6 research outputs found


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    The paper investigates and summarizes the main approaches to economic content of the concept "money transfer". It analyzes the modern market of money transfers in Ukraine. It gives analysis of international payment systems against certain criteria; determines the most efficient payment system with the highest level of consumer confidence; using ranking method selects the currency preferred by customers when transferring funds. It offers recommendations regarding the improvement of the money transfer process in banks.Исследованы и обобщены основные подходы к экономическому содержанию понятия «перевод средств». Проанализирован современный рынок денежных переводов в Украине. Проведен анализ международных платежных систем по критериям; определена наиболее эффективная платежная система с максимальным уровнем доверия потребителей; методом ранжирования избрано валюту, которой потребители отдают предпочтение во время перевода средств. Предложены рекомендации относительно усовершенствования процесса перевода средств в банках.Досліджено та узагальнено основні підходи до економічного змісту поняття «переказ коштів». Проаналізовано сучасний ринок грошових переказів в Україні. Проведено аналіз міжнародних платіжних систем за критеріями; визначено найбільш ефективну платіжну систему із максимальним рівнем довіри споживачів; методом ранжування обрано валюту, якій споживачі надають перевагу під час переказу коштів. Надано рекомендації, щодо вдосконалення процесу переказу коштів у банках

    Inverting the model of genomics data sharing with the NHGRI Genomic Data Science Analysis, Visualization, and Informatics Lab-space

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    The NHGRI Genomic Data Science Analysis, Visualization, and Informatics Lab-space (AnVIL; https://anvilproject.org) was developed to address a widespread community need for a unified computing environment for genomics data storage, management, and analysis. In this perspective, we present AnVIL, describe its ecosystem and interoperability with other platforms, and highlight how this platform and associated initiatives contribute to improved genomic data sharing efforts. The AnVIL is a federated cloud platform designed to manage and store genomics and related data, enable population-scale analysis, and facilitate collaboration through the sharing of data, code, and analysis results. By inverting the traditional model of data sharing, the AnVIL eliminates the need for data movement while also adding security measures for active threat detection and monitoring and provides scalable, shared computing resources for any researcher. We describe the core data management and analysis components of the AnVIL, which currently consists of Terra, Gen3, Galaxy, RStudio/Bioconductor, Dockstore, and Jupyter, and describe several flagship genomics datasets available within the AnVIL. We continue to extend and innovate the AnVIL ecosystem by implementing new capabilities, including mechanisms for interoperability and responsible data sharing, while streamlining access management. The AnVIL opens many new opportunities for analysis, collaboration, and data sharing that are needed to drive research and to make discoveries through the joint analysis of hundreds of thousands to millions of genomes along with associated clinical and molecular data types

    The pome fruit (Malinae Rev.) collections of the National dendrological park “Sofiyivka” of NAS of Ukraine

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    The plant collections of the NDP “Sofiyivka” of NAS of Ukraine including accessions of the subtribe Malinae Rev., formerly the subfamily Maloideae C. Weber (Rosaceae Juss.), are the objects for research in the field of plant introduction and phytodiversity protection. Because of the significant number of park’s holiday-makers, which are not always careful about plants, the posttraumatic regenerative ability of plants is of particular importance for adaptation and periods of the highest regenerative activity could be favourable for vegetative reproduction, including microcloning. Thus, Malinae of the “Sofiyivka” might be useful for germplasm conservation and utilization in the breeding programs

    Abstracts of The Second Eurasian RISK-2020 Conference and Symposium

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    This abstract book contains abstracts of the various research ideas presented at The Second Eurasian RISK-2020 Conference and Symposium.The RISK-2020 Conference and Symposium served as a perfect venue for practitioners, engineers, researchers, scientists, managers and decision-makers from all over the world to exchange ideas and technology about the latest innovation developments dealing with risk minimization