13 research outputs found

    Changes of Adipose Tissue Morphology and Composition during Late Pregnancy and Early Lactation in Dairy Cows

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    Dairy cows mobilize large amounts of body fat during early lactation to overcome negative energy balance which typically arises in this period. As an adaptation process, adipose tissues of cows undergo extensive remodeling during late pregnancy and early lactation. The objective of the present study was to characterize this remodeling to get a better understanding of adaptation processes in adipose tissues, affected by changing metabolic conditions including lipid mobilization and refilling as a function of energy status. This was done by determining adipocyte size in histological sections of subcutaneous and retroperitoneal adipose tissue biopsy samples collected from German Holstein cows at 42 days prepartum, and 1, 21, and 100 days postpartum. Characterization of cell size changes was extended by the analysis of DNA, triacylglycerol, and protein content per gram tissue, and beta-actin protein expression in the same samples. In both adipose tissue depots cell size was becoming smaller during the course of the study, suggesting a decrease in cellular triacylglycerol content. Results of DNA, triacylglycerol, and protein content, and beta-actin protein expression could only partially explain the observed differences in cell size. The retroperitoneal adipose tissue exhibited a greater extent of time-related differences in cell size, DNA, and protein content, suggesting greater dynamics and metabolic flexibility for this abdominal depot compared to the investigated subcutaneous depot

    Changes of Adipose Tissue Morphology and Composition during Late Pregnancy and Early Lactation in Dairy Cows

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    Dairy cows mobilize large amounts of body fat during early lactation to overcome negative energy balance which typically arises in this period. As an adaptation process, adipose tissues of cows undergo extensive remodeling during late pregnancy and early lactation. The objective of the present study was to characterize this remodeling to get a better understanding of adaptation processes in adipose tissues, affected by changing metabolic conditions including lipid mobilization and refilling as a function of energy status. This was done by determining adipocyte size in histological sections of subcutaneous and retroperitoneal adipose tissue biopsy samples collected from German Holstein cows at 42 days prepartum, and 1, 21, and 100 days postpartum. Characterization of cell size changes was extended by the analysis of DNA, triacylglycerol, and protein content per gram tissue, and beta-actin protein expression in the same samples. In both adipose tissue depots cell size was becoming smaller during the course of the study, suggesting a decrease in cellular triacylglycerol content. Results of DNA, triacylglycerol, and protein content, and beta-actin protein expression could only partially explain the observed differences in cell size. The retroperitoneal adipose tissue exhibited a greater extent of time-related differences in cell size, DNA, and protein content, suggesting greater dynamics and metabolic flexibility for this abdominal depot compared to the investigated subcutaneous depot

    Leptomeningeal collaterals regulate reperfusion in ischemic stroke

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    Recanalization is the mainstay of ischemic stroke treatment. However, even with timely clot removal, many stroke patients recover poorly. Leptomeningeal collaterals (LMCs) are pial anastomotic vessels with yet unknown functions. Utilizing a thrombin-based mouse model of stroke and the gold standard fibrinolytic treatment rt-PA, we here show that LMCs play a critical role in preserving vascular function in ischemic territories. We applied laser speckle contrast imaging, ultrafast ultrasound, and two-photon microscopy, to show that after thrombolysis, LMCs allow for gradual reperfusion resulting in small infarcts. On the contrary, in mice with poor LMCs, distal segments of recanalized arteries collapse and deleterious hyperemia causes hemorrhage and mortality. Accordingly, in stroke patients with poor collaterals undergoing thrombectomy, rapid reperfusion resulted in hemorrhagic transformation and unfavorable recovery. Thus, we identify LMCs as key components regulating reperfusion after stroke. Future therapeutic interventions should aim to enhance collateral function, allowing for gradual reperfusion of ischemic tissues after stroke

    Leptomeningeal collaterals regulate reperfusion in ischemic stroke and rescue the brain from futile recanalization.

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    Recanalization is the mainstay of ischemic stroke treatment. However, even with timely clot removal, many stroke patients recover poorly. Leptomeningeal collaterals (LMCs) are pial anastomotic vessels with yet-unknown functions. We applied laser speckle imaging, ultrafast ultrasound, and two-photon microscopy in a thrombin-based mouse model of stroke and fibrinolytic treatment to show that LMCs maintain cerebral autoregulation and allow for gradual reperfusion, resulting in small infarcts. In mice with poor LMCs, distal arterial segments collapse, and deleterious hyperemia causes hemorrhage and mortality after recanalization. In silico analyses confirm the relevance of LMCs for preserving perfusion in the ischemic region. Accordingly, in stroke patients with poor collaterals undergoing thrombectomy, rapid reperfusion resulted in hemorrhagic transformation and unfavorable recovery. Thus, we identify LMCs as key components regulating reperfusion and preventing futile recanalization after stroke. Future therapeutic interventions should aim to enhance collateral function, allowing for beneficial reperfusion after stroke

    New group 11 complexes with metal–selenium bonds of methyldiphenylphosphane selenide: a solid state, solution and theorethical investigation

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    Reactions between methyldiphenylphosphane selenide, SePPh2Me, and different group 11 metal starting materials {CuCl, [CuNO3(PPh3)2], AgOTf, [AgOTf(PPh3)] (OTf = OSO2CF3), [AuCl(tht)], [Au(C6F5)(tht)] and [Au(C6F5)3(tht)] (tht = tetrahydrothiophene)} were performed in order to obtain several new species with metal–selenium bonds. The new complexes [CuCl(SePPh2Me)] (1), [AgOTf(SePPh2Me)] (2), [AuCl(SePPh2Me)] (5), [Au(C6F5)(SePPh2Me)] (6) and [Au(C6F5)3(SePPh2Me)] (7) were isolated and structurally characterized in solution by multinuclear NMR spectroscopy (1H, 31P, 77Se and 19F where appropriate). Solid products were isolated also from the reactions between SePPh2Me and [CuNO3(PPh3)2] or [AgOTf(PPh3)], respectively. NMR experiments, including low temperature 1H and 31P NMR, revealed for them a dynamic behaviour in solution, involving the transfer of selenium from PPh2Me to PPh3. In case of the isolated silver(I) containing solid an equilibrium between, respectively, monomeric [AgOTf(PPh3)(SePPh2Me)] (3) and [AgOTf(PPh2Me)(SePPh3)] (4), and dimeric [Ag(PPh3)(m-SePPh2Me)]2(OTf)2 (3a) and [Ag(PPh2Me)(m-SePPh3)]2(OTf)2 (4a) species was observed in solution. In case of the isolated copper(I)containing solid the NMR studies brought no clear evidence for a similar behaviour, but it can not be excluded in a first stage of the reaction. However the transfer of selenium between the two triorganophosphanes takes place also in this case, but the NMR spectra suggest that the final reaction mixture contains the free triorganophospane selenides SePPh2Me and SePPh3 as well as the complex species [CuNO3(PPh3)2], [CuNO3(PPh2Me)2] and [CuNO3(PPh3)(PPh2Me)] in equilibrium. Single-crystal X-ray diffraction studies revealed monomeric structures for the gold(I) 6 and gold(III) 7 complexes. In case of compound 6 weak aurophilic gold(I) ◊ ◊ ◊ gold(I) contacts were also observed in the crystal. DFT calculations were performed in order to understand the solution behaviour of the silver(I) and copper(I) species containing both P(III) and P(V) ligands, to verify the stability of possible dimeric species and to account for the aurophilic interactions found for 6. In addition, the nature of the electronic transitions involved in the absorption/emission processes observed for 6 and 7 in the solid state were also investigated by means of TD-DFT calculations