24 research outputs found

    Birth body length, birth body weight and birth head circumference in neonates born in a single centre between 2011 and 2016

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       Objectives: Access to updated and accurate standards for local populations is important for the interpretation of body measurements in neonates and may have an impact on the doctor’s recommendations for monitoring early childhood development. Study aim: to present individual mean values for the most prevalent body measurements (i.e. birth body length (BBL), birth body weight (BBW) and birth head circumference (BHC)) in neonates and compare them to the duration of pregnancy. Material and methods: The measurements (BBL, BBW and BHC) were collected and analyzed from over 27,000 neonates born in a single center. All women with single pregnancies with gestation ranging from 33 to 42 weeks were included in the study. Results: Mean values and statistically significant standard deviation values from population standards of BBL, BBW, and BHC were evaluated for neonates that were born between the 33rd and 42nd week of gestation. Analysis was conducted for the lower limit (10th percentile), average (50th percentile) and upper limit (90th percentile). Conclusions: This was the first time in Polish literature when population standards were presented for three body meas­urements of neonates. With the size of the cohort, these standards can be successfully implemented into routine clinical practice, especially for screening children with body size deficits.

    Fertility-conserving therapy in cervical cancer patients

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    Abstract Treatment of the cervical cancer patients, especially young women, is a very important clinical problem. This is related to the standard treatment methods, used in this malignancy, and the treatment complications. In most patients, the oncological treatment, be it surgery or radiotherapy, results in gonadal dysfunction with unavoidable loss of the ability to procreate. As cervical cancer affects mostly young women, fertility preserving treatment remains a considerable challenge. Due to the fact that the recent decade has brought significant progress in the diagnosis of prognostically important features characterizing the tumor biology, their precise determination enables specialists to detect a subpopulation of patients with malignancies, who do not require the total resection of the uterus and ovaries. Currently, in such cases, fertility-sparing surgery is considered in every young woman with early cervical cancer, who wishes to preserve the reproductive function. The aim of the paper is to revive the current opinions concerning fertility sparing treatment options in gynecological malignancies

    Pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines and growth factors in patients undergoing in vitro fertilization procedure treated with prednisone

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    Embryo implantation is a key moment in pregnancy. Abnormal production of pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines, their receptors and other immune factors may result in embryo implantation failure and pregnancy loss. The aim of this study was to determine the profile of selected pro- and anti-inflammatory factors in the blood plasma of patients undergoing in vitro fertilization (IVF) and control women who achieved pregnancy after natural conception. The examined patients were administered steroid prednisone. We present results concern the plasma levels of IFN-ɣ, BDNF, LIF, VEGF-A, sTNFR1 and IL-10. We found that IVF patients receiving steroids differed significantly from patients who were not administered such treatment in terms of IFN-γ and IL-10 levels. Moreover, IVF patients differed in secretion of all tested factors with the fertile controls. Our results indicated that women who secrete at least 1409 pg/ml of sTNFR1 have a chance to become pregnant naturally and give birth to a child, while patients after IVF must achieve a concentration of 962.3 pg/ml sTNFR1 in blood plasma for successful pregnancy. In addition, IVF patients secreting VEGF-A above 43.28 pg/ml have a greater risk of miscarriage or a failed transfer in comparison to women secreting below this value. In conclusion, fertile women present a different profile of pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines, and growth factors compared to patients with recurrent implantation failure (RIF)

    Evaluation of iron balance in healthy pregnant women and their newborns

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    Aim of the study: The aim of this study was to evaluate the iron status markers in normal healthy pregnancy, as well as the influence of maternal diet on iron concentration in their newborns. Material and methods: A longitudinal prospective study was conducted in a sample of 69 healthy, non-smoking pregnant women under prenatal care of The Institute of Mother and Child. Blood samples were collected in the first, second and third trimesters and from the umbilical vein. Concentrations of ferritin and transferrin were assessed using turbidimetric technique, the concentration of iron - with ferrozine colorimetric method. Pentra 120 analyzer was used to define hematological parameters. Maternal diet was assessed by means of a weekly questionnaire, processed with computer software Dietetyk 2. Results: Hematological parameters in the analyzed blood were normal. The average hematocrit values in the first trimester of pregnancy was 36.7%, in the second - 34.92%, in the third - 35.95%. The concentration of hemoglobin was 27.82g/dl, 28.55g/dl, 27.27g/dl in the respective trimesters of pregnancy. In the umbilical blood it was 25.84g/dl (5.2% less than in the maternal blood). The number of erythrocytes was the highest in the first (4.16mln/mm3), and the lowest in the second trimester (3.92mln/mm3). The average concentration of iron was the highest in the first trimester - 99.61μg/dl. In the second and third trimester it decreased by 25% and 2% respectively. The concentration was 76.34% higher in the umbilical blood than in maternal blood at the time of labor. The concentration of ferritin in the first trimester was 43.96μg/l, in the second and the third trimester it was lower by 46% and 29% respectively. It was 126.4μg/l in the umbilical blood (fourfold higher than in maternal blood). The concentration of transferrin was 321.01mg/dl in the first trimester and it increased in consecutive trimesters by 36.14% and 5.12%; it was 219.92mg/dl in the umbilical blood - 48% of the concentration of transferrin in the maternal blood at the time of labor. The analysis of an average daily food ration revealed that the supply of iron was 80% of the recommended dose in the first half and only 41% of the recommended dose in the second half of the pregnancy. Fat consumption was 99% and 95% of the recommended dose, respectively. There was a 30%-decrease in the protein and carbohydrates consumption in comparison with the recommended dose in the second half of the pregnancy. Conclusions: In spite of normal hematological parameters, we observed insufficient supply of iron in the diet of pregnant women, which was demonstrated by a decreased level of ferritin. It should be reason enough to issue dietary recommendations and guidelines for pregnant women in each stage of pregnancy

    HA PEGylated Filler in Association with an Infrared Energy Device for the Treatment of Facial Skin Aging: 150 Day Follow-Up Data Report

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    Background: The face is the area most exposed to the normal course of skin aging, both intrinsically and extrinsically. The aim of the study was to evaluate the cellular and clinical response of a therapeutic protocol aimed at countering facial skin aging. Materials and methods: Twenty female patients with facial skin laxity and photodamage underwent combined therapy including mesotherapy using non-cross-linked hyaluronic acid with calcium hydroxyapatite and an infrared energy-based device treatment with subsequent implementation of PEG-cross-linked hyaluronic acid soft tissue fillers. To evaluate the benefits, patients underwent histological, immunological, and biomechanical evaluations before the treatment and at 21 and 150 days after the treatment. Results: The histological results at 21 days and 150 days after the procedure showed an increase in the number of fibroblasts and angiogenesis. As for the immunological aspect, it was shown that the treatment has an immunomodulating action, avoiding the activation of CD4 and CD8 cells. Biomechanical data showed that, at 150 days after treatment, the average changes in skin elasticity increased by 72% and the skin hydration increased by 49%. Conclusions: A combination of an infrared energy-based device treatment with both non-cross-linked hyaluronic acid and novel PEG-cross-linked hyaluronic acid leads to numerous positive cutaneous changes after histological, immunological, and biomechanical evaluations

    The influence of chlorine in indoor swimming pools on the composition of breathing phase of professional swimmers

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    Objectives: Swimming is one of the most popular forms of physical activity. Pool water is cleaned with chlorine, which - in combination with compounds contained in water - could form chloramines and trichloromethane in the swimmer’s lungs. The aim of the present study was to examine the effect of swimming training in an indoor pool on the composition of swimmers’ respiratory phase metabolomics, and develop a system to provide basic information about its impact on the swimmer’s airway mucosa metabolism, which could help to assess the risk of secondary respiratory tract diseases i.e. sport results, condition, and health including lung acute and chronic diseases). Design: A group of competitive swimmers participated in the study and samples of their respiratory phase before training, immediately after training, and 2 h after training were assessed. Methods: Sixteen male national and international-level competitive swimmers participated in this study. Respiratory phase analysis of the indoor swimming pool swimmers was performed. Gas chromatography combined with mass spectrometry (GCMS) was used in the measurements. All collected data were transferred to numerical analysis for trends of tracking and mapping. The breathing phase was collected on special porous material and analyzed using GCMS headspace. Results: The obtained samples of exhaled air were composed of significantly different metabolomics when compared before, during and after exercise training. This suggests that exposition to indoor chlorine causes changes in the airway mucosa Conclusion: This phenomenon may be explained by occurrence of a chlorine-initiated bio-reaction in the swimmers’ lungs. The obtained results indicate that chromatographic exhaled gas analysis is a sensitive method of pulmonary metabolomic changes assessment. Presented analysis of swimmers exhaled air indicates, that indoor swimming may be responsible for airway irritation caused by volatile chlorine compounds and their influence on lung metabolism

    Optimization of the Ablative Laser Cutting of Shadow Mask for Organic FET Electrode Fabrication

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    This article presents an ablative method of cutting masks from ultra-thin metal foils using nanosecond laser pulses. As a source of laser radiation, a pulsed fiber laser with a wavelength of 1062 nm with the duration of pulses from 15 to 220 nanoseconds (ns), was used in the research. The masks were made of stainless-steel foil with thicknesses of 30 µm, 35 µm, and 120 µm. Channels of different lengths from 50 to 300 µm were tested. The possibilities and limitations of the presented method are described. The optimization of the cutting process parameters was performed using the experiment planning techniques. A static, determined complete two-level plan (SP/DC 24) was used. On the basis of the analysis of the test structures, we designed and produced precise shading masks used in the process of organic field effect transistor (OFET) electrode evaporation. The ablative method proved suitable to produce masks with canals of minimum lengths of 70 µm. It offers facile, fast, and economically viable shadow mask fabrication for organic electronics applications, which moreover might enable fast prototyping and circuit design

    The role of chemotherapy in malignant ovarian germ cell tumors’ treatment

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    Złośliwe nowotwory germinalne stanowią niecałe 5% wszystkich złośliwych guzów jajników. Występują głównie u dziewcząt oraz młodych kobiet i charakteryzują się bardzo agresywnym przebiegiem. Do grupy złośliwych nowotworów z komórek zarodkowych należą różne podtypy histopatologiczne, w tym: rozrodczak, guz pęcherzyka żółtkowego, potworniak niedojrzały, rak zarodkowy, kosmówczak zarodkowy jajnika i złośliwy mieszany guz germinalny, różniące się nie tylko cechami morfologicznymi i histologicznymi, ale także przebiegiem naturalnym oraz rokowaniem. W ostatnich latach dzięki wprowadzeniu skutecznych leków cytostatycznych osiągnięto ogromny postęp w leczeniu tych guzów, co znacząco poprawiło uzyskiwane wyniki. Wcześniej były to choroby o zdecydowanie niepomyślnym rokowaniu z dużym odsetkiem niepowodzeń i zgonów, obecnie zalicza się je do grupy nowotworów o jednym z najwyższych wskaźników wyleczeń. Prawidłowo przeprowadzony zabieg operacyjny oraz wcześnie włączona intensywna chemioterapia pozwalają na uzyskanie trwałych wyleczeń u ponad 80% chorych. Równocześnie dzięki dużej wrażliwości nowotworów tej grupy na cytostatyki możliwe jest obecnie przeprowadzanie znacznie mniej okaleczających zabiegów operacyjnych, co ma na celu zachowanie czynności hormonalnej oraz narządu rodnego kobiety. Obecnie główne kierunki poszukiwań dotyczą nie tyle możliwości skuteczniejszego leczenia i czynników pozwalających przewidzieć jego niepowodzenia, co zmniejszenia toksyczności i poprawy jakości życia. Zachowanie prawidłowej aktywności hormonalnej pacjentki i możliwości posiadania własnego potomstwa po wyleczeniu stało się nieodłączną składową założeń planu postępowania terapeutycznego.Malignant ovarian germ cell tumors account for less than 5% of all malignant ovarian tumors. They are very aggressive and occur primarily in girls and young women. Malignant germ cell tumors can be subdivided into different histopathological types as follows dysgerminoma, yolk sac tumor, immature teratoma, embryonal carcinoma, ovarian choriocarcinoma and mixed germ cell tumor, which differ not only in morphology and histopathology, but they have also different natural behaviour and outcomes. In the last years, thanks to the introduction of highly effective cytostatic drugs to their treatment, the prognosis have dramatically improved. From definitely fatal disease with a high failure and death-rate they have moved up to the group of malignancies with the excellent outcomes. Correctly performed surgical intervention and early intensive chemotherapy account to above 80% of survival rates. In addition, thanks to a great chemosensitivity of these tumors group it is possible to conduct less excessive surgeries and retain the fertility and normal hormonal activities. Nowadays the main point of interest are not only the possibilities of more effective treatment and searching of predicitive factors but reduction of toxicity and quality of life improvement. And normal hormonal activity and child bearing potential after the treatment is now the routine part of standard protocol for the management plan

    Maximum <i>A Posteriori</i> Bayesian Estimation of Chromatographic Parameters by Limited Number of Experiments

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    The aim of this work was to develop a nonlinear mixed-effect chromatographic model able to describe the retention times of weak acids and bases in all possible combinations of organic modifier content and mobile-phase pH. Further, we aimed to identify the influence of basic covariates, like lipophilicity (log <i>P</i>), dissociation constant (p<i>K</i><sub>a</sub>), and polar surface area (PSA), on the intercompound variability of chromatographic parameters. Lastly, we aimed to propose the optimal limited experimental design to the estimation process of parameters through a maximum <i>a posteriori</i> (MAP) Bayesian method to facilitate the method development process. The data set comprised retention times for two series of organic modifier content collected at different pH for a large series of acids and bases. The obtained typical parameters and their distribution were subsequently used as priors to improve the estimation process from reduced design with a variable number of preliminary experiments. The MAP Bayesian estimator was validated using two external-validation data sets. The common literature model was used to relate analyte retention time with mobile-phase pH and organic modifier content. A set of QSRR-based covariate relationships was established. It turned out that four preliminary experiments and prior information that includes analyte p<i>K</i><sub>a</sub>, log <i>P</i>, acid/base type, and PSA are sufficient to accurately predict analyte retention in virtually all combined changes of pH and organic modifier content. The MAP Bayesian estimator of all important chromatographic parameters controlling retention in pH/organic modifier gradient was developed. It can be used to improve parameter estimation using limited experimental design