47 research outputs found

    Melanosis as a factor reducing grain quality in proso millet (Panicum miliaceum L.)

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    Possible causes of melanosis in millet have been studied for a long time, and numerous efforts have been made to breed resistant cultivars, but still there are no sources of high resistance to this disease. The purpose of this article is to provide an overview of the most important results of research into the nature of melanosis in millet, a disease without outward manifestation on plants or seeds, and search for ways to reduce its harmfulness. Although the disease’s infectious nature has been confirmed by all researchers, no one has succeeded in identifying the causative agent of melanosis. It is assumed that melanosis may be provoked by both bacteria and fungi as well as through their complex effect on a plant. Weather conditions conducive to a spread of infection have not been identified either. According to some reports, dry and warm weather increases the risk of infection and spreading of the disease; according to others, more humid and warm conditions are to blame. A possible effect of millet grain shape on the level of disease manifestation has not been clearly explained, but there is evidence that the degree of floral scale closeness and thickness as well as the grain size do enhance mechanical protection of seed from infection. When floral scales are tightly closed, coarsehulled fine grains are as much protected from exposures as possible, which may add to the plant’s defense against the infection. Selecting plants with better developed grain-enclosing scales would help to breed proso millet cultivars resistant to melanosis. The infection can be transmitted by insects, wind or rain from any crop fields infested with the microflora that causes the disease. Its causative agents are specific to a definite area of millet cultivation, which is determined by the temperature regime and indirectly confirmed by conflicting data concerning the effect of air temperature and precipitation on the development of melanosis. The duration of the growing season, in its turn, can also have an impact on the development of damage under the husk of millet grain. Early-ripening millet forms are more resistant to the disease

    Studying agronomic characters in new millet accessions from the VIR collection at Yekaterinino Experiment Station of VIR

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    Background. Adding new plant varieties to the VIR collection is an important effort to preserve the diversity of worldwide bioresources. The millet collection at VIR is formed through the study of acquired accessions, aimed at identification of biological features that have emerged under certain conditions. Such germplasm may be recommended for use in breeding practice. Studying new accessions makes it possible to predict long-term development of the collection.Materials and methods. The study was carried out at Yekaterinino Experiment Station of VIR, Tambov Province, in 2017–2019. New millet accessions added to the VIR collection served as the research material. The study was based on the descriptors and guidelines for Panicum miliaceum L. developed at VIR.Results and conclusions. An assessment was made for such agronomic characters as the growing season, plant height, grain size, grain yield, and resistance to bacteria. The identified accessions exceeded the reference (cv. ‘Gorlinka’) in a number of traits. Earliness was observed in k-10479 (‘Dozh’), k-10481 (‘Zapadnoye’), k-10324, k-10325, k-10478 (‘Nizhnevolzhskoye’), k-10275 (‘Kvartet’), k-10306 (‘Volga 59’), k-10322 (‘Soyuz’), k-10473 (‘Yarkoye 120’), and k-10474 (‘Kavkazskiye zori’). Low plant height was recorded for k-888, k-10324, k-10306, k-10474, k-10479, k-10326, k-10481, and k-10480 (‘Kamyshenskoye’). Large grain size was shown by k-888, k-10325, k-10306, k-10324, k-10479, k-10475 (local), k-10322, k-10473, k-10480, and k-10481. High grain yields under the conditions of the Central Black Earth Region of Russia were demonstrated by the accessions from Belarus (cv. ‘Zapadnoye’, k-10481) and from Chelyabinsk Province (local cultivar, k-888). Medium and strong resistance to bacterial pathogens was observed in k-888, k-10275, k-10473, k-10474, k-10324, and k-10325. The selected accessions can serve as source material for the development of new millet cultivars

    Dynamics of variability in agronomic characters of millet cv. ‘Gorlinka’ under the climate conditions of the southern part of the East European Plain

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    Background. The change of temperature conditions is cyclic by nature. Since the 1970s this process has been intensifying several times faster towards global climate warming. The effect of high temperature and drought is expected to lead to undesirable consequences for the economy, a decrease in yields, and a threat to food security. This aspect requires an assessment of the ongoing climate changes and identification of the causes that induce the response of plants to them.Materials and methods. The zoned millet cultivar ‘Gorlinka’ served as the material for this study. Variability was assessed from 2001 through 2019 for such characters as the duration of the growing season, grain yield, grain size, and plant height. The cultivar was tested according to VIR’s guidelines. Statistical data processing was performed using Microsoft Excel.Results and conclusion. The climate change in the southern part of the East European Plain (Tambov Province) from 2001 to 2019 towards warming in June under sufficient moisture (HTC = 1.26) did not significantly affect the duration of the growing season or grain yield of cv. ‘Gorlinka’

    Host-based identification is not supported by morphometrics in natural populations of Gyrodactylus salaris and G. thymalli (Platyhelminthes, Monogenea)

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    Gyrodactylus salaris is a serious pest of wild pre-smolt Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in Norway. The closely related G. thymalli, originally described from grayling (Thymallus thymallus), is assumed harmless to both grayling and salmon. The 2 species are difficult to distinguish using traditional, morphometric methods or molecular approaches. The aim of this study was to explore whether there is a consistent pattern of morphometrical variation between G. salaris and G. thymalli and to analyse the morphometric variation in the context of ‘diagnostic realism’ (in natural populations). Specimens from the type-material for the 2 species are also included. In total, 27 point-to-point measurements from the opisthaptoral hard parts were used and analysed by digital image processing and uni- and multivariate morphometry. All populations most closely resembled its respective type material, as expected from host species, with the exception of G. thymalli from the Norwegian river Trysilelva. We, therefore, did not find clear support in the morphometrical variation among G. salaris and G. thymalli for an a priori species delineation based on host. The present study also indicates an urgent need for more detailed knowledge on the influence of environmental factors on the phenotype of gyrodactylid populations


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    Electrolytic nickel-molybdenum alloys with molybdenum content from 5 to 30% have been investigated. The influence of electrodeposition conditions and subsequent heat treatment on the structure and properties of the alloys has been shown. Parameters for obtaining amorphous alloys and the mechanism of their transformation at annealing have been established


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    In this work is considered influence of molybdenum and also heat treatment on the corrosion properties of electrolytic alloys on the basis of nickel. Features of structure are studied and the interrelation between structure and corrosion resistance of alloys is established

    Бронхиальная астма, вызванная ингаляцией токсико-аллергенных аэрозолей поливинилхлорида

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    Bronchial asthma related to inhalation of toxico-allergic aerosols of polyvinyl chloride.Бронхиальная астма, вызванная ингаляцией токсико-аллергенных аэрозолей поливинилхлорида

    Условия труда и развитие легочной патологии у работников мясокомбината

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    To study a rate and a character of respiratory and allergic pathology in subjects engaged in industrial production of sausages and other meat foods, this prospective longitudinal trial was performed in workers of one of the leading meat processing factories at Moscow. The trial involved 110 subjects (53 females and 57 males) aged 20 to 73 yrs with mean length of service of 11.7 yrs. There were 56 current smokers (50.9 %) with smoking history of 21.5 pack-yrs in average. The authors used the specialized SWORD questionnaire, clinical and ENT examination, spirometry and bronchodilating test with Ventolin, peak flowmetry to detect specific bronchial hyperreactivity, measured serum cytokine levels (TNF-α, IL-4, IL-6). According to the questionnaire results, 38 workers (34.5 %) had respiratory symptoms (cough, sputum production, breathlessness, asthma attacks) and 17 workers (15.5 %) had allergic symptoms (skin itch, urticaria, tearing, eyelid itch and hyperemia, rhinorrea, nasal congestion). Clinical respiratory signs were found only in 13 (11.8 %) of the workers. Lung function disorders were found in 40 (36.4 %) of the workers. The degree of FEV1  and PEF decrease significantly correlated with the length of service (r = –0.26 and r = –0.29, respectively). Av inverse correlation was found between FEV1 and cytokine levels (r = –0.3; r = –0.31 and r = –0.26 for IL-4, IL-6, and TNF-α, respectively). Therefore, the results show the actuality of healthcare problems in subjects involved in meat processing.С целью изучения частоты развития и характера легочной патологии и аллергических реакций у лиц, занятых в промышленном производстве колбасных и других мясных изделий, проведено продольное проспективное исследование среди работников одного из ведущих мясокомбинатов Москвы. Обследовано 110 человек (53 женщины и 57 мужчин) в возрасте от 20 до 73 лет с профессиональным стажем в среднем 11,7 года. Курящих было 56 человек (50,9 %), средний стаж курения – 21,5 пачки / лет. Проводились анкетный скрининг с помощью специализированного вопросника SWORD, физикальное обследование, спирометрия и бронходилатационный тест с сальбутамолом, пикфлоуметрия для выявления специфической гиперреактивности бронхов, определение уровня цитокинов (фактора некроза опухоли α – TNF-α, интерлейкинов – IL-4, IL-6) в сыворотке крови, осмотр ЛОР-органов. По результатам анкетного скрининга у 38 человек (34,5 %) зарегистрированы респираторные жалобы (кашель, продукция мокроты, затрудненное дыхание, приступы удушья), у 17 работников (15,5 %) – жалобы на кожный зуд, уртикарную сыпь, слезотечение, зуд и покраснение кожи век, риноррею, заложенность носа. Объективные признаки респираторной патологии обнаружены только у 13 (11,8 %) человек. Нарушения функции внешнего дыхания выявлены у 40 (36,4 %) человек. Степень снижения объема форсированного выдоха за 1-ю с (ОФВ1) и пиковой скорости выдоха достоверно коррелировала с профессиональным стажем (r = –0,26 и r = –0,29 соответственно). Выявлена обратная корреляция между ОФВ1 и уровнем IL-4, IL-6, TNF-α (r = –0,3, r = -0,31 и r = –0,26 соответственно). Таким образом, результаты подтверждают актуальность проблемы состояния здоровья лиц, занятых в производстве мясных продуктов