79 research outputs found

    Z historii badań traseologicznych w polskiej archeologii epoki kamienia

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    The paper is an outline of history of the tool function studies in the Polish Stone Age archaeology. An experimental-traseological method of the Russian scholar S. A. Semenov has been known in archaeology for about forty years. This microscopic method of tool function identification has soon become one of the most important methods of archaeological data analysis from the oldest phases of prehistory. The paper discusses reasons of a poor reception of traseology in Poland. This lack of reflection on tool function is linked to a dominant culture-historical paradigm in Stone Age archaeology.The paper is an outline of history of the tool function studies in the Polish Stone Age archaeology. An experimental-traseological method of the Russian scholar S. A. Semenov has been known in archaeology for about forty years. This microscopic method of tool function identification has soon become one of the most important methods of archaeological data analysis from the oldest phases of prehistory. The paper discusses reasons of a poor reception of traseology in Poland. This lack of reflection on tool function is linked to a dominant culture-historical paradigm in Stone Age archaeology

    Początki kultury pucharów lejkowatych na Niżu Polskim

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    In the article, the author discusses and accepts the need to rejuvenate the chronology of the beginnings of the Funnel Beaker culture in the Polish Plain which should be then dated to about 4200/4100 years BC. While accepting such an approach, the author presents also some of its consequences – e.g. multi-stylistic of pottery and variability of environments inhabited by the earliest Funnel Beaker communities. The article also presents some suggestions concerning the participation of huntergatherers and early agrarian groups in the shaping of this culture in the Polish lowlands. It also raises some questions, which, under the new chronological circumstances, await further archaeometric data and proper discussion

    Archeologiczna struktura zbiorów ceramiki z osad neolitycznych

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    The article is intended to address an essence of pottery assemblages from Neolithic settlements. Three aspects have been analysed: relationships between complete vessels and fragments resulted from their breakage; relationship between composition of pottery vessels used at any given moment and composition of deposited ceramics; and relationship between deposited pottery and its excavated fraction. It is argued that pottery assemblages excavated and analysed by archaeologists are result of refuse practices. Consequently, they distinctive traits reflect neither a deposited assemblage nor a composition of pottery vessels used at any given moment at the settlement.The article is intended to address an essence of pottery assemblages from Neolithic settlements. Three aspects have been analysed: relationships between complete vessels and fragments resulted from their breakage; relationship between composition of pottery vessels used at any given moment and composition of deposited ceramics; and relationship between deposited pottery and its excavated fraction. It is argued that pottery assemblages excavated and analysed by archaeologists are result of refuse practices. Consequently, they distinctive traits reflect neither a deposited assemblage nor a composition of pottery vessels used at any given moment at the settlement

    O Kazimierzu Siuchnińskim - wspomnienie po latach

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    O krzemieniarstwie neolitycznym i neolityzacji ziem polskich – wokół teorii, metod i języka

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    The article is a reflection on the research on the neolithic flint working ongoing in Polish archaeology for over 40 years. Accepting year 1971 as a turning point for the development of a new specialisation, an attempt has been made in the article to assess the impact of the assumptions of the New Archaeology, but also other paradigms, on the study of neolithic flint artefacts. The evaluation was based on the conclusions resulting from, among others, a textual analysis, for the purpose of this article understood as a kind of source of knowledge about more or less consciously accepted theoretical assumptions in studies on flint working, published by various authors, in methods of classifying data in particular, and their position in the process of describing/explaining/interpreting past reality


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    Ceramika naczyniowa kultury pucharów lejkowatych ze stanowiska 4 w Starych Marzach, gm. Dragacz, woj. kujawsko-pomorskie

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    Site 4 in Stare Marzy was excavated as a part of the rescue archaeology project associated with “Bydgoszcz section” of the A1 highway. It is located in a region where Funnel Beaker culture is poorly recognised. Due to the stratigraphic and cultural- chronological complexity of the site, as well as the utilised methods of excavation, it was only possible to execute a study of pottery itself.The conducted technological and stylistical analysis of potsherds and to a lesser extent the morphological one, showed that the site represents the earliest stage of the Funnel Beaker culture presence on the eastern edge of Tuchola Forest. It verifies the hitherto theories concerning the processes of spatial development of this culture along the left bank of the Vistula River in a northerly direction starting from Kuyavia. The results allow pushing back the beginning of FBC presence in this area by a few centuries (from Kuyavia phase IIIB to IIB and from Chełmno phase IIIA to I); showing that in this region it is comparative in age to other regions of Polish Plain (except Kuyavia, where it was probably earlier). Also it confirms the hypothetical migration model of the Funnel Beaker people. It was also determined that the group (groups) of FBC settlers present in Stare Marzy probably originated from Kuyavia.It was established, that the analyzed material represents a larger number of settlement facts/stages (at least four). We are probably dealing with small settlements, one house in size. This suggests that the land occupation model in this region was the same as established for other parts of the Polish Plain in the early phases of the Funnel Beaker culture.Just as important is the identification of elements showing connections with north-east European Subneoliothic (ornaments with comb imprints, trace presence of shells temper). This means that the Stare Marzy villagers were quickly introduced to a local stream of information flow, best visibly on the right side of the Vistula River (Chełmno Land).Artykuł prezentuje możliwie wszechstronną analizę zabytków ceramicznych kultury pucharów lejkowatych, pozyskanych w trakcie ratowniczych prac wykopaliskowych na tzw. bydgoskim odcinku autostrady A-1. W efekcie określono charakter zasiedlenia (wielofazowość) i jego chronologię relatywną (kujawskie fazy IIB i IIIA). Ustalono też związki genetyczne z kulturą pucharów lejkowatych na Kujawach oraz z subneolitem północno -wschodnioeuropejskim – zapewne za pośrednictwem grup tej kultury z ziemi chełmińskiej. Wskazano również na znaczenie prezentowanych materiałów dla rozumienia początków kultury pucharów lejkowatych na terenie Borów Tucholskich i szerzej, w strefie Niżu Środkowoeuropejskiego

    Archaeological composition of pottery assemblages from neolithic settlements

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    The article is intended to address an essence of pottery assemblages from Neolithic settlements. Three aspects have been analysed: relationships between complete vessels and fragments resulted from their breakage; relationship between composition of pottery vessels used at any given moment and composition of deposited ceramics; and relationship between deposited pottery and its excavated fraction. It is argued that pottery assemblages excavated and analysed by archaeologists are result of refuse practices. Consequently, they distinctive traits reflect neither a deposited assemblage nor a composition of pottery vessels used at any given moment at the settlement

    Politiques de communication et d’image des villes de l’arc Atlantique

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    Dans le cadre du Programme d’études « Prospectives et Territoires » de la DATAR, cet article présente la synthèse d’une étude consacrée aux politiques de communication des villes de la façade atlantique. Au total sept villes ont été analysées. Quatre villes françaises : Brest, La Rochelle, Nantes et Bordeaux : deux villes britanniques : Glasgow et Cardiff ; une ville espagnole : Bilbao. L’étude montre des niveaux d’implication et d’initiatives très différents et conclut à une relative faiblesse des villes françaises dans ce domaine.This article presents different case studies concerning policies of communication of some cities on Atlantic Coast in Europe. Seven main cities have been analysed. Four French cities : Brest, La Rochelle, Nantes et Bordeaux ; two british towns : Glasgow and Cardiff ; one Spanish city : Bilbao. The study shows very different degrees of implication and initiatives adn concludes to a relative weakness of the Franch cities in this field

    The State of Current Knowledge of the Eastern European Sub-Neolithic in Poland

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    The article contains an assessment of the current state of recognition of the phenomenon present in the Neolithic of Polish lands, and referred to as the Eastern European sub-Neolithic. The picture it represents is does not provide grounds for optimism. The causes of the bad situation are outlined. The paper presents recent achievements and basic gaps in the evidence, among which the most important is the lack of research at potentially homogeneous sites. This make impossible to undertake the discussion of the problem of the local genesis of the phenomenon, the chronology and dynamics of its transformations or broader considerations on the character and the scope of interactions between pottery-producing hunter-gatherers and early agricultural communities. Interwoven into the narratives have become the views of Jan Kowalczyk (1969), in which the sub-Neolithic had an important role in the processes ongoing in the Neolithic period. The purpose of references to texts from half a century ago is not the desire to return to the general concepts of this researcher, but rather to consider the accurate and still valid specific observations of J. Kowalczyk and about the conviction expressed by him that a better understanding of the sub-Neolithic is important for discovering and comprehension of the processes occurring in the Neolithic of Polish territories (understood as a period)