64 research outputs found

    Kooliõpilaste alkoholi tarvitamine 2003-2015: Eesti võrdlus naaberriikidega

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    Sisemise poliitilise mõjususe seos poliitilise osalusega nelja pikaajalise demokraatiakogemusega riigi näitel

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    Käesoleva bakalaureusetöö eesmärgiks oli leida, kuidas mõjutab indiviidi poliitilist osalust tema sisemine poliitiline mõjusus ehk uskumus, et ta suudab riigis poliitilist ja sotsiaalselt muutust ellu viia. Uurimus on oluline, kuna pikaaegse demokraatiakogemusega riikides on viimaste aastakümnete jooksul toimunud poliitilise osaluse mustrite muutus, kuid selle põhjuste osas leidub erinevaid teoreetilisi arusaamasid. Nimelt osalevad inimesed osalevad üha enam mittekonventsionaalsel teel ehk protestidel, demonstratsioonidel ja organisatsioonide töös ning üha vähem konventsionaalsel viisil ehk poliitikute ja parteidega seotud tegevustes. Käesolev bakalaureusetöö tugines Thomasseni (2001) väidetel, et mida kõrgem on inimese poliitiline mõjusus, seda suurem on tema mittekonventsionaalne osalus ja väiksem konventsionaalne osalus. Eelnimetatud seosed olid ka bakalaureusetöö hüpoteesideks. Töö jagunes kolmeks peatükiks. Esimene osa oli olemasoleva teooria ülevaade ning uurimistöö eesmärkide ja hüpoteeside püstitamine. Kirjeldatud on nii hüpoteese toetavaid kui ümberlükkavaid seisukohti. Teises peatükis on esitatud ülevaade andmestikust ja valimist, töös kasutavatest tunnustest ja analüüsimeetodist. Töö kolmandas peatükis ehk empiirilises osas on esitatud andmeanalüüsi tulemused ja diskussioon. Valimisse kuulusid erineva riigikorralduse ja demokraatiavormiga riigid Šveits, Rootsi, Saksamaa ja Prantsusmaa, mis erinevad omavahel konventsionaalse ja mittekonventsionaalse osaluse määrade poolest. Kõikide riikide puhul kehtisid poliitilise mõjususe ja poliitilise osaluse vahel sarnased seosed. Mitmese regressioonanalüüsi põhjal ei leidnud kinnitust hüpotees 1 (H1), et mida kõrgem on inimese sisemine poliitiline mõjusus, seda madalam on ta konventsionaalne osalus. Andmeanalüüsi kaasatud kolm sisemise mõjususe tunnust ennustasid konventsionaalset osalust positiivselt ning kõik seosed olid ühtlasi ka statistiliselt olulised. Kõigi nelja riigi puhul selgusid positiivsed ja statistiliselt olulised seosed ka sisemise poliitilise mõjususe ja mittekonventsionaalse osaluse vahel, mis kinnitab töö teist hüpoteesi (H2). Seega ei leidnud bakalaureusetöö kinnitust Thomasseni (2001) väitele, et poliitiline mõjusus on nn võtmetingimus, miks poliitilises osaluses on tasakaal mittekonventsionaalse osaluse kasuks muutunud. Käesoleva bakalaureusetöö puhul on tegu läbilõikeuuringuga, mis analüüsib seoseid sisemise poliitilise mõjususe ja poliitilise osaluse vahel. Selgunud tulemused aitavad selgitada poliitilise osaluse mustreid ja ajendeid neljas riigis aastatel 2014-2015, mil küsimustikud läbi viidi. Tulevastes uuringutes tasub aga analüüsida, kuidas on sisemise poliitilise mõjususe ja poliitilise osaluse seosed aja jooksul muutunud.http://www.ester.ee/record=b4580943*es

    National study for multidisciplinary outpatient oncological rehabilitation: online survey to support revised quality and performance criteria

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    PURPOSE More and more people survive cancer, but the disease and its treatment often lead to impairment. Multidisciplinary ambulatory oncological rehabilitation (OR) programs have thus been developed. SW!SS REHA, the organization of major Swiss rehabilitation clinics, has defined ambulatory OR quality criteria for its members (about 50% of the Swiss rehabilitation capacity). However, SW!SS REHA criteria are not fully implemented and/or interpreted differently by different specialties or in different linguistic regions in Switzerland. The aim of our study was to carry out an online survey of existing outpatient programs to define quality criteria for an ideal OR program in Switzerland. METHODS A mixed methods approach was used for the survey-qualitative and quantitative. The qualitative part consisted of a guided discussion with OR experts and the quantitative part of an online survey. The quantitative part comprised the development and evaluation of an online questionnaire. It served to record the opinions of OR centers in Switzerland on the desired situation of outpatient rehabilitation. RESULTS Eighteen OR centers and 71 (49.7% response rate) OR actors participated in the online survey. The survey results indicate that some of the SW!SS REHA quality and performance criteria only partially match with the desired OR criteria for Switzerland. Key disparities occur particularly in the program design and structure and specifically around how many interventions are required to constitute an OR program, the extent of standardization versus individualization of the program, i.e., how many and which modules in a program should be obligatory, and finally the duration and intensity of the program. The online survey did not generate any statistical evidence that OR requirements vary significantly between different linguistic regions and among different specialties. CONCLUSIONS Cancer patients are heterogeneous with respect to cancer type, prognosis, and disability level, such that a standard program cannot be uniformly applied. Therefore, a flexible program is required with few mandatory modules and additional individual modules to achieve the threshold number of modules that would constitute a multidisciplinary OR program. Intensity and frequency of OR needs to consider the health state of the participants. The results indicate a need to modify some of the existing SW!SS REHA criteria to ensure that more patients can gain access and benefit form evidence-based OR interventions. Furthermore, the survey provides important findings so that the existing OR offer can be improved with the goal that OR centers will be able to be quality certified in the future

    Effect of acid pretreatment and the germination period on the composition and antioxidant activity of rice bean (Vigna umbellata)

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    This research evaluated effect of germination period and acid pretreatment on chemical composition and antioxidant activity of rice bean sprouts. Moisture, total phenolics, reducing sugar and B vitamins (thiamine, riboflavin, and niacin) content of steamed sprouts increased with increasing germination time (p ⩽ 0.05). Pretreatment with 1% (w/v) citric acid for 6 h significantly increased the total phenolic content. The 18-h-germinated rice beans showed the highest crude protein content, as determined using the Kjeldahl method. During germination, acid pretreatment led to a significant decrease in the intensity of the 76-kDa band. Germination caused a significant increase in radical scavenging activity and ferric reducing antioxidant power, especially in sprouts from citric acid-treated seeds. The antioxidant activities of the ethanolic extracts from both pretreated beans and the control were 1.3–1.6 times higher than those obtained from the water extracts. Major phenolics found in both 0-h and 18-h-germinated rice beans were catechin and rutin

    Multidisciplinary Outpatient Cancer Rehabilitation Can Improve Cancer Patients' Physical and Psychosocial Status-a Systematic Review

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    PURPOSE OF REVIEW This systematic review aimed to determine the effects of interdisciplinary/multidisciplinary outpatient rehabilitation programmes by looking at physical, psychosocial and return to work status of adult cancer patients. RECENT FINDINGS There is growing evidence that emphasizes the importance of interdisciplinary/multidisciplinary rehabilitation especially in outpatient care, which addresses the complex and individual needs of cancer patients. Many studies focus on measuring the effect of individual rehabilitation interventions. Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and before-after studies examining the effects of interdisciplinary/multidisciplinary outpatient rehabilitation programmes were included in this systematic review. The electronic literature search was conducted in MEDLINE, EMBASE, CINAHL, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials and PEDro. The PICO statement was used for selection of the studies. Six randomized controlled trials and six before-after studies were included. Interdisciplinary/multidisciplinary outpatient cancer rehabilitation programmes improved physical and/or psychosocial status of cancer patients. However, non-significant changes in a variety of single physical and psychosocial measures were also common. The findings of the systematic review indicate that interdisciplinary/multidisciplinary outpatient cancer rehabilitation can improve cancer patients' physical and psychosocial status. This review is limited by the narrative approach due to the heterogeneity of outcome measures. To evaluate effects of rehabilitation, better comparable studies are necessary. Further research is needed in regard to long-term outcomes, effects on return to work status and on the associations depending on cancer type

    Adolescent alcohol use in Estonia compared with Latvia, Lithuania, Finland and Sweden: results from cross-sectional surveys, 2003-2015

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    Objectives The aims of the study were (1) to describe trends in the prevalence of monthly alcohol use from 2003 to 2015 and (2) to analyse the associations between alcohol use and family-related and school-related factors, risk behaviours and perceived alcohol availability in Estonia compared with Latvia, Lithuania, Finland and Sweden. Methods The study used nationally representative data of 15–16-year- old adolescents from the European School Survey Project on Alcohol and Other Drugs. Data from Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Finland and Sweden collected in 2003, 2007, 2011 and 2015 were utilised (n=57 779). The prevalence of monthly alcohol use including light and strong alcohol use was calculated for each study year. A χ2 test for trend was used to evaluate statistically significant changes in alcohol use over the study period. A multilevel logistic regression analysis was used for assessing the association between alcohol use and explanatory factors. Marginal ORs with 95% CIs for each country were calculated. Results Monthly alcohol use decreased significantly among boys and girls in all countries from 2003 to 2015. In 2015, the prevalence of monthly alcohol use among boys was 36.1% in Estonia, 44.3% in Latvia, 32.4% in Lithuania, 32.3% in Finland and 22.4% in Sweden. Among girls, it was 39.1%, 45.9%, 35.6%, 31.8% and 29.1%, respectively. In all countries, higher odds of monthly alcohol use were observed among adolescents who skipped school, smoked cigarettes, used cannabis, perceived alcohol to be easy to access and had parents who did not know always/often about their child’s whereabouts on Saturday nights. Compared with Estonia, associations between alcohol use and explanatory factors were similar in Latvia and Lithuania but different in Finland and Sweden. Conclusion Results of cross-national comparison of alcohol use and explanatory factors could be effectively used to further decrease alcohol use among adolescents

    Comparative study on physicochemical and functional properties of egg powders from Japanese quail and white Leghorn chicken

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    Physicochemical and functional properties of freeze-dried egg powders (egg white, egg yolk, and whole egg) from Japanese quail and white Leghorn chicken were studied comparatively. All egg powders had protein content in the range of 91.13–97.03 g/100 g powder. The quail egg powder had higher mineral and essential amino acid contents, but lower fat content as compared to chicken egg powders (P < 0.05). Moreover, egg white powder from both quail and chicken presented higher total amino acids content than corresponding whole egg and egg yolk powders, respectively. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopic study revealed that β-sheet is the major secondary structure of all egg powders. Based on differential scanning calorimetry analysis, quail egg powders showed slightly lower denaturation temperatures than corresponding chicken egg powders (P < 0.05). Sodium dodecyl sulfate–polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis study showed the slight difference in protein patterns of corresponding quail and chicken egg powders. The quail egg powders presented higher protein solubility than corresponding chicken egg powders at all pH tested. Furthermore, quail egg powders exhibited higher emulsion activity index and emulsion stability index with higher foam expansion and stability than the corresponding chicken egg powders. Therefore, Japanese quail egg powders could be used as an alternative to white Leghorn chicken egg in the preparation of foods and diets that require high protein content with positive health benefits