165 research outputs found

    Konceptualna metafora u nogometnom diskursu

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    With the rise of the cognitive linguistic view of metaphor, there has been an increase in the number of metaphor studies which was facilitated by the newly found, more prominent role of the phenomenon, not only in language, but also in the human mind. There has been a number of studies into the metaphoricity of various registers, specifically, Steen et al (2010) studied the percentage of metaphorical expressions in conversation, fiction, news and academic texts. The aim of this paper is to compare quantitative results from a specific type of news texts, namely, football match reports, with the more generic sample of news texts analyzed by Steen et al (2010)

    Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia or Rendu-Osler-Weber Syndrome in the Same Family

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    The authors present the case of three patients from the same family in whom hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia (HHT) or Rendu-Osler-Weber syndrome was diagnosed. The disease is rare and occurs with multiple telangiectases of the skin and mucosa, and pulmonary arteriovenous fistulae. The clinical status of our patients included multiple telangiectases of the skin and mucosa, recurrent epistaxis, exertion dyspnea and cyanosis. Polycythemia and hypoxemia were observed in the blood. The clinical status and conventional radiological examination of the thoracic region, with the suspicion of arteriovenous (A-V) fistulae, pointed to HHT. A-V fistulae were confirmed by pulmonary angiography. The pulmonary A-V fistulae were operated in all three patients and diagnosis was confirmed by histopathological examination of the operated samples. Clinical improvement was observed after the operation and cyanosis, dyspnea, hypoxemia and polycythemia disappeared

    Metodologija izgradnje paralelnih korpusa i ekstrakcije specifične terminologije

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    U radu su prikazane metodologije izgradnje paralelnih korpusa i ekstrakcije specifične terminologije. Prvi dio pruža teorijsku pozadinu te opisuje razvoj korpusa i korpusnih alata, kao i proces pripreme korpusa za analizu. Zatim slijedi opis istraživanja u kojem su prikupljeni sportski pravilnici na engleskom i hrvatskom jeziku sravnjeni te iskoriÅ”teni za izgradnju paralelnog korpusa koristeći online korpusni alat Sketch Engine. Isti alat koriÅ”ten je i za ekstrakciju specifične terminologije čiji su rezultati analizirani na kraju rada.This paper demonstrates the methodologies of corpus building and terminology extraction. The first part provides a theoretical background and describes the development of corpora and corpus analysis tools, as well as the process of preparing a corpus for analysis. A description of the carried out research follows in which the collected English and Croatian sports rulebooks were aligned and used to build a parallel corpus using Sketch Engine, an online corpus tool. The same tool was used for the extraction of specific terminology, the results of which are discussed at the end of the paper

    Geoffrey Roberts, Stalin\u27s Library: A Dictator and his Books (New Haven; London: Yale University Press, 2022), 272 str.

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    Metodologija izgradnje paralelnih korpusa i ekstrakcije specifične terminologije

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    U radu su prikazane metodologije izgradnje paralelnih korpusa i ekstrakcije specifične terminologije. Prvi dio pruža teorijsku pozadinu te opisuje razvoj korpusa i korpusnih alata, kao i proces pripreme korpusa za analizu. Zatim slijedi opis istraživanja u kojem su prikupljeni sportski pravilnici na engleskom i hrvatskom jeziku sravnjeni te iskoriÅ”teni za izgradnju paralelnog korpusa koristeći online korpusni alat Sketch Engine. Isti alat koriÅ”ten je i za ekstrakciju specifične terminologije čiji su rezultati analizirani na kraju rada.This paper demonstrates the methodologies of corpus building and terminology extraction. The first part provides a theoretical background and describes the development of corpora and corpus analysis tools, as well as the process of preparing a corpus for analysis. A description of the carried out research follows in which the collected English and Croatian sports rulebooks were aligned and used to build a parallel corpus using Sketch Engine, an online corpus tool. The same tool was used for the extraction of specific terminology, the results of which are discussed at the end of the paper

    Pomoć narodnog odbora grada u oskrbi Zagreba mlijekom

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    Zagreb je jedan od naÅ”ih najvećih potroÅ”nih centara konzumnog mlijeka ne samo u Narodnoj Republici Hrvatskoj, nego i u čitavoj FNRJ, a to nam potvrđuje i brojka od 110-120.000 litara dnevne potrebe odnosno oko 80.000 litara danaÅ”nje stvarne potroÅ”nje

    Psychosocial Characteristics of Patients with Bronchial Asthma and Coronary Disease: Similarities and Differences

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    The authors compare two groups of subjects: patients with bronchial asthma and those with coronary disease, with regard to some social characteristics, abilities and perception of factors which they conceive are important in the etiology of their disease. Data were obtained by means of a questionnaire based on a known calibrated scale. A group of 100 patients with bronchial asthma and a group of 102 patients with coronary disease were examined. The significance of the difference was tested by c 2, t-test, Wilcoxonā€™s test and multivariate discriminative analysis. The results showed statistically significant differences between the patients with bronchial asthma and those with coronary disease in some social and psychological characteristics and also with regard to perception of potential etiological factors of their disease. However, no difference was found in life style and habits between the coronary and asthmatic patients

    Femur fractures in childhood

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    Duge kosti djece rastu enhondralnim i apozicijskim rastom u dužinu i Å”irinu, paralelno se odvija i resorpcija kosti. Proces rasta femura zavrÅ”ava oko dvadesete godine života sraÅ”tavanjem svih centara okoÅ”tavanja s ostatkom kosti. Mogućnosti ispravaka posttraumatskih deformacija tada nestaju. Nakon ozljede, prokrvljenost rastuće kosti može biti kompromitirana, Å”to će uzrokovati poremećaje u daljnjem rastu. Frakture u djece klasificiramo posebnim klasifikacijama u svrhu lakÅ”eg dokumentiranja i epidemioloÅ”kih istraživanja, određivanja terapije, prognoze i mogućih komplikacija. Osnovna podjela femura na tri regije; proksimalni, srednji i distalni dio. Fraktura svakog od njih se pojavljuje različito često i sa sobom nosi različite komplikacije, iz čega proizlazi i različita prognoza i terapija. Terapijske su mogućnosti danas velike, konzervativne i kirurÅ”ke. Osim o spomenutom, odabir terapije ovisi i o starosti djeteta, odnosno o preostalom vremenu za rast kosti i njenom potencijalu remodeliranja. U dijagnostici se najčeŔće, osim anamneze i kliničke slike, koriste rentgenske snimke zahvaćenog i u nekim slučajevima kontralateralnog ekstremiteta. U dječjoj se dobi susrećemo s morfoloÅ”ki i patofizioloÅ”ki karakterističnim frakturama. Nepotpune frakture mogu biti subperiostalne i frakture zelene grančice (lučne plastične deformacije). Posebno važne frakture koje vidimo samo u djece su ozljede ploče rasta. Ozljede femura u novorođenčeta su česte porođajne ozljede. Također postoje etioloÅ”ke posebnosti, frakture koje nastaju pri porodu i frakture nakon zlostavljanja djeteta.During childhood, long bones display endochondral and appositional growth patterns when growing in length and width and the bone resorption process occurs at the same time. Femur stops growing at the age of 20, when all ossification centres have unified with the rest of the bone. At that point, it becomes impossible to correct posttraumatic deformities: an injury might compromise the vascularisation of a growing bone, which inevitably causes disruptions in further growth. Fractures in childhood are classified according to special classification systems that facilitate documenting, epidemiological research, decisions on the treatment, prognosis, identification of possible problems, etc. Femur is divided into three regions - proximal, medial and distal. Fractures of those three parts are different and occur with different frequency and complications, which makes their treatment and prognosis different as well. Modern treatment options are numerous, conservative and/or surgical. The choice of the treatment will also depend on the age of the child, i.e. the remaining bone growth time and the remodelling potential of the bone. Diagnostic is based on the medical history, a clinical presentation obtained after a careful examination of the child and Xrays of the affected area and, occasionally, of the contralateral limb. Fractures morphologically, pathologically and physiologically typical for childhood occur on more resilient growing bones. These specific fracture are incomplete fractures (e.g. green-stick type fractures, plastic bowing deformations), and fractures of growth plate. There are also etiological idiosyncrasies, fractures at birth and fractures caused through child abuse

    Neki čimbenici rizika udruženi s astmom

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    The aim of the study was to determine whether the incidence of some risk factors was significantly higher in a group of asthma patients as compared with a control group of asthma-free subjects. The study included 100 asthmatics and 100 nonasthmatic subjects. Data were collected by the methods of interview and questionnaire. Study results indicated a positive association between asthmatics and lower educational level, poorer compliance with the treatment, and more frequent hospitalization for the disease. Atopy was significantly more common among asthmatics as well as in their family members; however, other chronic diseases were significantly less present in asthmatics as compared with the control group. In our opinion, the treatment of asthma should be strictly individualized and based on psychosocial characteristics of each patient in addition to the pulmonary clinical-functional parameters and international guidelines for the management of asthma. It is concluded that in addition to pharmacologic therapy, the management of asthma should also include patient education on the disease and methods of treatment, various psychotherapeutic measures, and self-care techniques.Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je ispitati jesu li neki čimbenici rizika značajno viÅ”e prisutni u promatranoj skupini astmatičara u usporedbi s kontrolnom skupinom ispitanika. Istraživanjem je obuhvaćeno 100 astmatičara i 100 ispitanika bez astme. Podaci su prikupljeni metodom razgovora i anketiranja. Rezultati su pokazali da astmatičari imaju nižu razinu obrazovanja, slabije surađuju u liječenju svoje bolesti, te da su čeŔće na bolničkom liječenju zbog svoje bolesti. Među astmatičarima te u njihovim obiteljima je bilo značajno viÅ”e atopičara negoli u kontrolnoj skupini. Međutim, astmatičari su imali značajno manje drugih kroničnih bolesti. Smatramo stoga kako liječenje astme treba biti strogo individualno za svakog bolesnika, temeljeno na kliničko-funkcijskim parametrima plućne funkcije i prema važećim svjetskim smjernicama za liječenje astme, kao i na psihosocijalnim značajkama svakog bolesnika. Zaključujemo kako liječenje astme uza suvremenu farmakoloÅ”ku terapiju treba uključivati i edukaciju bolesnika o njegovoj bolesti i metodama liječenja, razne psihoterapijske postupke, te postupke samopomoći
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