652 research outputs found

    How sex-biased dispersal affects conflict over parental investment

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    This article is a preprint and has not been peer-reviewed. It is availble from bioRxiv via the DOI in this record.Existing models of parental investment have mainly focused on interactions at the level of the family, and have paid much less attention to the impact of population-level processes. Here we extend classical models of parental care to assess the impact of population structure and limited dispersal. We find that sex-differences in dispersal substantially affect the amount of care provided by each parent, with the more philopatric sex providing the majority of the care to young. This effect is most pronounced in highly viscous populations: in such cases, when classical models would predict stable biparental care, inclusion of a modest sex difference in dispersal leads to uniparental care by the philopatric sex. In addition, mating skew also affects sex-differences in parental investment, with the more numerous sex providing most of the care. However, the effect of mating skew only holds when parents care for their own offspring. When individuals breed communally, we recover the previous finding that the more philopatric sex provides most of the care, even when it is the rare sex. Finally, we show that sex-differences in dispersal can mask the existence of sex-specific costs of care, because the philopatric sex may provide most of the care even in the face of far higher mortality costs relative to the dispersing sex. We conclude that sex-biased dispersal is likely to be an important, yet currently overlooked driver of sex-differences in parental care.We would like to thank the other members of the Transgen group, Tom Ezard, Stuart Townley and Jonathan Wells for discussion. The Dutch Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) and the Lorentz Centre at the University of Leiden, the Netherlands, funded a week-long workshop on nongenetic effects that contributed to this paper. The authors acknowledge the use of the UCL Legion High Performance Computing Facility (Legion@UCL), and associated support services, in the completion of this work. This study was funded by an EPSRC sandpit grant on transgenerational effects, grant number EP/H031928/1 awarded to RAJ and an EPSRC-funded 2020 Science fellowship awarded to BK (grant number EP/I017909/1)

    How Sex-Biased Dispersal Affects Sexual Conflict over Care

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from University of Chicago Press via the DOI in this record.Existing models of parental investment have mainly focused on interactions at the level of the family and have paid much less attention to the impact of population-level processes. Here we extend classical models of parental care to assess the impact of population structure and limited dispersal. We find that sex differences in dispersal substantially affect the amount of care provided by each parent, with the more philopatric sex providing the majority of care to young. This effect is most pronounced in highly viscous populations: in such cases, when classical models would predict stable biparental care, inclusion of a modest sex difference in dispersal leads to uniparental care by the philopatric sex. In addition, mating skew also affects sex differences in parental investment, with the more numerous sex providing most of the care. However, the effect of mating skew holds only when parents care for their own offspring. When individuals breed communally, we recover the previous finding that the more philopatric sex provides most of the care even when it is the rarer sex. We conclude that sex-biased dispersal is likely to be an important yet currently overlooked driver of sex differences in parental care.BK has been funded by an EPSRC 2020 Science fellowship (grant number EP/I017909/1) and a Leverhulme Trust Early Career Research Fellowship (ECF 2015-273). RAJ has been funded by a EPSRC grant number EP/H031928/1. This work has made use of the Carson computing cluster at the Environment and Sustainability Institute at the University of Exeter. In addition, the authors acknowledge the use of the UCL Legion High Performance Computing Facility (Legion@UCL) and associated support services in the completion of this work. The Dutch Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) and the Lorentz Centre at the University of Leiden, the Netherlands funded a workshop on nongenetic effects that contributed to this article

    Sexual selection in bacteria?

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    This is the final version. Available from the publisher via the DOI in this record.A main mechanism of lateral gene transfer in bacteria is transformation, where cells take up free DNA from the environment which subsequently can be recombined into the genome. Bacteria are also known to actively release DNA into the environment through secretion or lysis, which could aid uptake via transformation. Various evolutionary benefits of DNA uptake and DNA release have been proposed but these have all been framed in the context of natural selection. Here, we interpret bacterial DNA uptake and release in the context of sexual selection theory, which has been central to our understanding of the bewildering diversity of traits associated with sexual reproduction in the eukaryote world but has never been applied to prokaryotes. Specifically, we explore potential scenarios where bacteria releasing DNA into the environment could compete for successful uptake by other cells, or where bacteria could selectively take up DNA to enhance their fitness. We conclude that there is potential for sexual selection to act in bacteria, and that this might in part explain the considerable diversity in transformation-related behaviours.Royal SocietyNatural Environment Research Council (NERC

    The evolution of multivariate maternal effects.

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    Published onlineJournal ArticleResearch Support, Non-U.S. Gov'tThere is a growing interest in predicting the social and ecological contexts that favor the evolution of maternal effects. Most predictions focus, however, on maternal effects that affect only a single character, whereas the evolution of maternal effects is poorly understood in the presence of suites of interacting traits. To overcome this, we simulate the evolution of multivariate maternal effects (captured by the matrix M) in a fluctuating environment. We find that the rate of environmental fluctuations has a substantial effect on the properties of M: in slowly changing environments, offspring are selected to have a multivariate phenotype roughly similar to the maternal phenotype, so that M is characterized by positive dominant eigenvalues; by contrast, rapidly changing environments favor Ms with dominant eigenvalues that are negative, as offspring favor a phenotype which substantially differs from the maternal phenotype. Moreover, when fluctuating selection on one maternal character is temporally delayed relative to selection on other traits, we find a striking pattern of cross-trait maternal effects in which maternal characters influence not only the same character in offspring, but also other offspring characters. Additionally, when selection on one character contains more stochastic noise relative to selection on other traits, large cross-trait maternal effects evolve from those maternal traits that experience the smallest amounts of noise. The presence of these cross-trait maternal effects shows that individual maternal effects cannot be studied in isolation, and that their study in a multivariate context may provide important insights about the nature of past selection. Our results call for more studies that measure multivariate maternal effects in wild populations.This work was supported by EPSRC grant EP/H031928/1. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscrip

    Understanding the emergence of bacterial pathogens in novel hosts

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    This is the author accepted manuscript.Data accessibility statement: The computer code to generate the stochastic simulation model can be downloaded fromOur understanding of the ecological and evolutionary context of novel infections is largely based on viral diseases, even though bacterial pathogens may display key differences in the processes underlying their emergence. For instance, host-shift speciation, in which the jump of a pathogen into a novel host species is followed by the specialisation on that host and the loss of infectivity of previous host(s), is commonly observed in viruses, but less often in bacteria. Here, we suggest that adaptation to dealing with different environments, rates of molecular evolution and recombination may influence the extent to which pathogens evolve host generalism or specialism following a jump into a novel host. We then test these hypotheses using a formal model and show that the high levels of phenotypic plasticity, low rates of evolution and the ability to recombine typical of bacterial pathogens should reduce their propensity to specialise on novel host. Novel bacterial infections may therefore be more likely to result in transient spillovers or increased host ranges than in host shifts. Finally, consistent with our predictions, we show that, in two unusual cases of contemporary bacterial host shifts, the bacterial pathogens both have small genomes and rapid rates of substitution. Further tests are required across a greater number of emerging pathogens to assess the validity of our predictions.Natural Environment Research Council (NERC)Wellcome TrustRoyal SocietyLeverhulme Trus

    Recreation reduces tick density through fine-scale risk effects on deer space-use

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    Altered interactions between pathogens, their hosts and vectors have potential consequences for human disease risk. Notably, tick-borne pathogens, many of which are associated with growing deer abundance, show global increasing prevalence and pose increasing challenges for disease prevention. Human activities can largely affect the patterns of deer space-use and can therefore be potential management tools to alleviate human-wildlife conflicts. Here, we tested how deer space-use patterns are influenced by human recreational activities, and how this in turn affects the spatial distribution of the sheep tick (Ixodes ricinus), a relevant disease vector of zoonoses such as Lyme borrelioses. We compared deer dropping and questing tick density on transects near (20 m) and further away from(100 m) forest trails that were either frequently used (open for recreation) or infrequently used (closed for recreation, but used by park managers). In contrast to infrequently used trails, deer dropping density was 31% lower near (20 m) than further away from (100 m) frequently used trails. Similarly, ticks were 62% less abundant near (20 m) frequently used trails compared to further away from (100 m) these trails, while this decline in tick numbers was only 14% near infrequently used trails. The avoidance by deer of areas close to human-used trails was thus associated with a similar reduction in questing tick density near these trails. As tick abundance generally correlates to pathogen prevalence, the use of trails for recreation may reduce tick-borne disease risk for humans on and near these trails. Our study reveals an unexplored effect of human activities on ecosystems and how this knowledge could be potentially used to mitigate zoonotic disease risk

    The evolution of mating type switching

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    Predictions about the evolution of sex determination mechanisms have mainly focused on animals and plants, whereas unicellular eukaryotes such as fungi and ciliates have received little attention. Many taxa within the latter groups can stochastically switch their mating type identity during vegetative growth. Here, we investigate the hypothesis that mating type switching overcomes distortions in the distribution of mating types due to drift during asexual growth. Using a computational model, we show that smaller population size, longer vegetative periods and more mating types lead to greater distortions in the distribution of mating types. However, the impact of these parameters on optimal switching rates is not straightforward. We find that longer vegetative periods cause reductions and considerable fluctuations in the switching rate over time. Smaller population size increases the strength of selection for switching but has little impact on the switching rate itself. The number of mating types decreases switching rates when gametes can freely sample each other, but increases switching rates when there is selection for speedy mating. We discuss our results in light of empirical work and propose new experiments that could further our understanding of sexuality in isogamous eukaryotes

    The evolution of mating type switching

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    This is the final version of the article. Available from Wiley via the DOI in this record.Predictions about the evolution of sex determination mechanisms have mainly focused on animals and plants, whereas unicellular eukaryotes such as fungi and ciliates have received little attention. Many taxa within the latter groups can stochastically switch their mating type identity during vegetative growth. Here, we investigate the hypothesis that mating type switching overcomes distortions in the distribution of mating types due to drift during asexual growth. Using a computational model, we show that smaller population size, longer vegetative periods and more mating types lead to greater distortions in the distribution of mating types. However, the impact of these parameters on optimal switching rates is not straightforward. We find that longer vegetative periods cause reductions and considerable fluctuations in the switching rate over time. Smaller population size increases the strength of selection for switching but has little impact on the switching rate itself. The number of mating types decreases switching rates when gametes can freely sample each other, but increases switching rates when there is selection for speedy mating. We discuss our results in light of empirical work and propose new experiments that could further our understanding of sexuality in isogamous eukaryotes.Z.H. was funded by an Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council Doctoral Prize Fellowship (EP/L504889/1) and A.P. by grants from the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EP/F500351/1, EP/I017909/1, EP/K038656/1). BK was supported by a 2020 Science Research Fellowship (EP/I017909/1) and an Early Career Fellowship from the Leverhulme Trust (ECF-2015-273)
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