267 research outputs found

    Linearly ordered compacta and Banach spaces with a projectional resolution of the identity

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    We construct a compact linearly ordered space KK of weight aleph one, such that the space C(K)C(K) is not isomorphic to a Banach space with a projectional resolution of the identity, while on the other hand, KK is a continuous image of a Valdivia compact and every separable subspace of C(K)C(K) is contained in a 1-complemented separable subspace. This answers two questions due to O. Kalenda and V. Montesinos.Comment: 13 page

    Small Valdivia compact spaces

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    We prove a preservation theorem for the class of Valdivia compact spaces, which involves inverse sequences of ``simple'' retractions. Consequently, a compact space of weight \loe\aleph_1 is Valdivia compact iff it is the limit of an inverse sequence of metric compacta whose bonding maps are retractions. As a corollary, we show that the class of Valdivia compacta of weight at most 1\aleph_1 is preserved both under retractions and under open 0-dimensional images. Finally, we characterize the class of all Valdivia compacta in the language of category theory, which implies that this class is preserved under all continuous weight preserving functors.Comment: 20 page

    Compact spaces generated by retractions

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    We study compact spaces which are obtained from metric compacta by iterating the operation of inverse limit of continuous sequences of retractions. We denote this class by R. Allowing continuous images in the definition of class R, one obtains a strictly larger class, which we denote by RC. We show that every space in class RC is either Corson compact or else contains a copy of the ordinal segment [0,ω1][0,\omega_1]. This improves a result of Kalenda, where the same was proved for the class of continuous images of Valdivia compacta. We prove that spaces in class R do not contain cutting P-points (see the definition below), which provides a tool for finding spaces in RC minus R. Finally, we study linearly ordered spaces in class RC. We prove that scattered linearly ordered compacta belong to RC and we characterize those ones which belong to R. We show that there are only 5 types (up to order isomorphism) of connected linearly ordered spaces in class R and all of them are Valdivia compact. Finally, we find a universal pre-image for the class of all linearly ordered Valdivia compacta.Comment: Minor corrections; added two statements on linearly ordered compacta. The paper has 21 pages and 2 diagram