21 research outputs found

    Validation of a Thin-Layer Chromatography for the Determination of Hydrocortisone Acetate and Lidocaine in a Pharmaceutical Preparation

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    A new specific, precise, accurate, and robust TLC-densitometry has been developed for the simultaneous determination of hydrocortisone acetate and lidocaine hydrochloride in combined pharmaceutical formulation. The chromatographic analysis was carried out using a mobile phase consisting of chloroform + acetone + ammonia (25%) in volume composition 8 : 2 : 0.1 and silica gel 60F254 plates. Densitometric detection was performed in UV at wavelengths 200 nm and 250 nm, respectively, for lidocaine hydrochloride and hydrocortisone acetate. The validation of the proposed method was performed in terms of specificity, linearity, limit of detection (LOD), limit of quantification (LOQ), precision, accuracy, and robustness. The applied TLC procedure is linear in hydrocortisone acetate concentration range of 3.75÷12.50 μg·spot−1, and from 1.00÷2.50 μg·spot−1 for lidocaine hydrochloride. The developed method was found to be accurate (the value of the coefficient of variation CV [%] is less than 3%), precise (CV [%] is less than 2%), specific, and robust. LOQ of hydrocortisone acetate is 0.198 μg·spot−1 and LOD is 0.066 μg·spot−1. LOQ and LOD values for lidocaine hydrochloride are 0.270 and 0.090 μg·spot−1, respectively. The assay value of both bioactive substances is consistent with the limits recommended by Pharmacopoeia

    5% lidocaine medicated plasters vs. sympathetic nerve blocks as a part of multimodal treatment strategy for the management of postherpetic neuralgia: A retrospective, consecutive, case-series study

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    Introduction 5% lidocaine medicated plasters (5% LMP) have been appointed as a first-line treatment for post-herpetic neuralgia (PHN), while formerly used sympathetic nerve blocks (SNBs) were recently denied their clinical efficacy. The aim of this study was to compare the results of PHN management with the use of SNBs and 5% LMP as a first-line treatment. Material and methods This study was designed as a retrospective, consecutive, case-series study. Data of 60 consecutive PHN patients with allodynia treated with the use of SNBs and 60 subsequent patients managed with 5% LMP were analyzed. Pain severity after 8 weeks was assessed to recognize the results of the implemented therapy, with numeric rating scale (NRS) score <3 or =3 considered a success. Additionally, the number of pain-free patients (NRS=0) after 8 weeks were identified in both groups and compared. Results The rate of failures in SNBs and 5% LMP group was similar (18.9% vs. 27.1% of poor treatment results, respectively), with the average change in NRS of 5.88±2.41 in nerve blocks and 5.01±1.67 in lidocaine group (p=0.02). Significant difference was also noted in the rates of pain-free patients: 20 patients (34.4%) treated with SNBs and 8 (13.5%) using 5% LMP were pain-free after 8 weeks of treatment. Conclusion It may be concluded that SNBs may still be considered useful in PHN management, as it appears that in some cases this mode of treatment may offer some advantages over 5% LMP

    Physical activity, psychological and functional outcomes in non-ambulatory stroke patients during Rehabilitation : a pilot study

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    Despite the extensive literature on stroke rehabilitation, there are few studies that comprehensively show non-ambulatory stroke patients. The aim of the study was to explore the dynamics of the change in physical activity (PA), psychological and functional outcomes, and the correlation between them in non-ambulatory patients during early in-patient post-stroke rehabilitation. Measurements were taken on 21 participants at the beginning of and 6 weeks post-conventional rehabilitation with the Barthel Index (BI), Berg Balance Scale (BBS), Trunk Control Test (TCT), Stroke Impact Scale (SIS), General Self-Efficacy Scale, Stroke Self-Efficacy Questionnaire (SSEQ), the original scale of belief in own impact on recovery (BiOIoR), Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, Acceptance of Illness Scale and when the patient could walk—Time Up & Go and 6 Minute Walk Test. Daily PA was assessed over 6 weeks using a Caltrac accelerometer. Only outcomes for BI, BBS, TCT, SIS, and SSEQ significantly improved 6 weeks post-rehabilitation. PA energy expenditure per day significantly increased over time (p < 0.001; effect size = 0.494), but PA only increased significantly up to the third week. PA change was correlated with BiOIoR post-treatment. Self-efficacy in self-management mediated improvement in SIS. The BiOIoR and confidence in self-management could be important factors in the rehabilitation process

    Downregulation of the CXCR4 receptor inhibits cervical carcinoma metastatic behavior in vitro and in vivo

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    Cervical carcinoma is frequently diagnosed among women, particularly in low and middle income countries. In this study, we investigated the role of the SDF-1/CXCR4 axis during cervical carcinoma growth and progression in vitro and in vivo. Downregulation of CXCR4 receptor using an RNA interference system led to almost complete inhibition of the receptor expression, activation and function. CXCR4 receptor silencing led to decreased ability to signal, to induce migration and to form holoclone-like colonies, with no influence on viability/proliferation of the cells. CXCR4-deficient cells had also significantly lower levels of MMP-9. Interestingly, downregulation of CXCR4 expression resulted in reduced tumor growth in vivo. Tumors generated by CXCR4-deficient cells had also lower expression of the proliferation marker Ki‑67 and decreased ability to engraft into lungs and spleen. Taken together, our results indicate that CXCR4 receptor may play an important role during cervical carcinoma invasion. In our study CXCR4 influenced invasive properties of cervical carcinoma cells both in vitro and in vivo

    Termolezja — interwencyjna metoda leczenia przewlekłego bólu: mechanizmy działania przeciwbólowego, wskazania oraz zastosowanie w wybranych zespołach bólowych

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    Conventional radiofrequency (CRF) is an interventional chronic pain treatment method with the use of electromagnetic waves at the frequency of radio waves (or higher) consisting in a controlled use of high temperature in order to destroy sympathetic and/or sensory fibres. Application time equals 60s and the temperature achieved in the tissues, depending on the application site, 60–90ºC. Pulsed radiofrequency (PRF) constitutes another treatment method which also uses radio waves at high frequencies. It consists in implementing series of 20ms current injections at frequencies of 2 Hz with a specific voltage (2–45 V), which results in an increase of the temperature around the electrode up to 42–50ºC. According to the International Association for Study of Pain (IASP), an indication for the application of interventional methods is chronic pain resistant to pharmacological treatment, as well as non-invasive methods, with a positive response to a prognostic blockade. This article discusses both the mechanism of conventional and pulsed radiofrequency, its application in specific pain syndromes, the most common complications and its side effects. The efficacy and safety of CRF and PRF in the treatment of lumbosacral pain, pain in knee joints, occipital neuralgia, painful shoulder syndrome, neuralgia/trigeminal neuropathy, peripheral neuropathy, neuropathic pain of the sympathetic system and cancer pain was presented based on data from literature. It seems that the application of radiofrequency and its applicability in certain pain syndromes is well-documented (trigeminal neuralgia, Horton's headache, osteoarthritis of the interspinous joints), while further research is required to develop a methodology for the radiofrequency procedure of knee joints or occipital nerves, despite promising results. The possibility of using more and more precise imaging methods constitutes a significant factor in order to carry out the procedure in an effective and safe way (USG, computed tomography, laser techniques, 3D printing).Termolezja konwencjonalna (CRF, conventional radiofrequency) jest interwencyjną metodą leczenia bóluprzewlekłego, wykorzystującą fale elektromagnetyczne o częstotliwości fal radiowych (lub wyższe) i polegana kontrolowanym użyciu wysokiej temperatury w celu zniszczenia włókien współczulnych i/lub włókienczuciowych. W zależności od miejsca wykonywania zabiegu czas aplikacji wynosi 60 s, a temperaturauzyskiwana w tkankach 60–90ºC. Odmienną metodą leczniczą z zastosowaniem również fal radiowycho wysokiej częstotliwości jest termolezja pulsacyjna (PRF, pulse radiofrequency). Polega ona na zastosowaniuserii 20 ms impulsów prądu o częstotliwości 2 Hz o określonym napięciu (2–45 V), w wyniku czego wokółelektrody temperatura wzrasta do około 42–50ºC. Według definicji International Association for Studyof Pain (IASP) wskazaniem do zastosowania technik interwencyjnych jest przewlekły ból niereagujący naleczenie farmakologiczne i metody nieinwazyjne przy pozytywnej odpowiedzi na blokadę diagnostyczną.W pracy omówiono mechanizm działania termolezji konwencjonalnej i pulsacyjnej, zastosowanie w wybranychzespołach bólowych, najczęstsze powikłania i objawy niepożądane. Na podstawie doniesień z literaturyprzedstawiono skuteczność i bezpieczeństwo CRF i PRF w leczeniu bólu kręgosłupa lędźwiowo-krzyżowego,stawów kolanowych, neuralgii potylicznej, zespołu bolesnego barku, neuralgii/neuropatii trójdzielnej,neuropatiach obwodowych, bólach neuropatycznych zależnych od układu współczulnego, a także nowotworowych.Wydaje się, że zastosowanie termolezji oraz jej przydatność, w niektórych zespołach bólowychjest dobrze udokumentowana (neuralgia trójdzielna, migrena Hortona, zmiany zwyrodnieniowe stawówmiędzywyrostkowych), podczas gdy opracowanie metodyki zabiegu termolezji stawów kolanowych, czyteż nerwów potylicznych pomimo obiecujących wyników wymaga dalszych badań. Istotnym czynnikiemskutecznego i bezpiecznego przeprowadzenia termolezji jest możliwość użycia coraz dokładniejszych metodobrazowania (USG, tomografia komputerowa, techniki laserowe, druk-3D)

    Association Study of the SLC1A2 (rs4354668), SLC6A9 (rs2486001), and SLC6A5 (rs2000959) Polymorphisms in Major Depressive Disorder

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    The membrane excitatory amino acid transporter 2 (EAAT2), encoded by SLC1A2, is responsible for the uptake and redistribution of synaptic glutamate. Glycine modulates excitatory neurotransmission. The clearance of synaptic glycine is performed by glycine transporters encoded by SLC6A9 and SLC6A5. Higher synaptic glycine and glutamate levels could enhance the activation of NMDA receptors and counteract the hypofunction of glutamate neurotransmission described in major depressive disorder (MDD). The aim of the study was to assess whether polymorphisms of SCL1A2 (rs4354668), SCL6A5 (rs2000959), and SCL6A9 (rs2486001) play a role in the development of MDD and its clinical picture in the Polish population. The study group consisted of 161 unrelated Caucasian patients with MDD and 462 healthy unrelated individuals for control. Polymorphisms were genotyped with PCR-RLFP assay. We observed that the frequency of genotype CC and allele C of the SLC1A2 polymorphism rs4354668 was twice as high in the MDD group as in control. Such differences were not detected in SLC6A5 and SLC6A9 polymorphisms. No statistically significant association of the studied SNPs (Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms) on clinical variables of the MDD was observed. The current study indicates an association of polymorphism rs4354668 in SCL1A2 with depression occurrence in the Polish population; however, further studies with larger samples should be performed to clarify these findings

    Polymorphic Variants of TNFR2 Gene in Schizophrenia and Its Interaction with -308G/A TNF-α Gene Polymorphism

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    Aim. Many data showed a role of inflammation and dysfunction of immune system as important factors in the risk of schizophrenia. The TNFR2 receptor is a molecule that adapts to both areas. Tumor necrosis factor receptor 2 (TNFR2) is a receptor for the TNF-α cytokine which is a strong candidate gene for schizophrenia. The serum level of TNFR2 was significantly increased in schizophrenia and associated with more severe symptoms of schizophrenia. Methods. We examined the association of the three single nucleotide polymorphisms (rs3397, rs1061622, and rs1061624) in TNFR2 gene with a predisposition to and psychopathology of paranoid schizophrenia in Caucasian population. The psychopathology was measured by a five-factor model of the PANSS scale. We also assessed a haplotype analysis with the -308G/A of TNF-α gene. Results. Our case-control study (401 patients and 657 controls) revealed that the genetic variants of rs3397, rs1061622, and rs1061624 in the TNFR2 gene are associated with a higher risk of developing schizophrenia and more severe course in men. However, the genotypes with polymorphic allele for rs3397 SNP are protective for women. The rs1061624 SNP might modulate the appearance of the disease in relatives of people with schizophrenia. The CTGG haplotype build with tested SNPs of TNFR2 and SNP -308G/A of TNF-α has an association with a risk of schizophrenia in Caucasian population depending on sex. Our finding is especially true for the paranoid subtypes of schizophrenia