14 research outputs found

    Bilkent University Multimedia Database Group at TRECVID 2008

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    Bilkent University Multimedia Database Group (BILMDG) participated in two tasks at TRECVID 2008: content-based copy detection (CBCD) and high-level feature extraction (FE). Mostly MPEG-7 [1] visual features, which are also used as low-level features in our MPEG-7 compliant video database management system, are extracted for these tasks. This paper discusses our approaches in each task

    Animation of boiling phenomena

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    Phenomenon of boiling is a challenging topic for computer graphics due to its complex hydrodynamics and formulation. Realistic fluid animations require very heavy three-dimensional fluid flow calculations, and surface estimations as well. However, realism and performance are the two important objectives of the boiling animation for a real-time application. We present an efficient method for the simulation of boiling water in this paper. The method is based on modeling the bubbles and waves as particles. Grid-based approach is used both for the heating and the fluid surface. Our technique makes it possible to produce the animation of boiling phenomena nearly in real-time. ©2008 IEEE

    A large-scale sentiment analysis for Yahoo! Answers

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    Sentiment extraction from online web documents has recently been an active research topic due to its potential use in commercial applications. By sentiment analysis, we refer to the problem of assigning a quantitative positive/negative mood to a short bit of text. Most studies in this area are limited to the identification of sentiments and do not investigate the interplay between sentiments and other factors. In this work, we use a sentiment extraction tool to investigate the influence of factors such as gender, age, education level, the topic at hand, or even the time of the day on sentiments in the context of a large online question answering site. We start our analysis by looking at direct correlations, e.g., we observe more positive sentiments on weekends, very neutral ones in the Science & Mathematics topic, a trend for younger people to express stronger sentiments, or people in military bases to ask the most neutral questions. We then extend this basic analysis by investigating how properties of the (asker, answerer) pair affect the sentiment present in the answer. Among other things, we observe a dependence on the pairing of some inferred attributes estimated by a user's ZIP code. We also show that the best answers differ in their sentiments from other answers, e.g., in the Business & Finance topic, best answers tend to have a more neutral sentiment than other answers. Finally, we report results for the task of predicting the attitude that a question will provoke in answers. We believe that understanding factors influencing the mood of users is not only interesting from a sociological point of view, but also has applications in advertising, recommendation, and search. Copyright 2012 ACM

    Automatic tag expansion using visual similarity for photo sharing websites

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    In this paper we present an automatic photo tag expansion method designed for photo sharing websites. The purpose of the method is to suggest tags that are relevant to the visual content of a given photo at upload time. Both textual and visual cues are used in the process of tag expansion. When a photo is to be uploaded, the system asks for a couple of initial tags from the user. The initial tags are used to retrieve relevant photos together with their tags. These photos are assumed to be potentially content related to the uploaded target photo. The tag sets of the relevant photos are used to form the candidate tag list, and visual similarities between the target photo and relevant photos are used to give weights to these candidate tags. Tags with the highest weights are suggested to the user. The method is applied on Flickr (http://www.flickr. com ). Results show that including visual information in the process of photo tagging increases accuracy with respect to text-based methods. © 2009 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC

    Tag suggestr: Automatic photo tag expansion using visual information for photo sharing websites

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    In this paper, we propose an automatic photo tag expansion system for the community photo collections, such as Flickr. Our aim is to suggest relevant tags for a target photograph uploaded to the system by a user, by incorporating the visual and textual cues from other related photographs. As the first step, the system requires the user to add only a few initial tags for each uploaded photo. These initial tags are used to retrieve related photos including the same tags in their tag lists. Then the set of candidate tags collected from a large pool of photos is weighted according to the similarity of the target photo to the retrieved photo including the tag. Finally, the tags in the highest rankings are used to automatically expand the tags of the target photo. The experimental results on Flickr photos show that, the use of visual similarity of semantically relevant photos to recommend tags improves the quality of suggested tags compared to only text-based systems. © 2008 Springer Berlin Heidelberg

    Hierarchical organization of urban mobility and its connection with city livability

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from Nature Research via the DOI in this recordThe recent trend of rapid urbanization makes it imperative to understand urban characteristics such as infrastructure, population distribution, jobs, and services that play a key role in urban livability and sustainability. A healthy debate exists on what constitutes optimal structure regarding livability in cities, interpolating, for instance, between mono- and poly-centric organization. Here anonymous and aggregated flows generated from three hundred million users, opted-in to Location History, are used to extract global Intra-urban trips. We develop a metric that allows us to classify cities and to establish a connection between mobility organization and key urban indicators. We demonstrate that cities with strong hierarchical mobility structure display an extensive use of public transport, higher levels of walkability, lower pollutant emissions per capita and better health indicators. Our framework outperforms previous metrics, is highly scalable and can be deployed with little cost, even in areas without resources for traditional data collection.Conselleria d’Educacio, Cultura i Universitats of the Government of the Balearic IslandsEuropean Social FundSpanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and UniversitiesNational Agency for Research Funding AEIFEDER (EU)Maria de Maeztu program for Units of Excellence in R&DNYS Center of Excellence in Data Science, University of RochesterU. S. Army Research Office (ARO

    λ-diverse nearest neighbors browsing for multidimensional data

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.Traditional search methods try to obtain the most relevant information and rank it according to the degree of similarity to the queries. Diversity in query results is also preferred by a variety of applications since results very similar to each other cannot capture all aspects of the queried topic. In this paper, we focus on the -diverse k-nearest neighbor search problem on spatial and multidimensional data. Unlike the approach of diversifying query results in a postprocessing step, we naturally obtain diverse results with the proposed geometric and index-based methods. We first make an analogy with the concept of Natural Neighbors (NatN) and propose a natural neighbor-based method for 2D and 3D data and an incremental browsing algorithm based on Gabriel graphs for higher dimensional spaces. We then introduce a diverse browsing method based on the distance browsing feature of spatial index structures, such as R-trees. The algorithm maintains a Priority Queue with mindivdist of the objects depending on both relevancy and angular diversity and efficiently prunes nondiverse items and nodes. We experiment with a number of spatial and high-dimensional data sets, including Factual’s (http://www.factual.com/) US points-of-interest data set of 13M entries. On the experimental setup, the diverse browsing method is shown to be more efficient (regarding disk accesses) than k-NN search on R-trees, and more effective (regarding Maximal Marginal Relevance (MMR)) than the diverse nearest neighbor search techniques found in the literature

    A Natural Language Based Interface for Query Specification in a Video Database Management System

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.The authors developed a video database system called BilVideo that provides integrated support for spatiotemporal, semantic, and low-level feature queries. As a further development for this system, the authors present a natural language processing-based interface that lets users formulate queries in English and discuss the advantage of using such an interface. © 2007 IEEE

    λ-diverse nearest neighbors browsing for multidimensional data

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    Emoticons Signal Expertise in Technical Web Forums

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