99 research outputs found

    Numerical optimization of parameters in systems of differential equations

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    summary:We present results on the estimation of unknown parameters in systems of ordinary differential equations in order to fit the output of models to real data. The numerical method is based on the nonlinear least squares problem along with the solution of sensitivity equations corresponding to the differential equations. We will present the performance of the method on the problem of fitting the output of basic compartmental epidemic models to data from the Covid-19 epidemic. This allows us to draw several conclusions on the natural limitations of these models and their validity

    Uninterruptible Power Supply

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    Tato bakalářská práce je zaměřena na návrh vhodného zdroje nepřerušitelného napájení (UPS) ke školnímu serveru na UBMI na němž je v současnosti instalován NIS (nemocniční informační systém) Clinicom firmy SMS. UPS by měla zajistit ochranu právě rozpracovaných dat, bezpečné vypnutí serveru a informovat o výpadku sítového napětí.This bachelor thesis is focused on the proposal for an appropriate source of uninterruptible power supply (UPS) to the school server UBMI where is currently installed HIS (hospital information system) CLINICOM Corporate SMS. UPS should have ensure the protection of data being unfinished, secure off site and to inform the line voltage failure.

    Uninterruptible Supply of the Hospital Information System

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    Tato bakalářská práce je zaměřena na návrh vhodného zdroje nepřerušitelného napájení (UPS) ke školnímu serveru na UBMI na němž je v současnosti instalován NIS (nemocniční informační systém) Clinicom firmy SMS. UPS by měla zajistit ochranu právě rozpracovaných dat, bezpečné vypnutí serveru a informovat o výpadku sítového napětí.This bachelor thesis is focused on the proposal for an appropriate source of uninterruptible power supply (UPS) to the school server UBMI where is currently installed HIS (hospital information system) CLINICOM Corporate SMS. UPS should have ensure the protection of data being unfinished, secure off site and to inform the line voltage failure.

    Modeling of solar power station parameters in GIS

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    Práce se zabývá modelováním parametrů solární elektrárny s využitím geografického informačního systému ArcGIS a problematikou solární energie a jejím využitím ve fotovoltaických elektrárnách. V úvodu práce je uvedena teorie potřebná pro pochopení funkce fotovoltaických článků od úplného počátku až po samotnou konstrukci fotovoltaických panelů. Byly rozebrány podmínky pro umístění fotovoltaických panelů v podmínkách České republiky. Dále práce přibližuje samotný informační systém ArcGIS a jeho možnosti pro 3D modelování. Část práce se zabývá návrhem postupu výběru nejvhodnějších lokalit pro instalování fotovoltaických panelů. Hlavní částí práce je vizualizace vytvořeného 3D modelů zájmových lokalit.The work deals with the modeling of the parameters of solar power plants and the issue of solar energy with its use in the photovoltaic power plants. It uses the geographic information system named ArcGIS. In the beginning of the work, there is the theory. This theory is necessary to understanding the function of the photovoltaic cells, from the beginning to the photovoltaic panels construction. There were analyzed the conditions of the location of the photovoltaic panels in the Czech Republic. Furthermore, the work approaches the ArcGIS and its 3D modeling possibilities. The part of the work deals with the proposal for the selection process of the most suitable location to the photovoltaic panels installing. The main part of the work is the visualization of the 3D models of the locations of interest.

    Ecohydrological consequences of tree removal in an urban park evaluated using open data, free software and a minimalist measuring campaign

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    With ongoing global climate change and an increasingly urbanized population, the importance of city parks and other forms of urban vegetation increases. Trees in urban parks can play an important role in mitigating runoff and delivering other ecosystem services. Park managers, E-NGOs, citizen scientists and others are increasingly called upon to evaluate the possible consequences of changes in park management such as, e.g., tree removal. Here, we present an unorthodox approach to hydrological modelling and its potential use in local policy making regarding urban greenery. The approach consists of a minimalist field campaign to characterize vegetation and soil moisture status combined with a novel model calibration using freely available data and software. During modelling, we were able to obtain coefficients of determination (R2) of 0.66 and 0.73 for probe-measured and simulated soil moisture under tree stand and park lawn land covers respectively. The results demonstrated that tree cover had a significant positive effect on the hydrological regime of the locality through interception, transpiration and effects on soil moisture. Simulations suggested that tree cover was twice as effective at mitigating runoff than park lawn and almost seven times better than impervious surfaces. In the case of a potential replacement of tree vegetation in favour of park lawn or impervious surfaces an increase in runoff of 14% and 81% respectively could be expected. The main conclusion drawn from our study was that such an approach can be a very useful tool for supporting local decision-making processes as it offers a freely available, cheap and relatively easy-to-use way to describe the hydrological consequences of landcover change (e.g., tree removal) with sufficient accuracy.OA-hybri

    Probiotická a prebiotická krmná aditiva ve výživě telat

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    The target of the research was to analyze the effect of antidiarrheal feed additives on calves average daily weight gain. In the study, 120 calves were analyzed. Newborns were selected into 3 treatment groups, control (without supplementation) and group with Ascophyllum nodosum (prebiotics), and mixture of Lactobacillus sporogenes, Enterococcus faecalis and Bifidobacterium bifidum (probiotics). Individual body weight of animal were determined after 2 hours postpartum. Monitoring of the growth intensity, as well as health status were done till 56 days of age. Significant effects (P<0.01) of additive supplementation were found in the group with probiotics, in body weight at the age 21 days, as well as at the age of 56 days of life. Significant effect (P<0.01) of probiotics supplementation was found also in daily weight gains of animals. On the base of analyzed results, probiotics in calves nutrition stimulate the body weight.Cílem této studie bylo prokázání vlivu krmných aditiv s protiprůjmovým účinkem na hmotnostní přírůstky a zdraví telat. Do experimentu bylo zařazeno celkem 120 telat. Po narození byla telata rozdělena do tří skupin: Ascophyllum nodosum (hydrolyzát hnědých mořských řas, prebiotikum), kombinaci Lactobacillus sporogenes, Enterococcus faecalis a Bifidobacterium bifidum (probiotikum) a kontrolní skupinu. Všechna telata byla zvážena do dvou hodin po narození. Přírůstky a zdravotní stav byly sledovány od narození do 56. dne věku. Ve srovnání s kontrolní skupinou byl nalezen signifikantní vliv aplikovaných krmných aditiv u probiotické skupiny u hmotnostních přírůstků 21. den po otelení (P<0,01), u hmotnostních přírůstků 56. den po otelení (P<0,01) a průměrných denních přírůstků (P<0,01). Z této studie výplýva, že užívání probiotik, má významný pozitivní vliv na zvýšení přírůstků u telat

    The importance of vulnerable areas with potential tourism development: a case study of the Bohemian forest and South Bohemia tourism regions

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    The significance of the vulnerability of nature-rich areas with high development potential for tourism was studied using three types of data: 1) spatial distribution of tourist attractions, 2) the appeal level of these attractions, and 3) the number of visitors. The Bohemian Forest and South Bohemia were chosen as study areas. Nine types of landscape spatial appeal were identified in the study area. Two most important types were defined based on their appeal where there are rare relic features in the natural environment dominated by the presence of peat bogs and natural habitats with scrub undergrowth or virgin forests. These types were also found in the areas with the greatest potential for tourism development. However, these areas are also the most important from the point of view of nature conservation and landscape protection in Central Europe

    Apocynin and Diphenyleneiodonium Induce Oxidative Stress and Modulate PI3K/Akt and MAPK/Erk Activity in Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells

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    Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are important regulators of cellular functions. In embryonic stem cells, ROS are suggested to influence differentiation status. Regulated ROS formation is catalyzed primarily by NADPH-dependent oxidases (NOXs). Apocynin and diphenyleneiodonium are frequently used inhibitors of NOXs; however, both exhibit uncharacterized effects not related to NOXs inhibition. Interestingly, in our model of mouse embryonic stem cells we demonstrate low expression of NOXs. Therefore we aimed to clarify potential side effects of these drugs. Both apocynin and diphenyleneiodonium impaired proliferation of cells. Surprisingly, we observed prooxidant activity of these drugs determined by hydroethidine. Further, we revealed that apocynin inhibits PI3K/Akt pathway with its downstream transcriptional factor Nanog. Opposite to this, apocynin augmented activity of canonical Wnt signaling. On the contrary, diphenyleneiodonium activated both PI3K/Akt and Erk signaling pathways without affecting Wnt. Our data indicates limits and possible unexpected interactions of NOXs inhibitors with intracellular signaling pathways