56 research outputs found

    Episode Construction to Integrate Events in Preschool Children : The Relationship Between Episode Construction and Consistency of the Given events

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    The purpose of this study was to examine whether preschool children would construct episodes that were not directly implied in the given events only when they were required to integrate inconsistent events. In the first study, 5-and 6-year-olds evaluated sentences for their consistency, and integrated inconsistent ones by constructing new episodes. Some 4-year-olds, however, made up episode to integrate sentences when they did not detect their inconsistency. In the second study, children were asked to integrate each type of sentences that were consistent or inconsistent. Similar to adults\u27 performance, 5-and 6-year-olds integrated consistent sentences by using direct implications of given sentences, and integrated inconsistent sentences by constructing new episodes. Four-year-olds\u27 way of integration if they did, was similar to older children\u27s one, but they often did not integrate. Yet in the third study where given events had more explicit consistency, 4-year-olds integrated them by using direct implications like 5-year-olds. These results showed that preschool children constructed new episodes only if given events was inconsistent

    The Theoretical Examination of Understanding How an Other Person Feels

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    Understanding how an other person feels involves not simply identifying the feeling, but imaging how he/she "sees" the environment. Feeling in a certain mood makes him/her "see" the environment in a certain way. We understand more deeply how a person feels by comprehending his/her peculiar, concrete way of "seeing". In order to do this, we use our prior knowledge, especially of our own emotional experiences, stereotypical emotions, and dispositions of the target person. Inferences from those knowledge must go beyond direct implications of given information to comprehend other\u27s feelings in a concrete, episode-based way. Through these comprehension, we construct an other person\u27s "psychological world" full of episodes, weighted by his/her multifaceted purposes

    The Theoretical Examination of Episode Construction in Inconsistent Information Understanding

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    The purpose of this study was to examine theoretically the process of understanding in consistent events and its development. It was found that even preschool children created new episodes to make the incongruous events have plausible relations. Although, preschool children made up plausible episodes, they were not able to create likely ones. It was suggested that young children were not able to check episodes with other given informations or their knowledge. Since the inconsistent events are constructed by breaking natural event sequences, there must be to readymade prior knowledge that presents us coherent interpretations. Therefore, in order to make plausible episodes, people need to reconstruct pieces of prior knowledge flexibly. The mechanism of generating plausible episodes seems to be a new research topic worthy of further explorations

    Contents of the Digital Natural History Museum of Hiroshima University, especially in the field of biology

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    広島大学デジタル自然史博物館は,広島大学の開学以来長年にわたって蓄積された教育・研究に関する知的資産を外部に公開し,生涯学習や学校教育のために活用することを目的として設置されている。デジタル自然史博物館には生物学や地学とそれに関係する資料が含まれる。特徴のあるコンテンツとしてはコケ植物や世界遺産宮島に関するものがあげられる。コンテンツの大部分は日本語であり,アクセス数は2015年度以降増加傾向にある。今後,現在進めているMediaWiki を使ったシステムへの移行を進めるとともに,コンテンツの充実やICT を使った学習への対応,運用母体の強化などを通じて,教育・研究のためだけでなく地域貢献のためのリソースとして発展させる計画である。The Digital Natural History Museum of Hiroshima University is a cluster of web sites for dissemination and practical use of educational and research resources for lifelong learning as well as school education in collaboration with laboratories and centers of Hiroshima University, Japan. The museum site includes contents on biological, environmental and earth sciences, mainly in Japanese with some English, especially bryophytes and the world heritage listed Itsukushima (Miyajima) Island, Hiroshima Prefecture, Japan. Online site access has increased since 2015. The museum site is now transferring the html based system to the MediaWiki system which is a free and open-source wiki software. For regional studies we plan to expand significantly the content of available resources to enable greater use and ease of access through information and communication technology (ICT)

    遠隔教育の実施と大学での教育に関する一考察 ―建学の精神を伝える授業のオンラインでの実施をもとに―

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    2019年末に端を発した新型コロナ感染症(COVID-19)の拡大によって、多くの大学は2020年度の新学期から遠隔教育の実施に踏み切った。本学においても遠隔教育の採用が決定され、ホスピタリティ概論も IT 機器を活用したオンラインでの実施となった。この中で大学教育の将来像に大きな影響を与えると考えられるオンライン授業の在り方を探る基礎調査を実施した。その結果、次のことが明らかになった。1)受講生の IT 環境の整備には、差がみられること、2)受講生の使用する機器は、パソコン、タブレット、スマートフォンに分かれること、3)オンライン授業に関しては、肯定する意見がある一方、改善を要望する意見も見られること、4)スマートフォンのみでの受講者とパソコンおよびタブレットでの受講者を比較分析した結果、画面の明瞭度や授業の進行、及び授業の理解などにおいて両者に差がみられ、スマートフォンのみでの受講者の方が有意に低い結果であったこと、5)遠隔授業に関する要望等の中には、遠隔教育の利点を述べている受講生の他に、授業以外の大学が持つ機能、つまり、友人獲得や相互啓発に関する不安も多くみられたこと。この結果等を踏まえ、オンライン授業のあり方、及び、将来社会における大学教育のあり方に関する提案を行った

    Portland Metro Building Performance: Optimizing Energy Performance and Occupant Comfort at Portland Metro

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    The objective of this research is to investigate potential existing building retrofits to improve the work environment for building occupants as well as the overall building energy performance. Beginning with the building skin and moving to the individual cubicle, our team wanted to find a specific architectural solution that would help to reduce the Metro building’s overall energy consumption and help to create a more comfortable work environmenthttps://pdxscholar.library.pdx.edu/research_based_design/1063/thumbnail.jp