47 research outputs found
Change in ozone depletion rates beginning in the mid 1990s: trend analyses of the TOMS/ SBUV merged total ozone data, 1978-2003
International audienceStatistical analyses have been applied to the gridded monthly means of total ozone from combined TOMS and SBUV measurements (version 8 of the data) for the period 1978-2003. We focus on the detection of a change in the trend pattern by searching for a turnaround in the previous downward trend. The ozone time series have been examined separately for each grid point and season, taking into account the various descriptions of the trend term: double-linear, proportional to the index of the overall chlorine content in the stratosphere, and a smooth curve without an a priori defined shape (the output of the regression model). Standard explanatory variables representing physical and chemical processes known to influence the ozone distribution have been considered: Mg II index, QBO wind at 10 and 30 hPa, zonal wind anomalies at 50 hPa along the 60° north or 60° south circle, the index of the stratospheric aerosols loading in the NH or SH, and the tropopause pressure. The multivariate adaptive regression splines methodology is used to find an optimal set of the explanatory variables and shape of the trend curve. The statistical errors of the models' estimates have been calculated using block bootstrapping of the models' residuals. The results appear to be consistent among models using different formulations of the trend pattern. The 2003 level of total ozone after the removal of the variations due to the parameterized dynamical/chemical forcing on the ozone is still below the long-term (1978-2003) mean level over the extratropical regions. The deficit is ~2-5% in the NH and much larger in the SH and exhibits clear seasonal variability, ~15% in autumn, ~10% in winter, and ~-5% in spring and summer. The present total ozone level is higher beyond the tropics than that in the mid 1990s but it is too early to announce a beginning of the ozone recovery there because of the trend uncertainties, due to errors of the regression estimates for individual grid points and longitudinal variability of the trend pattern. A rigorous statistical test has shown the statistically significant turnaround for some grid points over the extratropical region and a deepening of the ozone negative trend has not been found for any grid point
Long-term changes in the statistical distribution of Dobson total ozone in selected Northern Hemisphere geographical regions
The daily averages of total column amount of ozone taken in the period 1964-1988 at a network of 24 Dobson stations have been analyzed. Year-round data as well as summer data (May - Aug.) and winter data (Dec. - March) have been examined in the following regions: latitude bands (30 deg N - 39 deg N, 40 deg N - 52 deg N, 30 deg N - 60 deg N), North America, Europe, and Japan. To find year-to-year changes in the shape of the annual statistical distribution of total ozone (ASDTO) for these regions, we analyze trends in the following statistic characteristics of ASDTO: mean, standard deviation, median, and 10 and 90 percentiles. Time series of the statistical characteristics for the selected regions have been combined by averaging the individual stations values of these characteristics. The trends have been calculated by the multiple regression model adjusted for: the 11-year solar cycle, the Southern Oscillations effects, and for serial correlations. We have found that: a) in all regions (excluding Japan, North America), the shape of ASDTO has been drifting towards low ozone values. The drift seems to be not accompanied with a transformation in the shape of ASDTO. The drift speed (the rate of decrease in the annual means of total ozone) is of order 1-3 percent per decade (in the period 1970-1988). b) In Japan, the interannual changes in the shape of ASDTO have not been revealed. c) In North America, the drift of the year-round ASDTO (the year-round ASDTO comprises all the daily means of total ozone in a given year) has been accompanied with a transformation in the shape. The shape of the year round ASDTO becomes narrower. d) In all regions, except Japan and the band 30 deg - 39 deg N, the winter ASDTO (the winter ASDTO comprises the data taken in the period December in a given year through March next year) moves faster towards low ozone values than the summer ASDTO (the summer ASDTO comprises the data taken in the period May through August in a given year)
Diazepam and its metabolites in the mothers' and newborns' hair as a biomarker of prenatal exposure
Pregnant women are exposed to benzodiazepines for therapeutic purposes during gestation. The goal of this study was to evaluate prenatal exposure to benzodiazepines. Time of exposure during course of pregnancy is a significant aspect of fetal exposure to drugs. Benzodiazepine concentration assay in hair of mothers and newborns exposed prenatally to these drugs was performed in the studies. Development, validation and evaluation of benzodiazepine determination method in mothers and their newborns enables assessment of health risks for the child and implementation of adequate therapeutic procedures. We used A LC-ESI-MS/MS method that allowed determination of diazepam (the main benzodiazepine used by pregnant women was diazepam) and its metabolites (nordazepam, oxazepam) in hair of mothers and newborns. LOQ 10 pg/mg of hair was used in the study. Results: concentration of nordazepam was higher than parent drug (diazepam) and higher in newborns’ hair when compared to mothers’. The mean concentrations of diazepam in mothers’ hair were 31.6±36.0 and 34.1±42.4 pg/mg in the second and third trimester of pregnancy respectively. The mean concentration of diazepam in newborns’ hair was higher and reached levels of 53.3±36.5 pg/mg. The mean concentration of nordazepam in the mothers’ hair corresponding to the second and third trimester was 52.9±48.1 and 89.9±122.8 pg/mg, respectively. Nordazepam in the newborns’ hair was detected at the mean level of 108.1±144.2 pg/mg. It was concluded that diazepam and nordazepam are permanently incorporated into the hair structure. Presence of diazepam and its metabolites in newborn’s hair confirms that these benzodiazepines permeate placental barrier. Segmental analysis of mothers’ hair enabled the assessment of drug administration time. Diazepam and its metabolites determined in hair of newborns may serve as biomarkers of prenatal exposure to these drugs. The performed LC-MS/MS analysis was accurate enough to determine even low concentrations of benzodiazepines, at the level of few pg/mg of hair. Levels of diazepam detected in hair of newborns were higher than levels determined in mothers. This may confirm the fact, that fetus’s ability to metabolize diazepam is scarce. Nordazepam was found in higher concentrations in hair of newborns than in hair of mothers, which may suggest that it is cumulated in child’s organism. Other metabolites of diazepam - oxazepam and temazepam - were detected in very few cases, in low concentrations
Procjena izloženosti UV zračenju tijekom ljetnih mjeseci u Hrvatskoj s pomoću jednostavne približne formule
The Tropospheric Ultraviolet-Visible (TUV) model, version 4.2 developed by Madronich (2003) was usedto estimate the extent of ultraviolet (UV) exposure of general population in Croatia over the summer. Solarnoon values (13 h local time, CEST) of the ultraviolet index (UVI) for the period April to October 2004 were calculated for 61 cities in Croatia. The results showed that the risk of sunburn at 13 h local time inclear weather was high between April and September (UVI >7) and very high in July (UVI >10). In July, the UVI exceeded 8 between 11 h and 15 h local time. In this study, we developed a simple approximate formula to estimate UVI. The formula includes data on the time, date, altitude and clouds. The difference between our estimate and the TUV model for the summer months of June, July and August at 10 h to16 h local time was less than 10 %.Tropospheric Ultraviolet-Visible (TUV) model, verzija 4.2 autora S. Madronicha (2003.) upotrijebljen je zaprocjenu izloženosti ultraljubičastom (UV) zračenju stanovništva u Hrvatskoj. Podnevne vrijednosti (13 hprema lokalnom vremenu) ultraljubičastog indeksa (UVI) izračunane su za 61 mjesto u Hrvatskoj za razdobljetravanj - listopad. Rezultati pokazuju da je u 13 h prema lokalnom vremenu rizik od nastanka opeklina izazvanih sunčevim zračenjem u danima bez naoblake visok između travnja i rujna (UVI > 7) te da je rizikvrlo visok tijekom srpnja (UVI >10). U srpnju tijekom dana UV indeks prelazi vrijednost 8 između 11 h i15 h prema lokalnom vremenu. U ovom radu za procjenu UV indeksa razvijena je jednostavna približna formula. Formula omogućava procjenu UV indeksa na temelju podataka o datumu, satu, nadmorskoj visini i naoblaci. Prilikom usporedbe rezultata dobivenih formulom i točnih rezultata dobivenih TUV modelom za ljetne mjesece lipanj, srpanj i kolovoz te razdoblje od 10 h do 16 h među rezultatima dobivena je razlikamanja od 10 %
Extreme events in total ozone over the Northern mid-latitudes: an analysis based on long-term data sets from five European ground-based stations
We apply methods from extreme value theory to identify extreme events in high (termed EHOs) and low (termed ELOs) total ozone and to describe the distribution tails (i.e. very high and very low values) of five long-term European ground-based total ozone time series. The influence of these extreme events on observed mean values, long-term trends and changes is analysed. The results show a decrease in EHOs and an increase in ELOs during the last decades, and establish that the observed downward trend in column ozone during the 1970-1990s is strongly dominated by changes in the frequency of extreme events. Furthermore, it is shown that clear 'fingerprints' of atmospheric dynamics (NAO, ENSO) and chemistry [ozone depleting substances (ODSs), polar vortex ozone loss] can be found in the frequency distribution of ozone extremes, even if no attribution is possible from standard metrics (e.g. annual mean values). The analysis complements earlier analysis for the world's longest total ozone record at Arosa, Switzerland, confirming and revealing the strong influence of atmospheric dynamics on observed ozone changes. The results provide clear evidence that in addition to ODS, volcanic eruptions and strong/moderate ENSO and NAO events had significant influence on column ozone in the European sector
Dolne zawartosci krytyczne azotu u pelargonii rabatowej [Pelargonium x hortorum L.H. Bailey.]
Przeprowadzono badania wazonowe dotyczące stanu odżywienia azotem pelargonii rabatowej. Rośliny nawożono saletrą amonową, utrzymując w podłożu zawartość azotu 100-200 mg·dm⁻³. Wyznaczono cztery fazy rozwojowe roślin pelargonii: I - intensywny wzrost wegetatywny, II - początek kwitnienia, III - pełnia kwitnienia, IV - koniec okresu uprawy. W fazach tych pobierano części wskaźnikowe w celu oznaczenia w nich azotu mineralnego oraz ogólnego, a także oznaczono masę kwiatostanów, łodyg i liści. Dla uzyskania krytycznych zawartości form azotu przeprowadzono analizę porównawczą pomiędzy masą części nadziemnych a zawartością azotu mineralnego w pierwszym w pełni wykształconym liściu pędu głównego oraz zawartością azotu ogólnego w liściach. Opierając się na tych zależnościach można przyjąć, że najlepszym kryterium oceny stanu odżywienia roślin jest azot ogólny, natomiast częścią wskaźnikową liście pelargonii. Za zawartość krytyczną dolną N ogólnego w liściach pelargonii dla wszystkich faz rozwojowych można przyjąć 25 g·kg⁻¹ s.m.Pot experiments were carried out to study the nitrogen nutrition status of Pelargonium x hortorum. Plants were fertilised using ammonium nitrate with the N level in the substrate maintained at 100-200 mg·dm⁻³ At four developmental stages: I - intensive vegetative growth, II - first bloom, III - full bloom, IV - end of cultivation, the first fully developed leaf of the main shoot, leaves and stems - the potential indicator parts of geranium plants - were sampled to determine mineral nitrogen and total nitrogen they contained, and the weights of above-ground parts, i.e. inflorescences, stems and leaves, were measured. The critical levels of N forms were established using a comparative analysis of the mass of the above-ground parts and (1) the level of mineral N in the first fully developed leaf of the main shoot and (2) the level of total N in the leaves. It follows from the results that the level of total N provides the most reliable criterion by which the nutritional status of geranium plants can be evaluated, and that leaves should be considered an indicator part. The concentration 25 g·kg⁻¹ DM. can be adopted as a low critical level of total N in geranium leaves at all developmental stages
Zastosowanie luski kakaowej w uprawie pelargonii rabatowej odmainy Suzan Improved
W latach 1993 - 1994 przeprowadzono badania nad oceną właściwości fizyko-chemicznych łuski kakaowej oraz nad przydatnością tego organicznego materiału odpadowego jako komponentu podłoży do uprawy pelargonii rabatowej odm. ’Suzan Improved’. Badane podłoża stwarzały stosunkowo dobre warunki dla wzrostu i rozwoju roślin, chociaż ich odmienne właściwości fizyczne i chemiczne dały wyraz w zróżnicowaniu morfologicznym uprawianych roślin. Analiza chemiczna podłoży z udziałem łuski kakaowej wykazała wysoką zawartość potasu i magnezu. Właściwości fizyczne podłoży po okresie uprawy roślin uległy niewielkim zmianom. Najlepszym podłożem do uprawy pelargonii rabatowej - pod względem badanych cech morfologicznych - okazał się ’kompost’, przygotowany z torfu wysokiego, łuski kakaowej i gliny w stosunku objętościowym 1:1:1.Pelargonium x hortorum cv. ’Suzan Improved’ was used to the experiment with organic growing media. Some mixtures of peat or compost with cocoa shells and six-monthly mix compost (from peat, compost and cocoa shells) were studied. The growth and development were measured. Growing media with cocoa shells had high ratio of concentration K, Mg. Physico-chemical properties did not change after cultivation period. Mix compost proved as good growing medium as compost (control medium)
Wplyw wlasciwosci podloza na rozwoj niecierpka nowogwinejskiego Impatiens x hybrida
W latach 2000 i 2001 w Katedrze Uprawy Roli i Nawożenia Roślin Ogrodniczych AR w Krakowie przeprowadzono badania dotyczące przydatności różnych podłoży w uprawie niecierpka nowogwinejskiego odmiany Timor. W szesnastotygodniowym doświadczeniu wazonowym oceniano właściwości fizyczne i chemiczne podłoży oraz ich wpływ na rozwój roślin. Do badań użyto podłoży sporządzonych na bazie torfu wysokiego z dodatkiem komponentów takich jak: ił głębinowy, włókna kokosowe i plewy ryżowe. W badaniach określano zasobność podłoży w składniki mineralne, pH i EC, zawartość substancji organicznej oraz sumę zasad wymiennych, kwasowość wymienną i hydrolityczną, pojemność sorpcyjną, kapilarną i pełną pojemność wodną oraz gęstość. Przeprowadzono również ocenę bonitacyjną dekoracyjności części nadziemnej, biorąc pod uwagę rozkrzewienie roślin, ulistnienie i obfitość kwitnienia (liczbę kwiatów/roślinę). Po zakończeniu doświadczenia zmniejszeniu uległy: EC, zawartość składników mineralnych w podłożu, kwasowość wymienna i hydrolityczną, pojemność sorpcyjna oraz pojemność wodna pełna i kapilarna. Wzrosły natomiast pH i gęstość podłoża oraz suma zasad wymiennych. Użyte do badań podłoża zapewniały dobre warunki wzrostu dla roślin, najlepszym z nich okazało się podłoże Blumenerde z włóknami kokosowymi.In 2000 and 2001 investigations were carried out at the Department of Soil Cultivation and Fertilization in Horticulture, Agricultural University in Cracow, to compare the suitability of different growing media to be used in pot experiments with New Guinea Impatiens var. Timor. During sixteen weeks, some physical and chemical properties of substrates and their influence on plant development were evaluated. The research media contained sphagnum peat with the addition of such components as deep-water loam, coir dust and rice hulls. Studies included the level of mineral components, pH, EC, organic matter content, sum of exchangeable cations, exchangeable and hydrolytic acidity, cation exchange capacity (CEC), capillary and total water holding capacity and bulk density. The decorative value of the above-ground part of plants was assessed on the basis of the number of lateral shoots, leaves and flowers per plant. After the experiments a decrease was observed in the values of the following parameters: EC, mineral component content, exchangeable and hydrolytic acidity, CEC, total and capillary water capacity of the media. The pH value, sum of exchangeable cations and bulk density of the media increased. The substrates used in the studies provided good conditions for plant development, the best of them was Blumenerde with coir dust
Linkage and interdependence of A2MD1 and A2ME2 alpha2-macroglobulin genes in cattle
The transmission of previously described genes A2MD1 and A2ME2 that determine antigenic markers of alpha₂-macroglobulins A₂mD1 and А₂mЕ2 in cattle was studied. The starting point for the analyses was the lack of individuals negative for both markers in the population of 3551 Black-and-White, Red-and-White, Polish Red and Simmental cattle and interbreed crosses. Controlling of these specificities by allelic genes or genes from closely linked loci was considered. To support or reject this hypothesis, the independence test 2 x 2 and analysis of segregation of A₂mD1 and А₂mЕ2 in the offsprings of all phenotypic matings found and of selected matings in which genotypes of sires were determined, were used. It was found that the observed segregation of antigenic markers in the offsprings rules out the possibility that they are determined by allelic genes. The results obtained show that markers A₂mD1 and А₂mЕ2 are controlled by the genes A2MD1 and A2ME2 from closely linked loci. Moreover it seems that only those haplotypes are transmitted in which both genes - A2MD1 and A2ME2, or one of them - A2MD1 or A2ME2, are present. No haplotypc would then be transmitted (would occur?) in which both genes are in the recessive form. recessive form