726 research outputs found

    Wide binaries among nearby dwarfs: From detection to statistics

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    Необходимость верификации моделей звездообразования и релизов миссии Gaia делает актуальным поиск двойных систем среди маломассивных карликов. Прогресс пулковской программы изучения звезд с большими собственными движениями идет в направлениях поиска звезд с вариациями собственного движения и звезд, имеющих значимые эллиптичность и/или асимметрию изображений. В результате выявлено 120 μ-двойных и 138 объектов, отличающихся деформациями изображений. Двойственность звезд J0259+3636 и J1158+4239 подтверждена в ходе спекл-наблюдений. Предварительная оценка доли двойных систем, построенная на основе полученного материала, значимо больше общепринятых значений.Searching for binaries among nearby low-mass dwarfs is significant for verification of scenarios of star formation and data of Gaia mission releases. A progress of Pulkovo program of investigation of stars with large proper motions is focused in searching of stars with variations of proper motion and stars with significant ellipticity and/or asymmetry of images. As a result, 120 μ-stars and 138 stars with deformed images were detected. Binarity of J0259+3636 and J1158+4239 have been confirmed with speckle observations. Preliminary estimation of binary fraction based on obtained data is significantly bigger then conventionaly adopted

    A Comparative Study of the Past Tense Aspects in Russian and Italian

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    Introduction. The problem of aspect categorisation in Italian, as well as in other Romance languages, is studied not so profoundly compared to what has been done in Russian linguistics. The Indo-European Presence – Aorist – Perfect in their aspectual meaning, which are the most independent forms, have turned to build the tense system both in Italian and Russian. The brightest aspectual meanings are expressed in the forms of the Past. The different perception of 'completeness' and 'incompleteness' aspects in these forms by the speakers of Italian and Russian is probably connected with the peculiarities of the tense formation on the deep level of the language system. So, additional grammar comments are needed. Methodology and sources. The main language unit is believed to be the semifinitive. Thereby we can facilitate the application of formal logical modelling to the description and explanation of syntactic phenomena. The material of the investigation is the surface structure of a predicate, which is formed, on the deep level, by a verbal semifinitive and a time specifier.Results and discussion. A scheme has been elaborated, demonstrating, how a verbal semifinitive becomes polarised by a time specifier. The whole range of aspectual variants, which may occur in a predicate due to the interaction of its constituents through their charges, has been shown. It is reasoned about a charge on participle II. The notion of polarisation is added to the notions of Indefinite or Perfect aspects to represent traditional grammar tenses more exact. This investigation allows to establish a correspondence of Italian and Russian tenses to different charge states of a semifinitive, touched by a specifier. It is rather admittable that the difference between incomplete and complete aspects in Russian is expressed by participles II, which are in complex semifinitives, and in Italian – by simple semifinitives.Conclusion. A comparative analysis of the verbal aspect category in Indo-European tenses, including the past ones, can be carried out, to our mind, both by stemming from the polarisation peculiarities of verbal semifinitives, and through investigation of literature translations, where correspondence is established on the level of language examples. In this case the genetic identity of Indo-European constructions has a chance to be represented as evidently as possible

    Crystallization kinetics of Al86Ni8Gd6 amorphous alloy

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    We study structure and crystallization kinetics of melt-spun Al 86Ni8Gd6 amorphous alloy. The X-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy detect pronounced nanoscale clusters in the structure of the amorphous state. Differential scanning calorimetry analysis shows complex three-stage crystallization of the amorphous alloy at different heating rates. The high temperature X-ray diffraction analysis reveals crystallization mechanism with competing reactions of intermetallic compounds formation. Summarizing the experimental data, we introduce multiversion non-linear kinetic model that describes the crystallization process completely and allows us to determine kinetic parameters with high accuracy. The activation energies obtained reveal relatively stable amorphous state. © 2013 Elsevier B.V

    Social networks and biographical method

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    The concept of storytelling as one of the modern varieties of the biographical method has been considered. An example of analyzing the history of social networks has been suggested, which allows us to reveal the full potential of this method for the development of digital sociology. Social networks expand horizontal communication and create opportunities for rapid, networked dissemination of information. Almost barrier-free entry and wide circulation make it possible to use a longknown and  proven tool more widely. Storytelling allows you to get visual, emotional, and evaluative components of any biography. Information obtained using this method gives us an opportunity to study several layers of a particular biography and build a network of social relationships of the individual, that is, to look at these or other facts of the biography from different points of view of the participants of the events. The story analyzed in this paper is interesting for its genre: a personal narrative created at the initiative of the online magazine Lady.mail.ru. The communication channel that is used to broadcast the story affects on the content of the message being transmitted, thus being an element of the story itself. For example, the same story can be told differently through text and video, respectively, having a different impact, or vice versa, different tools may be used to transmit the same story, depending on the specifics of the transmission channel. Each story has an individual storyteller, it is an element of a larger, multi-voiced story. Modern digital technologies have simplified and expanded the possibilities of the biographical method, since a huge amount of biographical information is voluntarily uploaded to social networks by millions of their users from different segments of the population, which allows us using this method to analyze most of the problems that are in the interests of modern sociological thought

    Functional Improvement of Non-State Pension Funds as Mechanism of Investment in Russian Economy

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    The article is dedicated to the search of investments in the domestic financial market that is a relevant problem for the Russian economy. The authors believe that pension funds attracted by non-state pension institutions are an essential resource for the Russian economy; practices of foreign pension institutions need to be examined and implemented to tap this resource more efficiently.The proposed measures specified in the article following the study of foreign pension funds' functioning include: changes in the criteria for balancing portfolios of Russian pension funds' securities; development of new instruments for pension funds' investment; enhancing activities of non-state pension funds' shares market; activation of pension funds' investments in shares of innovative enterprises, etc. Practical proposals on the improvement of Russian non-state pension funds' activities have been made

    Introduction of All-Russian physical and sport complex «GTO» in the Republic of Khakassia

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    The experience of the introduction of the All-Russia physical culture and sports complex «GTO» in the Republic of Khakassia is presented. Activities carried out for the entire period, analyzed the results. The interaction of the structures responsible for the implementation of the complex is reflectedПредставлен опыт внедрения всероссийского физкультурно-спортивного комплекса «ГТО» в Республике Хакасия. Мероприятия, проведенные за весь период, проанализированы полученные результаты. Отражено взаимодействие структур, ответственных за внедрение комплекс

    Experimental study of intrinsic multiple Andreev reflections effect in GdO(F)FeAs superconductor array junctions

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    We report the first observation of the intrinsic multiple Andreev reflections effect (IMARE) in S-n-S-...-S-arrays (S = superconductor, n = normal metal) formed by "break-junction" technique in GdO(F)FeAs superconductor (Tc = 48 - 53 K). We show that superconducting gap peculiarities at dI/dV-spectra sharpen dramatically in the arrays as compared with that in the single-contact spectra; this enables to improve significantly accuracy of the bulk superconducting parameters determination. Using IMARE, we determined the large and the small gap values \Delta_L = 11 +- 1.1 meV and \Delta_S = 2.6 +- 0.4 meV. The BCS-ratio 2\Delta_L/kTc^{local} = 5.0 - 5.9 > 3.52 (Tc^{local} is the contact area critical temperature) evidences for a strong electron-boson coupling. The results obtained agree well with our previous data by Andreev spectroscopy for single SnS-contacts.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure

    Tissue distribution of potential antidiabetic agent C7070

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    C7070 is a novel imidazoline receptors agonist for the treatment of diabetes mellitus. The study was included 12 male Wistar rats. The C7070 concentration was determined by highperformance liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry detectio