37 research outputs found

    Photolytic and Catalytic Destruction of Organic Waste Water Pollutants

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    The system: water supply source – potable and industrial water – wastewater – sewage treatment – water supply source is necessary for water supply and efficient utilization of water resources. Up-to-date technologies of waste water biological treatment require for special microorganisms, which are technologically complex and expensive but unable to solve all the problems. Application of photolytic and catalytically-oxidizing destruction is quite promising. However, the most reagents are strong oxidizers in catalytic oxidation of organic substances and can initiate toxic substance generation. Methodic and scientific approaches to assess bread making industry influence on the environment have been developed in this paper in order to support forecasting and taking technological decisions concerning reduction of this influence. Destructive methods have been tested: ultra violet irradiation and catalytic oxidation for extraction of organic compounds from waste water by natural reagents

    Synthis and Phisical And Chemical; Properties of SiO[2]-B[2]O[3] and SiO[2]-P[2]O[5] Thin Film Systems and Powders

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    The SiO[2]-B[2]O[3] and SiO[2]-P[2]O[5] films were synthesized by using film forming solutions having a P[2]O[5] content of up to 30% and B[2]O[3] up to 40%. Properties of the filmforming solutions and binary oxides were examined. The physical and chemical processes occurring in the solution during the heat treatment of films were examined. The conditions for producing films of different thicknesses were determined. The kinetic parameters were calculated

    Simulation of Electrical Characteristics of a Solar Panel

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    The fast-growing photovoltaic system market leads to the necessity of the informed choice of major energy components and optimization of operating conditions in order to improve energy efficiency. Development of mathematical models of the main components of photovoltaic systems to ensure their comprehensive study is an urgent problem of improving and practical using of the technology of electrical energy production. The paper presents a mathematical model of the solar module implemented in the popular software MATLAB/Simulink. Equivalent circuit of the solar cell with a diode parallel without derived resistance is used for modelling. The serie8s resistance of the solar module is calculated by Newton's iterative method using the data of its technical specifications. It ensures high precision of simulation. Model validity was evaluated by the well-known technical characteristics of the module Solarex MSX 60. The calculation results of the experiment showed that the obtained current-voltage and current-watt characteristics of the model are compatible with those of the manufacturer

    The substantiation of measures to optimization of nutrition for teenagers studying at residential educational establishments

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    Purpose: to study the actual nutrition and to prove measures for its optimization at the disabled children of middle school age living in residential school of 8th type.Materials and methods: 29 pupils of residential school of the 8th type at the age of 12-13 years are examined. Calculations of the chemical composition and energy value of diets ware made with use of the program of the analysis of a condition of food of the person, version 1.2.4 registered by the Russian Agency of Patents and Trademarks 09.02.2004 No. 2 004 610 397 of Federal State Budgetary Institution Scientifi c Research Institute of Food of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. Th e statistical analysis of data was carried out by means of the Statistica 6.0 program.Results: among children with day stay in school (the 1st group) persons with defi ciencies of consumption of energy and the main nutrients meet considerably more oft en (from 50.0% to 90.0%), than among peers of the 2nd group (round-the-clock stay in school) (from 0.0% to 26.3%). At boys of the 1st group the trend of relative defi ciency in a diet on energy, protein, fats and carbohydrates is revealed (from 10.3% to 28.8%), and at girls relative defi ciency of energy, protein and carbohydrates was noted (from 5.6% to 26.3%; on fats – excess for 21.4%). On the contrary, at boys of the 2nd group the excess on energy and, especially, fats (for 46.2%) was noted and at girls the excess on indicators of energy, protein, fats and carbohydrates was observed (from 23.4% to 88.3%).Conclusion: the revealed violations defi ned the list of measures for optimization of food of children who have to be realized within sanitary and educational work with parents

    Exobiology of the Venusian Clouds: New Insights into Habitability through Terrestrial Models and Methods of Detection

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    The search for life beyond Earth has focused on Mars and the icy moons Europa and Enceladus, all of which are considered a safe haven for life due to evidence of current or past water. The surface of Venus, on the other hand, has extreme conditions that make it a nonhabitable environment to life as we know it. This is in contrast, however, to its cloud layer, which, while still an extreme environment, may prove to be a safe haven for some extreme forms of life similar to extremophiles on Earth. We consider the venusian clouds a habitable environment based on the presence of (1) a solvent for biochemical reactions, (2) appropriate physicochemical conditions, (3) available energy, and (4) biologically relevant elements. The diversity of extreme microbial ecosystems on Earth has allowed us to identify terrestrial chemolithoautotrophic microorganisms that may be analogs to putative venusian organisms. Here, we hypothesize and describe biological processes that may be performed by such organisms in the venusian clouds. To detect putative venusian organisms, we describe potential biosignature detection methods, which include metal-microbial interactions and optical methods. Finally, we describe currently available technology that can potentially be used for modeling and simulation experiments. © Copyright 2021, Mary Ann Liebert, Inc., publishers 2021.NASA HQ Planetary ScienceSpace Research Institute of the Russian Academy of SciencesUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison, UWAustrian Science Fund, FWF, (V333)The work presented here was motivated by fruitful dialogue at the 2019 Venus Cloud Layer Habitability and Landing Site Selection workshop organized by the Roscosmos-IKI/NASA Venera-D Joint Science Definition Team and supported by NASA HQ Planetary Science (A. Ocampo, Lead Venus Scientist) and Astrobiology programs (M. Voytek, Senior Scientist for Astrobiology) and the Space Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IKI RAN). JAC acknowledges the support of the Genome Sciences Training Program at University of Wisconsin–Madison. TM is grateful to the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) for providing support through the Elise-Richter Research fellowship (V333). We thank Sanjay Limaye for his support, including of this publication, and for resparking the conversation on Venus astrobiology

    Колебания ледников Северного и Южного ледниковых полей Патагонии по данным мониторинга с Международной космической станции

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    Quantitative indicators of changes in 37 glaciers of the Patagonian Northern and Southern glacial fields were determined by means of decoding and analysis of photographs obtained by astronauts from the Russian segment of the International Space Station. On the basis of this information it was concluded that in 2002–2016 the glaciers of both fields of Patagonia continued to retreat. The frontal parts of the nine glaciers retained their positions, while others reduced at an average rate of several dozen up to 430 m/year. Repeated monitoring of 16 glaciers from this selection and analysis of the data obtained in 2016–2019 confirm this conclusion. The only exception was the O’Higgins Glacier, which did not change position of its frontal part for 12 years and then retreated in 2018–2019 to 1,250 m. In some cases, a gradual decrease in area of the frontal part of the glacier was accompanied by a sharp collapse of the lower zone with the formation of extensive fields of icebergs. The dynamics of the Bruggen Glacier (Pius XI) are not typical for the region under consideration: for many years this glacier has been advancing. This development cannot be explained without detailed field investigation in the area of snow and ice accumulation of the glacier. Perhaps that was due to a snow-drift transport in an extensive area of accumulation that supported the preservation of the size of the glacier tongue, and even its advance. According to our observations, the average rate of retreat of the glaciers of the Western and Eastern slopes of the Southern Ice Field significantly decreased since 2010, i.e. their degradation slowed down. At the same time, glaciers of the Northern Ice Field continued to decrease intensively.В результате анализа фотоснимков с Международной космической станции определены изменения 37 ледников Северного и Южного ледниковых полей Патагонии. В 2002–2016 гг. ледники обоих полей продолжали отступать, но их отступание с 2010 г. замедлилось, хотя некоторые ледники Северного ледникового поля продолжают интенсивно сокращаться. Лишь ледник Брюгген (Пия XI) на Южном ледниковом поле в течение многих лет наступает


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    Recent research revealed dendritic cells (DCs) to have direct antitumor cytotoxic activity and to inhibit the growth and proliferation of tumor cells in vitro. The aim of the present study was to investigate the association between the cytotoxic activity of dendritic cells generated in the presence of interferon alpha (IFN-DCs) and TNFα expression by IFN-DCs in patients with malignant lymphomas. It was shown that IFN-DCs of malignant lymphoma patients possessed low cytotoxic activity against tumor cell line HEp-2 associated with low expression of transmembrane TNFα (tmTNFα) and high level of soluble TNFα (sTNFα) secretion. Reduced DC cytotoxic activity and low tmTNFα expression on DC surface were observed mainly in Hodgkin’s lymphoma patients. In contrast, IFN-DCs of patients with non-Hodgkin lymphoma were endowed with the ability to lysis of HEp-2 cells and tmTNFα molecule expression was similar to that in IFN-DCs from healthy donors. It was determined that the increase of expression of tmTNFα molecule on lymphoma patient IFN-DCs induced by the addition of TNFα-converting enzyme inhibitor into IFN-DC cultures was associated with the enhancement of IFN-DC cytotoxic activity against HEp-2 cells. Исследования последних лет демонстрируют, что дендритные клетки (ДК) обладают прямой противоопухолевой цитотоксической активностью и способны подавлять рост и пролиферацию опухолевых клеток. Целью настоящей работы явилось исследование взаимосвязи между цитотоксической активностью генерируемых в присутствии IFNα дендритных клеток (ИФН-ДК) и экспрессией дендритными клетками TNFα у больных злокачественными лимфомами. Показано, что ИФН-ДК больных злокачественными лимфомами обладают слабой цитотоксической активностью против опухолевых клеток НЕр-2, что ассоциируется с низкой экспрессией траснмембранной формы tmTNFα (tmTNFα) и высоким уровнем продукции растворимой формы TNFα (sTNFα). Установлено, что угнетение цитотоксической активности ДК и низкая экспрессия tmTNFα в культурах ИФН-ДК характерны в большей степени для лимфом Ходжкина. При этом ИФН-ДК больных неходжкинскими лимофомами обладают сохранной цитотоксичностью против клеток НЕр-2, а экспрессия tmTNFα на ДК сопоставима с аналогичным показателем в культурах ИФН-ДК здоровых доноров. Установлено, что увеличение экспрессии tmTNFα в культурах IFN-ДК исследуемых больных, индуцированное добавлением на этапе конечного созревания ДК ингибитора TNFα-конвертирующего фермента, ассоциируется с усилением цитотоксической активности ИФН-ДК против клеток НЕр-2

    Синтез, будова та дослідження фармакологічної активності метилових естерів 6-нітро-n-фенілантранілових кислот

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    Analysis of scientific and patent literature shows the promising results of searching biologically active compounds among derivatives of aromatic aminoacids. For many years at the Medical Chemistry department of the National University of Pharmacy the research has been conducted in the field of development of synthetic methods and study of physico-chemical and pharmacological properties of aromatic acids, in particular, N-phenylanthranilic acids and products of their transformation in order to search active and harmless medicines. The synthesis of methyl esters of 6-nitro-N-phenylanthranilic acids has been carried out by Fisher esterification in the absolute methanol medium in the presence of concentrated sulfuric acid. Substituted 6-nitro-N-phenylanthranilic acids have been obtained by Ullmann reaction by the interaction of 6-nitro-2-chlorobenzoic acids with arylamines and by arylation of 6-nitro-N-phenylanthranilic acids by halogenobenzenes derivatives in the medium of n-amylalcohol, in the medium of dimethylformamide, without a solvent in the presence of copper or CuO. The structure of the compounds has been confirmed by elemental analysis, IR- and NMR-spectroscopy. The purity has been controlled by the method of thin-layer chromatography in methanol-hexane (1:1.5) and ethylacetate-methanol-ammonia (8.5:1:0.5). The computer prognosis of possible types of the biological activity of 9 methyl esters of 6-nitro-N-phenylanthranilic acids synthesized for the first time has been conducted with the help of PASS programme. It has been found experimentally that the substances synthesized possess the anti-inflammatory, analgesic, diuretic, bacteriostatic, fungistatic and antidiuretic activities. According to the classification by K.K.Sydorov the compounds synthesized when introduced intragastrically belong to low toxic compounds (DL50=1200-2500 mg/kg). Some regularities of the “structure – biological activity – toxicity” relationship have been determined.Производные N-фенилантраниловых кислот широко используются в медицинской практике. Продолжая поиск новых биологически активных веществ среди производных антраниловой кислоты, мы провели работу по разработке методов синтеза и экспериментального исследования метиловых эфиров 6-нитро-N-фенилантраниловых кислот. Синтез метиловых эфиров 6-нитро-N-фенилантраниловых кислот был осуществлен на кафедре медицинской химии НФаУ. Строение 9 синтезированных веществ подтверждено данными элементного анализа, ИК-, ПМР-спектров. Чистоту контролировали методом тонкослойной хроматографии. Биологический скрининг новых соединений проведен на кафедре микробиологии, вирусологии и иммунологии НФаУ. Установлено, что синтезированные вещества проявляют противовоспалительную, анальгетическую, диуретическую, антидиуретическую, бактериостатическую и фунгистатическую активность. По классификации К.К.Сидорова синтезированные эстеры при внутрижелудочном введении относятся к классу малотоксичных соединений (DL50=1200-2500 мг/кг). Выявлены некоторые закономерности связи «структура – биологическая активность – токсичность».Похідні N-фенілантранілових кислот широко використовуються в медичній практиці. Продовжуючи пошук нових біологічно активних сполук серед похідних антранілової кислоти, ми провели роботу щодо розробки методів синтезу та експериментальних досліджень метилових естерів 6-нітро-N фенілантранілових кислот для вивчення їх біологічної активності. Синтез метилових естерів 6-нітро-N-фенілантранілових кислот був здійснений на кафедрі медичної хімії НФаУ. Будову 9 синтезованих сполук підтверджено даними елементного аналізу, ІЧ-, ПМР-спектрів. Чистоту контролювали методом тонкошарової хроматографії. Біологічний скринінг нових сполук проведений на кафедрі мікробіології, вірусології та імунології НФаУ. Встановлено, що синтезовані речовини проявляють протизапальну, аналгетичну, діуретичну, антидіуретичну, бактеріостатичну, фунгістатичну активність. За класифікацією К.К.Сидорова синтезовані естери при внутрішньошлунковому введенні відносяться до класу малотоксичних сполук (DL50=1200-2500 мг/кг). Встановлені деякі закономірності зв’язку «структура – біологічна активність – токсичність»