663 research outputs found

    The way to succeed in mexican business realations

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    The article is based on the research project titled “Intercultural Dimension in Corporate Culture of Multinational Companies” and it deals mainly with cultural stereotypes that influence business relations. The article takes a famous research of Geert Hofstede and extends it on Czech-Mexican business reality. The article is therefore dedicated to Czech businessmen who are interested in having good relations with Mexico and avoiding mistakes that could prevent them from doing so. The first part of the article covers Hofstede´s dimensions and compares them with other studies. The comments include topics such as social hierarchy in Mexico, Mexican collectivism and life values, approach to pragmatism of both Czech and Mexican nations and also how these nations tend to indulgency. The second part of the article is aimed at the image of Czech Republic in the foreign markets and includes the feedback on Czech work behaviour from Latinoamericans who have previously worked with Czechs.Este artigo baseia-se no projeto de investigação intitulado “Intercultural Dimension in Corporate Culture of Multinational Companies” e trata principalmente dos estereótipos culturais que influenciam as relações empresariais. O artigo parte de uma investigação de Geert Hofstede e estende-a para a realidade empresarial checa-mexicana. O artigo é, portanto, dedicado a empresários checos que estejam interessados em ter boas relações com o México e em evitar erros que poderiam impedi-los de tal. A primeira parte aborda as dimensões de Hofstede e compara-as com outros estudos. As observações incluem temas como a hierarquia social no México, o coletivismo mexicano e os valores de vida. É feita uma abordagem ao pragmatismo de ambas as nações e como estas tendem para a indulgência. A segunda parte visa dar a imagem da República Checa nos mercados estrangeiros e inclui o feedback sobre o comportamento de trabalho dos checos a partir de latino-americanos que já trabalharam com pessoas desta nacionalidade


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    Collective intelligence can be defined, very broadly, as groups of individuals that do things collectively, and that seem to be intelligent. Collective intelligence has existed for ages. Families, tribes, companies, countries, etc., are all groups of individuals doing things collectively, and that seem to be intelligent. However, over the past two decades, the rise of the Internet has given upturn to new types of collective intelligence. Companies can take advantage from the so-called Web-enabled collective intelligence. Web-enabled collective intelligence is based on linking knowledge workers through social media. That means that companies can hire geographically dispersed knowledge workers and create so-called virtual teams of these knowledge workers (members of the virtual teams are connected only via the Internet and do not meet face to face). By providing an online social network, the companies can achieve significant growth of collective intelligence. But to create and use an online social network within a company in a really efficient way, the managers need to have a deep understanding of how such a system works. Thus the purpose of this paper is to share the knowledge about effective use of social networks in companies. The main objectives of this paper are as follows: to introduce some good practices of the use of social media in companies, to analyze these practices and to generalize recommendations for a successful introduction and use of social media to increase collective intelligence of a company

    Modeling by Petri Nets

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    One specific model of a digital system in different types of Petri nets is presented. The formal definitions of the basic (black-and-white) Petri net, a place/transition net (P/T net), an arc-constant coloured Petri net (ac-CPN) and a coloured Petri net (CPN) are presented and explained on the basis of this example. Real models of dining philosophers, a producer-consumer system and railway tracks are described

    A contribution to the interpretation of impedace dispersion curves of powder luminescent materials

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    Parity Codes Used for On-Line Testing in FPGA

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    This paper deals with on-line error detection in digital circuits implemented in FPGAs. Error detection codes have been used to ensure the self-checking property. The adopted fault model is discussed. A fault in a given combinational circuit must be detected and signalized at the time of its appearance and before further distribution of errors. Hence safe operation of the designed system is guaranteed. The check bits generator and the checker were added to the original combinational circuit to detect an error during normal circuit operation. This concurrent error detection ensures the Totally Self-Checking property. Combinational circuit benchmarks have been used in this work in order to compute the quality of the proposed codes. The description of the benchmarks is based on equations and tables. All of our experimental results are obtained by XILINX FPGA implementation EDA tools. A possible TSC structure consisting of several TSC blocks is presented.

    Phytotoxicological tests - applications of foils based on graphene (graphene oxide)

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    This paper discusses the problematics of phytotoxicity of chemicals. It mainly focuses on the phytotoxicity of nanomaterials made of graphene. It describes phytotoxicological tests performed with foils from materials belonging to the graphene family. It also describes testing the influence of plants on these films. Furthermore, the paper discusses the issues of mutual influence between plants and tested nanomaterials

    Cross-border virtual teams, as seen from applied psychology & applied economy perspective. A Case study of a cross-cultural teaching program

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    As communication becomes easier with the proliferation of ICT (Internet Communication Technology), more companies and individuals face the need and challenge of creating and facilitating virtual teams. Those are groups of people that contact each other only by the means of the internet, with no real-world physical face-to-face contact. Despite the numerous benefits, as low-to-non monetary costs and enormous creation flexibility, there are also many (psychological) risks, often not apparent from the outside. In the current paper we discuss the teaching program that was designed to foster virtual communication skills. We describe a project conducted simultaneously between Palacký University (Olomouc, CZ) and University of Opole (Opole, PL) in the summer term of 2015. We argue that such classes have a potential for individual and business development, provided the necessary preparations are made.Podczas gdy komunikacja staje się coraz łatwiejsza dzięki rozprzestrzenianiu się technologii komunikacji przez Internet (ICT), coraz więcej firm i osób staje przed wyzwaniem (współ)tworzenia i zwiększania efektywności wirtualnych zespołów. Chodzi tutaj o grupy ludzi kontaktujące się między sobą wyłącznie przez Internet, bez kontaktów w realnym świecie. Pomimo licznych zalet, do których należą między innymi niskie lub wręcz zerowe koszty finansowe oraz niezwykła elastyczność tworzenia, przed wirtualnymi zespołami istnieje też wiele wyzwań, nie widocznych z zewnątrz. W bieżącym artykule omawiamy zalety programu zajęć, zaprojektowanego do wzmacniania umiejętności komunikacji w wirtualnych zespołach. Opisujemy projekt dydaktyczny zrealizowany jednocześnie pomiędzy Uniwersytetem Palackiego (Olomouc, CZ) i Uniwersytetem Opolskim (Opole, PL) w semestrze letnim w roku 2015. Argumentujemy, iż taki program może przynieść korzyści zarówno z perspektyw jednostkowej, jak i biznesowej, pod warunkiem podjęcia odpowiednich przygotowań

    Effect of a dummy on passerine behaviour in playback experiments

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    Playback experiment is a frequently used method for the scientific research of the bird song and its functions. A recording of vocalization is played in the territory of the tested male, and its responses are observed. Majority of the studies using playback recordings presents only the acoustic stimulus. Sometimes a dummy is also used to provide a visual stimulus. This review focuses on the effects of the dummy on the passerine behavior in the playback experiments. In the first part a comparison is made within the groups of experiments with the same field of interest. The main questions are: how often is a dummy used in these types of experiments, how do designs and results differ depending on its presence/absence and, if possible, how do researchers evaluate its use. Subsequently, I tried to compare experiments with and without dummy within same species, but because of the differences of the experimental designs and the differences in forms of presentation the results, which were often not comparable, it was difficult to make clear conclusions. Next part analyses the few available studies where both trials with and without a dummy were performed on the same individuals. The review shows that the dummy allows tested males to express additional behavioural patterns, which can be noted by the...Pro zkoumání ptačího zpěvu a jeho funkcí se hojně využívá playbackových experimentů, při kterých je testovanému jedinci přehrávána nahrávka vokalizace a sleduje se jeho reakce. Většina studií používajích playback prezentuje pouze akustický stimul. Někdy se však připojuje také atrapa představující stimul vizuální. Tato literární rešerše se zabývá otázkou, zda a případně jak může přítomnost atrapy ovlivnit chování pěvců. V první části je podle zaměření vybráno několik skupin experimentů. V nich je pak porovnáváno, jak často se v daném typu experimentu atrapa používá, jak se v závislosti na její přítomnosti liší design a zejména výsledky pokusů a co o jejím použití soudí sami autoři. Následuje pokus o porovnání v rámci druhů, avšak kvůli rozličnosti experimentálních přístupů a prezentování výsledků v odlišných, často neporovnatelných fromách, nebylo možné předložit ucelené výsledky. Dále jsou rozebírány spíše ojedinělé studie, kde byly pokusy s atrapou a bez atrapy provedeny na stejných jedincích. Z rešerše vyplývá, že atrapa samcům často umožňuje projevit další vzorce chování, které mohou výzkumníci sledovat, a může tak zpřesnit vyhodnocení síly reakce. Při výzkumu agresivních signálů je pro ověření jejich spolehlivosti přítomnost atrapy nezbytná. S atrapou jsou podmínky přirozenější, avšak zvyšuje...Katedra ekologieDepartment of EcologyFaculty of SciencePřírodovědecká fakult