8 research outputs found

    Masaż Shantala, sensoryczny i Wilbarger a odruchy pierwotne

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    Przetrwałe odruchy pierwotne mogą zaburzyć naturalny rozwój oraz skutkować trudnościami w uczeniu się oraz edukację społeczną dzieci. Możliwie wczesne wdrożenie diagnostyki i terapii przetrwałych odruchów pierwotnych, w tym jako rutynowego postępowania u niemowląt i małych dzieci, może mieć istotny statystycznie korzystny wpływ na rozwój ich psychomotoryczny, ich naukę i życie w społeczności rówieśniczej. Celem artykułu jest dyskusja stosowania masażu Shantala, sensorycznego i Wilbarger u dzieci i ich wpływu na odruchy pierwotne

    The goosefoot in the air of selected Polish cities in 2018

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    This paper presents the course of goosefoot pollination in selected cities of Poland in 2018. The measurements were performed in Bialystok, Bydgoszcz, Cracow, Drawsko Pomorskie, Lublin, Olsztyn, Opole, Piotrkow Trybunalski, Sosnowiec, Szczecin, Warsaw, Wroclaw, and Zielona Gora. Volumetric method with the use of Volumetric Spore Trap (Burkard, Lanzoni) was implemented. In the studied cities in 2018, pollen season of goosefoot started in the third decade of May and ended in the third decade of September. Goosefoot pollen stayed in the air for more than 100 days – 142 days in Sosnowiec and 109 days in Bialystok. Maximum daily concentration (26 P/m3) was noticed in Bialystok, although the lowest – in Cracow (7 P/m3). In the majority of the measuring points the highest moment of pollen season was in August. The highest number of pollen grains in 2018 was found in Lublin (478 grains), the lowest – in Cracow (149 grains). The concentration above 10 P/m3 was very rare, only in Lublin it was this high for 12 days and in Warsaw for 8 days

    Analysis of the plantain pollen season in selected Polish cities in 2018

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    The paper presents the course of pollen season of plantain in Bialystok, Bydgoszcz, Drawsko Pomorskie, Cracow, Lublin, Olsztyn, Opole, Piotrkow Trybunalski, Sosnowiec, Szczecin, Warsaw, Wroclaw and Zielona Gora in 2018. Measurements were performed by the volumetric method (Burkard and Lanzoni pollen samplers). Pollen season was defined as the period in which 98% of the annual total catch occurred. The plantain pollen season started in the first decade of May and lasted until the end of September. Despite such a long pollen season in Poland, only in some cities there are days with an average concentration exceeding 10 P/m3. Significant differences were observed in annual sum values. The highest values were recorded in Lublin (400 grains) and Zielona Gora (308 grains), and the lowest in Drawsko Pomorskie (160 grains) and Olsztyn (184 grains). The value of annual average in 2018 was usually lower than in the previous years

    Analysis of the grass pollen season in selected Polish cities in 2018

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    The paper presents the course of the grass (Poaceae) pollen season in Bialystok, Bydgoszcz, Cracow, Sosnowiec, Lublin, Olsztyn, Szczecin, Drawsko Pomorskie, Warsaw, Piotrkow Trybunalski, Opole, Wroclaw and Zielona Gora in 2018. The pollen of grass is the primary trigger of pollen allergies during the summer months. It causes some of the most severe and difficult-to-treat symptoms. Measurements were performed by the volumetric method (Burkard and Lanzoni pollen samplers). The pollen season of Poaceae started first in Sosnowiec, Lublin and Opole in the third decade of April. The highest, record airborne concentration of 243 pollen grains/m3 was noted in Lublin on June 19th. The maximum values of seasonal pollen count occurred between of May 27th and June 4th in all cities. The highest grass pollen allergen hazard occurred in 2018 in Warsaw, Lublin and Zielona Gora

    Ambrosia pollen season in selected cities in Poland in 2018

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    Ambrosia causes most pollen allergies in North America. After several Ambrosia species were introduced to Europe, an increase in the incidence of allergy to pollen of these plants has been observed in many countries. The aim of this study was to compare Ambrosia pollen seasons in 2018 in 13 cities located in different regions of Poland: Bialystok, Bydgoszcz, Cracow, Drawsko Pomorskie, Lublin, Olsztyn, Opole, Piotrkow Trybunalski, Sosnowiec, Szczecin, Warsaw, Wroclaw and Zielona Gora. The study was conducted by the volumetric method using Burkard or Lanzoni pollen samplers. The pollen season was determined by the 98% method. The earliest pollen season start dates (the end of July) were recorded in Zielona Gora, Bydgoszcz, Opole and Szczecin, while the latest ones in Drawsko Pomorskie and Bialystok. The longest pollen seasons occurred in Opole, Szczecin and Zielona Gora (79 days). The highest average daily concentrations of Ambrosia pollen were recorded in Bialystok (129 P/m3) and Lublin (99 P/m3), while the lowest ones in Drawsko Pomorskie and Szczecin (4 and 10 P/m3, respectively). The annual pollen sum reached the highest value in Opole (567 pollen grains) and Zielona Gora (555 pollen grains). It can be concluded from the pattern of Ambrosia pollen seasons at the monitoring sites studied that pollen of this taxon originates not only from Ambrosia locations in Poland but also from long-distance transport

    Analysis of mugwort (Artemisia) pollen seasons in selected cities in Poland in 2018

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    The aim of the present study was to compare the mugwort pollen season in 2018 in Bialystok, Bydgoszcz, Cracow, Drawsko-Pomorskie, Lublin, Olsztyn, Opole, Sosnowiec, Szczecin, Warsaw, Wroclaw, and Zielona Gora. Pollen concentration measurements were made by the volumetric method using Burkard or Lanzoni pollen samplers. The pollen season was considered as the period during which 98% of the total annual pollen count occurred. The Seasonal Pollen Index (SPI) was calculated as the sum of the average daily pollen concentrations throughout the season determined for the individual cities. The mugwort pollen season started earliest in Bialystok (June 21st) and Bydgoszcz (June 25th), while in the other cities its onset occurred in the first 10 days of July. Significant differences were found in season duration (68–110 days), SPI, and peak value. The longest season occurred in Zielona Gora and Bydgoszcz, while the shortest one in Wroclaw. The highest SPI and maximum concentration values were observed in Lublin and Zielona Gora. In most of the cities, the peak value was recorded in the first 10 days of August. The highest risk of allergy in people sensitive to the pollen of this taxon was found in Zielona Gora, Lublin, and Warsaw

    Sphenochoanal polyps in children — a systematic review (1995‒2021)

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    Objectives: Nasal polyps that originate from the sphenoid sinus and reach the nasopharynx are called sphenochoanal polyps. Reports on sphenochoanal polyps in children have thus far been limited only to case reports. This review aims to describe and summarize clinical presentation, diagnosis, management, surgical approaches to the sphenochoanal polyps with recurrence rate after surgery in pediatric patients reported in the literature. Methods: A systematic literature review was performed using PubMed, MEDLINE and Cochrane Library Databases for articles published prior to December 2021 to identify all studies reporting on pediatric patients with sphenochoanal polyps. Clinical presentation, management options, surgical approaches and outcomes of applied management were extracted from included studies. Results: 9 articles provided data on 11 eligible patients with an age range 3 years and 8 months–16 years. The commonest symptoms included: nasal obstruction, nasal discharge, and headache respectively. All patients were subjected to surgical treatment. No recurrences after the endoscopic sphenoidotomy were reported. Conclusion: Sphenochoanal polyps should be kept in mind in the differential diagnosis of unilateral nasal cavity or paranasal sinuses masses. Misdiagnosis can result in recurrences in patients with sphenochoanal polyp, who can be mistakenly diagnosed with antrochoanal polyp and underwent inadequate treatment not involving sphenoidotomy and exact identification of the site of implantation. The symptoms of sphenochoanal polyps are nonspecific

    Paranasal sinuses chordoma – case report in pediatric patient

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    Introduction. Chordomas are rare, locally invasive bone tumors that account for 1%-4% of all primary bone neoplasms. They arise from embryonic notochordal remnants of the neuraxis, predominantly in the skull base, vertebral column, and sacrococcygeal area. Chordomas located primarily in the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses are rarely seen. Chordomas predominantly affect adult patients and are rarely seen in children and adolescents. Primary chordomas of the paranasal sinuses are extremely rare in children, with only 2 cases reported in the world literature. Aim. We report a rare case of a 9-year-old patient with maxillary sinus chordoma successfully treated surgically. Material and methods. The patient underwent the Caldwell-Luc procedure with total tumor removal. Due to suspicion of recurrent disease, he underwent reoperation using neuronavigation-guided endoscopic endonasal approach. Results. At subsequent follow-up for 14 months after the second operation, no tumor recurrence was observed. The patient had undergone magnetic resonance imaging twice after the last surgery. Conclusions. Modern endoscopic endonasal approaches to chordomas of the paranasal sinuses and nasal cavity are minimally invasive and allow a total tumor resection. Surgical management of paranasal sinuses chordomas can be effective when total mass removal is possible. The patient should remain under careful observation (nasal endoscopy examination and diagnostic imaging) due to the fact that chordomas are highly locally recurrent.Wprowadzenie. Struniaki są rzadkimi, klinicznie złośliwymi nowotworami, stanowiącymi około 1-4% pierwotnie złośliwych guzów kości. Mogą powstać w dowolnych miejscach w  linii pośrodkowej ciała, takich jak stok, część nosowa gardła, siodło i okolica okołosiodłowa, otwór wielki, kręgi i okolica krzyżowo-ogonowa. Sporadycznie spotykane są pierwotnie w jamie nosowej lub zatokach przynosowych. Częściej występują u dorosłych, a niezwykle rzadko u dzieci i młodzieży, u których są stosunkowo mało poznane i scharakteryzowane. Do tej pory w piśmiennictwie światowym opisano tylko 2 przypadki chordoma pierwotnie zlokalizowanego w zatokach przynosowych u dzieci. Cel pracy. W pracy przedstawiono niezwykle rzadki przypadek 9-letniego chłopca ze struniakiem zatoki szczękowej wyleczonego chirurgicznie. Materiał i metody. U chłopca wykonano operację Caldwell- -Luca i usunięto guz. Z powodu podejrzenia wznowy wykonano endoskopową reoperację z neuronawigacją. Wyniki. Po dwóch zabiegach nie stwierdzono nawrotu w ciągu 14 miesięcy obserwacji, podczas których dwukrotnie wykonano kontrolne badanie MRI. Wnioski. Współczesne wewnątrznosowe, endoskopowe dostępy do struniaków zlokalizowanych w obrębie zatok przynosowych/jamy nosowej są minimalnie inwazyjne i pozwalają na całkowite usunięcie zmiany. Leczenie chirurgiczne struniaków zatok przynosowych często okazuje się wystarczające, gdy zmiana jest możliwa do całkowitego usunięcia. Konieczna jest jednak uważna obserwacja pacjentów i monitorowanie procesu (endoskopia, badania obrazowe) ze względu na dużą tendencję do nawrotów miejscowych