9 research outputs found

    Impact of Hate Speech on Building the Value of Pro-Social Activities. Perspective of Author and Social Media User

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    Theoretical background: The value of a given project (including those of a pro-social nature) is determined by a number of factors, not only those of a financial nature. Within the corporate social responsibility concept, ethics was indicated as one of the factors influencing the value of the project. Currently, one of the problems in the field of ethics is the widespread online hate speech, affecting also the effectiveness of the processes of building the value of pro-social activities that fit into the concept of social marketing. Hate speech has come to form a significant portion of online communication. Only in the first quarter of 2022, Facebook removed 15.1 million pieces of content with hate speech, constituting only a minor part of the problem.Purpose of the article: The authors have noted a research gap in the area of analysing the impact of hate speech on building the value of pro-social activities. The intention of the authors was to evaluate whether the analysis of the phenomenon in question will allow to verify whether there is a relationship between online hate speech and building the value of online pro-social activities. The following research question was formulated: Can online hate speech have an impact on building the value of pro-social activities?Research methods: The authors decided that the quality dimension of the conducted studies should have the form of an individual in-depth interview (the author’s perspective) and a focus group interview supplemented with projection techniques – connotation test, evaluation of emotions and level of controversy (the perspective of the user of social media).Main findings: Hate actions significantly impede the functioning of profile with pro social content which is meant to function as the so-called safe space, which may have an impact on building the value of the influencer’s pro-social activities. During the interview with the recipients of controversial social campaigns, the occurrence of contradictory emotions was confirmed. The paper may offer a basis for further deepened scientific studies in the area of building the value of pro-social activities and a guideline for authors of social activities. Further research in the discussed direction may indicate new modes of using the social media with the participation of influencers who are active in the pro-social area and who have a community of engaged followers

    The assessment of the domestic and foreign medical services and the intents to participate in medical tourism

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    PURPOSE: The aim of the study was to identify the relationship between the assessment of the domestic medical services and the expectations connected with foreign medical services as well as the identification of the impact of the gap between these values on the intent to take the offer of MT and the differences among young consumers from various countries.DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: The fully structured questionnaire was used for the survey that included the convenience sample of 570 respondents who were young consumers from Jordan, Poland and Turkey. Multiple regression was used to verify the hypotheses.FINDINGS: Both the assessment of domestic medical services and the expectations regarding foreign services show a statistically significant relationship with the intent to undertake MT, while in the case of expectations, this relationship is twice as strong. The identified gaps have positive values meaning that the level of expectations regarding the quality of the service provided abroad exceeds the level of the assessment of these aspects in relation to the domestic service. Significant differences were demonstrated between Poland, Turkey and Jordan.PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: Identified differences in each group of buyers provide suggestions on information strategies aimed at stimulating readiness to travel in order to use MT services addressed to people from a given country.ORIGINALITY/VALUE: The obtained results show that the expectations that young consumers have towards this type of services are of key importance for the intent to undertake medical tourism. The lack of confirmation of the greater significance of the gap between the assessment and expectations does not mean that the assumptions relating to the method of testing the quality of services are negated, but only suggests doubts as to the applicability of the model assumptions for the situation of predicting future consumer decisions not based on previous experience.peer-reviewe

    Сенсорный маркетинг в качестве нового инструмента поддержки процесса маркетинговой коммуникации в секторе услуг туризма

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    Marketing communication comprises the entirety of the activities undertaken to create and market an idea of a company and its product, as well as distributing the idea among various groups of people. Communication is a highly dynamic phenomenon, and we can observe the continuous development of new forms of marketing communication: internet communication, mobile communication, viral marketing, buzz marketing, guerrilla marketing, advergaming, and ambush marketing. The sensory impact on the customer’s senses, defined as sensory marketing, is a relatively new tool of supporting the marketing communication process. Multisensory technologies are becoming more and more common in the sector of tourism services. Sensory marketing is a great add-on to the traditional forms of marketing communication and an integral part of a multisensory brand experience. The aim of this study is to describe the holistic concept of sensory marketing, identify the forms and ways of influencing people’s senses in the process of selling consumer goods, as well as provide some examples from the tourism services sector. This is the review article.Komunikacja marketingowa obejmuje całokształt działań podejmowanych w celu stworzenia i wprowadzenia na rynek idei firmy i jej produktu, jak również upowszechnienia idei wśród różnych grup ludzi. Komunikacja jest zjawiskiem wysoce dynamicznym; możemy obserwować ciągły rozwój nowych form komunikacji marketingowej: komunikacji internetowej, komunikacji mobilnej, marketingu wirusowego, marketingu szeptanego, marketingu partyzanckiego, marketingu zwanego advergaming i marketingu (reklamy) z zasadzki (ang. ambush marketing). Sensoryczne oddziaływanie na zmysły klienta, określane mianem marketingu sensorycznego, jest stosunkowo nowym narzędziem wspierania procesu komunikacji marketingowej. Technologie multisensoryczne coraz bardziej się upowszechniają w sektorze usług turystycznych. Marketing sensoryczny jest świetnym dodatkiem do tradycyjnych form komunikacji marketingowej i integralną częścią multisensorycznego doświadczania marki. Celem badania jest opisanie holistycznej koncepcji marketingu sensorycznego, zidentyfikowanie form i sposobów oddziaływania na zmysły ludzkie w procesie sprzedaży dóbr konsumpcyjnych oraz podanie przykładów z sektora usług turystycznych. Artykuł ma charakter przeglądowy.Маркетинговая коммуникация включает в себя весь круг действий, предпринимаемых для создания и реализации идеи фирмы и ее продукта, а также распространения идеи среди разных групп людей. Коммуникация – весьма динамичное явление, и мы можем наблюдать постоянное развитие новых форм маркетинговой коммуникации: интернет-коммуникацию, мобильную коммуникацию, вирусный маркетинг, маркетинг из уст в уста (сарафанное радио), партизанский маркетинг, адвергейминг и засадной маркетинг (эмбушмаркетинг). Сенсорное влияние на органы чувств клиента, определяемое как сенсорный маркетинг – относительно новый инструмент поддержки процесса маркетинговой коммуникации. Многосенсорные технологии становятся все более популярными в секторе услуг туризма. Сенсорный маркетинг – великолепное дополнение к традиционным формам маркетинговой коммуникации и неотъемлемая часть многосенсорного опыта, связанного с брендом. Цель разработки – описать холистическую концепцию сенсорного маркетинга, выявить формы и способы воздействия на органы чувств человека в процессе продажи потребительских благ, а также привести примеры из сектора услуг туризма. Статья имеет характер обозрения

    Роль социальных медиа в коммуникации поколения Y

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    Celem opracowania (artykułu badawczego) jest ocena roli, jaką pełni szeroko rozumiana komunikacja elektroniczna, w tym w szczególności media społecznościowe w codziennej rzeczywistości pokolenia Y (milenialsów). Cele szczegółowe sformułowane zostały następująco: identyfikacja specyficznych cech pokolenia Y, wyróżniających je na tle innych pokoleń oraz charakterystyka procesów komunikacji w pokoleniu Y, w tym w szczególności komunikacji w mediach społecznościowych. Do realizacji powyższych celów posłużyły studia literaturowe oraz badania typu desk research. Cechą charakterystyczną opisującą znakomitą większość przedstawicieli generacji Y jest niezwykła biegłość w posługiwaniu się technologią cyfrową. Poziom wykorzystania mediów elektronicznych w życiu codziennym stał się dla tej generacji swoistym wyznacznikiem przynależności i stylem życia, wpływając na wiele jego aspektów, w tym między innymi na relacje międzyludzkie, wyznawany system wartości, aktywność zawodową, zainteresowania, a także zachowania konsumenckie. Wszystko to sprawia, iż pokolenie Y jest specyficznym segmentem konsumentów, stanowiącym szczególne wyzwanie dla marketingowców z każdej branży.The main objective of the article is to assess the role of the widely understood electronic communication, including in particular social media in everyday reality of Generation Y (Millennials). Specific objectives were formulated in the following way: to identify the specific characteristics of Generation Y, distinguishing them from other generations and the characteristics of communication processes in Generation Y, including in particular social media communication. To achieve these objectives literature studies and desk research were used. A characteristic feature describing the vast majority of the Generation Y representatives is their unusual proficiency in handling digital technology. The level of electronic media usage in everyday life has for this generation become a specific indicator of belonging to a group and lifestyle, influencing many aspects, including but not limited to relationships, system of values, professional activity, interests, and consumer behaviour. All this makes Generation Y a specific consumer segment which constitutes a great challenge for marketing actions in every industry.Цель разработки (исследовательской статьи) – оценить роль, какую играет электронная коммуникация в широком смысле, в том числе, в особенности, социальные медиа в повседневной действительности поколения Y (миллениалов). Частные цели сформулировали следующим образом: выявить специ- фические свойства поколения Y, выделяющие его на фоне других поколений, а также дать характеристику процессов коммуникации в поколении Y, в том числе, в особенности, в социальных медиа. Осуществлению этих целей послужили изучение литературы и исследования типа desk research. Характерной чертой, описывающей подавляющее большинство представителей поколения Y, является необыкновенное умение применять цифровую технологию. Уровень использования электронных средств в повседневной жиз- ни стал для этого поколения своеобразным определителем принадлежности и стилем жизни, влияя на многие ее аспекты, в том числе, в частности, на отношения между людьми, исповедуемую систему ценностей, прфессиональную активность, интересы, а также на потребительское поведение. Все это приводит к тому, что поколение Y – специфический сегмент потребителей, представляющий собой особый вызов для работников маркетинга из каждой отрасли

    Influencer as a modern initiator of social actions. Case of The Body Positive Movement

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    Objectives The authors were inspired by the new phenomenon of socially responsible initiatives, created by pro-socially oriented influencers. Analysis of international reference books has revealed a research gap existing in this field. The area for the conducted studies was a conceptually separate part of the Instagram community, related to pro-social activities. Dichotomous purposes of the paper include: in the epistemological aspect: definition of a new category of social media influencers focusing their interests and activities in social media on social issues, in the empirical aspect: exemplification of the aforementioned phenomenon in pro-social activities of a Polish influencer who represents the international The Body Positive Movement. Material and methods The research was conducted primarily in the qualitative aspect. Individual In-depth Interview, Internet content analysis and research of secondary sources were conducted. Results The studies indicate the existence of niche initiatives among social media influencers who create typical pro-social profiles on Instagram. This category of social media influencers, described and conceptually distinguished, can be called pro-social influencers (pro-social SMI). From the perspective of premises of the Social Influence Theory, analysis of relations between the studied pro-social influencer and her followers showed establishment of particularly durable, emotionally-charged relationships among people with similar views and cherished values. Conclusions The study results and conclusions presented by the authors may offer an incentive for further in-depth studies focused on influencers as the modern initiators of social activities

    The Theory of Planned Behaviour in Medical Tourism: International Comparison in the Young Consumer Segment

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    The Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) assumes the possibility of predicting and explaining humans’ behaviour by identifying their intentions. The intentions are shaped by three groups of factors: attitudes towards, social norms and perceived behavioural control over the behaviour. The aim of the research is to examine the applicability of the TPB in medical tourism and to check whether there are differences in predicting the intentions of medical tourists from different countries. The study covered potential medical tourists—521 young consumers from three regionally important markets in medical tourism services: Jordan, Poland and Turkey. The study used a research survey to collect data, which were analysed using the multiple regression and analysis of variance methods. The research showed that the TPB model can be used in medical tourism. The results also show that the consumers’ country of origin is a significant factor when predicting their intention to use medical tourism services