8 research outputs found

    A Literature Review of the Partial Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology 2 (UTAUT2) Model

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    Theoretical background: Today, people use more systems and devices than ever, no matter the context. These behaviors are most often explained using technology acceptance models, including the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology 2 (UTAUT2), which is a new and prominent technology acceptance theory.Purpose of the article: The aim of this article is to identify any interpretable trends and draw overall conclusions about the existing UTAUT2 literature, which helps to fill the gap which is lack of such review for UTAUT2 model.Research methods: Descriptive review analysis of 23 articles based on the partial UTAUT2 model.Main findings: The UTAUT2 is an efficient theory – the average explained variance of behavioral intention was 62% and for use behavior – 37%. It is highly recommended to use the performance expectancy variable in all research contexts based on the UTAUT2 model. Utilitarian aspects turned out to be more important than hedonic ones for most technology adopters. Commercial organisations should focus on delivering reliable and useful products and underline these features in marketing communication.Theoretical background: Today, people use more systems and devices than ever, no matter the context. These behaviors are most often explained using technology acceptance models, including the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology 2 (UTAUT2), which is a new and prominent technology acceptance theory.Purpose of the article: The aim of this article is to identify any interpretable trends and draw overall conclusions about the existing UTAUT2 literature, which helps to fill the gap which is lack of such review for UTAUT2 model.Research methods: Descriptive review analysis of 23 articles based on the partial UTAUT2 model.Main findings: The UTAUT2 is an efficient theory – the average explained variance of behavioral intention was 62% and for use behavior – 37%. It is highly recommended to use the performance expectancy variable in all research contexts based on the UTAUT2 model. Utilitarian aspects turned out to be more important than hedonic ones for most technology adopters. Commercial organisations should focus on delivering reliable and useful products and underline these features in marketing communication

    Использование мобильных устройств для совершения покупок – расширение модели UTAUT2 переменной «индивидуальная инновационность»

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    Celem artykułu jest identyfikacja kluczowych czynników wpływających na intencję użycia urządzeń mobilnych w procesie kupowania produktów (INT) wśród polskich konsumentów. W związku z powyższym zmodyfikowano model UTAUT2 rozszerzając go o zmienną indywidualna innowacyjność (II) i usuwając zmienne, które nie były istotne statystycznie w poprzednich badaniach przeprowadzonych w Polsce. Dodatkowo sprawdzono wpływ dwóch zmiennych moderujących – płci i doświadczenia w korzystaniu z mobilnego Internetu. Analiza danych została przeprowadzona z użyciem częściowej metody najmniejszych kwadratów (PLS-SEM). Grupa respondentów liczyła 256 studentów z trzech miast (Białegostoku, Gdańska i Łodzi). Zgodnie z wynikami, oczekiwana wydajność (WYD) jest najsilniejszą determinantą INT. Hedonistyczna motywacja (HM), nawyk (NAW) i indywidualna innowacyjność również okazały się istotnymi statystycznie predyktorami INT.This paper identifies the most important factors affecting the use of mobile devices during shopping. For this purpose, the UTAUT2 model was expanded with individual innovativeness (II) and the variables that were not statistically significant in the previous studies conducted among Polish mobile consumers were removed. Additionally, influence of two moderating variables – namely gender and experience in using mobile Internet was checked. The data analysis was conducted with the partial least squares method (PLS-SEM). The group of respondents consisted of 256 students from three Polish cities (Bialystok, Gdansk, and Lodz). According to the results, the performance expectancy (PE) was the strongest determinant of the intention to use mobile device in the buying process (INT). Hedonic motivation (HM), habit (HAB) and individual innovativeness were also statistically significant predictors of INT.Цель работы заключалась в выявлении основных факторов, влияющих на намерение применить мобильные устройства в процессе покупки продуктов (НАМ) среди польских потребителей. В этой связи видоизменили модель UTAUT2, расширяя ее переменной индивидуальная инновационность (ИИ) и удаляя переменные, которые не были статистически существенны в прежних исследованиях, проведенных в Польше. Дополнительно проверили влияние двух модерирующих переменных: пола и опыта в пользовании мобильным интернетом. Анализ данных провели, применяя частичный метод наименьших квадратов (PLS-SEM). Группа респондентов насчитывала 256 студентов из трех городов (Белостока, Гданьска и Лодзи). В соответствии с результатами, ожидаемая производительность (ПРО) – самый сильный детерминант НАМ. Гедонистическая мотивация (ГМ), навык (НАВ) и индивидуальная инновационность тоже оказались статистически существенными предикторами НАМ

    Przegląd literatury wykorzystującej klasyczną i rozszerzoną jednolitą teorię akceptacji i użycia technologii 2 (UTAUT2)

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    UTAUT2 is a model that explains why technology is adopted by the users. It integrates eight most important technology acceptance models that were proposed in the past. The aim of this article is to answer the question “why people use technology?” by summarizing seven years of research based on classic and extended UTAUT2 since the model was formulated in 2012. This paper consist of three main parts. The first part is devoted to presentation of different technology acceptance theories / models including presentation of the three different types of UTAUT2 based research. Second part is regarding methodology of the literature review. Third part consists discussion (including limitations and further research ideas). Table summarizing 25 UTAUT2 studies is added as attachment.UTAUT2 to teoria, która wyjaśnia, dlaczego dana technologia jest akceptowana i wykorzystywana przez użytkowników. Integruje osiem najważniejszych modeli akceptacji technologii, które zostały zaproponowane w przeszłości. Celem tego artykułu jest odpowiedź na pytanie: „Dlaczego ludzie używają technologii?”. Cel ten został osiągnięty przez podsumowanie siedmiu lat badań opartych na klasycznej i rozszerzonej teorii UTAUT2. Artykuł składa się z trzech głównych części. Pierwsza część jest poświęcona prezentacji różnych teorii/ modeli akceptacji technologii, w tym prezentacji trzech różnych typów badań opartych na UTAUT2. Druga część dotyczy metodologii przeglądu literatury. Trzecia część obejmuje dyskusję (w tym ograniczenia i dalsze pomysły badawcze). Tablica podsumowująca 25 badań opartych na UTAUT2 została dodana jako załącznik

    Nursing education standard regarding the patients with acne

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    Trądzik pospolity to jedna z najczęstszych chorób skóry, która występuje u 35–90% młodzieży. Celem pracy było skonstruowanie standardu edukacji dla chorych z trądzikiem. Standard edukacji kobiet opracowano zgodnie z zaleceniami Europejskiego Ruchu na Rzecz Zapewnienia Jakości Opieki Pielęgniarskiej (The European Quality Assurance Network). Skonstruowano wzorzec edukacji chorych z trądzikiem w zakresie postępowania terapeutycznego i pielęgnacyjnego. W jego budowie uwzględniono zgodnie z obowiązującymi zasadami następujące rodzaje kryteriów: struktury, procesu oraz wyniku. W zakresie kryteriów starano się osiągnąć (według Apellman) następujące cechy: trafność, zrozumiałość, mierzalność i osiągalność. Wzorzec uzupełniono o załączniki dotyczące mechanizmu powstawania oraz rozwoju trądziku, wykazu czynników, które mogą powodować zaostrzenie objawów trądziku, wskazówek dla osób z trądzikiem: zalecenia ogólne, w zakresie pielęgnacji skóry, dobór kosmetyków, zalecenia dietetyczne i inne oraz kartę edukacji i wykaz zalecanej literatury. Wskazane jest prowadzenie edukacji młodzieży z trądzikiem w zakresie postępowania terapeutycznego i pielęgnacyjnego. W związku z powyższym skonstruowano standard edukacji pacjenta, w wyniku zastosowania którego będzie on posiadał wiedzę i umiejętności niezbędne do prowadzenia samoopieki i samopielęgnacji w przypadku występowania trądziku. Problemy Pielęgniarstwa 2011; 19 (1): 116–121Acne vulgaris is one of the most common skin disorders. Its prevalence is reported at between 35% and 90% in adolescents. We made standard for the education patients with acne vulgaris. The standard of women education was constructed in according to the recommendations of The European movement on The Thing Assurance Quality Care Nursing (The European Quality Assurance Network). We made the educational standard of patients with acne vulgaris in the field of therapy and care. The following types of criteria: structure, process and result were considered in the building of standard for valid principles. We constructed the standard of education on the prophylaxis of the nosocomial infections. In according to Apellman we used the following criteria: accuracy, understanding, measurements and achievement. We enclosed the attachments; references and individual card of education. It is recommended to conduct the education of adolescents with acne in the field of therapy and care. We made the standard of patients’ education, taking account, he will be having a knowledge and the abilities of acne self-care. Nursing Topics 2011; 19 (1): 116–12

    Self-assessment of patients’ knowledge on acne vulgaris

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    Wstęp. Trądzik pospolity (acne vulgaris) jest przewlekłym schorzeniem związanym z nadczynnością gruczołów łojowych i dotyczy osób między 12. a 40. rokiem życia.Introduction. Acne vulgaris is a chronic disorder connected with hyper-secretion of sebaceous glands affecting people between 12 and 40 years old. Aim of the study. The aim of the study was self-assessment of patients’ knowledge on acne vulgaris. Material and methods. The study included 204 patients with acne vulgaris under a care of dermatology out- patient clinic in Bialystok. The self-administered questionnaire and Acne Global Severity Scale was used in the present study. Results. Face was more often localization of acne (97.5%). Nearly 43.1% assessed the intensity of skin lesions as a moderate, and 47.1% as a mild. 34.8% of respondents had the second degree of the lesions’ intensity in according to Acne Global Severity Scale. No significant correlations between the intensity of acne lesions and age and gender were found. Overall 71.1% of patients said that their knowledge was not sufficient, and only 10.3% declared no knowledge in this field. However, after the analysis of knowledge on the intensity of lesions, 68% with the first degree of lesions assessed their knowledge as not quite a good, 76% with the second degree, and 69% with the third degree, respectively. Almost 86.3% of respondents declared that the development of disease is involved with a puberty period, 43.6% oily skin, 36.3% genetics, and 35.3% stress. 82.8% patients thought that basic method of acne lesions’ relief were drugs and cosmetics. 64.7% of respondents considered make-up as a popular method of the ‘masking’ acne lesions. About 51% of patients talked with friends, 47.5% with parents, and 31.9% physicians on the problems with acne vulgaris. More than half (54.4%) of the surveyed knew on acne from media, 45.1% from physician, and 35.8% from friends. Conclusions. The patients’ knowledge on acne vulgaris was insufficient and did not relate to the intensity of skin lesions. Most patients had knowledge on acne from media. It is recommended to conduct the education among adolescents on therapy and acne care. Nursing Topics 2011; 19 (3): 288–29

    Knowledge on taking on a professional activity and occupational plans of second year students of Master’s degree course in Physiotherapy of university-level schools of different educational profiles

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    Wstęp i cel pracy. Obecnie w Polsce zdecydowana większość absolwentów fizjoterapii nie może znaleźć pracy w wybranym zawodzie. Liczni z nich planują zatem podjęcie pracy w innych krajach UE, nie znając jednak warunków podejmowania tam zatrudnienia oraz aktualnej sytuacji na tamtejszym rynku pracy. Celem pracy była ocena poziomu wiedzy temat podejmowania pracy zawodowej oraz plany zawodowe studentów II roku studiów II stopnia kierunku fizjoterapia w uczelniach o różnych profilach kształcenia, tj.: o profilu medycznym (PM), profilu sportowym (PWF) i innych profilach (PM). Materiał i metody. 1942 studentów II roku studiów II stopnia, 17 uczelni, 8 PM, 4 PWF, 5 IP. Średni odsetek zwrotu: 53%. 77% kobiety. Średnia wieku 21 lat (SD=10,64; min. 23; max. 50). 736 (45%) badanych podjęło studia w tej samej uczelni, w której ukończyło studia I stopnia. Badania były prowadzone w ramach Międzynarodowego Projektu Badawczego Wpływ cykli kształcenia studentów fizjoterapii na kształtowanie się ich postaw zawodowych www.projekt-fizjoterapia.wum.edu.pl). Dobrowolne, anonimowe badania ankietowe nie wymagały uzyskania zgody Komisji Biotycznej WUM. Analiza statystyczna: STATISTICA 10.0 (licencja WUM), nieparametryczne testy: Chi-kwadrat, Kruskalla-Wallisa oraz U Manna-Whitneya, p<0,05. Wyniki. Większość studentów po ukończeniu studiów II stopnia chciałoby rozpocząć pracę zawodową w Polsce: 55% PM, 60% PWF, 59% IP lub rozpocząć pracę zawodową za granicą: 22% PM, 22% PWF, 21% IP; p=NS. Tylko 11% badanych planuje specjalizację z fizjoterapii lub rozpoczęcie studiów doktoranckich (p=NS). Ponad 70% badanych zna możliwości zatrudnienia w zawodzie fizjoterapeuty (p=NS), około 60% uważa, że w Polsce trudno jest znaleźć pracę w zawodzie fizjoterapeuty (H=6,409, p<0,012). Ponad połowa ankietowanych (54%) myślała o podjęciu pracy w innych krajach UE. Ponad 70% (sic!) nie zna warunków podejmowania pracy w innych krajach, 24% czerpało informacje na ten temat z Internetu, 70% chciałoby otrzymać je w formie szkolenia (48%) i podczas studiów (46%). Wnioski. 1. W badanej grupie studentów, profil kształcenia nie wpływał na poziom wiedzy studentów na temat podejmowania pracy w zawodzie fizjoterapeuty oraz na ich plany zawodowe. 2. Programy kształcenia na studiach I i II stopnia kierunku fizjoterapia, niezależnie od profilu uczelni, powinny zawierać informacje na temat aktualnej sytuacji na rynku pracy oraz możliwości i sposobów szukania zatrudnienia w zawodzie na terenie całej Unii Europejskiej. 3. Należy stworzyć powszechnie dostępny, ujednolicony, profesjonalny system informacyjny na temat możliwości podejmowania pracy w zawodzie fizjoterapeuty w krajach UE.Background and Aim of Study. At present, a vast majority of Physiotherapy graduates cannot find a job in the selected profession. Numerous intend to take on employment as a physiotherapist in other countries of the European Union without having extensive knowledge on the local conditions of taking on employment and current situation on local labour market. The aim of the study was to assess the level of knowledge on taking on employment and occupational plans of second year Physiotherapy students of a Master’s degree course of university-level schools of different educational profiles, i.e.: medical universities (PM), universities of physical education (PWF), and other schools (IP). Materials and Methods. The study enrolled 1942 second year students of a Master’s degree course of 17 university-level schools (PM: 8, PWF: 4, IP: 5). A mean questionnaire return rate was: 53%. Women constituted 77% of the total. The mean age of the study group was 21 years of age (SD=10.64, min.23; max.50). As many as 736 (45%) of the study participants started a Master’s degree course at the same university-level school at which they had graduated from a Bachelor’s degree course. The study was conducted within the International Research Project “The formative effect of the course of physiotherapy studies on the occupational attitudes of students” www.projektfizjoterapia. wum.edu.pl). The approval of the Ethical Review Board of Warsaw Medical University was not necessary to conduct the voluntary and anonymous questionnaire study. Statistical analysis: STATISTICA 10.0 (licensed to Warsaw Medical University), non-parametric statistical tests: Chi-square, Kruskall-Wallis, and Mann-Whitney U, p<0.05. Results. The majority of students would like to: start a professional activity in Poland after graduation from a Master’s degree course: 55% of PM students, 60% of PWF students, and 59% of IP students; p=NS, start a professional activity abroad: 22% of PM students, 22% of PWF students, and 21% of IP students. Only 11% of the study participants intended to become a specialist in Physiotherapy or commence a PhD course (p=NS). More than 70% of the study population knew the employment opportunities in the area of physiotherapy (p=NS) and approximately 60% of the students believed that it is difficult to find a job as a physiotherapist in Poland (H=6.409, 0.012). More than half of the study population (54%) thought of finding employment abroad. More than 70% of the study group (sic!) did not know the conditions of taking on employment in other countries, 24% of the students found information on this issue on the Internet, and 70% of the total would like to learn about it during a training (48%) or their studies (46%). Conclusions. 1. Among the study group of students, the educational profile did not influence the level of knowledge on taking on employment as a physiotherapist nor occupational plans. 2. The curricula of Bachelor’s and Master’s degree courses in Physiotherapy, regardless of the educational profile of a university-level school, should contain information on the current situation on labour market as well as information on employment opportunities for physiotherapists and methods of employment search in the European Union. 3. A commonly available, uniform, and professional information system on employment opportunities in the area of physiotherapy in the EU should be developed

    Initial study on COMT and DRD2 gene polymorphisms as well as the influence of temperament and character trait on the severity of alcohol craving in alcohol-dependent patients

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    The main aim of this work was to determine the impact of COMT and DRD2 gene polymorphisms together with temperament and character traits on alcohol craving severity alcohol-dependent persons. The sample comprised of 89 men and 16 women (aged [Formula: see text]). For the sake of psychological assessment various analytic methods have been applied like the Short Alcohol Dependence Data Questionnaire (SADD), Penn Alcohol Craving Scale (PACS) or Temperament and Character Inventory (TCI) test. The SNP polymorphism of the analyzed genes was determined by Real Time PCR test. The results showed, that the COMT polymorphismmay have an indirected relationship with the intensity and changes in alcohol craving during abstinence. The DRD2 receptor gene polymorphisms are related with the intensity of alcohol craving. It seems that the character traits like “self-targeting”, including “self-acceptance”, are more closely related to the severity of alcohol craving and polymorphic changes in the DRD2 receptor than temperamental traits. Although this is a pilot study the obtained results appeared to be promising and clearly indicate the link betweengene polymorphisms alcohol craving and its severity

    Pantoea agglomerans: a mysterious bacterium of evil and good. Part IV. Beneficial effects

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    [i][/i][i]Pantoea agglomerans[/i], a gammaproteobacterium of plant origin, possesses many beneficial traits that could be used for the prevention and/or treatment of human and animal diseases, combating plant pathogens, promotion of plant growth and bioremediation of the environment. It produces a number of antibiotics (herbicolin, pantocins, microcin, agglomerins, andrimid, phenazine, among others) which could be used for combating plant, animal and human pathogens or for food preservation. Japanese researchers have demonstrated that the low-molecular-mass lipopolysaccharide of [i]P. agglomerans[/i] isolated by them and described as ‘Immunopotentiator from [i]Pantoea agglomerans[/i] 1 (IP-PA1)’ reveals the extremely wide spectrum of healing properties, mainly due to its ability for the maintenance of homeostasis by macrophage activation. IP-PA1 was proved to be effective in the prevention and treatment of a broad range of human and animal disorders, such as tumours, hyperlipidaemia, diabetes, ulcer, various infectious diseases, atopic allergy and stress-induced immunosuppression; it also showed a strong analgesic effect. It is important that most of these effects could be achieved by the safe oral administration of IP-PA1. Taking into account that [i]P. agglomerans[/i] occurs commonly as a symbiont of many species of insects, including mosquitoes transmitting the [i]Plasmodium[/i] parasites causing malaria, successful attempts were made to apply the strategy of paratransgenesis, in which bacterial symbionts are genetically engineered to express and secrete anti-[i]Plasmodium[/i] effector proteins. This strategy shows prospects for a successful eradication of malaria, a deadly disease killing annually over one million people, as well as of other vector-borne diseases of humans, animals and plants. [i]Pantoea agglomerans[/i] has been identified as an antagonist of many plant pathogens belonging to bacteria and fungi, as a result of antibiotic production, competition mechanisms or induction of plant resistance. Its use as a biocontrol agent permits the decrease of pesticide doses, being a healthy and environmental-friendly procedure. The application of the preparations of this bacterium efficiently protects the stored pome, stone and citrus fruits against invasion of moulds. [i]P. agglomerans[/i] strains associated with both rhizosphere and plant tissues (as endophytes) efficiently promote the growth of many plants, including rice and wheat, which are the staple food for the majority of mankind. The promotion mechanisms are diverse and include fixation of atmospheric nitrogen, production of phytohormones, as well as degradation of phytate and phosphate solubilizing which makes the soil phosphorus available for plants. Accordingly, [i]P. agglomerans[/i] is regarded as an ideal candidate for an environmental-friendly bioinoculant replacing chemical fertilizers. It has been documented that the [i]Pantoea[/i] strains show biodegradation activity on various chemical pollutants of soil and water, including petroleum hydrocarbons and toxic metals. [i]P. agglomerans[/i] prevents the penetration of harmful industrial contaminants into deeper parts of soil by biofilm formation, and has an ability to produce hydrogen from waste. Thus, this bacterium appears as a valuable bioremediator which, in some cases, may be acquired as a cheap form of energy. In conclusion, in spite of the proven pathologic role of [i]P. agglomerans[/i] in causing occupational diseases of allergic and/or immunotoxic background and accidental infections, the beneficial traits of this species, and of related species of [i]Pantoea [/i]genus, are of great value for potential use in many areas of biotechnology. Hence, any restrictions on the use of these organisms and their products should be declined, providing safety precautions at work with the [i]Pantoea[/i] biopreparations are maintained