31 research outputs found

    Weed Responses to Soil Compaction and Crop Management

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    Short communication: Guttation of oat and wheat and the results of its comparison with the yield

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    Saabunud / Received 14.10.2021 ; Aktsepteeritud / Accepted 05.04.2022 ; Avaldatud veebis / Published online 05.04.2022 ; Vastutav autor / Corresponding author: Edvin Nugis; [email protected] present paper aims to give an overview of results collected in the Estonian Crop Research Institute related to the comparison between guttation and yield in grain crop cereals. The objects of research were oat variety 'Eugen' and wheat 'Manu', which went through the stages of germinating their seeds (in vitro), set them by sprouts down into the soil, and the emergence of sprouts under conditions of a hydrothermostat. Since transpiration in a hydrother- mostat at an air temperature of 23 °C, and an extremely high value of air relative humidity was limited, therefore, due to this, the plant sprouts have begun to exude guttation fluid. As result, we have found that the amount of isolated gutted fluid correlates significantly with the grain yields of field trials indicators. The comparison between relative guttation and relative yield was described by a straightforward relationship. The entire experiment took about one week, and the first results of droplet prints on filter paper can be obtained after 60 hours. This was the novelty of our approach which provides the prerequisites for both increasing the reliability of conclusions regarding the yield obtained and with forecast

    Potato yield forecast by using guttation test method in household laboratory conditions

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    Saabunud / Received 03.03.2021 ; Aktsepteeritud / Accepted 18.06.2021 ; Avaldatud veebis / Published online 18.06.2021 ; Vastutav autor / Corresponding author: Edvin Nugis [email protected] paper aims to present the use of the guttation test method to establish the relationship between guttation and potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) yield. The laboratory tests (in vitro L.) under household conditions were carried out. To assess the state of the potato (variety 'Ando') yield the field (0.07 ha) of the family farm "Miili" were used. Assessment of the state of guttation plant barley (Hordeum vulgaris L.) variety 'Anni' by using of hydro-thermostat in conditions adapted hose hold laboratory (according to the generally known a bad epidemiological situation) were carried out. The test sites were located on a light sandy loam of Molli-Calcaric Cambisol (WRB) with areas of the field in the presence of soil samples No. 1 and 2. We have found that the maximum yield of potato 'Ando' on a plot of soil sample No. 1 (15 900 kg ha–1 or 1.00 of relative units) was obtained. At the same time, the minimum yield of soil sample No. 2 of the potato tubers was 3900 kg ha–1 (0.25 of relative units). To ranking score of the soil fertility level of the studied potato field, additional laboratory experiments were carried out, with extremely humus-rich soil (the guttation droplet imprint on the filter paper was 117.6 mm2 to that was equated to 1.00 of relative units) and with sand the guttation droplet imprint – 37.0 mm2 and 0.31 of relative units, respectively. The results of laboratory tests by using of guttation method with barley (variety 'Anni') carried out. The soil samples have been taken from the same areas of the field. In this case, for soil sample No. 1 the average area of the guttation droplet imprint on the filter paper was 55.1 mm2 to that was equated to 0.47 of relative units and for soil sample No. 2 – 42.9 mm2 or 0.36 of relative units, respectively. The results of the research have shown that concerning cultivating potatoes (variety 'Ando') and guttation experiments with barley (variety 'Anni') under conditions of soil samples No. 1 and 2 of the potato field a quite reliable relationship between guttation and the yield of potato tubers (P <0.001, R2 = 0.98) was obtained. To assess the different levels of soil fertility for soil samples No. 1 and 2 in the potato field taking as a reference soil with the highest possible fertility (humus-rich soil) and with the lowest possible fertility (clean sand) it was revealed that guttation of soil sample No. 1 of the potato field was 1.6 times inferior according to the results of guttation of the humus-rich soil. Analytical calculations have shown that if we are dealing with a humus-rich soil where potato 'Ando' cultivation would be carried out under the conditions of classical organic farming then the yield of potato tubers would be 22 880 kg ha–1 or 30 Mg ha–1 rounded. The novelty of our research was the development of a method for assessing the yield of potato by using the guttation test method

    Punase ristiku kasvatamise mõju mulla üldlämmastiku sisaldusele erinevates viljelusviisides

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    Maheviljelussüsteemide (Mahe I ja Mahe II) mullas olid üldlämmastiku sisalduse näitajad võrreldes tavaviljeluse süsteemiga Tava I odra alla külvatud ristiku järgselt vastavalt 17,4% ja 18,5%, ristiku järgselt 10,6% ja 17,1% ning talinisu järgselt 14,3% ja 13,5% võrra suuremad. Samas usutav erinevus kasvatatud kultuuride vahel puudus. Tava 0 mullas olid üldlämmastiku sisalduse näitajad ristiku allakülviga odra järgselt 24,0%, ristiku järgselt 10,6% ja talinisu järgselt 14,8% võrra väiksemad kui Mahe 0 süsteemis. Ristiku kasvatamine tõstis Tava 0 ala Nüld sisaldust, kuid ilmnes tendents, kus pärast talinisu kasvatamist hakkab mullas üldlämmastiku sisaldus jälle vähenema

    Punase ristiku kasvatamise mõju mulla mikroobide aktiivsusele ja orgaanilise süsiniku sisaldusele erinevates viljelusviisides

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    Uurimistulemustest selgus, et punase ristiku kasvatamine külvikorras avaldab soodsat mõju mikroorganismidele, tõstes mullamikroobide aktiivsust. Pestitsiididega töödeldud tavaviljelussüsteemides oli mulla mikroobide aktiivsus ja orgaanilise süsiniku sisaldus võrreldes mahesüsteemidega madalam

    Organic Cropping Systems do not Increase Weed Seed Numbers but do Increase Weed Diversity

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    The influence of different cropping systems on the soil weed seed bank after the first crop rotation within a five-field crop rotation (barley undersown with red clover, red clover, winter wheat, pea, potato) in three organic (Org) and in two conventional (Conv) cropping systems was investigated. In organic systems Org I and Org II cover crops were incorporated as a source of nutrient inputs to the soil and in Org II composted cattle manure was also applied. The Org 0 acted as the organic control system without cover crops and manure. The two conventional cropping systems were treated with herbicides and fungicides and differed in fertilizer application (i.e. Conv I no fertilizer use (as control) and Conv II mineral fertilizer use). In general, the lowest number of annual weed seeds was found in system Conv I, the highest in Conv II. In organic systems with cover crops (Org I, II) there was a strong tendency for decreased weed seed numbers and increased biodiversity. The highest values of the Shannon-Wiener diversity index and Margalef richness index were in Org II system. In all systems the most abundant species in weed seed banks were Chenopodium album L. and Viola arvensis Murr

    Changes in the Soil Microbial Hydrolytic Activity and the Content of Organic Carbon and Total Nitrogen by Growing Spring Barley Undersown with Red Clover in Different Farming Systems

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    The experiments were carried out during 2012–2017. There were 5 crops in rotation: Red clover, winter wheat, pea, potato and barley undersown (us) with red clover. There were 5 cropping systems in the experimental setup: 2 conventional systems with chemical plant protection and mineral fertilizers; 3 organic systems which included winter cover crops and farm manure. The aim of the present research was to study the e_ect of cultivating barley undersown with red clover and the preceding winter cover crop on the soil microbial hydrolytic activity, the change in the content of soil organic carbon (SOC) and total nitrogen (Ntot) compared to the same parameters from the field that was previously under potato cultivation (forecrop of barley in the rotation). The cultivation of barley with red clover (barley (us)) had a positive impact on the soil micro-organisms activity. In organic systems the soil microbial hydrolytic activity increased on average by 19.0%, compared to the conventional systems. By cultivating barley (us) the soil microbial hydrolytic activity had a significant e_ect on the SOC content only in organic systems where winter cover crops were used. Organic cultivation systems had positive impact on the soil nitrogen content; Ntot in samples taken before sowing the barley (us) was higher by 17.4% and after the cultivation of barley (us) by 14.4% compared to conventional systems, as an average of experimental years. After cultivation of barley (us) with red clover the soil microbial hydrolytic activity had no e_ect on the soil Ntot content in either cultivation systems

    Herne saak ja kvaliteet maheviljeluses olenevalt orgaanilise väetamise viisist

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    Maheviljeluses kasutatakse mitmeaastast külvikorda, mis säilitab ja suurendab mulla viljakust ja bioloogilist aktiivsust ning kus kasvatatakse liblikõielisi ja haljasväetistaimi või kasutatakse väetamisel komposteeritud sõnnikut (Mahepõllumajanduse seadus, 2007; Palts ja Vetemaa, 2012). Seega on õhulämmastikku siduvaid ja mügarbaktereid moodustavate liblikõieliste taimede kasvatamine maheviljeluse üheks põhitingimuseks. Liblikõielised taimede kasvatamine soodustab ka teiste toiteelementide (P, K, mikroelemendid) omastamist mullast või orgaanilisest materjalist. Hernes, kui mahekülvikorda hästi sobiv kultuur on vähenõudlik ja kasvutingimuste suhtes leplik taim, mis kasvab hästi keskmistel liivsavi- ja saviliivmuldadel. Ka ei vaja ta teraks kasvatamisel lämmastikku sisaldavaid väetisi. Sobivaks eelviljaks on hernele teravili. Teraviljad on külvikorras headeks kultuurideks, sest nad aitavad vähendada juuremädaniku probleeme ja ei ole peremeestaimed teiste kultuurirühmade, sh herne juuremädaniku patogeenidele või nematoodidele (Abawi jt., 2014). Uurimuse eesmärgiks oli selgitada erinevate orgaaniliste väetusviiside mõju herne saagile ja kvaliteedile maheviljeluses

    Teravilja saak ja saagi kvaliteet sõltuvalt viljelussüsteemist

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    Jätkusuutlikuks maheviljeluseks on oluline arendada viljelussüsteeme, mis tagaksid elurikkuse suurenemise, mullaviljakuse paranemise ja hea ning kvaliteetse saagi. Selles mängib keskset rolli liblikõielisi kultuure sisaldav ja taimetoitainete tasakaalu säilitav kohalikesse oludesse sobiv külvikord. Taimetoitainetega paremaks varustatuseks saab külvikorras kasutada veel vahekultuure, komposte või sõnnikut. Nende lagunemisel muutuvad toitained taimedele kättesaadavaks aeglasemalt ja ühtlasemalt, kindlustades nii külvikorras järgnevate kultuuride stabiilse varustatuse lämmastikuga. Käesoleva uurimuse eesmärk oli selgitada odra ja nisu saagikus ning saagi kvaliteet nende kasvatamisel viieväljases külvikorras kolmes eri maheviljelussüsteemis, mis erinesid talviste vahekultuuride ja sõnniku kasutamise poolest

    Viljelusviiside mõju kartuli saagile, saagi kvaliteedile ning mulla toiteelementide sisaldusele

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    The experiments were carried out in the Eerika test site of Rõhu experimental station of Institute of agricultural and environmental sciences, Estonian University of Life Sciences in 2012–2016. There were 5 succeeding crops in rotation: red clover, winter wheat, pea, potato and barley undersown with red clover. Four cropping systems were studied. The objective of present research was to investigate the effect of cropping systems on the yield components of potato and on the quality parameters of tubers. Another target was to study the effect of potato cropping systems on the soil nutrient content. The results of the 5 year study revealed that the cropping systems did not have any significant effect on the formation of potato yield components and the quality parameters of the tubers. It was concluded that soil nutrient content is of vital importance in potato cultivation because the crop harvest leaves the soil depleted of nutrients. By cultivating the potato in an organic field the soil potassium content was decreased by 15%. It was also observed that the content of magnesium was limited after potato harvest. In order to compensate for the nutrient deficiency winter cover crops with high K and Mg binding properties and deep root systems should be used according to the specific cultivation site