83 research outputs found

    Formation and development of the sports tourism in Ukraine

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    The article discusses the features of the development of sports tourism. It is proved that the beginning of the new millennium was marked by the rise of the world tourist movement. Under the influence of rapid development of infocommunication technologies and international economic relations tourism has become one of the most representative branches of the world economy. The article proves that the development of the recreational and tourist complex of Ukraine should become a priority direction of the national economy and culture, an important factor in increasing the international prestige of the country, a source of socio-economic development of the regions, an important condition for preserving the historical and cultural heritage

    Healthcare Efficiency as a Wellbeing Factor in the Siberian Federal District

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    An assessment of the efficiency of healthcare systems in territorial entities of the Russian Federation’s Siberian Federal District was carried out using Minmax method on the basis of data presented in Unified Interdepartmental Statistical Information System. Four groups of components were assessed (presence, usage, availability of resources and medical efficiency), while being decomposed into 14 indicators. The study of selected components and indicators dynamics through 2005-2013 allowed revealing its multidirectional influence on the efficiency of healthcare systems in the Siberian Federal District territorial entities. Low or average level of efficiency was revealed in 9 out of 13 territorial entities, usually determined by the insufficient level of usage or availability of resources. Possible ways of improving the district's healthcare system efficiency were defined. It is proved that the efficiency of The Siberian Federal District healthcare systems is an essential factor in ensuring the wellbeing of the population who live in district which is distinct in uncongenial climatic-ecological conditions affecting health

    К методике и методологии гидрогеологических исследований территории Южного Предуралья

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    Providing the population with drinking water is an urgent problem in the areas of the South Urals. It escalates during the dry periods of the summer low water. An analysis of the situation, performed by the author on the example of the Orenburg agglomeration, indicates the possibility of solving this problem by recovery of the water reserves of the existing alluvial water intakes by the accumulation of part of the flood flow. When the water level rises in the river, the groundwater level rises and water inflows to the water wells increase. When water filtering through alluvium they clean themselves from pollutants. Therefore, during groundwater recovery process in the flood period, resources increase and the quality of drinking water improves.Актуальной проблемой районов Южного Предуралья является обеспечение населения водой питьевого качества. Она обостряется в засушливые периоды летней межени. Анализ ситуации на примере Оренбургской городской агломерации свидетельствует о возможности решить эту проблему путем восполнения запасов вод действующих аллювиальных водозаборов за счет аккумуляции части паводкового стока. При подъеме уровня воды в реке поднимается уровень подземных вод и растут водопритоки к водозаборным скважинам. При фильтрации вод через аллювий происходит их самоочищение от загрязняющих веществ, т.е. при восполнении запасов подземных вод в период паводков увеличиваются ресурсы и улучшается качество питьевых вод

    Geodemography as a component of population geography

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    The article considers in detail the stages of formation and establishment of geodemography as a modern scientific direction of population geography. At the first stage, the central place in the system of knowledge about population belongs to demography. At the second stage, the interaction of demography with neighboring sciences, in particular with geography, is strengthened. At their junction, a new discipline is being formed – the geography of the population. At the third stage, a new direction of population geography is formed, focused on the study of regional differeces in population and settlement, and the development of regional demographic policy, which we call geodemography

    Healthcare Effectiveness as a Wellbeing Factor. Workforce

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    Wellbeing of citizens is a multifactorial and a multi-aspect process. One of the key aspects is health. Despite the fact that health depends on the healthcare system on 15-20% only, it is vital to improve its efficiency. Authors highlight that, on the one hand, healthcare as social-economical system must be targeted on citizens’ health improvement, and on the other hand, it must obey economic processes. Modernization and reforming of healthcare system demand effectiveness increase of all types of resources in this context; but authors imply that the key ones are the workforce resources. A conducted monitoring of Russian Federation citizens’ health on several diseases as well as an evaluation of Russian Federation workforce resources usage through 2003-2013 (level of an institution (federal, regional, municipal), provision, staff ratio (physicians and nurses), its correspondence to staff schedule, qualifications level, etc. were used as the criteria) and also a comparison of federal districts healthcare system effectiveness (using Minmax method) did not show synonymous dynamics.Increase in staff usage effectiveness is a factor of healthcare system effectiveness raise, which is a factor of citizens wellbeing improving

    Modern state, problems and prospects of development of Odesa recreational complex

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    The article is devoted to the socio-geographical characteristics of the territorial recreational complex of Odesa. The article gives a historical review of establishment and development of recreational activity, gives a description of natural recreational resources and historical and cultural potential of the city. It gives a description of certain types of recreational activities, in particular, sanatorium treatment, medical rehabilitation and tourism, resort areas, formed within the city limits, the problems and prospects of development of Odesa recreational complex are considered here

    Basic postulates of the new administrative-territorial structure of Ukraine

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    The article is devoted to the study of the basic postulates of reforming the administrative-territorial structure of Ukraine. The authors proved that the regional volume of geographical support of this problem – informational, cartographic, geoinformational, scientific, pilot-project is much wider. The increased attention of geographers to the problems of the ATR and the new ATS is evidenced by the first dissertation developments and the growing flow of publications and scientific discussions on regionalization and administrative-territorial arrangement of the country

    Analysis of structural and age deformations of population - regional aspect

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    Structural-age-related changes of the population of Ukraine on the example of the graphic of deformation of a pyramid 2001 year are considered. It is established that considerable scales of structural deformations: negative deviations in age pyramids, are connected by considerable losses of the population and the corresponding demographic waves. The technique of the quantitative analysis of gender and age pyramids is developed and approved. The reasons of negative and positive deformations both in Ukraine as a whole and in its regions are analyzed. Regions on intensity and amplitude structurally-age deformations are systematized.  Three main groups are allocated and as an example one region from each group are characterized. The analysis of structural deformations of the population of Ukraine and its regions is carried out

    Russian National Social Security System as the Condition of Pensioners’ Well-Being

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    Pensioners’ well-being depends on many factors. It can be provided with the state, family, and pensioners themselves. It can be tangible and intangible. This research is limited with the following frames: only material well-being, only governmental support, 8 federal districts of the Russian Federation, the exploration period is 6 years: 2006-2011. The evaluation of 6 activities by MinMax Method, including three cash ones and three "non-cash" ones, allowed to prove empirically the hypothesis that social support of pensioners living in various federal districts of the Russian Federation is significantly different. Leveling out of these differences should be a crucial way to perfect/improve pensioners’ social support