25 research outputs found

    The Role of Biological Diversity in Agroecosystems and Organic Farming

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    Ecosystems are the basis of life and all human activities. Conservation of biological diversity is very important for the proper functioning of the ecosystem and for delivering ecosystem services. Maintaining high biodiversity in agroecosystems makes agricultural production more sustainable and economically viable. Agricultural biodiversity ensures, for example, pollination of crops, biological crop protection, maintenance of proper structure and fertility of soils, protection of soils against erosion, nutrient cycling, and control of water flow and distribution. The effects of the loss of biodiversity may not be immediately apparent, but they may increase the sensitivity of the ecosystems to various abiotic and biotic stresses. The combination of biodiversity conservation with profitable food production is one of the tasks of modern sustainable agriculture that faces the necessity of reconciling the productive, environmental, and social goals. As further intensification of production and increase in the use of chemical pesticides, fertilizers, and water to increase yields are increasingly criticized, global agriculture is looking for other biological and agrotechnical methods in order to meet the requirements of global food production

    A 24-year-old male patient with pulmonary veno-occlusive disease — case report

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    Choroba zarostowa żył płucnych (PVOD) jest bardzo rzadką przyczyną nadciśnienia płucnego o ciężkim przebiegu i złym rokowaniu. W pracy zaprezentowano przypadek 24-letniego pacjenta, u którego pierwszymi symptomami choroby były narastająca duszność i pogorszenie tolerancji wysiłku. Pacjent, do czasu postawienia właściwej diagnozy na podstawie wyniku badania histopatologicznego wycinka z biopsji płuca, był leczony antagonistami wapnia i glikokortykosteroidami na podstawie wstępnej diagnozy nadciśnienia płucnego i choroby śródmiąższowej płuc. Przypadek ten ukazuje, że PVOD to jednostka trudna diagnostycznie i oporna na wszelkie leczenie zachowawcze, co jest szczególnie niekorzystnym czynnikiem rokowniczym dla pacjentów. Wobec braku skutecznego leczenia farmakologicznego i wysokiej śmiertelności pacjentów chorujących na PVOD, zrozumienie patogenezy choroby zarostowej żył płucnych, a także różnicowanie jej z tętniczym nadciśnieniem płucnym oraz poszukiwanie nowych metod terapeutycznych pozostają ważnymi wyzwaniami dla współczesnej medycyny.Pulmonary veno-occlusive disease (PVOD) is a rare cause of severe pulmonary hypertension characterised by poor prognosis. We report the case of a 24-year-old male patient with increasing dyspnea and exercise intolerance treated with calcium channel blockers and glucocorticosteroids, due to suspicion of pulmonary hypertension and interstitial lung disease, until lung biopsy was performed and a diagnosis of PVOD was established on the basis of the histological analysis of the lung biopsy sample. This case highlights that pulmonary veno-occlusive disease is a disorder that is difficult to diagnose and resistant to medical treatment, which is particularly poor prognostic factor. Due to poor response to medical therapy and high mortality in patients with PVOD, understanding the pathogenesis, differentiation with pulmonary arterial hypertension and the search for a new methods of treatment should be the key challenges for modern medicine

    Report from an Annual Congress of the European Respiratory Society, Stockholm, 15-19 September 2007 (part II)

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    Żylna choroba zakrzepowo-zatorowa i nadciśnienie płucne nie stanowiły wiodących tematów kongresu [...

    Heat shock factor 1 (Hsf1) cooperates with estrogen receptor α (erα) in the regulation of estrogen action in breast cancer cells

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    Heat shock factor 1 (HSF1), a key regulator of transcriptional responses to proteotoxic stress, was linked to estrogen (E2) signaling through estrogen receptor α (ERα). We found that an HSF1 deficiency may decrease ERα level, attenuate the mitogenic action of E2, counteract E2-stimulated cell scattering, and reduce adhesion to collagens and cell motility in ER-positive breast cancer cells. The stimulatory effect of E2 on the transcriptome is largely weaker in HSF1-deficient cells, in part due to the higher basal expression of E2-dependent genes, which correlates with the enhanced binding of unliganded ERα to chromatin in such cells. HSF1 and ERα can cooperate directly in E2-stimulated regulation of transcription, and HSF1 potentiates the action of ERα through a mechanism involving chromatin reorganization. Furthermore, HSF1 deficiency may increase the sensitivity to hormonal therapy (4-hydroxytamoxifen) or CDK4/6 inhibitors (palbociclib). Analyses of data from The Cancer Genome Atlas database indicate that HSF1 increases the transcriptome disparity in ER-positive breast cancer and can enhance the genomic action of ERα. Moreover, only in ER-positive cancers an elevated HSF1 level is associated with metastatic disease.publishedVersio

    Dynamics of quantum entanglement

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    A model of discrete dynamics of entanglement of bipartite quantum state is considered. It involves a global unitary dynamics of the system and periodic actions of local bistochastic or decaying channel. For initially pure states the decay of entanglement is accompanied with an increase of von Neumann entropy of the system. We observe and discuss revivals of entanglement due to unitary interaction of both subsystems. For some mixed states having different marginal entropies of both subsystems (one of them larger than the global entropy and the other one one smaller) we find an asymmetry in speed of entanglement decay. The entanglement of these states decreases faster, if the depolarizing channel acts on the "classical" subsystem, characterized by smaller marginal entropy.Comment: 10 pages, Revtex, 10 figures, refined versio

    Methods and Techniques for CO2 Capture: Review of Potential Solutions and Applications in Modern Energy Technologies

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    The paper presents and discusses modern methods and technologies of CO2 capture (pre-combustion capture, post-combustion capture, and oxy-combustion capture) along with the principles of these methods and examples of existing and operating installations. The primary differences of the selected methods and technologies, with the possibility to apply them in new low-emission energy technologies, were presented. The following CO2 capture methods: pre-combustion, post-combustion based on chemical absorption, physical separation, membrane separation, chemical looping combustion, calcium looping process, and oxy-combustion are discussed in the paper. Large-scale carbon capture utilization and storage (CCUS) facilities operating and under development are summarized. In 2021, 27 commercial CCUS facilities are currently under operation with a capture capacity of up to 40 Mt of CO2 per year. If all projects are launched, the global CO2 capture potential can be more than ca. 130–150 Mt/year of captured CO2. The most popular and developed indicators for comparing and assessing CO2 emission, capture, avoiding, and cost connected with avoiding CO2 emissions are also presented and described in the paper