101 research outputs found

    Acquiring electric energy from the transport conveyor roller movement for distributed sensors network

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    The paper presents the concept of installation of an electricity generator and en energy store inside a roller of belt or roller conveyor. Accordingly, the use of a generator-pulley does not require any structural changes to be made to an existing conveyor. In addition, the user will be able to power distributed sensors network for monitoring the operation of the belt conveyor anywhere on its route. © 2020 Krzysztof Mazurek et al., published by Sciendo.European Regional Development Fund under the project CEBIA-Tech [CZ.1.05/2.1.00/03.0089

    HEVC encoding assisted with noise reduction

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    Optimization of encoding process in video compression is an important research problem, especially in the case of modern, sophisticated compression technologies. In this paper, we consider HEVC, for which a novel method for selecting of the encoding modes is proposed. By the encoding modes we mean e.g. coding block structure, prediction types and motion vectors. The proposed selection is done basing on noise-reduced version of the input sequence, while the information about the video itself, e.g. transform coefficients, is coded basing on the unaltered input. The proposed method involves encoding of two versions of the input sequence, further, we show realization proving that the complexity is only negligibly higher than complexity of a single encoding. The proposal has been implemented in HEVC reference software from MPEG and tested experimentally. The results show that the proposal provides up to 1.5% bitrate reduction while preserving the same quality of a decoded video

    Analysis of Compressed Data Stream Content in HEVC Video Encoder

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    In this paper, a detailed analysis of the content of the bitstream, produced by the HEVC video encoder is presented. With the use of the HM 10.0 reference software the following statistics were investigated: 1) the amount of data in the encoded stream related to individual frame types, 2) the relationship between the value of the QP and the size of the bitstream at the output of the encoder, 3) contribution of individual types of data to I and B frames. The above mentioned aspects have been thoroughly explored for a wide range of target bitrates. The obtained results became the basis for highlighting guidelines that allow for efficient bitrate control in the HEVC encoder

    Innowacyjne rozwiązania ITG KOMAG w zakresie automatyzacji węzłów osadzarkowych

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    Jedną z najczęściej stosowanych metod przeróbki nadaw węglowych jest wzbogacanie w węzłach osadzarkowych. O skuteczności tego procesu decydują m.in. sterowanie natężeniem przepływu nadawy oraz odprowadzaniem produktów wzbogacania. Uzasadnia to potrzebę integracji układów sterowania poszczególnych maszyn wchodzących w skład węzła technologicznego, w jeden zintegrowany system. W artykule przedstawiono propozycję innowacyjnego połączenia układów sterowania maszyn tworzących węzeł osadzarkowy, bazującą na korelacjach parametrów procesowych

    The Role of Caffeine in Enhancing Physical Performance: From Metabolism to Muscle Function

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    Introduction: Caffeine, a widely consumed stimulant, is recognized for its ability to block adenosine receptors, thereby enhancing alertness and possibly physical performance. Recent research examines caffeine's effectiveness in enhancing athletic performance, with numerous athletes supplementing with caffeine to gain a competitive edge. The aim of this study: This article examines the complex relationship between caffeine and the physical performance of athletes, including its effects on the central nervous system, metabolism, muscle function, and its application in a variety of sports, as well as potential gender differences and individual response variations. Materials and methods: This review was based on available data collected in the PubMed database and Google Scholar web search engine using the key words caffeine, athletic performance, physical performance Conclusions: Caffeine boosts muscle, cognitive, and metabolic function in volleyball and cycling. Caffeine boosts muscle contractility, endurance, and focus, but details matter. Caffeine effects and sports outcomes vary by gender, emphasizing the need for individualized supplementation. Dosage, timing, and physiological conditions affect results, research shows. Caffeine boosts performance, but athletes, coaches, and practitioners should be careful. To maximize caffeine's benefits and minimize side effects, athletes must be treated individually and by sport

    A fully capable pianist with a congenital bilateral agenesis of extensor pollicis brevis muscle

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    A 28-year-old male musical student has been presented with visible inability of active abduction and extension of the thumbs in both hands beyond the neutral position. The student has not been previously diagnosed and claimed no history of trauma or surgical procedures in the area of hands and no family history of such disabilities. The student remained capable of playing on keyboard instruments on high level due to compensation by hyperextension of the interphalangeal joint of both thumbs and showed no increased frequency of the injuries or playing-related disorders. The ultrasound and MRI imaging showed complete bilateral agenesis of Extensor Pollicis Brevis muscles and was classified as isolated Congenital Clasped Thumb Syndrome. Due to the age of the student and the agenesis of the muscles the conservative treatment was deemed inadequate and due to high functionality of the student as a musician and unforeseeable results it might have on a musician’s career, surgical treatment has been disadvised

    The analysis of goosefoot pollen count in selected Polish cities in 2009

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    W pracy przedstawiono przebieg sezonu pylenia komosy w 2009 roku. Badania prowadzono w Białymstoku, Bydgoszczy, Krakowie, Lublinie, Łodzi, Olsztynie, Sosnowcu, Szczecinie, Warszawie i we Wrocławiu, z zastosowaniem metody wolumetrycznej, przy użyciu aparatów typu Burkard i Lanzoni. Najwyższe stężenia pyłku komosy zanotowano w Łodzi 27 sierpnia (68 z/m3) oraz w Olsztynie w dniu 9 sierpnia (16 ziaren/m3).This paper presents the course of goosefoot pollen season in selected cites of Poland in 2009. The measurements were performed in Białystok, Bydgoszcz, Kraków, Lublin, Łódź, Olsztyn, Sosnowiec, Szczecin, Warszawa and Wrocław, use of volumetric method with Burkard and Lanzoni Spore Trap. The highest daily pollen count, that reached the level of 68 goosefoot pollen grains/m3, was recorded in Łódź on the 27 of August and the level of 16 goosefoot pollen grains/m3, was recorded in Olsztyn on the 09 of August