16 research outputs found

    Restricted consonant inventories of 2-year-old Finnish children with a history of recurrent acute otitis media

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    Many children experience recurrent acute otitis media (RAOM) in early childhood. In a previous study, 2-year-old children with RAOM were shown to have an immature neural patterns for speech sound discrimination. The present study further investigated the consonant inventories of these same children usign natural speech samples. The results showed that 2-year-old children with RAOM (N=19) produced fewer words and had smaller consonant inventories compared to healthy controls (N=21). In partucular, the number of consonants produced in medial positions of words was restricted. For places and manners of articulation, the most notable difference between the groups was observed for fricatives,which were produces less often by children with RAOM than by the controls.These results further support the asdumption that early and recurrent middle ear infections should be considered a risk factor for language development.</p

    Long-term influence of recurrent acute otitis media on neural involuntary attention switching in 2-year-old children

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    Background: A large group of young children are exposed to repetitive middle ear infections but the effects of the fluctuating hearing sensations on immature central auditory system are not fully understood. The present study investigated the consequences of early childhood recurrent acute otitis media (RAOM) on involuntary auditory attention switching. Methods: By utilizing auditory event-related potentials, neural mechanisms of involuntary attention were studied in 22-26 month-old children (N = 18) who had had an early childhood RAOM and healthy controls (N = 19). The earlier and later phase of the P3a (eP3a and lP3a) and the late negativity (LN) were measured for embedded novel sounds in the passive multi-feature paradigm with repeating standard and deviant syllable stimuli. The children with RAOM had tympanostomy tubes inserted and all the children in both study groups had to have clinically healthy ears at the time of the measurement assessed by an otolaryngologist. Results: The results showed that lP3a amplitude diminished less from frontal to central and parietal areas in the children with RAOM than the controls. This might reflect an immature control of involuntary attention switch. Furthermore, the LN latency was longer in children with RAOM than in the controls, which suggests delayed reorientation of attention in RAOM. Conclusions: The lP3a and LN responses are affected in toddlers who have had a RAOM even when their ears are healthy. This suggests detrimental long-term effects of RAOM on the neural mechanisms of involuntary attention.Peer reviewe

    Acute otitis media in young children:randomized controlled trials of antimicrobial treatment, prevention and quality of life

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    Abstract The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of antibiotic treatment and surgery on acute otitis media (AOM), and to evaluate quality of life (QoL) among children with AOM and their parents. To evaluate the effectiveness of antibiotics, a total of 82 children with AOM were randomized for antibiotic or placebo treatment for 7 days. The duration of middle ear effusion was measured by daily tympanometry screenings at home over 2 weeks. Duration was also measured at clinical visits, including at entry, after 3 days, after 7 days, and then weekly until both ears were healthy according to pneumatic otoscopy or otomicroscopy, or for a maximum of 2 months. Among the group receiving antibiotics, middle ear effusion disappeared 2.0 weeks earlier than among those receiving placebo (P&lt;0.02). On day 14, 69% of children in the antibiotic group and 38% in the placebo group had normal tympanometry findings (P=0.02). On day 60, 5% of children in the antibiotic group and 24% in the placebo group had persistent middle ear effusion (P=0.01). The effect of surgery was assessed by randomly assigning 300 children with recurrent AOM, aged 10 months to 2 years, into 3 groups: 1. to receive ventilation tubes (VTs), 2. to receive VTs and adenoidectomy and 3. non-surgery. Follow-up of children occurred at clinical visits every 4 months for a 1-year period. If children suffered from upper respiratory symptoms or their parents suspected AOM during this period they were encouraged to receive additional follow-up care. Intervention was considered unsuccessful if a child had 2 AOM episodes in 2 months, 3 episodes in 6 months or persistent effusion lasting for 2 months. Intervention failed in 34% of children in the non-surgery group, 21% in the VT group (P=0.04 compared to non-surgery) and 16% in the group with VT and adenoidectomy (P=0.004 compared to non-surgery). QoL was assessed among 159 children participating in the study on the effect of surgery in children with recurrent AOM. We used disease-specific (Otitis Media-6) and generic instruments (Child Health Questionnaire-50) to measure QoL among children with AOM and their parents, and the effect of surgery on QoL. Children with AOM and their parents had a significantly poorer QoL than healthy children. QoL improved significantly at 1-year follow-up, but it did not reach the level observed in healthy children. Surgery did not have any additional impact on QoL.Tiivistelmä Työn tavoitteena oli tutkia antibiootin ja kirurgian vaikutusta äkilliseen välikorvatulehdukseen sekä tutkia välikorvatulehduksia sairastavien lasten ja heidän vanhempiensa elämänlaatua. 82 äkillistä välikorvatulehdusta sairastavaa lasta satunnaistettiin saamaan joko antibiootti- tai lumelääkettä. Välikorvaeritteen poistumista seurattiin kotona päivittäisillä tympanometriamittauksilla kahden viikon ajan. Seurantakäynnit olivat yhden, kolmen ja seitsemän päivän kuluttua sekä viikoittain, kunnes korvat oli todettu terveiksi pneumaattisella otoskoopilla tai korvamikroskoopilla tai kahden kuukauden seuranta-aika päättyi. Välikorvaerite poistui kaksi viikkoa aikaisemmin antibiootti- kuin lumelääkkeellä (P&lt;0.02). Tympanometria normalisoitui kahden viikon kuluttua 69 %:lla antibioottiryhmästä ja 38 %:lla lumelääkeryhmästä (P=0.02). 60 päivän kuluttua välikorvaeritettä oli 5 %:lla antibioottiryhmästä ja 24 %:lla lumelääkeryhmästä (P=0.02). Kirurgian vaikuttavuutta toistuviin äkillisiin välikorvatulehduksiin tutkittiin satunnaistamalla 300 10–24 kk:n ikäistä lasta saamaan ilmastointiputket tai sekä ilmastointiputket että kitarisanpoisto tai ei kumpaakaan. Seurantakäynnit olivat neljän kuukauden välein vuoden ajan tai aina kun lapset sairastuivat ylähengitystietulehdukseen tai vanhemmat epäilivät välikorvatulehdusta. Interventio katsottiin epäonnistuneeksi (äkillisiä välikorvatulehduksia 2 / 2 kk, 3 / 6 kk tai jatkuva erite 2 kk) 34 %:lla ilman kirurgiaa hoidetuista lapsista, 21 %:lla ilmastointiputkiryhmän lapsista (P=0.04 verrattuna ilman kirurgiaa hoidettuihin) ja 16 %:lla lapsista, joille tehtiin sekä kitarisan poisto että asetettiin ilmastointiputket (P=0.004 verrattuna ilman kirurgiaa hoidettuihin). Elämänlaadun, äkillisen välikorvatulehduksen sekä siihen liittyvän kirurgian välistä yhteyttä selvitettiin 159 lapsella, jotka osallistuivat kirurgian vaikuttavuutta selvittävään tutkimukseen. Elämänlaatua mitattiin sekä tautikohtaisilla (Otitis Media-6) että yleistä elämänlaatua (Child Health Questionnaire-50) mittaavilla kyselylomakkeilla. Äkillistä välikorvatulehdusta sairastavilla lapsilla ja heidän vanhemmillaan oli merkittävästi huonompi elämänlaatu kuin terveillä. Elämänlaatu parani merkittävästi vuoden seuranta-aikana, mutta ei saavuttanut terveiden tasoa. Kirurgia ei tuonut mitään lisähyötyä elämänlaatuun

    Noise equally degrades central auditory processing in 2-and 4-year-old children

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    Abstract Purpose: The aim of this study was to investigate developmental and noise-induced changes in central auditory processing indexed by event-related potentials in typically developing children. Method: P1, N2, and N4 responses as well as mismatch negativities (MMNs) were recorded for standard syllables and consonants, frequency, intensity, vowel, and vowel duration changes in silent and noisy conditions in the same 14 children at the ages of 2 and 4 years. Results: The P1 and N2 latencies decreased and the N2, N4, and MMN amplitudes increased with development of the children. The amplitude changes were strongest at frontal electrodes. At both ages, background noise decreased the P1 amplitude, increased the N2 amplitude, and shortened the N4 latency. The noise-induced amplitude changes of P1, N2, and N4 were strongest frontally. Furthermore, background noise degraded the MMN. At both ages, MMN was significantly elicited only by the consonant change, and at the age of 4 years, also by the vowel duration change during noise. Conclusions: Developmental changes indexing maturation of central auditory processing were found from every response studied. Noise degraded sound encoding and echoic memory and impaired auditory discrimination at both ages. The older children were as vulnerable to the impact of noise as the younger children

    Developmental and noise-induced changes (Niemitalo-Haapola et al., 2017)

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    <div>"<b>Purpose: </b>The aim of this study was to investigate developmental and noise-induced changes in central auditory processing indexed by event-related potentials in typically developing children.</div><div><b>Method:</b> P1, N2, and N4 responses as well as mismatch negativities (MMNs) were recorded for standard syllables and consonants, frequency, intensity, vowel, and vowel duration changes in silent and noisy conditions in the same 14 children at the ages of 2 and 4 years.</div><div><b>Results: </b>The P1 and N2 latencies decreased and the N2, N4, and MMN amplitudes increased with development of the children. The amplitude changes were strongest at frontal electrodes. At both ages, background noise decreased the P1 amplitude, increased the N2 amplitude, and shortened the N4 latency. The noise-induced amplitude changes of P1, N2, and N4 were strongest frontally. Furthermore, background noise degraded the MMN. At both ages, MMN was significantly elicited only by the consonant change, and at the age of 4 years, also by the vowel duration change during noise.</div><div><b>Conclusions: </b>Developmental changes indexing maturation of central auditory processing were found from every response studied. Noise degraded sound encoding and echoic memory and impaired auditory discrimination at both ages. The older children were as vulnerable to the impact of noise as the younger children."</div><div><br></div><div><b>Supplemental Material S1. </b>The grand average waves for standard stimuli and the amplitude distributions of P1, N2, and N4 responses at the ages of 2 and 4 years (<i>N</i> = 14) in silent and noisy conditions. The developmental changes in the P1 and N2 latencies and the N2 and N4 amplitudes, as well as the noise-induced changes in the N4 latencies and P1 and N2 amplitudes, were statistically significant. In the waveforms, the negativity is plotted upward. </div><div><br></div><div><b>Supplemental Material S2.</b> The mean amplitude distributions of MMNs at the age of 2 and 4 years (<i>N</i> = 14) in silent and noisy conditions over the time window used for peak detection. Developmentally, MMNs increased frontally and the left–right distribution changed in silent conditions. In noisy conditions, the MMN amplitudes were overall smaller than in the silent conditions. Ns. denotes nonsignificant MMN response. </div><div><br></div><div>Niemitalo-Haapola, E., Haapala, S., Kujala, T., Raappana, A., Kujala, T., & Jansson-Verkasalo, E. (2017). Noise equally degrades central auditory processing in 2- and 4-year-old children. <i>Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 60, </i>2297–2309<i>.</i> https://doi.org/10.1044/2017_JSLHR-H-16-0267</div><div><br></div

    Modulation of dog–owner relationship and dog social and cognitive behavior by owner temperament and dog breed group

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    Abstract As companion dogs spend most of their lives with humans, the human–dog relationship and owner temperament may affect the dog behavior. In this study (n = 440), we investigated the relationship between the dog owner temperament (ATQ-R), owner-perceived dog–owner relationship (MDORS) and the dog behavior in three behavioral tests: the object-choice test, the unsolvable task, and the cylinder test. Dog owner temperament influenced the dog–owner relationship. Owners with high negative affectivity showed higher emotional closeness and perceived costs of their dog, whereas owners with high effortful control showed lower emotional closeness and perceived costs. Higher dog activity during the behavioral tests was also connected with owner-perceived lower emotional closeness. Furthermore, dog breed group modulated the connection between the owner temperament and dog behavior. Owner’s high negative affectivity correlated with herding dogs’ lower scores in the object choice test, while the behavior of primitive type dogs was unaffected by the owner temperament. Our results confirm that human characteristics are associated with the owner-reported dog–owner relationship, and owner temperament may have a modulatory effect on the dog social and cognitive behavior depending on the dog breed group, which should be investigated further

    Bidirectional associations between cognitive functions and walking performance among middle-aged women

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    Objective: This study investigated whether (1) cognitive functions change after the transition from the perimenopausal to the postmenopausal stage, (2) cognitive functions and walking are associated in middle-aged women, and (3) cognitive functions assessed in perimenopause are associated with walking after reaching the postmenopause or vice versa. Methods: In total, 342 women, categorized as early (n = 158) or late perimenopausal (n = 184), were included in the study and followed up until postmenopausal. Psychomotor speed, executive functions related to set-shifting and updating, working memory, and visual memory were assessed. Walking was assessed with walking speed, walking distance, and dual-task cost in walking speed. Data was analyzed using the paired-samples t test, Wilcoxon signed rank test, multiple linear regression analysis, and structural equation modeling. Results: We found small but significant improvements in psychomotor speed (P = 0.01) and working memory (P < 0.001) among early perimenopausal and in psychomotor speed (P = 0.001), set-shifting (P = 0.02), visual memory (P = 0.002), and working memory (P < 0.001) among late perimenopausal women after the transition from peri- to postmenopause. Walking speed (β = 0.264, P = 0.001) and dual-task cost (β = 0.160, P = 0.03) were associated with updating, and walking distance was associated with updating and set-shifting (β = 0.198, P = 0.02, β=−0.178 P = 0.04 respectively) among the late perimenopausal women. We found no longitudinal associations between cognitive functions and walking. Conclusion: Cognitive performance remained unchanged or improved after reaching postmenopause. Cognitive functions and walking were associated during the late perimenopause, but the association depended on the cognitive process and nature of the physical task. Cognitive performance was not associated with walking after reaching postmenopause or vice versa.peerReviewe