4 research outputs found

    Improvement of organic livestock (dairy and beef) production

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    Sources of Variation for Milk Traits in Regions of Vojvodina

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    The study aimed to investigate different sources of variation for milk traits in dairy cows, in first lactation from three breeding regions of Vojvodina (Srem, Banat and Backa). For research purposes a total of 2767 complete and 305 days records of milk yield (MY), fat yield (FY) and milk fat content (MFC) of Holstein-Friesian (HF, black and red) dairy cows was used. All cows were involved in the official milk recording program in 2013 in Vojvodina. Milk traits were analyzed using the mixed linear model in order to explain total variation with bull-sire as a random effect, region, year of birth and calving season as fixed effects and length of lactation as covariates. The average values of MY, MF and MFC in the first lactation of 305 days were 6053.4 kg of milk, 225.24 kg of milk fat and 3.74% milk fat content. The effects of the bull-sire, calving season, year of birth and breeding region on all investigated milk traits were highly significant (p>0.01) during 305 days, but year of birth for complete records had no significant effect on these parameters (P>0.05)

    Saattohoidon osaamisen kehittäminen : Attendo Helinä-kodilla ja Attendo Tapalankalliolla

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    Kehittämispainotteisena opinnäytetyönä järjestettiin Attendo Helinä-kodin ja Attendo Tapalankallion hoitohenkilökunnalle saattohoitokoulutus. Opinnäyteyön tavoitteena oli syventää hoitohenkilökunnan osaamista saattohoidossa ja tukea hoitohenkilökuntaa omaisten tukemisessa sekä saattohoitajana jaksamisessa. Kehittämispainotteisen opinnäytetyön tuotoksena syntyi PowerPoint-esitys, joka toimi saattohoitokoulutuksen runkona. Koulutuksessa käytiin läpi saattohoitoon liittyvää keskeistä käsitteistöä: oireenmukainen hoito, omahoitajuus saattohoidossa, omaisten kohtaaminen ja tukeminen sekä tunteiden merkitystä hoitajan jaksamiseen saattohoitotyössä. Keskeisten käsitteiden määrittämisessä käytettiin hoitotieteellisiä tutkimuksia ja alan kirjallisuutta. Käytettävä materiaali rajattiin siten, että lähteet ovat asiantuntijoiden kirjoittamia mahdollisimman tuoreita julkaisuja. Koulutuksessa ei annettu valmiita vastauksia, vaan annettiin tietoa kokonaisvaltaisesta saattohoidosta ja tuotiin esille hoitotilanteita uusista näkökulmista. Koulutuksen jälkeen kerättiin palaute koulutuksen odotuksista ja sisällöstä, lisäksi kahden kuukauden kuluttua koulutuksesta pyydettiin palaute koulutuksen vaikutuksesta työyhteisöissä. Saattohoitokoulutukselle oli tarve. Palautteen mukaan koulutus oli mielenkiintoinen, laaja ja käsitelty useasta eri näkökulmasta. Toivottavasti koulutuksen myötä hoitoyksiköissä syntyisi kiinnostusta ja halua kehittää saattohoidon osaamista. Palautteiden mukaan yksiköissä ei ole kehitetty saattohoitotyötä, vaikka kiinnostusta ja tarvetta saattohoidon kehittämiselle olisi. Johtopäätöksenä herääkin kysymys, että onko johto tarpeeksi sitoutunut saattohoidon kehittämiseen. Puuttuuko yksiköistä mahdollisesti vastuuhenkilö ja olisiko sellaisen nimeäminen tai mahdollisen työryhmän perustaminen paikallaan. Toivottavasti hoitoyksiköt voisivat jatkossa hyödyntää koulutusmateriaalia, joka on heillä sähköisessä ja kirjallisessa muodossa. Avainsanat: hoitajan jaksaminen, kehittäminen, koulutus, omaisten tukeminen, saattohoidon osaaminenTraining in terminal care for the staffs in Attendo Helinä Care Home and Atten-do Tapalankallio was organized as a thesis with the main staff on the develop-mental side. The objective for the training was to increase the staffs knowledge in terminal care, how to support them in supporting relatives and give the staff support delivering terminal care. The thesis was presented by PowerPoint, which was the bases of the training. Part of the training was to explain the central concepts of terminal care: symptom centered care, primary nurse in terminal care, facing and supporting relatives and also the meaning of feelings related to the strength needed from the nurses in terminal care. Researches on nursing and professional literature were used to explain the cen-tral concepts. All used material was limited to be as up-to-date publications as possible written by experts. The training did not give any straight answers, but gave information regarding holistic approach to terminal care and brought up nursing situations from new aspects. The participants’ feedback on the expectations and the contents of the training was gathered after the training. Feedback of the influence the training had had on the staff was asked two months later. There was a need for training on terminal care. According to the feedback, the training was interesting, extensive and viewed from many different angles. Due to the training, there will hopefully be increased interest on developing and wish to develop skills in terminal care in that care unit. According to the feedback, there has been no development in terminal care in that unit, although there is increased interest in improving and need to improve terminal care. As a conclusion it can be asked, if the management is committed enough to improve terminal care. Is the care unit missing a responsible person or would it be a place to name one or put together a working group? It would be good it the care unit could utilize the training material in the future. They have it in electronic and written form. Keywords: nurses coping, development, training, supporting relatives, terminal care skill

    Dairy cow monitoring by RFID

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    Dairy cows identification and monitoring on small cattle farms are usually based on the utilization of barcode technology. This kind of identification technology is unsuitable for dairy cows milking and feeding process automation. Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology is a better solution in this case. This paper describes the research and implementation of the milking cycle´s automated monitoring with the use of RFID tags conducted on a small cattle farm in the Republic of Serbia. This solution is based on RFID system which consists of two parts. First part includes control box, two Ultra High Frequency (UHF) RFID readers operating at frequency of 915 MHz and RFID tags glued onto the dairy cow ear labels. Second part includes software modules for acquisition and collecting data from RFID tags to build up an archive due to supervision and analysis of the milking cycle. Reading accuracy of RFID system in the observed period was 99.8 % in average. A group of dairy cows having a settled milking cycle within an interval of 12h ± 5 % had a 1.5 % better yield and a 0.08 better quality in comparison with a group of dairy cows having a milking cycle variance higher than 20 %. RFID system implemented in described way can be easily integrated into a new or existing farm management system in order to have better production results which depend on several factors including settled milking cycles