9 research outputs found

    In-Spray Supercharging of Peptides and Proteins in Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry

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    Enhanced charging, or supercharging, of analytes in electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI MS) facilitates high resolution MS by reducing an ion mass-to-charge (m/z) ratio, increasing tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) efficiency. ESI MS supercharging is usually achieved by adding a supercharging reagent to the electrospray solution. Addition of these supercharging reagents to the mobile phase in liquid chromatography (LC)-MS/MS increases the average charge of enzymatically derived peptides and improves peptide and protein identification in large-scale bottom-up proteomics applications but disrupts chromatographic separation. Here, we demonstrate the average charge state of selected peptides and proteins increases by introducing the supercharging reagents directly into the ESI Taylor cone (in-spray supercharging) using a dual-sprayer ESI microchip. The results are comparable to those obtained by the addition of supercharging reagents directly into the analyte solution or LC mobile phase. Therefore, supercharging reaction can be accomplished on a time-scale of ion liberation from a droplet in the ESI ion source

    The products of the thermal decomposition of CH 3

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    We have used a heated 2 cm x 1 mm SiC microtubular (mu tubular) reactor to decompose acetaldehyde: CH3CHO + DELTA --> products. Thermal decomposition is followed at pressures of 75 - 150 Torr and at temperatures up to 1700 K, conditions that correspond to residence times of roughly 50 - 100 mu sec in the mu tubular reactor. The acetaldehyde decomposition products are identified by two independent techniques: VUV photoionization mass spectroscopy (PIMS) and infrared (IR) absorption spectroscopy after isolation in a cryogenic matrix. Besides CH3CHO, we have studied three isotopologues, CH3CDO, CD3CHO, and CD3CDO. We have identified the thermal decomposition products CH3(PIMS), CO (IR, PIMS), H (PIMS), H2 (PIMS), CH2CO (IR, PIMS), CH2=CHOH (IR, PIMS), H2O (IR, PIMS), and HC=CH (IR, PIMS). Plausible evidence has been found to support the idea that there are at least three different thermal decomposition pathways for CH3CHO: Radical decomposition: CH3CHO + DELTA --> CH3 + [HCO] --> CH3 + H + CO Elimination: CH3CHO + DELTA --> H2 + CH2=C=O. Isomerization/elimination: CH3CHO + DELTA --> [CH2=CH-OH] --> HC=CH + H2O. Both PIMS and IR spectroscopy show compelling evidence for the participation of vinylidene, CH2=C:, as an intermediate in the decomposition of vinyl alchohol: CH2=CH-OH + DELTA --> [CH2=C:] + H2O --> HC=CH + H2O

    In-Spray Supercharging of Peptides and Proteins in Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry

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    Enhanced charging, or supercharging, of analytes in electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI MS) facilitates high resolution MS by reducing an ion mass-to-charge (<i>m</i>/<i>z</i>) ratio, increasing tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) efficiency. ESI MS supercharging is usually achieved by adding a supercharging reagent to the electrospray solution. Addition of these supercharging reagents to the mobile phase in liquid chromatography (LC)-MS/MS increases the average charge of enzymatically derived peptides and improves peptide and protein identification in large-scale bottom-up proteomics applications but disrupts chromatographic separation. Here, we demonstrate the average charge state of selected peptides and proteins increases by introducing the supercharging reagents directly into the ESI Taylor cone (in-spray supercharging) using a dual-sprayer ESI microchip. The results are comparable to those obtained by the addition of supercharging reagents directly into the analyte solution or LC mobile phase. Therefore, supercharging reaction can be accomplished on a time-scale of ion liberation from a droplet in the ESI ion source

    The bisketene radical cation and its formation by oxidative ring-Opening of cyclobutenedione

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    Parent cyclobutenedione 1 was photolyzed and ionized in an Ar matrix at 10K. The bisketene 2 that results in both cases (in the form of its radical cation after ionization) was characterized by its IR spectrum and by high-level quantum chemical calculations. Experiment and theory show that the neutral bisketene has only a single conformation where the two ketene moieties are nearly perpendicular, whereas the radical cation is present in two stable planar conformations. The mechanism of the ring-opening reaction, both in the neutral and in the radical cation, is discussed on the basis of calculations. In the latter case it is a nonsynchronous process that involves an avoided crossing of states

    Carbocations generated under stable conditions by ionization of matrix-Isolated radicals: the allyl and benzyl cations

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    Carbocations are crucial intermediates in many chemical reactions; hence, considerable effort has gone into investigating their structures and properties, for example, in superacids, in salts, or in the gas phase. However, studies of the vibrational structure of carbocations are not abundant, because their infrared spectra are difficult to obtain in superacids or salts (where furthermore the cations may be perturbed by counterions), and the generation of gas-phase carbocations in discharges usually produces several species. We have applied the technique of ionizing neutral compounds by X-irradiation of cryogenic Ar matrices to radicals embedded in such matrices, thus producing closed-shell cations that can be investigated leisurely, and in the absence of counterions or other perturbing effects, by various forms of spectroscopy. This Article describes the first set of results that were obtained by this approach, the IR spectra of the allyl and the benzyl cation. We use the information obtained in this way, together with previously obtained data, to assess the changes in chemical bonding between the allyl and benzyl radicals and cations, respectively