139 research outputs found

    Repair phases of Suleymaniye complex in damascus

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    Süleymaniye Complex in Damascus, built on the bank of Barada River as the last stop before the desert on the pilgrimage route extending from the Balkans to Mecca, is one of the works of Hassa Chief Architect Sinan, which was designed according to the basic principles of the Ottoman classical period architecture, and built between 1554 and 1559. Many research has been carried out on the historical and architectural features of the complex, which is composed of the mosque that is also known as the "Takiyah Süleymaniye", double tabhane (hospice) and caravanserais, imaret (soup kitchen), madrasa and arasta (bazaar) structures and these investigations focused on the oriğinal qualities of the mosque and its construction phases. According to the sources, the first phase of the Complex consisting of the mosque, tabhane and imarethane was completed in 1559 and the second phase including the madrasa was completed in 1566, later on, between 1567 and 1596, a Dervish lodge was added to this building group. Although the location of this dervish lodge, which has not reached the present day is unknown, it is anticipated that it was located in the area between the arasta and Barada river. Preserving its original characteristics in the 16th century, the first stage of the Complex is one of the most important Ottoman works in Damascus, both in terms of its architectural layout and construction technique. Although the Madrasa built in the second phase is attributed to Mimar Sinan due to its planimetric features, it resembles local characteristics of Damascus with its architectural elements and details in the construction technique. Süleymaniye Complex, which was visited by Asik Mehmed in the 1590s, was a frequently used, and therefore a well-run social center in good structural condition. Evliya çelebi, who went to Damascus in 1648-1649, defines the Complex as a pleasant rural retreat and even as the last oasis before the desert. Information from these travelers is also supported by the engravings of Damascus by Braun and Hogenberg, dated to 1575, and by Olmert Dapper, dated to 1667. The oldest known repair of the Complex took place after the earthquake of 1759, which caused massive destructions in Damascus. The repaired parts of the Complex can be identified from the records of exploration and expenditures related to the repairs carried out in Damascus after the earthquake. The Bartlett engraving of 1836 and the photographs from the end of the 19th century and the beğinning of the 20th century show that the surroundings of the Complex were completely empty, like a summer resort area. In the work of Cengizkan, it is reported that in the last years of the Ottoman Empire, in a short period of time between 1915 and 1928, the construction and maintenance-repair works accelerated in the Middle East and the Arabian Peninsula, which would be separated from the state territory. In the memorials of this period written by Architect Mehmet Nihat Nigisberk, published by Cengizkan, the repair works of Süleymaniye Mosque, Süleymaniye Madrasa and Imâret were described in detail. However, the growth of Damascus, started in the 1930s and increased after 1960, changed the close relations of the Complex with its environment even though it maintained its spatial arrangement and original function. The whole Complex, locally called as Takiyah Süleymaniye, which became part of the urban inner city during this period, was affected by disasters such as earthquakes and floods happened in Damascus. It has also undergone various repairs at different times according to contemporary needs and has faced serious structural problems, especially in the last thirty years, as a result of decreasing ground water level in the areas along the Barada River. This work aims to analyse the construction and repair phases of the Complex by classifying them into six chronological periods starting from its construction and to share the results obtained from recent publications by associating the findings and traces from the buildings with the historical documents and investigations in the international platform. While the evaluations on the repairs and interventions in the first five periods are based on the limited information and visual documentation where available, the assessments of the condition of the Complex in 2005 are based on field observations and archive research made by the authors. Along with contributing to the monitoring of changes took place in the Complex from its design phase that started with Mimar Sinan in 1554 until present day, it is also expected that this work would help in understanding the processes of building production and interventions in different periods.Balkanlardan Mekke’ye uzanan hac yolu üzerinde, Şam’ın Barada nehri kıyısında, çölden önceki son durak noktası olarak inşa edilen Şam Süleymaniye Külliyesi, Hassa Mimarbaşı Sinan’ın Osmanlı klasik dönem mimarisinin temel ilkelerine göre tasarladığı, 1554–59 yılları arasında inşa edilen eserlerinden biridir. “Süleymaniye Tekkesi” olarak da bilinen cami, çifte tabhane ve kervansaraylar, imaret, medrese ve arasta yapılarından oluşan külliyenin tarihi ve mimari özellikleriyle ilgili bugüne kadar pek çok araştırma yapılmış olup bunlar, külliyenin özgün niteliklerini ve inşa aşamalarını aktarır. Kaynaklara göre Külliyenin cami, tabhane ve imaretten oluşan ilk aşaması 1559’da, medreseyi içeren ikinci aşaması ise 1566’da tamamlanmış; 1567-1596 arasında bu yapı grubuna bir de Derviş Dergâhı eklenmiştir. Günümüze ulaşamayan bu dergâhın konumu bilinmemekle birlikte, arasta ile Barada nehri arasında olması beklenir.Halen 16. yüzyıldaki özgün niteliklerini koruyan Külliyenin ilk aşaması, gerek mimari düzeni gerekse yapım tekniği açısından Şam’daki en önemli Osmanlı eserlerinden biridir. İkinci aşamada inşa edilen Medrese planimetrik özellikleriyle Mimar Sinan’a atfedilmekle birlikte; mimari elemanları ve inşa tekniğindeki ayrıntılarıyla Şam’a ait yerel özellikler taşır.Âşık Mehmed’in 1590’lı yıllarda ziyaret ettiği Süleymaniye Külliyesi yoğun kullanılan, dolayısı ile iyi işletilen ve yapısal açıdan da iyi durumda bir sosyal merkezdir. 1648-1649’da Şam’a giden Evliya Çelebi de Külliyeyi sayfiye yeri benzeri, hoş kırsal bir dinlenme yeri, hatta çöle gelmeden önceki son vaha olarak tanımlar. Bu seyyahların aktardıkları bilgiler, 1575 tarihli Braun ve Hogenberg ile 1667 tarihli Olfert Dapper’in Şam gravürlerinden de okunur.Külliye ile ilgili bilinen en eski onarım, Şam’da büyük yıkıma yol açan 1759 depreminden sonradır. Deprem sonrası Şam’da yapılacak onarımlara ilişkin keşif ve harcama kayıtlarından Külliyenin hangi bölümlerinde onarım yapıldığı anlaşılmaktadır. 1836 yılına ait Bartlett gravürüyle, 19. yy sonu ve 20. yy başına ait fotoğraflarda Külliyenin çevresi tümüyle boş, bir sayfiye alanı görüntüsündedir. Cengizkan’ın çalışmasında, Osmanlının son yıllarında, 1915-1928 yılları arasında Devlet topraklarından kısa sürede ayrılacak olan Orta Doğu ve Arabistan Yarımadası’nda, inşaat ve bakım-onarım çalışmalarına hız verildiği bildirilir. Cengizkan tarafından yayınlanan Mimar Mehmet Nihat Nigisberk’in bu döneme ait anılarında, Süleymaniye câmii, Süleymaniye medresesi ve imâretinin onarımına ilişkin yapılan onarım çalışmaları ayrıntılı olarak tariflenmiştir.Ancak Şam’ın 1930’larda başlayan ve 1960’lardan sonra artan büyümesi, mekânsal düzeni ve özgün işlevini koruyan Külliyenin yakın çevre ilişkilerini değiştirir değiştirmiştir. Bu süreçte bir kent içi külliyesine dönüşen Süleymaniye Tekkesi; Şam’da meydana gelen deprem ve sel gibi afetlerden etkilenmiş; güncel gereksinimlere göre farklı dönemlerde çeşitli onarımlar geçirmiş ve özellikle son otuz yılda, Barada nehri kıyısındaki alanlarda zemin suyu seviyesinin düşmesi sonucunda, ciddi yapısal sorunlarla karşı karşıya gelmiştir.Bu çalışma, arşiv ve literatür araştırma sonuçları ile yapılardaki tespit ve izleri ilişkilendirerek, Külliyenin inşa ve onarım aşamalarını, ilk yapım tarihinden itibaren 6 dönem halinde kronolojik bir düzen içinde dönemlere ayırarak incelemeyi ve son yayınlardan da yararlanılarak varılan sonuçları uluslararası platformda paylaşmayı amaçlar. İlk dört beş dönemdeki onarım ve müdahalelerle ilgili değerlendirmeler bulunabilen sınırlı bilgi ve görsel belgeyi esas alırken; 2005 yılındaki duruma ilişkin tespit ve değerlendirmeler yazarların yaptıkları gözlem ve arşiv araştırmalarına dayanır. Bu çalışmanın, 1554 yılında Mimar Sinan’la başlayan tasarım aşamasından günümüze, eserdeki değişimlerin izlenmesine katkısının yanı sıra; farklı dönemlerdeki yapı üretim ve müdahale süreçlerinin anlaşılmasına yardımcı olması beklenmektedir

    Raimondo D'Aronco'nun İstanbul Art Nouveau tarzının doğuşu: Sanayi Mektebinin Orman, Madencilik ve Tarım Bakanlığı ve Yeniçeri müzesine dönüşümü

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    This study details the transformation of the Istanbul School of Industry (Dersaadet Sanayi Mektebi) building at the Sultan Ahmed Square which was originally built between 1866 and 1868, and now serves as the Marmara University Rectorate Building. Because of the damage caused by the great earthquake of 1894, the building was redesigned by Raimondo D’Aronco between 1894 and 1900 for use as the Ministry of Forestry, Mining and Agriculture, and the Janissary Museum was added to the building. The authors believe that this design is one of the first interpretations of the Art Nouveau movement in Istanbul and reflects its first traces in the Ottoman Empire as genius loci, although it was also interpreted differently by other experts. As known, the Istanbul Art Nouveau later became very popular, especially in residential construction. The present study discusses how the Ottoman local architectural tradition is reflected in Raimondo D’Aronco’s design together with the elements of the Art Nouveau in this building. Since the building is one of the earliest works by D’Aronco reflecting precise dates in this style, it gives us the opportunity to follow the development of his art as well. The drawings of the facade, digitally documented by using a 3D Laser scanner for the first time, additionally provide information on the construction phases as supported by researches.Bu çalışmada, Sultanahmet Meydanı’nda yer alan ve günümüzde Marmara Üniversitesi Rektörlük Binası olarak hizmet veren yapı, ayrıntılı olarak incelenmektedir. Yapı ilk olarak 1866-1868 yıllarında Dersaadet Sanayi Mektebi olarak inşa edilmiş, 1894’teki büyük depremden sonra Raimondo D’Aronco tarafından 1894-1900 yılları arasında Orman, Maadin ve Ziraat Nezareti olarak yeniden tasarlanmış ve Yeniçeri Müzesi eklenmiştir. Bu makalenin yazarları, her ne kadar diğer yazarlarca farklı yorumlansa da bu tasarımın İstanbul’daki Art Nouveau hareketinin ilk yorumları olduğu ve Osmanlı’da genius loci olarak ilk izlerini yansıttığı görüşündedir. Bilindiği gibi İstanbul Art Nouveau’su daha sonra çokça ilgi görmüş ve özellikle konut mimarisinde tercih edilmiştir. Bu makalede Raimondo D’Aronco’nun tasarımında Osmanlı yerel mimarisi ile Art Nouveau özelliklerinin nasıl birlikte yorumlandığı tartışılacaktır. İncelenen yapı, Raimondo D’Aronco’nun tasarımının gelişiminin kesin tarihlerle takip edilmesine olanak vermesi ve en erken örneklerinden olması açısından önemlidir. İlk kez 3 boyutlu lazer tarama cihazı kullanılarak dijital olarak yapılan cephe çizimleri, yapı evrelerinin ayrıntılı incelenmesine olanak vermiştir.No sponso

    A Phenomenological Viewpoint on a Literary Character: The Short Story Titled “Perili Köşk” by Ömer Seyfettin

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    Genellikle olay hikâyesi yazarı olarak bilinen Ömer Seyfettin, hikâyelerinde kurguladığı karakterlerin derin bir psikolojik tahlilini yapmamakta, bu çözümleme okura düşmektedir. Ancak bir söylem üreticisi, kendi hayatını kapsayan deneyimlerinden veya toplumsal öğretilmişliklerden bağımsız sözceler oluşturamayacağı için, yazarın kurguladığı karakterlerin felsefi ve psikolojik boyutlarının derinlemesine çözümlenmesi önem arz etmektedir. Bu çalışmada, Ömer Seyfettin’in dönemsel olarak toplumsal değişimi göz önüne serdiği ve batıl inançlara ironik olarak yaklaştığı “Perili Köşk” başlıklı hikâyedeki baş karakter olan Sermet Bey’in söylemleri ve eylemleri kartezyen şüphecilik ve fenomenoloji perspektifleriyle çözümlenmiştir. Ömer Seyfettin karakterlerinin psikolojik boyutlarını çözümleyebilmek için kartezyen şüphe ve fenomenolojinin öğretileri veri toplama yöntemi olarak kullanılmış ve gelecek çalışmalar için yol gösterici bir yöntem olarak sunulması hedeflenmiştir. Yapılan çözümlemede, baş karakterin septik bir kişiliği olduğu, görme ve duyma duyularının sağladığı algıların yanıltıcılığını önvarsaydığı, dolayımsız deneyim için dokunma duyusuna bel bağladığı görülmektedir. Böylece bu septik tutumun, Derscartes’in zihin-beden düalizmi kapsamında ele alınabilecek şüpheciliği temelinde değerlendirilemeyeceği, algıya yönelik olarak dokunma duyusuna atfettiği önemin Decartes’teki uyku-uyanıklık analojisine tezat oluşturduğu, karakterin çözümlenmesinde fenomenolojik yöntemin benimsenebileceği bulunmuştur.Generally known for the Maupassant style of short story writing, Turkish writer Ömer Seyfettin does not explicitly provide an in-depth psychological analysis of the characters he constructs in his works. Therefore, this endeavor falls to the readers of his short stories. However, no instance can be expected to produce discourse independent of their real-life experience or socially constructed teachings. Therefore, it is significant that the philosophical and psychological aspects of the literary characters built by the writers be analyzed in-depth. In this study, the actions and discourse of the protagonist Sermet Bey are analyzed through Cartesian doubt besides phenomenological considerations to uncover the psychological aspects of the character in the short story titled “Perili Köşk” by Ömer Seyfettin, in which the social transformation of the era is recounted with an ironic attitude to the superstitions held by the society. It is believed that the method employed in discovering the character’s psyche in this study could guide the methodology of relevant future studies. The analysis reveals the skeptical personality of the protagonist in the short story, with the eyesight and sense of hearing supposed by the protagonist as providing deceptive and misleading perceptions and the sense of touch adopted as the only medium to rely on with a view to indirect experience. It is concluded that the skeptical attitude of the protagonist does not bear a complete loyalty to the Cartesian doubt under mind-body dualism due to the role appointed to the sense of touch as opposed to the sleep-wake analogy of Descartes in which he rejects the reliability of this sense, rather the psyche of the protagonist in this short story could be analyzed through the phenomenological considerations and premises


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    学位の種別: 課程博士審査委員会委員 : (主査)東京大学准教授 長山 智則, 東京大学教授 奥井 義昭, 東京大学教授 石原 孟, 東京大学准教授 市村 強, 東京大学特任講師 蘇 迪University of Tokyo(東京大学

    Focal Mechanism Determination using High Frequency, Full Waveform Information

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    In this research, we use high frequency waveform information to determine the focal mechanisms of small local earthquakes at an oil reservoir. During the waveform inversion, we maximize both the phase and amplitude matching between the observed and synthetic waveforms. In addition, we use the polarities of the first P-wave arrivals and the S/P amplitude ratios to better constrain the matching between the synthetic and observed waveforms. The objective function is constructed to include all four criteria. Due to the complexity in the objective function, it is almost impossible to directly perform an inversion with derivative techniques. Instead, an optimized grid search method is used to search over all possible ranges of fault strike, dip and rake, as well as a predetermined range of earthquake locations. To speed up the algorithm, a library of Green‟s functions is pre-calculated for each of the moment tensor components and possible earthquake locations. Careful optimizations in filtering and cross-correlation are performed to further improve the grid search algorithm, such that no filtering and cross correlations are performed in searching through the parameter space of strike, dip, and rake. Consequently, speed is boosted tenfold by these optimizations in filtering and cross correlation. We apply the new method to induced seismic events in an oil reservoir. Satisfactory matching between synthetic and observed seismograms is obtained, as well as reasonable focal mechanisms, considering the local geological structure and possible causes for induced seismicity.Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Earth Resources Laborator

    An improved method for hydrofracture induced microseismic event detection and phase picking

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    The ability to detect small microearthquakes and identify their P and S phase arrivals is a key issue in hydrofracture downhole monitoring because of the low signal-to-noise ratios. We apply an array-based waveform correlation approach (matched filter) to improve the detectability of small magnitude events with mechanisms and locations similar to a nearby master event. After detecting the weak events, we use a transformed spectrogram method to identify the phase arrivals. We have tested the technique on a downhole monitoring dataset of the microseismic events induced by hydraulic fracturing. We show that, for this case, one event with a signal-to-noise ratio around 6dB, which is barely detectable using an array-stacked short-time average/long-time average (STA/LTA) detector under a reasonable false alarm rate, is readily detected on the array-stacked correlation traces. The transformed spectrogram analysis of the detected events improves P and S phase picking.Halliburton Compan

    Focal Mechanism Determination Using High Frequency Waveform Matching and Its Application to Small Magnitude Induced Earthquakes

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    We present a new method using high frequency full waveform information to determine the focal mechanisms of small, local earthquakes monitored by a sparse surface network. During the waveform inversion, we maximize both the phase and amplitude matching between the observed and modeled waveforms. In addition, we use the polarities of the first P-wave arrivals and the average S/P amplitude ratios to better constrain the matching. An objective function is constructed to include all four criteria. An optimized grid search method is used to search over all possible ranges of source parameters (strike, dip and rake). To speed up the algorithm, a library of Green’s functions is pre-calculated for each of the moment tensor components and possible earthquake locations. Optimizations in filtering and cross-correlation are performed to further speed the grid search algorithm. The new method is tested on a 5-station surface network used for monitoring induced seismicity at a petroleum field. The synthetic test showed that our method is robust and efficient to determine the focal mechanism when using only the vertical component of seismograms in the frequency range of 3 to 9 Hz. The application to dozens of induced seismic events showed satisfactory waveform matching between modeled and observed seismograms. The majority of the events have a strike direction parallel with the major NE-SW faults in the region. The normal faulting mechanism is dominant, which suggests the vertical stress is larger than the horizontal stress.Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Earth Resources Laborator

    Evaluation of Turkey’s freight transportation

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    In this paper freight transportation of Turkey was evaluated according to transport modes. The transport modes analyzed include road, railway and waterway. The objective is to guide policy makers to correctly formulate strategies and make logical investment decisions about freight transportation system. There are freight transportation problems in Turkey because of unbalanced transport mode use resulting from lack of long-run strategic planning and accordingly incorrect investment decisions. The freight transportation of Turkey was evaluated by analyzing the past data. The freight transport data between years 1983 and 2005 for road and railway modes were used to obtain forecasts. The freight transport data of Turkey and European countries as of 2005 were analyzed based on cluster analysis. The suggestions were made in order to get a more balanced freight transportation system in a near future in Turkey.Doğuş Üniversitesi, TÜBİTA

    Full-waveform Based Microseismic Event Detection and Signal Enhancement: The Subspace Approach

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    Microseismic monitoring has proven to be an invaluable tool for optimizing hydraulic fracturing stimulations and monitoring reservoir changes. The signal to noise ratio (SNR) of the recorded microseismic data varies enormously from one dataset to another, and it can often be very low especially for surface monitoring scenarios. Moreover, the data are often contaminated by correlated noises such as borehole waves in the downhole monitoring case. These issues pose a significant challenge for microseismic event detection. On the other hand, in the downhole monitoring scenario, the location of microseismic events relies on the accurate polarization analysis of the often weak P-wave to determine the event azimuth. Therefore, enhancing the microseismic signal, especially the low SNR P-wave data, has become an important task. In this study, a statistical approach based on the binary hypothesis test is developed to detect the weak events embedded in high noise. The method constructs a vector space, known as the signal subspace, from previously detected events to represent similar, yet significantly variable microseismic signals from specific source regions. Empirical procedures are presented for building the signal subspace from clusters of events. The distribution of the detection statistics is analyzed to determine the parameters of the subspace detector including the signal subspace dimension and detection threshold. The effect of correlated noise is corrected in the statistical analysis. The subspace design and detection approach is illustrated on a dual-array hydrofracture monitoring dataset. The comparison between the subspace approach, array correlation method, and array short-time average/long-time average (STA/ LTA) detector is performed on the data from the far monitoring well. It is shown that, at the same expected false alarm rate, the subspace detector gives fewer false alarms than the array STA/LTA detector and more event detections than the array correlation detector. The additionally detected events from the subspace detector are further validated using the data from the nearby monitoring well. The comparison demonstrates the potential benefit of using the subspace approach to improve the microseismic viewing distance. Following event detection, a novel method based on subspace projection is proposed to enhance weak microseismic signals. Examples on field data are presented indicating the effectiveness of this subspace-projection-based signal enhancement procedure.Halliburton Compan

    Preservation and projecting approach for Bursa Yeşil Kulliyyah Madrasa to be used with museum function

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    Sürdürülebilirlik bağlamında mimari mirasın korunup geleceğe aktarılması süreci incelendiğinde, kültür varlığının özgünlük, bütünlük ve anlam değerlerine zarar verilmeden işlevlendirilmesi, geçmişten gelen yaratıcılığın, çağdaş yaşama uyarlanması olarak da nitelendirilebilir. Yeni işleve uyarlama, aynı zamanda toplumun mimari mirası tüm değerleriyle deneyimlemesi ve mirasa bağlı farkındalık ve aidiyet geliştirmesine olanak sağlaması açısından önemlidir. Bu bağlamda, çalışmada Türk İslam Eserleri Müzesi işleviyle kullanımının sürdürülmesi önerilen Bursa Yeşil Külliyesi Medresesi’nin müze konseptine uygun yaklaşımda geliştirilmiş mimari koruma projesinin hazırlanması sürecinde izlenen koruma yaklaşımı ve bu doğrultuda belgeleme, araştırma, değerlendirme ve projelendirme aşamaları sunulmaktadır.When the process of transferring the architectural heritage to the future in the context of sustainability is examined, the functioning of cultural assets without harming the values of originality, integrity and authenticity can be described as adaptation of past creativity to contemporary life. Adaptation of cultural heritage to new usage is also important in order to enable the community to experience its architectural heritage with all its values and to develop the awareness and belonging of the heritage. In this context, the preservation approach followed during the preparation of the architectural conservation project developed in accordance with the museum concept of the Bursa Yesil Kulliyyah Madrasa, which is proposed to continue its use with the function of the Museum of Turkish Islamic Arts, and the phases of documentation, research, evaluation and projecting in this direction are presented in this paper.No sponso