jakości życia przez pacjentów po udarze mózgu. (PNN 2017;6(4):163–169