14 research outputs found

    Status of iron during radon-sulfide balneotherapy in osteoarthritis patients

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    Osteoarthritis and other arthropathies are still one of the most debilitating musculoskeletal disorders among the elderly population. Pathogenesis of these diseases is multifactorial and mainly connected with increasing of oxidative stress. Pharmacotherapy, physico- and balneotherapy are the most commonly used methods of treatment. The mechanism of action balneotherapy in arthropathies is not fully understood. Probably it is a combined effect of used forms of biological interactions which influence different metabolic pathways. One of the potential factor connected with decreasing oxidative stress status during balneotherapy can be iron bioavailability and changes its concentration during this therapy. The aim of this study was assessing change of iron blood status during the routine 21 days’ radon-sulfide balneotherapy course in patients with osteoarthritis. The study group consisted of 35 osteoarthritis patients without impediment to comprehensive treatment at spa. The age of patients ranged 32-67 years (average 53.5). The blood samples were collected before the therapy and after 21 days of treatment at a spa. The levels of iron, transferrin, total iron binding capacity and transferrin saturation percent were assessed. Within statistical comparison before and after spa course reveled decreasing trend for all iron status parameters after 21 days’ spa treatment, but the observed changes were significant only for TIBC. In the course of spa therapy Osteoarthritis patients, the level of the systemic iron components is not affected and changes in blood oxidative status during this therapy probably are not influenced by iron status and vice versa

    Assessment of Changes in the Hemoglobin Level under the Influence of Comprehensive Spa Therapy Using Therapeutic Radon-Sulfur Waters and Its Correlation with Free Radical Reactions

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    Introduction. Hemoglobin is a protein present in erythrocytes of higher organisms. Its main function is to transport oxygen from the lungs to tissues and carbon dioxide from tissues to the lungs. Hemoglobin contains Fe2+, catalyzes free radical reactions, and may initiate oxidation reactions by enzymatic and nonenzymatic degradation. The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of balneophysiotherapy on the hemoglobin level in osteoarthritis patients and to try to assess the association of those metabolic changes with free radical reactions. Materials and Methods. The study was conducted in Przerzeczyn-Zdrój spa resort. It included patients receiving spa treatment over 21-day sessions. The studied group consisted of n = 122 patients with joint and back pain due to osteoarthritis or disc herniation. Their age ranged between 32 and 67 years with a mean age of 53.5. Blood samples were collected before treatment and after 21 days at the spa. Standard tests were used. The results were statistically analyzed using the sign test and the Wilcoxon test. Results. In the study group, we observed a drop in the hemoglobin level following spa treatment. Before treatment, the mean hemoglobin level was 14.1549 g%, and after treatment, it was 14.0008 g%. Conclusions. (1) In the study, we concluded that balneophysiotherapy in osteoarthritis patients resulted in a decrease in the mean hemoglobin level. (2) The decrease in the mean hemoglobin level in osteoarthritis patients treated at the spa resort may indicate an association with free radical reactions. This trial was registered with NCT03405350

    Assessment of the Level of Pain Intensity and the Level of Anxiety Treated as State and Trait in Patients with Osteoarthritis of the Limbs

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    Introduction. Osteoarthritis of the musculoskeletal system is accompanied with chronic pain which is the main factor in mood lowering, causing anxiety. Rehabilitation conducted in the framework of spa therapy and outpatient care aims at eliminating or reducing pain and improving physical fitness. Pain relief is an expected phenomenon because it improves the quality of life. Aim of the study. The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of rehabilitation in the spa and in outpatient clinic on the level of pain and anxiety in patients with degenerative joints and disc disease. Material and methods. The study included a comprehensive treatment conducted in the spa and in outpatient clinic. Observation included 120 persons with disorders of the musculoskeletal system treated in the spa Przerzeczyn-Zdrój. The second group of patients was treated in the rehabilitation clinic. The examinations were performed before and after treatment. The scope of the observations included self-evaluation of anxiety treated as a state and a trait, the level of intensity of pain, medical history, and sociodemographic background interview. In the observations, there were VAS scale and State Trait Anxiety Inventory STAI used. Result. As a result of the spa therapy and therapy performed in an outpatient clinic, there was an improvement in lowering the level of pain and anxiety noted. Conclusions. 1. Spa therapy and treatment performed in an outpatient clinic reduce the level of pain and anxiety in patients with degenerative disease of the musculoskeletal system. 2. It was found that the therapy conducted in the spa was more effective in lowering the level of pain and anxiety. This trial is registered with NCT03405350

    C-Reactive Protein (CRP) and Health Resort Reaction

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    Incident tissue-damaging factors trigger a systemic response manifested by inflammatory reaction. Acute-phase proteins are a diagnostic and prognostic marker in various systemic homeostasis disorders. In the course of health resort therapy, a so-called health resort reaction is observed presenting with, e.g., exacerbation of organ-related disorders, elevated body temperature, increased erythrocyte sedimentation rate, and leukocyte counts. The objective of the study was to demonstrate a change in the concentration of C-reactive protein (CRP) as a result of health resort radon therapy as well as to determine the relationship between this change and the phenomenon known as health resort reaction. The study was conducted in Swieradow-Zdroj resort. The study population consisted of patients undergoing radon-active water bath treatment. Standard tests were used to determine CRP levels before the treatment as well as 5 and 18 days into the treatment. The study group consisted of n = 34 patients with osteoarthritis and spondyloarthritis. The control group consisted of 17 employees of the health resort who were also burdened with osteoarthritis or spondyloarthritis yet did not undergo radon therapy and had absolutely no contact with radon materials. The study revealed no statistically significant increase in the concentration of CRP. This trial is registered with NCT03274128. The study was carried out as part of the statutory task SUB.E060.19.001

    Teodor Rafiński’s and Jerzy Alkiewicz’s contributions to the Scientific Research Center for the Diseases of the Children’s Respiratory System in Kolobrzeg of the Pediatric Clinic of Medical Academy in Poznan.

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    Na wstępie przedstawiono istotę ośrodków naukowo-badawczych w polskich uzdrowiskach. Były one placówkami medycznymi unikatowymi w skali światowej. Szeroko zanalizowano rolę wybitnych profesorów Teodora Rafińskiego i Jerzego Alkiewicza w rozwoju Ośrodka Naukowo-Badawczego Chorób Układu Oddechowego u Dzieci w Kołobrzegu Kliniki Pediatrii Akademii Medycznej w Poznaniu.The essence of scientific research centers in Polish health resorts, institution unique in the world is presented first of all. The role of prominent professors Teodor Rafiński and Jerzy Alkiewicz in the development of the Scientific Research Center for the Diseases of the Children’s Respiratory System in Kolobrzeg of the Pediatric Clinic of the Medical Academy in Poznan is analyzed widely

    Assessment of Changes in Concentration of Total Antioxidant Status, Acute-Phase Protein, and Prolactin in Patients with Osteoarthritis Subjected to a Complex Spa Treatment with Radon Water: Preliminary Results

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    Spa treatment brings many clinical benefits such as improved physical activity, pain relief, and improved quality of life. In the literature, there are only few objective studies evaluating changes in metabolism possibly influencing clinical outcomes. The main purpose of our study was the assessment of the effect of spa treatment on changes in concentration of TAS, CRP, and PRL in patients with osteoarthritis. Patients receiving spa treatment were enrolled. TAS, CRP, and PRL levels were obtained using standard tests before the beginning of treatment as well as on days 5 and 18. The study group consisted of n=35 patients with peripheral joint and spinal osteoarthritis. The control group consisted of 15 people selected from the resort staff, who also suffered from osteoarthritis and had no contact with radon. An increase in TAS concentration was found in the study group following therapy while the control group was characterized by a significant decrease in TAS. On day 5, an increase in TAS concentration was found in both groups, however, with much worse result in the control group. No changes in CRP concentration were statistically significant. PRL concentration was proven to decrease in a statistically significant way after treatment in the study group. This trial is registered with NCT03274128