103 research outputs found

    Axino dark matter with low reheating temperature

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    We examine axino dark matter in the regime of a low reheating temperature T_R after inflation and taking into account that reheating is a non-instantaneous process. This can have a significant effect on the dark matter abundance, mainly due to entropy production in inflaton decays. We study both thermal and non-thermal production of axinos in the context of the MSSM with ten free parameters. We identify the ranges of the axino mass and the reheating temperature allowed by the LHC and other particle physics data in different models of axino interactions. We confront these limits with cosmological constraints coming the observed dark matter density, large structures formation and big bang nucleosynthesis. We find a number of differences in the phenomenologically acceptable values of the axino mass and the reheating temperature relative to previous studies. In particular, an upper bound on the axino mass becomes dependent on T_R, reaching a maximum value at T_R~10^2 GeV. If the lightest ordinary supersymmetric particle is a wino or a higgsino, we obtain lower a limit of approximately 10 GeV for the reheating temperature. We demonstrate also that entropy production during reheating affects the maximum allowed axino mass and lowest values of the reheating temperature.Comment: v2: improved discussion of warm dark matter bounds, results for stau LOSP adde

    Neutralino and gravitino dark matter with low reheating temperature

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    We examine a scenario in which the reheating temperature TRT_R after inflation is so low that it is comparable to, or lower than, the freeze out temperature of ordinary WIMPs. In this case the dark matter relic abundance is reduced, thus relaxing the impact of the usually strong constraint coming from the requirement that the universe does not overclose. We first re-examine the dynamics of freezeout during reheating. Next we apply a Bayesian approach to study the parameter space of the MSSM with ten free parameters, the CMSSM and the singlino-dominated regions of the NMSSM. In each case we find dramatic departures from the usually considered regime of high TRT_R, with important implications for direct detection dark matter searches. In the MSSM we examine WIMP mass range up to ~5 TeV, and find regions of bino dark matter over the whole mass range, and of higgsino dark matter with mass over a similar range but starting from the ~1 TeV value of the standard high TRT_R scenario. We show that the prospects for bino detection strongly depend on TRT_R, while the higgsino is for the most part detectable by future one-tonne detectors. The wino, which is excluded in the standard scenario, becomes allowed again if its mass is roughly above 3.5 TeV, and can be detectable. In the CMSSM, the bino and higgsino mass ranges become more constrained although detection prospects remain similar. In the Next-to-MSSM at low enough TRT_R wide ranges of singlino-dominated parameter space of the model become cosmologically allowed. We also study the contribution to the DM relic density from direct and cascade decays of the inflaton. Finally, we consider the case of a gravitino as dark matter. We find strong bounds from overclosure and Big Bang Nucleosynthesis, and derive lower limits on TRT_R which depend on the gravitino mass and on the nature of the lightest ordinary superpartner.Comment: section and references adde

    The Ways of Recovering Immovable Property Taken Away Unlawfully by the Authority in Poland from the Thirteenth to mid-Fifteenth Century

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    This paper aims to present the various ways used by secular persons (knights and the gentry) and church institutions to recover immovable property taken from them unlawfully (nullo iure) by the rulers in medieval Poland (from the 13th until the mid-15th century). Attempts to recover such property were made by applying to the ruler in his or her judicial capacity competent in matters related to immovable property or by seeking his or her consent for restitution by means of unofficial requests. Such attempts also involved suing persons for the recovery of property sold to them by the ruler. Bishops and monasteries would also file complaints with the Pope, who would then appoint judges from among the clergy to hear the case. The judges could then refer such cases to an arbitration court, opt for a conciliatory agreement or they could resort to institutional acts of religious censure against the offending ruler, such as excommunication or an interdict. Legal historians would be particularly interested in those ways of recovering property that could collectively be called “legal proceedings”. Further research should be directed at exploring legal proceedings for restitution, both in monarch courts and church [email protected] ŁódzkiAbraham W., Powstanie organizacji kościoła łacińskiego na Rusi, Lwów 1904.Arnold S., Władztwo biskupie na grodzie wolborskim w w. XII, [w:] idem, Z dziejów średniowiecza. Wybór pism, Warszawa 1968.Bardach J., Historia państwa i prawa Polski, t. I do połowy XV wieku, Warszawa 1964.Bruski K., Sambor II, [w:] Ludzie pomorskiego średniowiecza. Szkice biograficzne, Gdańsk 1981.Buczek K., Zagadnienie polskiego naroku, [w:] idem, Studia z dziejów ustroju społeczno-gospodarczego Polski Piastowskiej, wybrał i przygot. do drukuW. Bukowski, wstępem opatrzyli F. Sikora i J. 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    Gravitino dark matter with constraints from Higgs boson mass and sneutrino decays

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    We investigate gravitino dark matter produced thermally at high temperatures and in decays of a long-lived sneutrino. We consider the Non-Universal Higgs Model and a generalized gauge mediation model, and in each case identify sneutrino LOSP regions of the parameter space consistent with the mass of the Higgs-like boson observed at the LHC. We apply relevant collider and cosmological bounds, including constraints from Big Bang Nucleosynthesis and from warm dark matter on large scale structures. Generally, we find allowed values of the reheating temperature TR below 10^9 GeV, i.e. somewhat smaller than the values needed for thermal leptogenesis, even with a conservative lower bound of 122 GeV on the Higgs mass. Requiring mass values closer to 126 GeV implies TR below 10^7 GeV and the gravitino mass less than 10 GeV.Comment: 19 pages, 19 figures, version published in JHE

    Hypoxia - an explanation of prostate cancer progression mechanisms

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    Prostate cancer (PC) is a common malignancy in males in most industrialized countries, where it is the most commonly diagnosed cancer affecting men after middle age (>50 years). Although the screening and surgical procedures for prostate cancer have improved, successful treatment is still a major challenge. In the tumor microenvironment, hypoxia is one of the crucial factors which promote an aggressive phenotype of tumor cells and decrease the effectiveness of standard treatment. It implies that tumor cells surviving hypoxic stress are likely to be a significant source of viable clonogens that can repopulate tumors with more malignant/metastatic cells. Unfortunately, most treatment protocols are less effective against hypoxic cells which are resistant not only to radiotherapy, but also to standard cytotoxic chemotherapy. There is now a considerable amount of clinical evidence that tumors with a higher proportion of hypoxic cells have a poor diagnosis. Tolerance of hypoxic conditions varies in different tumor types. However, prostate cancer cells seem to be highly tolerant of hypoxia. The main problem concerning the effectiveness of prostate tumor therapies are changes in the biology of hypoxic tumor cells after standard hormone- and radiotherapy. Despite the many studies of tumor hypoxia, very little attention has been given to the oxygen concentration in the conditions of in vitro cancer cells studies. To date, there has been no comprehensive characterization of prostate cancer cells under hypoxic condition, which seems to be crucial in the light of the intensive search for novel cancer therapies. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.256755

    Hypoxia - an explanation of prostate cancer progression mechanisms

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    Prostate cancer (PC) is a common malignancy in males in most industrialized countries, where it is the most commonly diagnosed cancer affecting men after middle age (>50 years). Although the screening and surgical procedures for prostate cancer have improved, successful treatment is still a major challenge. In the tumor microenvironment, hypoxia is one of the crucial factors which promote an aggressive phenotype of tumor cells and decrease the effectiveness of standard treatment. It implies that tumor cells surviving hypoxic stress are likely to be a significant source of viable clonogens that can repopulate tumors with more malignant/metastatic cells. Unfortunately, most treatment protocols are less effective against hypoxic cells which are resistant not only to radiotherapy, but also to standard cytotoxic chemotherapy. There is now a considerable amount of clinical evidence that tumors with a higher proportion of hypoxic cells have a poor diagnosis. Tolerance of hypoxic conditions varies in different tumor types. However, prostate cancer cells seem to be highly tolerant of hypoxia. The main problem concerning the effectiveness of prostate tumor therapies are changes in the biology of hypoxic tumor cells after standard hormone- and radiotherapy. Despite the many studies of tumor hypoxia, very little attention has been given to the oxygen concentration in the conditions of in vitro cancer cells studies. To date, there has been no comprehensive characterization of prostate cancer cells under hypoxic condition, which seems to be crucial in the light of the intensive search for novel cancer therapies. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.256755