38 research outputs found

    Possibilities and limitations of the psychological method in the analysis of a literary work (based on the analysis of L. S. Vygotsky’s psychological essay on “Light Breathing” by I. A. Bunin)

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    The article includes an analytical review of different conceptual approaches and interpretations of I. A. Bunin’s novelette “Light breathing”, which have emerged during the decades after the publication of L. S. Vygotsky’s article on Bunin’s “Light breathing”. The most problematic and discussible questions are the following: the interconnection and interdependence of the form and content in the novelette; the contradictory image of the young high-school girl Olya Meshcherskaya; the culmination motive of the main character’s “failure”; the conflict; the symbolic meaning of the light breathing dominant motive and the novelette’s final. The authors of this article explain that the genre definition of L. S. Vygotsky’s article is a psychological essay, containing prevalently individual subjective and imaginative impressions and comments of the author on some elements of form and content of the literary work expounded in the emotional style. The authors also analyze Vygotsky’s version of the form and content conflict in Bunin’s novelette, note the vague differentiation of “earthly” basis of the novelette and the chain of the events in the novelette in their “natural” consequence, that leads, according to L. S. Vygotsky, to Olya Meshcherskaya’s drawing into the “earthbound haze”. Based on the speech analysis of Bunin’s novelette, the characteristics of the novelette’s main characters are redefined. Considering the writer’s intention, the authors correct Vygotsky’s perception of the light breathing dominant motive. The genre of L. S. Vygotsky’s article on Bunin’s “Light breathing” is defined as a formalistic psychological and physiological essay aiming at revealing the mechanism of literary creation impact on the reader. It is noted that the critic and psychologist presented the formal, physiological nature of this impact in a classical manner, by realizing the potential of a psychological essay genre, that is by emphasizing only one element of the literary creation and basing on it the general conclusion about ideological and artistic content of the novelette. However, it is necessary to remember that the literary creation as a whole exerts an influence on its reader by the other elements of its form, which are rhythm, tone, vocabulary, intonation, speech organization, physical, moral, esthetic points of view of the author-narrator in the novelette

    Radiation and the Risk of Chronic Lymphocytic and Other Leukemias among Chornobyl Cleanup Workers

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    Background: Risks of most types of leukemia from exposure to acute high doses of ionizing radiation are well known, but risks associated with protracted exposures, as well as associations between radiation and chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), are not clear.
 Objectives: We estimated relative risks of CLL and non-CLL from protracted exposures to low-dose ionizing radiation.
 Methods: A nested case–control study was conducted in a cohort of 110,645 Ukrainian cleanup workers of the 1986 Chornobyl nuclear power plant accident. Cases of incident leukemia diagnosed in 1986–2006 were confirmed by a panel of expert hematologists/hematopathologists. Controls were matched to cases on place of residence and year of birth. We estimated individual bone marrow radiation doses by the Realistic Analytical Dose Reconstruction with Uncertainty Estimation (RADRUE) method. We then used a conditional logistic regression model to estimate excess relative risk of leukemia per gray (ERR/Gy) of radiation dose.
 Results: We found a significant linear dose response for all leukemia [137 cases, ERR/Gy = 1.26 (95% CI: 0.03, 3.58]. There were nonsignificant positive dose responses for both CLL and non-CLL (ERR/Gy = 0.76 and 1.87, respectively). In our primary analysis excluding 20 cases with direct in-person interviews less than 2 years from start of chemotherapy with an anomalous finding of ERR/Gy = –0.47 (95% CI: less than –0.47, 1.02), the ERR/Gy for the remaining 117 cases was 2.38 (95% CI: 0.49, 5.87). For CLL, the ERR/Gy was 2.58 (95% CI: 0.02, 8.43), and for non-CLL, ERR/Gy was 2.21 (95% CI: 0.05, 7.61). Altogether, 16% of leukemia cases (18% of CLL, 15% of non-CLL) were attributed to radiation exposure.
 Conclusions: Exposure to low doses and to low dose-rates of radiation from post-Chornobyl cleanup work was associated with a significant increase in risk of leukemia, which was statistically consistent with estimates for the Japanese atomic bomb survivors. Based on the primary analysis, we conclude that CLL and non-CLL are both radiosensitive.

    Воздействие высокой концентрации оксида азота на оксигенаторы аппаратов искусственного кровообращения (экспериментальное исследование)

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    The aim of the study. To study the effect of high nitric oxide concentrations on hollow polypropylene fibers of oxygenators.Materials and methods. The study was conducted in two stages. At the first stage, we evaluated the stability of oxygenator membrane made of hollow polypropylene fibers after six hours of exposure to air-oxygen mixture containing NO at 500 parts per million, or 500 pro pro mille (ppm) concentration, using mass spectrometry and infrared spectroscopy. At the second stage, an experiment with cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) was conducted on 10 pigs. In the study group (n=5) animals sweep gas was supplied to the oxygenator as an air-oxygen mixture with NO at 100 ppm. In the control group animals (n=5) an air-oxygen mixture was used without NO. The CPB lasted for 4 hours, followed by observation for 12 hours. NO, NO2 (at the inlet and outlet of the oxygenator), and the dynamics of methemoglobin were evaluated. After weaning of animals from CPB, the oxygenators were tested for leakproofness, and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was performed.Results. The oxygenator made of polypropylene hollow fibers retained its gas transfer parameters after six hours of exposure to air-oxygen mixture containing NO at 500 ppm. Based on IR-Fourier spectroscopy findings, NO did not affect structural integrity of polypropylene membranes. NO added to gas mixture at 100 ppm did not increase NO2 to toxic level of 2 ppm in 91% of control tests during 4 hours CPB in pigs; mean value was 1.58 ± 0.28 ppm. Methemoglobin concentration did not exceed the upper limit of permissible level (3%), and there were no statistically significant differences with the control group. All tested oxygenators have passed the leakproofness test. According to SEM findings, larger amounts of fibrin deposits were found in the control group oxygenators vs study group.Conclusion. There were no negative effects of NO at 500 ppm concentration on the oxygenator membrane made of hollow polypropylene fibers. NO at 100 ppm in a gas-mixture supplied to oxygenators did not lead to an exceedance of safe NO2 and methemoglobin concentrations in an animal model. Reduced fibrin deposits on hollow fibers of polypropylene oxygenator membranes were observed when with NO at a level of 100 ppm was added to a gas mixture.  Цель исследования. Изучить воздействие высоких концентраций оксида азота на полипропиленовые полые волокна оксигенаторов.Материалы и методы. Исследование провели в два этапа. На первом этапе с помощью масс-спектрометрии и инфракрасной спектроскопии выполнили оценку стабильности мембраны оксигенатора из полых волокон полипропилена после шестичасового воздействия воздушно-кислородной смеси, содержащей NO в концентрации 500 пропромилле, или 500 частей на миллион – parts per million (ppm). На втором этапе провели эксперимент на 10 свиньях с подключением аппарата искусственного кровообращения (ИК). Животным основной группы (n=5) в оксигенатор подавали воздушно-кислородную смесь, содержащую NO в концентрации 100 ppm. Животным контрольной группы (n=5) в оксигенатор подавали воздушно-кислородную смесь без NO. Процедура ИК длилась 4 часа, затем следовало наблюдение в течение 12 часов. Оценивали NO, NO2 (на входе и выходе из оксигенатора), динамику метгемоглобина. После отключения от ИК оксигенаторы тестировали на герметичность, а также выполняли сканирующую электронную микроскопию (СЭМ).Результаты. Оксигенатор из полипропиленовых полых волокон сохранял свои газотранспортные характеристики после шестичасового воздействия воздушно-кислородной смеси с добавлением NO в концентрации 500 ppm. По данным ИК-Фурье спектроскопии показали, что NO не влияет на структуру мембран из полипропилена. Добавление NO в дозировке 100 ppm во время 4 часов ИК у свиней не сопровождалось повышением концентрации NO2 до токсичного уровня 2 ppm в 91% измерений: среднее значение составило 1,58 ± 0,28 ppm. Концентрация метгемоглобина не превышала верхнего  предела  допустимых  значений  (3%),  не  обнаружили  каких-либо статистически значимых различий при сравнении с группой контроля. Все исследуемые оксигенаторы выдержали тестирование на герметичность. По результатам СЭМ оксигенаторы группы контроля характеризовались большим количеством отложений фибрина, чем оксигенаторы основной группы.Заключение. Негативного воздействия NO в концентрации 500 ppm на мембраны оксигенаторов из полых волокон полипропилена не обнаружили. Подача в оксигенатор NO в концентрации 100 ppm NO2 не приводила к превышению безопасного содержания NO2 и метгемоглобина в эксперименте на животных. Выявили снижение образования отложений фибрина на полых волокнах мембран оксигенаторов из полипропилена при подаче NO в концентрации 100 ppm

    Bactericidal and antiviral bionic metalized nanocoatings

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    In diverse living organisms, bionanocoatings provide multiple functionalities, to the surfaces they cover. We have, previously, identified the molecular mechanisms of Turing-based self-assembly of insect corneal nanocoatings and developed forward-engineering approaches to construct multifunctional soft bionic nanocoatings, encompassing the Drosophila protein Retinin. Here, we expand the versatility of the bionic nanocoatings, by identifying and using diverse Retinin-like proteins and different methods of their metallization, using nickel, silver, and copper ions. Comparative assessment, of the resulting bactericidal, antiviral, and cytotoxic properties, identifies the best protocols, to construct safe and anti-infective metalized bionic nanocoatings. Upscaled application of these protocols, to various public surfaces, may represent a safe and economic approach to limit hazardous infections

    Professional psycholinguistic training of speech therapists in higher education

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    The article discusses the psycholinguistic training of speech therapists in present-day higher education. We argue the importance of psycholinguistic training of undergraduate and graduate students majoring in speech therapy and describe the educational design and implementation of psycholinguistic training at the Faculty of Pedagogical and Special Needs Education of Saratov National Research State University

    Humanization of Drosophila Gαo to model GNAO1 paediatric encephalopathies

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    Several hundred genes have been identified to contribute to epilepsy—the disease affecting 65 million people worldwide. One of these genes is GNAO1 encoding Gαo, the major neuronal α-subunit of heterotrimeric G proteins. An avalanche of dominant de novo mutations in GNAO1 have been recently described in paediatric epileptic patients, suffering, in addition to epilepsy, from motor dysfunction and developmental delay. Although occurring in amino acids conserved from humans to Drosophila, these mutations and their functional consequences have only been poorly analysed at the biochemical or neuronal levels. Adequate animal models to study the molecular aetiology of GNAO1 encephalopathies have also so far been lacking. As the first step towards modeling the disease in Drosophila, we here describe the humanization of the Gαo locus in the fruit fly. A two-step CRISPR/Cas9-mediated replacement was conducted, first substituting the coding exons 2–3 of Gαo with respective human GNAO1 sequences. At the next step, the remaining exons 4–7 were similarly replaced, keeping intact the gene Cyp49a1 embedded in between, as well as the non-coding exons, exon 1 and the surrounding regulatory sequences. The resulting flies, homozygous for the humanized GNAO1 loci, are viable and fertile without any visible phenotypes; their body weight, locomotion, and longevity are also normal. Human Gαo-specific antibodies confirm the endogenous-level expression of the humanized Gαo, which fully replaces the Drosophila functions. The genetic model we established will make it easy to incorporate encephalopathic GNAO1 mutations and will permit intensive investigations into the molecular aetiology of the human disease through the powerful toolkit of Drosophila genetics

    Reverse and forward engineering of Drosophila corneal nanocoatings

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    Insect eyes have an anti-reflective coating, owing to nanostructures on the corneal surface creating a gradient of refractive index between that of air and that of the lens material. These nanocoatings have also been shown to provide anti-adhesive functionality. The morphology of corneal nanocoatings are very diverse in arthropods, with nipple-like structures that can be organized into arrays or fused into ridge-like structures. This diversity can be attributed to a reaction-diffusion mechanism and patterning principles developed by Alan Turing, which have applications in numerous biological settings6. The nanocoatings on insect corneas are one example of such Turing patterns, and the first known example of nanoscale Turing patterns. Here we demonstrate a clear link between the morphology and function of the nanocoatings on Drosophila corneas. We find that nanocoatings that consist of individual protrusions have better anti-reflective properties, whereas partially merged structures have better anti-adhesion properties. We use biochemical analysis and genetic modification techniques to reverse engineer the protein Retinin and corneal waxes as the building blocks of the nanostructures. In the context of Turing patterns, these building blocks fulfill the roles of activator and inhibitor, respectively. We then establish low-cost production of Retinin and mix this synthetic protein with waxes to forward engineer various artificial nanocoatings with insect-like morphology and anti-adhesive or anti-reflective function. Our combined reverse- and forward-engineering approach thus provides a way to economically produce functional nanostructured coatings from biodegradable materials