38 research outputs found

    Socio-economic transformation of kicker societies and formation of football clubs in Prague cities and suburbs before The Great War

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    Nejpopulárnější hra na světě pronikla na území Čech už v posledních desetiletích 19. století, kdy zejména v pražských městech a předměstích vznikalo velké množství českých i německých spolků, provozujících novou hru zvanou "football", původem z Anglie. Náhlé a dlouhotrvající přerušení pozitivního vývoje mladého sportu mobilizací v létě 1914 a hluboké politické a společenské změny po skončení konfliktu izolovaly předválečné dění a vytvořily z něj unikátní reliktní prostředí, které vytváří hlavní zdroj námětů práce. Sportovní výkony však kapitoly ponechávají stranou a snaží se popsat dobu vrcholící po roce 1900, kdy dochází ke zrození profesionálního hráče na úkor nadšeného amatéra a k dotváření klubových loajalit na základě národnosti nebo společenského zařazení diváka. K dosažení komplexního pohledu nelze vynechat ani popis ideového směřování a ekonomiky spolků, místopis pražských plácků nebo vztahy největších klubů SK Slavie, AC Sparty, SK Viktorie Žižkov a DFC Prag, lakmusového papírku postojů české společnosti k německému etniku. Klíčová slova Fotbal, Praha, Češi, Němci, Slavia, Sparta, Velká válkaThe most popular game all over the world has entered the territory of Bohemia already in the last decades of the 19th century, when especially in the cities and suburbs of Prague many Czech or German societies, engaged in new game from England called "football", was founded. Sudden and long lasting interruption of positive development of young sport by mobilization in the summer of 1914 and deep political and social changes after conflict isolated prewar events and made unique relict environment that creates the main sources for ideas of work. However chapters leaving sport performances aside and try to describe the period culminating after year 1900, when profesional player was born of student-enthusiast and when club loyalities based on nationality or social inclusion of spectator have been created. To achive a comprehensive view is also important to describe ideological orientation and economy of clubs, topography of Prague grounds or relationships between biggest clubs SK Slavia, AC Sparta, SK Viktoria Žižkov and DFC Prag, which was litmus paper of attitudes with German etnicity. Keywords Football, Prague, Czechs, Germans, Slavia, Sparta, The Great WarInstitute of Czech HistoryÚstav českých dějinFilozofická fakultaFaculty of Art


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    Plasmon-plasmon interaction and the role of buffer in epitaxial graphene micro-flakes

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    We investigate the origin of the translational symmetry breaking in epitaxially grown single-layer graphene. Despite the surface morphology of homogeneous graphene films influenced by the presence of mutually parallel SiC surface terraces, the far-infrared magneto-plasmon absorption is almost independent of the angle between the probing light polarization and the orientation of terraces. Based on a detailed analysis of the plasmon absorption lineshape and its behavior in the magnetic field, supported by confocal Raman mapping and atomic force microscopy, we explain this discrepancy by spontaneously formed graphene micro flakes. We further support our conclusions using data collected on artificially created graphene nanoribbons: we recognize similar plasmon origin in artificial ribbons and naturally formed grains. An unexpectedly large plasmon resonance redshift was observed in nanoribbons. In a hydrogen-intercalated sample (which does not contain the buffer), this redshift is quantitatively taken into account by a plasmon-plasmon interaction. In non-intercalated samples featuring a buffer layer, this redshift is due to an interplay between the plasmon-plasmon coupling and Coulomb screening by the buffer-induced interface states. This model determines the density of interface states in good agreement with experimentally reported values.Comment: 17 pages, 10 figures, 4 table

    Terahertz probing of anisotropic conductivity and morphology of CuMnAs epitaxial thin films

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    Antiferromagnetic CuMnAs thin films have attracted attention since the discovery of the manipulation of their magnetic structure via electrical, optical, and terahertz pulses of electric fields, enabling convenient approaches to the switching between magnetoresistive states of the film for the information storage. However, the magnetic structure and, thus, the efficiency of the manipulation can be affected by the film morphology and growth defects. In this study, we investigate the properties of CuMnAs thin films by probing the defect-related uniaxial anisotropy of electric conductivity by contact-free terahertz transmission spectroscopy. We show that the terahertz measurements conveniently detect the conductivity anisotropy, that are consistent with conventional DC Hall-bar measurements. Moreover, the terahertz technique allows for considerably finer determination of anisotropy axes and it is less sensitive to the local film degradation. Thanks to the averaging over a large detection area, the THz probing also allows for an analysis of strongly non-uniform thin films. Using scanning near-field terahertz and electron microscopies, we relate the observed anisotropic conductivity of CuMnAs to the elongation and orientation of growth defects, which influence the local microscopic conductivity. We also demonstrate control over the morphology of defects by using vicinal substrates.Comment: 33 pages, 16 figure

    Predicting solar cell performance from terahertz and microwave spectroscopy

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    Mobilities and lifetimes of photogenerated charge carriers are core properties of photovoltaic materials and can both be characterized by contactless terahertz or microwave measurements. Here, the expertise from fifteen laboratories is combined to quantitatively model the current-voltage characteristics of a solar cell from such measurements. To this end, the impact of measurement conditions, alternate interpretations, and experimental inter-laboratory variations are discussed using a (Cs,FA,MA)Pb(I,Br)3 halide perovskite thin-film as a case study. At 1 sun equivalent excitation, neither transport nor recombination is significantly affected by exciton formation or trapping. Terahertz, microwave, and photoluminescence transients for the neat material yield consistent effective lifetimes implying a resistance-free JV-curve with a potential power conversion efficiency of 24.6 %. For grainsizes above ≈20 nm, intra-grain charge transport is characterized by terahertz sum mobilities of ≈32 cm2 V−1 s−1. Drift-diffusion simulations indicate that these intra-grain mobilities can slightly reduce the fill factor of perovskite solar cells to 0.82, in accordance with the best-realized devices in the literature. Beyond perovskites, this work can guide a highly predictive characterization of any emerging semiconductor for photovoltaic or photoelectrochemical energy conversion. A best practice for the interpretation of terahertz and microwave measurements on photovoltaic materials is presented

    Philosophy of Louis Althusser in his ‚theoreticist' period

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    TITLE: The Philosophy of Louis Althusser in his ‚theoreticist' period AUTHOR: Petr Kužel DEPARTMENT: Social Sciences and Philosophy, Department SUPERVISOR: Mgr. Michael Hauser Ph.D. ABSTRACT: The thesis focuses on a philosophy of Louis Althusser in his "teoreticist" period, i.e. 1960-1967. The work is divided to four essentials sections: epistemology, ontology, psychoanalyse and ideology. We put accent on epistemological problematic, which is in this period of a development of Althusser's philosophy unequivocally dominant. In introduction of this text is explained historical and political context, in which Althusser realized his "theoretical intervention". The thesis treat on Althusser's conviction, that inadequate theory leads to deformed political practice and that Marxist theory exists till now in his "applied form", notably in The Capital. According to Althusser this Marxist theory wasn't adequately theoretically formed. Our work characterises Althusser's tentative to create and theoretically formulate this theory. This Althusser's tentative is connected with an effort to draw a "line of demarcation" between the Marxism and the pre-Marxist idealist notions, which are foreign to authentic Marxism. Althusser's critique focuses on Stalinism, "theoretical humanism", empiricism and Hegelianism. In present..

    Leisure activities of children on a curative stay in nature

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    Katedra tělesné výchovyFaculty of EducationPedagogická fakult

    Socio-economic Transformation of Sport Societies and Formation of Football Clubs in Prague Cities and Suburbs before 1914

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    The most popular game all over the world has entered the territory of Bohemia already in the last decades of the 19th century, when especially in the cities and suburbs of Prague many Czech or German societies engaged in new game from England called "football" was founded. Sudden and long lasting interruption of positive development of young sport by mobilization in the summer of 1914 and deep political and social changes after conflict isolated prewar events and made quite unique relict environment that creates the main sources for ideas of work. However chapters leaving sport performances aside and try to describe the period culminating after year 1900, when profesional player was born of student-enthusiast and when club loyalities based on nationality or social inclusion of spectator have been created. To achive a comprehensive view is also important to describe ideological orientation and economy of clubs, topography of Prague grounds or relationships between biggest clubs - SK Slavia, AC Sparta, SK Viktoria Žižkov and Deutscher Fussball Club Prag, which was litmus paper of attitudes with German etnicity. Keywords Football, Prague, Czechs, Germans, SK Slavia, AC Sparta, DFC Prag, First Word Wa