24 research outputs found

    Örömmel táncolni – Szenior Örömtánc = Dancing with Joy – Senior Joy Dance

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    A Szenior Örömtánc kifejezetten az idősebb korosztályoknak kifejlesztet közösségi mozgásforma. A zeneszámokhoz meghatározott koreográfiákat tanulnak meg és gyakorolnak a résztvevők. Cél, módszer: A kutatás célja a Szenior Örömtánc hazai elterjedésének és tapasztalatainak feltárása, kvalitatív módszertan alkalmazásával, honlapok és dokumentumok tartalomelemzése mellet a képzet tánc oktatókkal készített szakmai interjúkkal (n=5). Eredmények: Ez a mozgásforma alkalmas a fizikai aktvitás megőrzésének támogatásával fenntartani/megerősíteni a mozgáskoordinációt, az egyensúlyt, ezzel fokozva a mobilitást. A Szenior Örömtánc a rendszeres fizikai aktvitás mellet olyan pozitív élményeket kínál, amelyek hozzájárulnak az oktatók és résztvevők szubjektív jóllétéhez. Az itt megélt társas támasz, az új ismeretségek, barátságok a közös élményeken keresztül segít a táncosokat a mindennapi életvitelben és a krízishelyzetekben is. = Senior Joy Dance is a community-based form of movement specifcally designed for older people. Partcipants learn and practce specifc choreographies to classical and other music. Aim, Method: The aim of the research is to explore the spread and experience of Senior Joy Dance in Hungary, using a qualitatve methodology: content analysis of websites and documents; professional interviews with teachers (n = 5). Results: This form of movement is suitable for maintaining / strengthening motor coordinaton and balance by promoting the maintenance of physical actvity, thus increasing mobility for older adults. In additon to regular physical actvity, Senior Joy Dance provides a positve experiences that contributes to the subjectve well-being of both instructors and partcipants. The social support experienced here also helps dancers in their everyday life and in crisis situatons

    Characterization of the Proton-Transporting Photocycle of Pharaonis Halorhodopsin

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    AbstractThe photocycle of pharaonis halorhodopsin was investigated in the presence of 100mM NaN3 and 1M Na2SO4. Recent observations established that the replacement of the chloride ion with azide transforms the photocycle from a chloride-transporting one into a proton-transporting one. Kinetic analysis proves that the photocycle is very similar to that of bacteriorhodopsin. After K and L, intermediate M appears, which is missing from the chloride-transporting photocycle. In this intermediate the retinal Schiff base deprotonates. The rise of M in halorhodopsin is in the microsecond range, but occurs later than in bacteriorhodopsin, and its decay is more accentuated multiphasic. Intermediate N cannot be detected, but a large amount of O accumulates. The multiphasic character of the last step of the photocycle could be explained by the existence of a HR′ state, as in the chloride photocycle. Upon replacement of chloride ion with azide, the fast electric signal changes its sign from positive to negative, and becomes similar to that detected in bacteriorhodopsin. The photocycle is enthalpy-driven, as is the chloride photocycle of halorhodopsin. These observations suggest that, while the basic charge translocation steps become identical to those in bacteriorhodopsin, the storage and utilization of energy during the photocycle remains unchanged by exchanging chloride with azide

    Spatially and Temporally Synchronized Atomic Force and Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence Microscopy for Imaging and Manipulating Cells and Biomolecules

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    AbstractThe atomic force microscope is a high-resolution scanning-probe instrument which has become an important tool for cellular and molecular biophysics in recent years but lacks the time resolution and functional specificities offered by fluorescence microscopic techniques. To exploit the advantages of both methods, here we developed a spatially and temporally synchronized total internal reflection fluorescence and atomic force microscope system. The instrument, which we hereby call STIRF-AFM, is a stage-scanning device in which the mechanical and optical axes are coaligned to achieve spatial synchrony. At each point of the scan the sample topography (atomic force microscope) and fluorescence (photon count or intensity) information are simultaneously recorded. The tool was tested and validated on various cellular (monolayer cells in which actin filaments and intermediate filaments were fluorescently labeled) and biomolecular (actin filaments and titin molecules) systems. We demonstrate that with the technique, correlated sample topography and fluorescence images can be recorded, soft biomolecular systems can be mechanically manipulated in a targeted fashion, and the fluorescence of mechanically stretched titin can be followed with high temporal resolution

    Developmentally regulated autophagy is required for eye formation in Drosophila

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    The compound eye of the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster is one of the most intensively studied and best understood model organs in the field of developmental genetics. Herein we demonstrate that autophagy, an evolutionarily conserved selfdegradation process of eukaryotic cells, is essential for eye development in this organism. Autophagic structures accumulate in a specific pattern in the developing eye disc, predominantly in the morphogenetic furrow (MF) and differentiation zone. Silencing of several autophagy genes (Atg) in the eye primordium severely affects the morphology of the adult eye through triggering ectopic cell death. In Atg mutant genetic backgrounds however genetic compensatory mechanisms largely rescue autophagic activity in, and thereby normal morphogenesis of, this organ. We also show that in the eye disc the expression of a key autophagy gene, Atg8a, is controlled in a complex manner by the anterior Hox paralog lab (labial), a master regulator of early development. Atg8a transcription is repressed in front of, while activated along, the MF by lab. The amount of autophagic structures then remains elevated behind the moving MF. These results indicate that eye development in Drosophila depends on the cell death-suppressing and differentiating effects of the autophagic process. This novel, developmentally regulated function of autophagy in the morphogenesis of the compound eye may shed light on a more fundamental role for cellular self-digestion in differentiation and organ formation than previously thought