8 research outputs found

    A characterization of well-dominated Cartesian products

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    A graph is well-dominated if all its minimal dominating sets have the same cardinality. In this paper we prove that at least one factor of every connected, well-dominated Cartesian product is a complete graph, which then allows us to give a complete characterization of the connected, well-dominated Cartesian products if both factors have order at least 22. In particular, we show that GHG\,\Box\,H is well-dominated if and only if GH=P3K3G\,\Box\,H = P_3 \,\Box\,K_3 or GH=KnKnG\,\Box\,H= K_n \,\Box\,K_n for some n2n\ge 2.Comment: 17 page

    Orientable total domination in graphs

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    Given a directed graph DD, a set SV(D)S \subseteq V(D) is a total dominating set of DD if each vertex in DD has an in-neighbor in SS. The total domination number of DD, denoted γt(D)\gamma_t(D), is the minimum cardinality among all total dominating sets of DD. Given an undirected graph GG, we study the maximum and minimum total domination numbers among all orientations of GG. That is, we study the upper (or lower) orientable domination number of GG, DOMt(G)\rm{DOM}_t(G) (or domt(G)\rm{dom}_t(G)), which is the largest (or smallest) total domination number over all orientations of GG. We characterize those graphs with DOMt(G)=domt(G)\rm{DOM}_t(G) =\rm{dom}_t(G) when the girth is at least 77 as well as those graphs with domt(G)=V(G)1\rm{dom}_t(G) = |V(G)|-1. We also consider how these parameters are effected by removing a vertex from GG, give exact values of DOMt(Km,n)\rm{DOM}_t(K_{m,n}) and domt(Km,n)\rm{dom}_t(K_{m,n}) and bound these parameters when GG is a grid graph

    Orientable domination in product-like graphs

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    The orientable domination number, DOM(G){\rm DOM}(G), of a graph GG is the largest domination number over all orientations of GG. In this paper, DOM{\rm DOM} is studied on different product graphs and related graph operations. The orientable domination number of arbitrary corona products is determined, while sharp lower and upper bounds are proved for Cartesian and lexicographic products. A result of Chartrand et al. from 1996 is extended by establishing the values of DOM(Kn1,n2,n3){\rm DOM}(K_{n_1,n_2,n_3}) for arbitrary positive integers n1,n2n_1,n_2 and n3n_3. While considering the orientable domination number of lexicographic product graphs, we answer in the negative a question concerning domination and packing numbers in acyclic digraphs posed in [Domination in digraphs and their direct and Cartesian products, J. Graph Theory 99 (2022) 359-377]

    Orientabilna dominacija v grafih produktnega tipa

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    The orientable domination number, ▫rmDOM(G){rm DOM}(G)▫, of a graph ▫GG▫ is the largest domination number over all orientations of ▫GG▫. In this paper, ▫rmDOM{rm DOM}▫ is studied on different product graphs and related graph operations. The orientable domination number of arbitrary corona products is determined, while sharp lower and upper bounds are proved for Cartesian and lexicographic products. A result of Chartrand et al. from 1996 is extended by establishing the values of ▫rmDOM(Kn1,n2,n3){rm DOM}(K_{n_1,n_2,n_3})▫ for arbitrary positive integers ▫n1,n2n_1,n_2▫ and ▫n3n_3▫. While considering the orientable domination number of lexicographic product graphs, we answer in the negative a question concerning domination and packing numbers in acyclic digraphs posed in [Domination in digraphs and their direct and Cartesian products, J. Graph Theory 99 (2022) 359-377].Orientabilno dominantno število, ▫rmDOM(G){rm DOM}(G)▫, grafa ▫GG▫ je največje dominantno število poljubne orientacije grafa ▫GG▫. V tem članku število ▫rmDOM(G){rm DOM}(G)▫ raziskujemo na različnih produktih grafov ter ob uporabi različnih operacij nad grafi. Za poljubno korono dveh grafov natanko določimo njeno orientabilno dominantno število, medtem ko za kartezični in leksikografski produkt grafov določimo ostre spodnje in zgornje meje. Rezultat Chartranda in soavtorjev (1996) razširimo tako, da določimo vrednosti ▫rmDOM(Kn1,n2,n3){rm DOM}(K_{n_1,n_2,n_3})▫, kjer so ▫n1,n2n_1, n_2▫ in ▫n3n_3▫ poljubna naravna števila. Ob obravnavi orientabilnega dominantnega števila leksikografskih produktov grafov pridemo tudi do negativnega odgovor na vprašanje iz članka Brešarja in soavtorjev (2022), ki se nanaša na dominantno in pakirno število acikličnih usmerjenih grafov

    A New Framework to Approach Vizing’s Conjecture

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    We introduce a new setting for dealing with the problem of the domination number of the Cartesian product of graphs related to Vizing’s conjecture. The new framework unifies two different approaches to the conjecture. The most common approach restricts one of the factors of the product to some class of graphs and proves the inequality of the conjecture then holds when the other factor is any graph. The other approach utilizes the so-called Clark-Suen partition for proving a weaker inequality that holds for all pairs of graphs. We demonstrate the strength of our framework by improving the bound of Clark and Suen as follows: γ (X□Y) ≥ max γ(X□Y)≥max{12γ(X)γt(Y),12γt(X)γ(Y)}\gamma \left( {X \square Y} \right) \ge \max \left\{ {{1 \over 2}\gamma (X){\gamma _t}(Y),{1 \over 2}{\gamma _t}(X)\gamma (Y)} \right\}, where γ stands for the domination number, γt is the total domination number, and X□Y is the Cartesian product of graphs X and Y