13 research outputs found

    Prawne podstawy odpowiedzialności zawodowej pracowników ochrony zdrowia

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    Professional Responsibility of Workers of Health CareThe aim of the work is to discuss the workers’ professional responsibility of the health care system. Proper exercising of the right to health and the right to protect health, first of all, depends on effective and stable law which would regulate the functioning of the health care system and on well prepared workers. Apart from the level of knowledge and factual preparation to work in the profession, the determinants of the workers’ qualifications of the health care system are high sensibility, both ethical and moral. Actions or nonfeasances which determine professional responsibility of workers are characterized by infringement and they violate particular obligations. Responsibility of workers of health care is one of the mechanisms which should guarantee a satisfactory level of medical services. Its aim is to make the worker, who was proved to behave improperly, improve his/her actions, especially those serious ones and the ones which are repeated. Otherwise he/she could be temporarily or permanently deprived of his/her right to practice. The doctors who possess a diploma, but they do not have the right to carry the occupation are not subject to this mode. The range of doctors’ professional responsibility is defined generally and the forbidden actions are not exactly described. Nurses and midwives bear the responsibility for the whole range of professional activity, including the field of relations nurse – patient – the members of the therapeutic team. The legal responsibility means the necessity of bearing the consequences provided for by legal regulations. Dissatisfaction with the health care system is justified but very often directed in an impropriate way. Surely, the quality of the doctors’ or nursing practise should be constantly improved and while improving the conditions, the responsibility should increase

    An evaluation of the impact of rehabilitation on the quality of life in patients after cerebral stroke

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    Cerebral stroke is the third most frequent cause of death in the human population, and one of leading causes of long-lasting disability. Medical rehabilitation has proven to be an indispensable element in stroke management. The aim of this study is to evaluate the quality of life in patients after a cerebral stroke, before and after rehabilitation. This analysis was based on data obtained from an empirical study conducted on 70 people after a stroke. The research was performed with the use of an original survey questionnaire. Due to their conditions, respondents perceived varying degrees and extents of changes in their organisms and environments pertaining to their physical, psychological, social, and professional spheres of life. In the vast majority of the patients, applied rehabilitation had a positive influence on their quality of life. There was an improvement in their physical and psychological conditions, as well as in various other aspects of life, while the intensity of emerging disorders decreased

    Ochrona danych medycznych zawartych w dokumentacji medycznej, a wykorzystanie bezpiecznego podpisu elektronicznego

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    A presentation of the regulations concerning the protection of personal data at health care units is a purpose of the work. Medical data i.e. sensitive data constitute the special category of personal details (sensitive ones) which concern medical condition, information about the genetic code or addictions. A general prohibition on the processing of sensitive data exists, except for the situation, when provisions of the law allow it. In the legal status being in force processing both information referring directly to the medical condition of man, and information the average recipient can acquire these data is forbidden. Processing sensitive personal details without the written consent of the person which they concern, is possible only in the objective of protection of medical condition, providing medical services or curing patients by persons being engaged professionally in curing or with providing other medical services, provided there are created full guarantees of the protection such data.. Medical data gathered by the health-service units must be provided with the full legal protection, predicted in the act from 29.08.1997 about the protection of personal data. For creating appropriate conditions of storing medical documentation a manager of the health care unit is held responsible

    Protection of personal data in health care units

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    A presentation of the regulations concerning the protection of personal data at health care units is a purpose of the work. Medical data i.e. sensitive data constitute the special category of personal details (sensitive ones) which concern medical condition, information about the genetic code or addictions. A general prohibition on the processing of sensitive data exists, except for the situation, when provisions of the law allow it. In the legal status being in force processing both information referring directly to the medical condition of man, and information the average recipient can acquire these data is forbidden. Processing sensitive personal details without the written consent of the person which they concern, is possible only in the objective of protection of medical condition, providing medical services or curing patients by persons being engaged professionally in curing or with providing other medical services, provided there are created full guarantees of the protection such data.. Medical data gathered by the health-service units must be provided with the full legal protection, predicted in the act from 29.08.1997 about the protection of personal data. For creating appropriate conditions of storing medical documentation a manager of the health care unit is held responsible

    Does the participation of district nurses in trainings courses in oncology influence cancer prevention policies in the primary health care?

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    Wstęp. Aby efektywnie uczestniczyć w realizacji profilaktyki chorób nowotworowych na poziomie podstawowej opieki zdrowotnej, pielęgniarki środowiskowo-rodzinne powinny stale podnosić swoje kwalifikacje i uzupełniać wiedzę, biorąc udział w różnego rodzaju kursach i szkoleniach z zakresu onkologii. Cel pracy. Celem pracy było sprawdzenie, czy uczestnictwo pielęgniarek środowiskowych w takich szkoleniach wpływa korzystnie na poziom realizacji profilaktyki onkologicznej w praktykach lekarza rodzinnego, w których pracują. Materiał i metody. Badania metodą sondażu diagnostycznego przy użyciu kwestionariusza ankiety przeprowadzono w 70 losowo wybranych praktykach lekarza rodzinnego województwa lubelskiego. Wzięły w nich udział 194 pielęgniarki środowiskowe pracujące w podstawowej opiece zdrowotnej. Wyniki. Udział w szkoleniu onkologicznym dla pielęgniarek środowiskowo-rodzinnych potwierdziło 30,4% ankietowanych. Wykazano istotną zależność między uczestnictwem w szkoleniach a miejscem pracy pielęgniarek i posiadaną specjalizacją. Zaobserwowano, że pielęgniarki, które ukończyły szkolenia onkologiczne, w porównaniu z tymi, które nieuczestniczyły w takich kursach, są bardziej zaangażowane w realizację profilaktyki pierwotnej i wtórnej — częściej prowadzą edukację zdrowotną i w większym stopniu angażują się w organizowanie i przeprowadzanie badań przesiewowych w swoich przychodniach. Wnioski. Z uwagi na to, że pielęgniarki po szkoleniach znamiennie częściej podejmują działania prewencyjne, korzystne dla efektywnej realizacji profilaktyki chorób nowotworowych w podstawowej opiece zdrowotnej byłoby wprowadzenie systematycznych obligatoryjnych szkoleń onkologicznych dla pielęgniarek środowiskowych. Problemy Pielęgniarstwa 2011; 19 (3): 365–371Introduction. In order to play an efficient part in the cancer prevention policies of the primary health care, district nurses should upgrade their qualifications and improve their knowledge, participating in a variety of courses and trainings in oncology. Aim of the study. The aim of the paper was to estimate whether the participation of district nurses in such trainings has a positive influence on the level of cancer prevention actions of the health care centers they are employed in. Material and methods. The diagnostic survey was carried out by means of a survey questionnaire in 70 GP surgeries of Lublin region selected at random. The survey included 194 district nurses employed in the primary health care. Results. The participation in trainings in oncology for district nurses was confirmed by 30.4% of the respondents. A statistically significant dependence was found between the participation in trainings and district nurses’ workplace as well as speciality. It has been observed that the district nurses who have completed trainings in oncology are more involved in primary and secondary prevention policies, as compared to the ones who have not taken part in such trainings, i.e. they are more active in health education programmes as well as show more commitment to the organization and implementation of screening examinations in their own surgeries. Conclusions. Due to the fact that district nurses who have completed such trainings are more involved in undertaking preventive actions, it would be beneficial for the effective cancer prevention in the primary health care to introduce regular compulsory trainings in oncology for district nurses. Nursing Topics 2011; 19 (3): 365–37

    Attitudes of women after the age of 50 towards preventive screening

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    Introduction Prevention is one of the major branches of the health sector. The National Health Programme encompasses main risk factors, elimination of which may lead to a reduced incidence of illnesses in the society. At the same time, the criteria of selecting people eligible for preventive screening are established according to risk groups determined by sex, as well as age in the population of women. The perimenopausal and menopausal period contributes to occurrence of numerous systemic diseases and to an increased risk of illnesses, especially cancers. Objective The objective of the research was to evaluate the performance of preventive screening tests of women after 50 aimed at early detection of cervical and breast cancer. Furthermore, the research estimated frequency of pathological lesions detected and regularity of their monitoring. Materials and methods The research covered 150 women after 50 years of age. The database was statistically examined with STATISTICA software. Results A low percentage of the respondents, in comparison to the risk increasing with age, had a Pap test (61.3%) and mammography (51.3%) in the last two years. In the case of women whose latest Pap test or mammography showed abnormalities and was the basis for diagnosing pathological lesions, 69.2% of them were under regular medical supervision if abnormalities were identified by a Pap test and 68.7% if lesions were detected in breast structure. Conclusions In the examined group we observed a small percentage of women undergo Pap tests and mammography. Furthermore, medical recommendations regarding early detection of cancers are frequently ignored and disregarded by patients

    Physical activity and forms of leisure activities among adolescents aged 12–15

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    Wprowadzenie. Aktywność fizyczna stanowi bardzo ważny element w życiu człowieka. W okresie dorastania pozwala prawidłowo kształtować szeroko rozumiane postawy dzieci i młodzieży oraz wpływa na prawidłowy rozwój psychomotoryczny. Podejmowanie przez uczniów aktywności fizycznej w czasie lekcji wychowania fizycznego oraz pozalekcyjnej pozwala na wzmocnienie prozdrowotnego stylu życia oraz podejmowania odpowiedzialności za własne zdrowie. Cel pracy. Celem pracy jest ocena podejmowania aktywności fizycznej oraz form spędzania czasu wolnego wśróduczniów. Materiał i metody. Badania przeprowadzono w województwie podkarpackim, wśród 125 uczniów Zespołu Szkół nr 5 w Jarosławiu. Metodą sondażu diagnostycznego, z wykorzystaniem autorskiego kwestionariusza ankiety, zebrano informacje dotyczące aktywności fizycznej, które poddano statystycznej analizie komputerowej. Wyniki. Wyniki badań ukazują, iż uczniowie podejmują aktywność fizyczną na poziomie zalecanej dla tej grupy wiekowej 1godziny umiarkowanych wysiłków w ciągu dnia. Zdecydowana większość respondentów regularnie uczestniczy w zajęciach wychowania fizycznego oraz podejmuje dodatkową aktywność fizyczną w ciągu dnia. Najczęściej wybieraną formą dodatkowej aktywności jest jazda na rowerze. Niepokojącym faktem jest ilość czasu spędzanego przy komputerze, która w dość dużym odsetku wynosi powyżej 3 godzin każdego dnia. Wnioski. Opuszczanie obowiązkowych zajęć fizycznych z innych powodów niż zdrowotne, powinno zostać całkowicie wyeliminowane z nawyków i zachowań zdrowotnych uczniów. Codzienna aktywność fizyczna uczniów, w postaci jazdy na rowerze, powinna zostać wykorzystana przez rodziców, opiekunów oraz nauczycieli, jako okazja do wzmacniania prozdrowotnego stylu życia, a co za tym idzie, kształtowania wśród osób młodych postaw sprzyjających zdrowiu.Introduction. Physical activity is a very important element in human life. Adolescence allows the proper shaping of widely understood attitudes of children and young people, and affects normal psychomotor development. Physical activity undertaken by adolescents during physical education classes and after-school helps to strengthen a healthy lifestyle and take responsibility for their own health. Objective. The aim of this study is to assess the physical activity and leisure activities among adolescents. Materials and method. The study was conducted in the Rzeszow Region among 125 adolescents attending School No. 5 in Jarosław. A diagnostic survey method, with the use of a questionnaire designed by the author allowed the collection of information on physical activity, which was subjected to statistical computer analysis. Results. The test results revealed that the adolescents performed physical activity on level recommended for this age group of 1 hour of moderate efforts daily. The vast majority of respondents regularly participated in physical education classes and undertook additional physical activity during the day. The most frequently chosen form of additional activity was cycling. It is an alarming fact that the amount of time spent at the computer by a considerable percentage of adolescents was more than three hours daily. Conclusion. Not attending compulsory physical education classes, for reasons other than health, should be completely eliminated from the habits and health behaviours of adolescents. Daily physical activity of adolescents in the form of cycling, should be used by parents, caregivers and teachers, as an opportunity to strengthen a healthy lifestyle, and thus shaping health promoting attitudes among young people