20 research outputs found

    Desa potrošači i proces odlučivanja o porodičnoj kupovini u odabranim zemljama Jugoistočne Evrope

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    U okviru disertacije pažnja se posvećuje specifiĉnom segmentu potrošaĉa – deci. Reĉ je o segmentu koji je specifiĉan po svojim psihološkim i ekonomskim karakteristikama i koji formira tzv. „3 u 1“ tržište koje, posmatrano kao celina, predstavlja tržište većeg potencijala nego bilo koje drugo. Tako, deca potrošaĉi formiraju „sadašnje“, „uticajno“ i „buduće“ tržište. Međutim, deca nisu rođeni potrošaĉi već to postaju tokom godina prolazeći kroz proces potrošaĉke socijalizacije. Pri tom, kao najznaĉajniji „agent“ potrošaĉke socijlaizacije izdvaja se porodica u okviru koje deca postaju inicijatori niza kupovnih odluka. Shodno tome, predmet istraţivanja disertacije predstavlja „uticajno“ tržište dece potrošaĉa, odnosno, dvosmerni proces potrošaĉke socijalizacije koji se odvija u porodici kao osnovnoj društvenoj zajednici. Budući da su, u našoj zemlji, istraživanja ponašanja dece potrošaĉa veoma oskudna, disertacija će dati doprinos nauĉnoj bazi uz, istovremeno, stvaranje uslova za dalja istraživanja na ovu temu. Aplikativan doprinos disertacije usmeren je na kompanije koje već posluju, ili nameravaju poslovati, na tržištu dece potrošaĉa

    Desa potrošači i proces odlučivanja o porodičnoj kupovini u odabranim zemljama Jugoistočne Evrope

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    U okviru disertacije pažnja se posvećuje specifiĉnom segmentu potrošaĉa – deci. Reĉ je o segmentu koji je specifiĉan po svojim psihološkim i ekonomskim karakteristikama i koji formira tzv. „3 u 1“ tržište koje, posmatrano kao celina, predstavlja tržište većeg potencijala nego bilo koje drugo. Tako, deca potrošaĉi formiraju „sadašnje“, „uticajno“ i „buduće“ tržište. Međutim, deca nisu rođeni potrošaĉi već to postaju tokom godina prolazeći kroz proces potrošaĉke socijalizacije. Pri tom, kao najznaĉajniji „agent“ potrošaĉke socijlaizacije izdvaja se porodica u okviru koje deca postaju inicijatori niza kupovnih odluka. Shodno tome, predmet istraţivanja disertacije predstavlja „uticajno“ tržište dece potrošaĉa, odnosno, dvosmerni proces potrošaĉke socijalizacije koji se odvija u porodici kao osnovnoj društvenoj zajednici. Budući da su, u našoj zemlji, istraživanja ponašanja dece potrošaĉa veoma oskudna, disertacija će dati doprinos nauĉnoj bazi uz, istovremeno, stvaranje uslova za dalja istraživanja na ovu temu. Aplikativan doprinos disertacije usmeren je na kompanije koje već posluju, ili nameravaju poslovati, na tržištu dece potrošaĉa

    Tourists’ Recommendations: WOM Becomes Digital

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    Tourism is a sector in which consumers – tourists widely share their opinions, experiences and recommendations. Due to the fact that tourist services cannot be evaluated before the purchase, word-of-mouth has been recognized as an influential factor and a significant resource of information transmission in the tourism market. Word-of-mouth has an important role in tourists’ decision-making processes, in which consumers – tourists rely on the suggestions from those who have experienced the service. With the increasing use of the Internet, a large number of consumers – tourists have begun to share their recommendations online. Electronic word-of-mouth refers to any positive or negative statement made by a consumer - tourist about a tourist service, which is available on the Internet. The digitalization of word-of-mouth has created numerous possibilities and challenges for hospitality and tourism marketers. This paper aims to examine the influence of traditional word-of-mouth and electronic word-of-mouth on tourists’ decision-making processes. Specifically, the purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of virtual interactions among consumers – tourists as a part of tourism promotion. This paper has provided a theoretical framework of word-of-mouth (WOM) and electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) showing that electronic word-of-mouth plays an important role in the tourists’ decision-making process. This work is licensed under a&nbsp;Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.</p

    Tourists’ Recommendations: WOM Becomes Digital

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    Tourism is a sector in which consumers – tourists widely share their opinions, experiences and recommendations. Due to the fact that tourist services cannot be evaluated before the purchase, word-of-mouth has been recognized as an influential factor and a significant resource of information transmission in the tourism market. Word-of-mouth has an important role in tourists’ decision-making processes, in which consumers – tourists rely on the suggestions from those who have experienced the service. With the increasing use of the Internet, a large number of consumers – tourists have begun to share their recommendations online. Electronic word-of-mouth refers to any positive or negative statement made by a consumer - tourist about a tourist service, which is available on the Internet. The digitalization of word-of-mouth has created numerous possibilities and challenges for hospitality and tourism marketers. This paper aims to examine the influence of traditional word-of-mouth and electronic word-of-mouth on tourists’ decision-making processes. Specifically, the purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of virtual interactions among consumers – tourists as a part of tourism promotion. This paper has provided a theoretical framework of word-of-mouth (WOM) and electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) showing that electronic word-of-mouth plays an important role in the tourists’ decision-making process. This work is licensed under a&nbsp;Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.</p


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    In spite of the efforts of tourism marketers to encourage consumers to revisit particular tourist destinations, other factors contribute to this decision-making process. In this way, recommendations from family members and friends are considered to be trustful source of information in the process of choosing a tourist destination. Regardless of whether or not they have visited a tourist destination themselves, consumers recommend it to their family members and friends. This study represents an analysis of consumers’ socio-demographic characteristics (gender, age, education) differentiating between those who recommend, those who intend to recommend and those who do not. The aim of the paper is to point to the existence of differences of consumers in tourist destination decision making, according to socio-demographic characteristics of the respondents. The sample included 250 respondents from the territory of the Province of Vojvodina. In order to test proposed hypothesis statistical methods such as t test for independent samples and ANOVA were used. Key results of this research can be summarised as respondents in the sample do not show statistically significant differences in terms of demographic characteristics – gender, age and education level by any form of interpersonal behaviour and word-of-mouth communication in the process of choosing a tourist destination.Unatoč naporima marketinških eksperata u sektoru turizma u cilju poticanja turista-potrošača da ponovo posjete određenu turističku destinaciju, na tu njihovu odluku o kupovini utječu brojni drugi faktori. U tom smislu, preporuke članova obitelji i prijatelja se smatraju kao najpouzdaniji izvor informacija u procesu odluke i izbora turističke destinacije. Bez obzira jesu li tu turističku destinaciju doista posjetili ili nisu, potrošači često daju komentare i preporuke svojim članovima obitelji i svojim prijateljima. Ova istraživačka studija predstavlja analizu postojanja različitosti sociodemografskih karakteristika - spol, starost, obrazovanje kod turista - potrošača koji daju, namjeravaju dati, i koji ne daju preporuke, odnosno analizu razlika u preporukama potrošača prema socio-demografskim karakteristikama ispitanika. Uzorak istraživanja čini 250 ispitanika s područja Autonomne pokrajne Vojvodine. Sa ciljem da se testiraju predložene istraživačke hipoteze korištene su statističke metode kao što su t - test nezavisnih uzoraka i analiza varijance - ANOVA

    Perception of Fairness of Interaction in Handling Complaints of Users of Travel Agency Services: Evidence from Serbia and Croatia

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    Service-dominant logic observes the user as a co-creator of value in the process of providing services. In the case of a complaint, as a result of dissatisfaction, the user and the travel agency become a co-creator of the value of service recovery. The perception of interactionist fairness is one of the determinants of a user’s complaint behaviour. Interactionist fairness is seen in the extent to which users consider to be treated fairly in terms of their interaction with a travel agency employee during the service recovery process. The research presented in this paper is based on determining the differences in perception of fairness of interaction in handling complaints of users of travel agency services in terms of their socio-demographic characteristics. The survey was conducted on a sample that included 297 respondents from the territory of Serbia and Croatia. The proposed hypotheses were tested using the Mann – Whitney U test and the Kruskal–Wallis test. The purpose of this paper is to point out to travel agencies the importance of users’ reactions to unsatisfactory service as a kind of reflection of cooperation in service recovery

    Tourists’ Recommendations: Socio-demographic Analysis

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    In tourism, information can be treated as the most important factor influencing consumer behaviour. Word-of-mouth is one of the possible ways to transfer information. It is a form of communication – through recommendations - which involves consumers discussing their experience after service consumption. The aim of this paper is to highlight the differences in the frequency of spreading information through word-of-mouth among consumers – tourists of different socio-demographic characteristics (gender, age and, education). The survey was conducted in the period from October to December 2018 on a sample that included 228 respondents from the territory of AP Vojvodina. Based on a literature review and research objective, three hypotheses have been set. The cross-tabulation method was used for testing the proposed hypotheses. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.</p

    Goals of consumers in the context of slow tourism

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    The concept of slow tourism is gaining attention in terms of emphasized need for slowing down the pace of life. This concept is tied to sustainable tourism and linked to social movements such as: 'Slow Food' (authentic, local food), 'Slow Cities' (environmentally responsible and peaceful environment) and 'Slow Transportation' (local buses and trains). This study provides insights into the phenomenon of slow tourism from the perspective of a goal-directed consumption process. The research was based on a model consisting of six slow tourism motivations (relaxation, self-reflection, escape, novelty-seeking, engagement, and discovery), two goals of slow tourism (revitalization and self-enrichment), and travel outcomes (satisfaction, future return intention, and recommendations). The sample included 320 respondents from the territory of the Republic of Serbia who had visited some of the destinations in Vojvodina labeled as 'slow place' in the past two years

    Consumer behaviour: the influence of age and family structure on the choice of activities in a tourist destination

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    Changes in the structure of consumers’(tourists’) needs that shape tourism in accordance with the modern way of life attribute greater importance to different types of consumers/tourists. Understanding consumer behaviour (tourists as consumers) is significant in terms of tourism destination management. This paper presents the results of a research conducted with the aim of identifying activities (visiting cultural and historical attractions, sport and recreation, health, fun, gastronomy, shopping, cultural entertainment events) that consumers/tourists prefer in a tourist destination depending on their age and family structure. Two hypotheses were set in this paper: H 1 : There is a statistically significant difference between the age of tourists and the activity preferences in a tourist destination; and H 2 : There is a statistically significant difference between the family structure of tourists and the activity preferences in a tourist destination. The sample included 1117 respondents from the area of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina. A survey was conducted from January to March 2017. In accordance with the defined hypotheses, descriptive statistics and a statistical test of multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) were used

    Consumers' propensity to complain towards tourist agencies' services: Evidence from Serbia and Croatia

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    The goal of the research is to determine a statistically significant difference in the tendency to appeal in relation to socio-demographic characteristics of the users of tourist services. The study has been conducted on a group sample of 116 respondents from Serbia and 106 respondents from Croatia. The empirical part of the research was carried out by a survey technique. The results of the conducted empirical research confirmed the findings and claims of foreign authors on the impact of tourist service users' age, monthly income and the number of family members, on their inclination to complain. The main findings of this research indicate that maintaining a long-term loyalty relationships with existing users is becoming increasingly difficult. The paper seeks to contribute to the existing literature by indicating the importance of knowing the effects of influence factors upon a tendency to file a complaint. The obtained results help employees in the first service line to identify aspects of influence on the users' reaction to service failure and thus give a starting point for creating measures for effective resolution of user dissatisfaction. Future researchers are advised to collect additional information on the factors influencing the user's complaint behaviour