238 research outputs found


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    Objective: This study was carried out to investigate the efficacy of inhibitory effect of ethanolic root extract (ERE) of plant Coix lachrymajobi (Poaceae) on hyaluronidase and L-amino acid oxidase (LAAO) of Daboia russelii and Naja naja venom. Methodology: The ethanolic root extract of C. lachrymajobi is used to treat snake bite victims by traditional healers as folk medicine for centuries, was tested in-vitro to determine its ability to inhibit D. russelli and N. naja hyaluronidase and LAAO activities.  In-vitro studies were carried out with different doses of ERE.Results & Discussion: which effectively neutralized hyaluronidase and LAAO activities of both D. russelli and N. naja venom.  ERE at doses of 2000µg successfully inhibited D. russelli (50 µg) hyaluronidase activity by 67.04% and LAAO activity by 77.86%.  The hyaluronidase activity of N. naja venom (50 µg) was inhibited by 71.83% and LAAO activity was reduced by 74.83%.  From the results, It is evident that the ERE of Coix lachrymajobi effectively neutralizes important toxic enzymes of the D. russelli and Naja naja venoms.Keywords: Daboia russelii; Naja naja; Coix lacryma-jobi; Hyaluronidase; L-amino acid oxidas


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    Objective: The aim of the study was to carry out the preliminary phytochemical investigation and to evaluate the inhibition of Daboia russellivenom‑induced myonecrosis by root extract (RE) of Coix lacrymajobi.Methods: The roots of C. lacrymajobi were subjected to differential extraction by soxhlet extraction using petroleum ether, chloroform, ethyl acetate,and ethanol. The resultant extracts were subjected to the preliminary phytochemical investigation to identify the different chemical groups present inthe extracts. Myonecrotic activity was conducted, to assess the ability of ethanolic RE to inhibit the myonecrosis induced by D. russelli venom in rats.Results: The preliminary phytochemical investigation revealed the presence of triterpenoids, resins, steroids and fixed oils in petroleum ether extract,flavonoids, triterpenoids, saponins and fixed oils in chloroform extract and alkaloids, carbohydrates, flavonoids, glycosides, resins, saponins, steroids,and tannins. Ethanolic extract was found to have maximum number of phytochemicals, and hence, it was used for further study. The ethanolic REsignificantly inhibited the myonecrotic activity at dose level 200 and 400 mg/kg body weight.Conclusion: The screening of phytochemicals presents on the different fractions of the RE was studied successfully. Supporting the use of roots bytraditional healers, ethanolic extract successfully inhibited D. russelli venom‑induced myonecrosis in rats.Keywords: Coix lacrymajobi, Daboia russelli, Myonecrosis


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    ABSTRACTIntroduction: Siddha medicine, one among the ancient indigenous medical systems of India, has a repository of classical formulations as internalmedication and various other unique techniques/therapies as external usage. Varmam is one among such therapies used to treat multiple ailments,especially related to musculoskeletal and neurological deficits. Sometimes, varmam therapy is used along with internal medications and externalapplications as well.Objective: Adhesive capsulitis or periarthritis may be correlated with kumbavatham which is one of the vatha diseases mentioned in the Siddhaliterature Yugi Vaithya Chinthamani. Kumbavatham is one of the most common rheumatological problems in old age group, especially those indiabetic participants. It is the most common long-term complication next to osteoarthritis in diabetes mellitus patients.Methods: The present intervention was done in kumbavatham patients who volunteered to undergo the varmam therapy with regular outpatientdepartment medications, and the results were presented. The effect of varmam therapy on kumbavatham was assessed in accordance with shoulderpain and disability index.Result and Conclusion: The result of the current study concludes that the varmam therapy might be useful in the management of kumbavathamdiseases and thus improves the quality of life of the patients.Keywords: Kumbavatham, Adhesive capsulitis, Varmam therapy, Diabetes mellitus, Siddha

    An accessory head of abductor pollicis longus: clinical and anatomical implications

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    An accessory belly of abductor pollicis longus (APL), discovered in the right limb of a cadaver emanating from the main muscle belly was seen to insert onto the tendon of brachioradialis, 3.5 cm proximal to the extensor retinaculum. Measuring 2cm in length, this accessory fleshy belly was seen to bridge over the flexor carpi radialis longus and insert onto the brachioradialis tendon extending for 2 cm along its length. The tendon of APL was inserted by dividing into a superficial and a deep tendon. Such anomalies may be important during surgeries of the hand and especially during reconstruction surgeries involving the APL. The insertion of the accessory belly of APL on the brachioradialis may connote sharing of tendon by two muscles and may have impact on the dynamics of thumb movement when there is simultaneous contraction of both the muscles

    Formulation of peppermint oil nanoemulsion using conjugates of whey proteins with maltodextrin and its characterization

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    394-400Whey protein-maltodextrin conjugate is used as emulsifier and stabilizer to prepare peppermint (Mentha piperita L.) oil (PO) nanoemulsion. The mean particle size, zeta potential and poly dispersity index (PDI) of stable PO nanoemulsion (5% oil+8% conjugate+0.5% Tween 80) was 144.8±5.32 nm, -24.40±0.42 mV and 0.217±0.05 respectively and this formulation was not unstable to food processing conditions like pH 3.0 to pH 7.0, heat treatments and ionic strength 0.1 M to 1.0 M. The emulsion was stable at 25°C for 15 days and its particle size is 332.2±4.66 nm at 15th day of storage. Agar well diffusion method is used to assess the antimicrobial efficacy of PO (5%) dissolved in dimethyl sulphoxide (DMSO) and 5% PO nanoemulsion against microorganisms like E. coli ATCC 25922, B. cereus ATCC 14459, Salmonella typhi NCDC 6017 and E. faecalis NCDC 115. The formulation prepared in the present study will have the application in preservation of various foods against spoilage microorganisms


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    Objectives: The objective of this study was to assess the prescribing pattern, most common indication, and adverse effects associated with angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEIs) and angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs) in patients with cardiovascular diseases, and to identify the risk factors associated with cardiovascular diseases in a tertiary care hospital.Methods: A prospective observational study was carried out for a period of 6 months from October 2016 to March 2017 in both inpatients and outpatients of the cardiology department. Patients received either ACEIs or ARBs were enrolled in the study. The relevant details of the patients were collected from the patient case note and treatment chart and data analyzed.Results: Of 100 patients, 23.0% were female and 77.0% were male. Among them, majority of patients were in the age group of 41–60 years. Diabetes mellitus (39%), smoking (20%), and alcohol (14%) were the common risk factors. The most common indications of ACEIs were found to be ischemic heart diseases (IHDs) (17%) followed by hypertension (HTN)/IHD (12%), and IHD/heart failure (12%). Main indications of ARBs were found in HTN/ IHD (16%). Utilization of ACEIs (70%) was found to be higher when compared with ARBs (30%). Ramipril (69%) and telmisartan (18%) were the most commonly used ACEIs and ARBs, respectively. While analyzing the adverse effects of ACEIs and ARBs, about 5.71% of patients were identified with ramipril induced dry cough.Conclusions: The complications of cardiovascular diseases can be reduced by knowing the incidence of risk factors and alternative therapy can be initiated by assessing the incidence of adverse drug reactions related to ACEIs and ARB

    A comparative study of three different methods of shoot meristem excision for induction of embryogenic calli in coconut

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    A protocol was standardized to maximize yields of embryogenic calli from shoot meristem culture of coconut. Three different shoot meristem excision methods were tested viz., excision of shoot meristem aseptically from in vitro germinated embryo after 10-12 days, excision of shoot meristem from in vitro germinated embryo subjected to GA3 treatment for five days and excision of shoot meristem from fresh embryo. The primary calli induction after 30 days of culture incubation for the three treatments were 21%, 27%  and 79% respectively.  Further, the primary calli formed from the shoot meristem excised from fresh embryo gave rise to 56% of embryogenic calli. The calli obtained from the shoot meristem which were excised from in vitro germinated embryo formed less percentage of embryogenic calli because of the presence of cotyledonary tissues which inhibited the multiplication of meristematic tissues. In the case of shoot meristem extracted from GA3-treated embryos, the percentage of non-embryogenic calli was more compared to the shoot meristem excised from fresh embryo. It was observed that the addition of GA3 in the initial stages of culture inhibited the formation of embryogenic calli and favored direct shoot development. Currently, the shoot meristem excised from fresh embryo is being employed for scaling up the planting material production from released varieties of coconut

    Computed tomographic assessment of optic foramen

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    A detailed morphometric study of optic foramen was conducted in the CT scans of 30 adult patients. The quantitative and qualitative parameters were observed. The transverse diameter (TD), the vertical diameter (VD) and the distance of optic foramen to apex of petrous temporal bone were measured as quantitative parameters. The qualitative parameters measured were shape, margin and confluence. The frequency of range of transverse and vertical diameters was also observed. A comparison was made between right and left sided morphometric values. The mean transverse diameter of optic foramen was found to be greater on right side, whereas mean vertical diameter was observed to be greater in left sided optic foramen

    Spectroscopic investigation of quantum confinement effects in ion implanted silicon-on-sapphire films

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    Crystalline Silicon-on-Sapphire (SOS) films were implanted with boron (B+^+) and phosphorous (P+^+) ions. Different samples, prepared by varying the ion dose in the range 101410^{14} to 5 x 101510^{15} and ion energy in the range 150-350 keV, were investigated by the Raman spectroscopy, photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy and glancing angle x-ray diffraction (GAXRD). The Raman results from dose dependent B+^+ implanted samples show red-shifted and asymmetrically broadened Raman line-shape for B+^+ dose greater than 101410^{14} ions cm2^{-2}. The asymmetry and red shift in the Raman line-shape is explained in terms of quantum confinement of phonons in silicon nanostructures formed as a result of ion implantation. PL spectra shows size dependent visible luminescence at \sim 1.9 eV at room temperature, which confirms the presence of silicon nanostructures. Raman studies on P+^+ implanted samples were also done as a function of ion energy. The Raman results show an amorphous top SOS surface for sample implanted with 150 keV P+^+ ions of dose 5 x 101510^{15} ions cm2^{-2}. The nanostructures are formed when the P+^+ energy is increased to 350 keV by keeping the ion dose fixed. The GAXRD results show consistency with the Raman results.Comment: 9 Pages, 6 Figures and 1 Table, \LaTex format To appear in SILICON(SPRINGER